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Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread


Other Christian
In my opinion AI is a myth! However, machine learning already has had huge impacts on modern societies and this will most likely accelerate in the future. You might say that machine learning, which is not conscious thinking (again IMO), is just being totally dumb in an extremely effective way. AKA, artificial stupidity...

I am a fan of George Hotz and what he is doing with tinygrad trying to bring machine learning to the masses. His debate with Eliezer Yudkowsky shows what someone that is actively in the space thinks vs. an armchair philosophy.

While I use chatgpt for various technical things (it's pretty good at writing bash scripts, I won't knock it here) I don't think you will see it being used for anything of human consequence - and certainly not in the most meaningful of pursuits (the hard problem of consciousness and God).
There might be an AI vs anti-AI race starting. Artists got a new toy called Nightshade that can "poison" images to mess up machine learning.

Paper (PDF): Prompt-Specific Poisoning Attacks on Text-to-Image Generative Models

Paper's Abstract:
Data poisoning attacks manipulate training data to introduce unexpected behaviors into machine learning models at training time. For text-to-image generative models with massive training datasets, current understanding of poisoning attacks suggests that a successful attack would require injecting millions of poison samples into their training pipeline. In this paper, we show that poisoning attacks can be successful on generative models.

We observe that training data per concept can be quite limited in these models, making them vulnerable to prompt-specific poisoning attacks, which target a model’s ability to respond to individual prompts. We introduce Nightshade, an optimized prompt-specific poisoning attack where poison samples look visually identical to benign images with matching text prompts. Nightshade poison samples are also optimized for potency and can corrupt an Stable Diffusion SDXL prompt in <100 poison samples. Nightshade poison effects “bleed through” to related concepts, and multiple attacks can composed together in a single prompt. Surprisingly, we show that a moderate number of Nightshade attacks can destabilize general features in a text-to-image generative model, effectively disabling its ability to generate meaningful images. Finally, we propose the use of Nightshade and similar tools as a last defense for content creators against web scrapers that ignore opt-out/do-not-crawl directives, and discuss possible implications for model trainers and content creators.
Examples include turning dogs into cats, cars into cows, and changing art styles.
AI lobotomy.JPG

Engineers will always bias their models towards their training data, even if they are honestly trying to make it neutral. You want to create a self-driving car? It'll be biased towards rules of the road in California. Maybe they'll at least be good at dodging tents on the sidewalk.
My son has been writing some fun short stories and has also been asking some questions about AI.

I thought it might be fun to turn some of his short stories into comic books using AI. It will maybe help answer some of his questions at the same time. Where should I go for this? The web is saturated with sites already.
My son has been writing some fun short stories and has also been asking some questions about AI.

I thought it might be fun to turn some of his short stories into comic books using AI. It will maybe help answer some of his questions at the same time. Where should I go for this? The web is saturated with sites already.
DALL-E should be able to do that.

Paste in the stories, and ask it to produce images in comic book format with 20 slides, or whatever amount you like. Tell it to change the style to what you want, etc.
Can anyone recommend an AI image generator that is able to make images that resemble the prompts?
ML/Ai/whatever you want to call it is mostly hype. Image recognition is the only thing that has an arguable impact on society & it's already there, the automation it provides via things like license plate readers, factor/assembly line, etc already happened 10+ years ago.

The only thing that can provide AI/ML/etc further growth is when ASIC's can be easily printed without needing 7 figure up front investment + security clearances like you do in the US, but that's going to affect all aspects of technology not just AI.

In general, there's a reason all these AI tools are free & compared to a lot of other parts of the tech world there's not a huge amount of money in AI.
ML/Ai/whatever you want to call it is mostly hype. Image recognition is the only thing that has an arguable impact on society & it's already there, the automation it provides via things like license plate readers, factor/assembly line, etc already happened 10+ years ago.

The only thing that can provide AI/ML/etc further growth is when ASIC's can be easily printed without needing 7 figure up front investment + security clearances like you do in the US, but that's going to affect all aspects of technology not just AI.

In general, there's a reason all these AI tools are free & compared to a lot of other parts of the tech world there's not a huge amount of money in AI.
Yes, it has been used for some time to promote futurism, juice markets, and part of that is also marketing to normies who believe that because we can innovate some things, and certainly some impressive things, we can do anything/more amazing things. No, not really. The only thing I see it displacing or replacing is graphics and entertainment, and you still may need some human overseers for that for a variety of reasons.