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Latest Canadian Lunacy


Other Christian
Borrowing from @Nordwand - The Canada Political Thread is morphing into - Latest Canadian Lunacy.

From The Epoch Times:

National Defence Confirms Chaplains Can’t Say ‘God’ at Remembrance Day, Other Official Ceremonies

The Department of National Defence has confirmed that chaplains can’t use the word “God” during official ceremonies such as Remembrance Day.

This follows Defence Minister Bill Blair’s dismissal as “misinformation” assertions by the Conservatives that military chaplains are being prohibited from saying prayers at Remembrance Day ceremonies.

In mandatory military ceremonies, “chaplains should not use the word ‘God’ or other references to a higher power such as ‘Heavenly Father,’” Department of National Defence (DND) spokesperson Derek Abma told The Epoch Times in an Oct. 20 statement.

“This is to ensure that all feel included and able to participate in reflection no matter their beliefs.”

The confirmation is related to a new directive issued by the chaplain general of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) on Oct. 11 outlining how military chaplains should officiate at public functions, as exclusively reported by The Epoch Times.

The new guideline, which replaces a 2013 directive on public prayer, refers to a public address by chaplains’ as “reflection” rather than prayer.

“Chaplains shall endeavour to ensure that all feel included and able to participate in the reflection with a clear conscience, no matter their beliefs (religious, spiritual, agnostic, atheist),” says the new directive. It also says chaplains must adhere to a 2015 Supreme Court opinion on the religious neutrality of the state.

In line with Mr. Blair’s position, Mr. Abma insists that “CAF chaplains are not banned from prayer on Remembrance Day, or at any other time.”

He added, “Where in civic ceremonies, where the faith stance of participants [is] unknown or likely to include peoples of no expressed faith, chaplains shall avoid faith specific and exclusive language.”

The Epoch Times asked DND to clarify if chaplains, participating in an official capacity at ceremonies like Remembrance Day, are allowed to recite a prayer like they were allowed to before the Oct. 11 directive was issued.

Mr. Abma didn’t immediately respond, but said the question would be sent to the chaplaincy.

On Oct. 18, Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre said on social media that the government is “banning Muslim, Jewish and Christian military chaplains from praying at Remembrance Day ceremonies.”

Mr. Blair retorted that the Tories “spread misinformation about our military.”

“Let’s be very clear: [Canadian Forces] chaplains are not – and will not be – banned from prayer on Remembrance Day, nor at any other time,” he said.

Three serving chaplains who spoke to The Epoch Times on condition of anonymity fearing reprisals said that the new policy is being interpreted as a prayer ban during official functions such as Remembrance Day and mess dinners.

The directive says that soldiers are not required to remove their headdress anymore for the spiritual reflections as they would previously for prayers, and one chaplain says this is further proof that prayer is now banned.

“There will be no more removal of headdress—this order will basically never be given anymore, because we're not going to be doing any prayer in public anymore,” he said.

“There will not be any public, religious, or reference to God … that will be demonstrated.”

Archive link - https://archive.is/1BooT
Here's some recent lunacy: Canada's federal parliament shot down PP's attempt to protect the rights of Canadians to make their own medical decisions.

Marc Miller's tweet claims that 55,000 Canadians because of covid-19, expecting us to take these numbers at face value. Did these Canadians actually die from covid-19, or did they merely die with covid-19? Given the extremely low fatality rate of the disease, and the fact that PCR testing was abused to pump up the number of cases, I remain very skeptical of these figures.

Let's pause to appreciate where we are today. We just saw the Conservative Party of Canada move from: being silent during the lockdowns (and thereby accepting unjust covid-19 restrictions), to supporting the Freedom Convoy (while meekly wearing masks in Parliament), to actually promoting legislation that would ban Ottawa from again imposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates on federal workers and the travelling public. The legislation was defeated in a 114-205 vote. Anyone who wants to read about the bill in detail may do so here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/po...ted to kill,workers and the travelling public.

Before anyone accuses me of being too kind to the Conservative Party, I realize that Poilievre is just playing politics. He knew that his legislation would go down in defeat since the Conservatives lack enough elected members to push the legislation through. Poilievre did this as a publicity stunt, to "throw red meat to the base" if you will. I do not trust the Conservative Party, nor do I endorse them. They have betrayed Canadians far too many times in the past and are beholden to The Powers That Be.

