Latest UK Lunacy

OK, then. Where in this document is it?

You see, it isn't. And you didn't even bother to look.
No I didn't, forgive me, but I'm little busy trying to do something about the literal treason going on in my own home.

I figured people weren't outright making stuff up since there's been multiple released documents from courts, but it appears I was wrong in this specific case.


No I didn't, forgive me, but I'm little busy trying to do something about the literal treason going on in my own home.

I figured people weren't outright making stuff up since there's been multiple released documents from courts, but it appears I was wrong in this specific case.

I have fallen for similar things many times, my friend. That's how I know never to trust a random, undocumented post on twitter :)
OK, then. Where in this document is it?

You see, it isn't. And you didn't even bother to look.

This is a typical strategy from online trolls and ragebaiters. They make an outrageous claim, and when challenged for evidence they present some irrelevant study or report and say "it's all in here!"

Stage two is after they have been disproven. Then they say "well it could have been true!"
I was really hoping you were right, I really was...

Forgive me, I should have been more humble.

Lord have mercy on us all.

Page 22.

Sexual Exploitation Drug Use In Yorkshire.



Actually, aren't some Muslim no-go zones basically allowed to enforce their own laws to an extent? It could be that, but then the question is why it wasn't mentioned in the document.

Well, these sharia courts only mediate in civil matters between muslims. The rulings are not even legally binding, just advisory.
England's punishment for betraying Germany:


The jews didn't wait long before they opened the floodgates in the UK. In 1948 jews decided the UK needed more 'nurses,' who better than blacks from the Caribbean? The "Windrush Generation" they were called. Boatload after boatload "to fill shortages in the labour market." And the ironic part, the cruise liner used to transport them had been stolen from Germany as a "war prize." That's how a multi-culturalized Britain got kickstarted. They haven't "been there from the start" but 1948, same year Heebistan opened for business. London's East End was still in rubble and the English people were still on food rations until 1954, but White Genocide couldn't wait.

Who was responsible for this treachery in England? Why are there so many filthy Paki's in England?

View attachment groominggangs.mp4

The root cause of the Rape of England's Daughters was the legal mass-importation of turd world savages by (((British Capitalists))) after the war to replace the White working class in the once industrial northern English towns. Hypocrites like Musk are shilling for the same thing he claims to be against, another perfect example of chutzpah to confound the goyim forevermore.