Kash Patel and the new FBI

Former intel officer Ray McGovern thinks Patel might be digging into the political hit job on Seth Rich.

Get your popcorn out.

Absolutely retarded if true. Let’s investigate some right wing conspiracy theory to appease the Q Anon crowd. These people really are internet memes personified, this pajeet and that bimbo AG.

With everything being dug up about how our tax money was being spent, they could spend the rest of their careers building and prosecuting those cases alone. Seth Rich and the Epstein files tho. And JFK.

And how many scumbags within the FBI itself are going to be arrested and prosecuted?
Is this the same clown that said he would declassify the Epstein and 9/11 files?

On Day 1?

And then threw a bone with literally no meat on it, aka Epstein's redacted address book (out since 2015) and pages that looked like this?


Wondering if the MAGA crowd is going to fall for four more years of RELEASE DU KRAKEN DU TRUTH WILL BE REVEALED PATRIOTS IN CONTROL kinda rhetorics..

Account to follow:

Just opened my Telegram after clicking that send button and what do I see?


Damn, I have turned. Now boarding the Kash Patel train, true Patriot dedicated to protecting the US from enemies both domestic and abroad.

I am starting to like this 'NeW fBi tHinG'. Breaking up Chang espionage rings, keeping track of money flows and getting the bad guys behind bars.

Kash Chad-tel.

images - 2025-03-07T122728.967.jpeg

Wait, you're telling me that Li Tian and Jian Zhao shared American military secrets with the Chinese Communist Party? Who could have seen that coming.


I've also heard that it's pretty common to hear Mandarin spoken inside NSA offices.

I'm pretty sure the Chinese wouldn't let an American anywhere near any of their top secret military or intelligence facilities, let alone offer him a job and security clearance to work in them. Regardless of whether or not the American has a piece of paper indicating that he is, in fact, actually Chinese.

Hopefully Patel's FBI can make some progress against Chinese infiltration, although obviously the fact that it's a swarthy guy named Patel leading the effort feels a little off too.
The movie continues. Beware the hinjew alliance.

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What are the odds that the token FBI director has a Mossad whore handling him.

Yes, the crimes of the puppet democrats may be exposed for all to see, meanwhile the crimes of the jews dare not be questioned or even uttered.

Still curious about whether he is going to go into the Seth Rich murder, that would be a decent small appetizer to kick off his tenure, if he's not going to give us the main course...