Still, Canada's timid Conservative Party's willingness to take this stand shows that there is increasing public backlash against the covid-19 scam. We need more of this. The ringleaders of the fake pandemic need to face real (albeit legal) consequences for their abuse of Canadians. We also need assurances that we will never again suffer through a fake pandemic like we did in 2020-2022. Finally, the brave men/women who suffered loses from this farce (examples include pastors being persecuted for preaching the gospel) should be compensated for their loses.
Oy Vey, Montreal's Jewish community is under attack! Yesterday, around 5AM Sunday, a yeshiva school had gunshots fired at it for the second time in a week. Of course, since this was done against Jews, it's characterized as a "terrorist attack."

From Canada's Global News:

This is obviously in the headlines due to the ongoing Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip. One might assume from this that the perpetrator(s) were Muslim, but it goes deeper than that; Montreal has one of Canada's largest Jewish populations, if not the largest. I've known many Francophone Montrealers during my time in the military and there is a very deep current of resentment towards (((them))) in that city. I was very surprised to learn how based on the JQ many Montrealers/Quebecois are. I suppose you could chalk it up to la belle province's predominantly Roman Catholic heritage.
Of course one must also consider the possible false-flag angle to this. I just have to ask: "Whatcha doin', Rabbi? You got a license for that firearm?"
Here's some recent lunacy: Canada's federal parliament shot down PP's attempt to protect the rights of Canadians to make their own medical decisions.

Marc Miller's tweet claims that 55,000 Canadians because of covid-19, expecting us to take these numbers at face value. Did these Canadians actually die from covid-19, or did they merely die with covid-19? Given the extremely low fatality rate of the disease, and the fact that PCR testing was abused to pump up the number of cases, I remain very skeptical of these figures.

Let's pause to appreciate where we are today. We just saw the Conservative Party of Canada move from: being silent during the lockdowns (and thereby accepting unjust covid-19 restrictions), to supporting the Freedom Convoy (while meekly wearing masks in Parliament), to actually promoting legislation that would ban Ottawa from again imposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates on federal workers and the travelling public. The legislation was defeated in a 114-205 vote. Anyone who wants to read about the bill in detail may do so here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-anti-vaccine-mandate-bill-1.7007562#:~:text=MPs overwhelmingly voted to kill,workers and the travelling public.

Before anyone accuses me of being too kind to the Conservative Party, I realize that Poilievre is just playing politics. He knew that his legislation would go down in defeat since the Conservatives lack enough elected members to push the legislation through. Poilievre did this as a publicity stunt, to "throw red meat to the base" if you will. I do not trust the Conservative Party, nor do I endorse them. They have betrayed Canadians far too many times in the past and are beholden to The Powers That Be.

Still, Canada's timid Conservative Party's willingness to take this stand shows that there is increasing public backlash against the covid-19 scam. We need more of this. The ringleaders of the fake pandemic need to face real (albeit legal) consequences for their abuse of Canadians. We also need assurances that we will never again suffer through a fake pandemic like we did in 2020-2022. Finally, the brave men/women who suffered loses from this farce (examples include pastors being persecuted for preaching the gospel) should be compensated for their loses.
Kek, the Rakesh in the bottom left. It really is that bad.
Oy Vey, Montreal's Jewish community is under attack! Yesterday, around 5AM Sunday, a yeshiva school had gunshots fired at it for the second time in a week. Of course, since this was done against Jews, it's characterized as a "terrorist attack."

From Canada's Global News:

This is obviously in the headlines due to the ongoing Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip. One might assume from this that the perpetrator(s) were Muslim, but it goes deeper than that; Montreal has one of Canada's largest Jewish populations, if not the largest. I've known many Francophone Montrealers during my time in the military and there is a very deep current of resentment towards (((them))) in that city. I was very surprised to learn how based on the JQ many Montrealers/Quebecois are. I suppose you could chalk it up to la belle province's predominantly Roman Catholic heritage.
Of course one must also consider the possible false-flag angle to this. I just have to ask: "Whatcha doin', Rabbi? You got a license for that firearm?"

Similar things have been happening in Toronto. Funny how it's always Jewish places that are getting these "hate crimes" at times when the perpetrator knows no one is actually going to be there to be harmed, and there hasn't been one single incident at a Muslim/ Palestinian institution. There was a really good book written back in the early '90's called "Crying Wolf" about Jews fabricating/self committing hate crimes. It's a good read and my guess is, it's as true today as it was then. (PS - the data over the last several decades shows that in pretty much every instance involving a hate crime against any ethnicity, it turns out to be fake. Except, of course, the ones against White people but who cares about them, right?)
Before anyone accuses me of being too kind to the Conservative Party, I realize that Poilievre is just playing politics. He knew that his legislation would go down in defeat since the Conservatives lack enough elected members to push the legislation through. Poilievre did this as a publicity stunt, to "throw red meat to the base" if you will. I do not trust the Conservative Party, nor do I endorse them. They have betrayed Canadians far too many times in the past and are beholden to The Powers That Be.

Still, Canada's timid Conservative Party's willingness to take this stand shows that there is increasing public backlash against the covid-19 scam. We need more of this. The ringleaders of the fake pandemic need to face real (albeit legal) consequences for their abuse of Canadians. We also need assurances that we will never again suffer through a fake pandemic like we did in 2020-2022. Finally, the brave men/women who suffered loses from this farce (examples include pastors being persecuted for preaching the gospel) should be compensated for their loses.
Yeah, PP is all talk. He'll probably win the next election because Justin Castreau is so hated but on the issues that really matter, such as immigration, he's just as bad or worse as the Libs. And let's not even start talking about Jagmeet... There hasn't been a real leader in Canadian politics for literally a generation. I think the last one with any real character was Jean Chretien, believe it or not. At least he kept us out of Iraq, which Harper or Justine would have involved us in in a second, and was quickly ousted by Paul "Power Corps" Martin as his reward. Pretty sad state of affairs up here these days.
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Similar things have been happening in Toronto. Funny how it's always Jewish places that are getting these "hate crimes" at times when the perpetrator knows no one is actually going to be there to be harmed, and there hasn't been one single incident at a Muslim/ Palestinian institution. There was a really good book written back in the early '90's called "Crying Wolf" about Jews fabricating/self committing hate crimes. It's a good read and my guess is, it's as true today as it was then. (PS - the data over the last several decades shows that in pretty much every instance involving a hate crime against any ethnicity, it turns out to be fake. Except, of course, the ones against White people but who cares about them, right?)
If you're originally from the Toronto area, do you remember a few years back (I think it was the Toronto area) when a young Muslim schoolgirl claimed she was attacked and somebody tried to tear off her hijab/headscarf? Woke leftists p---ed and moaned about White Racism (even though the supposed attacker wasn't White). Then she admitted to making it up...and woke leftists p---ed and moaned about how she must have done it because of...you guessed it...White Racism.
Similar things have been happening in Toronto. Funny how it's always Jewish places that are getting these "hate crimes" at times when the perpetrator knows no one is actually going to be there to be harmed, and there hasn't been one single incident at a Muslim/ Palestinian institution. There was a really good book written back in the early '90's called "Crying Wolf" about Jews fabricating/self committing hate crimes. It's a good read and my guess is, it's as true today as it was then. (PS - the data over the last several decades shows that in pretty much every instance involving a hate crime against any ethnicity, it turns out to be fake. Except, of course, the ones against White people but who cares about them, right?)

Is this it? I'll have to find myself a copy...Heaven knows it won't be in any Canadian library or bookstore...
If you're originally from the Toronto area, do you remember a few years back (I think it was the Toronto area) when a young Muslim schoolgirl claimed she was attacked and somebody tried to tear off her hijab/headscarf? Woke leftists p---ed and moaned about White Racism (even though the supposed attacker wasn't White). Then she admitted to making it up...and woke leftists p---ed and moaned about how she must have done it because of...you guessed it...White Racism.
Yup, I remember it very well. 2017-ish, I think. Trudeau, then-Premiere Kathleen Wynn and the Mayor of Toronto all immediately condemned the racist act and the school even arranged a big press conference for her that very day, which was very weird because she was a minor and any other time, they would want to protect her identity. The best part was how both her and her little brother couldn't keep a straight face during the press event. Then, when it turned out it was all fake, it just... Disappeared. As I said before, they're ALL fake.
Another mismatch on the sports front:

Same thing happened recently at a billiards tournament. I'm not sure if it was Canada, the US or Britain, though.
From my old home-turf in BC's Fraser Valley: Some irate farmer is having none of the government's Sexual Orientation/Gender Indoctrination nonsense.
A medium-speed tractor chase with the RCMP between Chilliwack and Surrey ensues...

So, if this guy left from Chilliwack, I suspect that he got on the Trans-Canada Highway at the Prest Road exit in Chwk. From there to the 176th St exit in Surrey is about 70km. Since vehicles incapable of 60km/h are prohibited on HWY 1, this chase must have taken close to an hour and a half...AT LEAST...just guessing the top speed of a tractor....