Kanye West & His Troubles With The Tribe

I didn't give a crap about his Presidential run other than as a protest vote, but I did care about his conversion.

Conversions are difficult and messy. It's like giving birth to a new human being. Many (most?) conversions fail. The real test is to see if a convert can make it past 5 years in my experience.

For whatever reason, if someone who converts stops going to Church within 5 years, generally speaking the Holy Spirit will not take root and they will fall back into their sinful ways with even less chance of redemption than they had at first! Just like Christ's quote about exercising demons from someone. Getting the first demon out is easy, but it will come back eventually, with reinforcements. That is the true test of someone's faith.

Cradle Christians have a big advantage, they tend to have the Prodigal Son experience and no matter how far they fall, they never lose their faith and have a strong chance of returning to God. Converts, not so much, they are in a constant struggle to keep their tree of faith growing out of the sapling stage.

Cradles are basically born with a fully grown tree of faith in their soul, so for them to fall away from the faith it is generally a conscious decision and rejection of God, which also means their Judgement is far harsher, but all Cradles know what faith looks like and it is always possible for them to return while alive. Converts do not have such luxuries and have no idea what faith looks and feels like.

Video talks about how Kanye was taken to church by his mom as a kid but the churches they attended tend to be prosperity gospel type of churches. There's also clips from a pastor that came from John MacArthur's seminary that was ministering to Kanye for about 1.5 years. For those who aren't aware, MacArthur is someone considered to be a pretty conservative and Biblically grounded pastor within the Protestant world. It sounded like at least for a while he has on strong grounding but then something flipped. Maybe some of that prosperity new thought came up again once Kanye started going through his issues with the divorce and then who knows what after that.

Video talks about how Kanye was taken to church by his mom as a kid but the churches they attended tend to be prosperity gospel type of churches. There's also clips from a pastor that came from John MacArthur's seminary that was ministering to Kanye for about 1.5 years. For those who aren't aware, MacArthur is someone considered to be a pretty conservative and Biblically grounded pastor within the Protestant world. It sounded like at least for a while he has on strong grounding but then something flipped. Maybe some of that prosperity new thought came up again once Kanye started going through his issues with the divorce and then who knows what after that.

The dude clearly has some literal demons. I wonder why no one is calling him controlled oppo the way the go after Alex Jones.... Just saying.
Cradles are basically born with a fully grown tree of faith in their soul, so for them to fall away from the faith it is generally a conscious decision and rejection of God, which also means their Judgement is far harsher, but all Cradles know what faith looks like and it is always possible for them to return while alive. Converts do not have such luxuries and have no idea what faith looks and feels like.
Why did I become an atheist then?

Was it because I was baptised at a Protestant Church? Normally I would think that's not enough, but my Mum was born Orthodox, and my dad was Agnostic.

Then again, considering God saved me from suicide, maybe I hadn't lost my faith. I'd merely forgotten.

Wait a minute. I swore I wouldn't turn from God for anything I could conceive, even my deepest and greatest desires, several times in 2020 and 2021.

If that's the case, then shouldn't I be okay unless I get tricked, or fail to reject the Antichrist?

Edit: When I say forgotten, it reminds me of that year 8 camp at my school in England. I suffered amnesia afterwards, but I remember. They delayed the trip by one week because they heard there Satanists in the area they planned to use...
Edit 2: I should probably tell me priest this.
I use to live in LA and it's amazing how accessible most celebrities are (even with security). They'll stubbornly stay in the same mansions for decades sometimes, and eventually everyone in town knows where they live. You'll also often see them out and about town with minimal and sometimes no security.

It always surprised me that the muzzies (aka the jews) didn't have a US sleeper cell where they could take out 20 of America's biggest celebrities in a span of 5 minutes. Just imagine if Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Dave Grohl, Oprah, Tom Brady, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Steven Spielberg, Denzel Washington, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Billie Eilish, Kaitlyn Jenner, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Dwayne Johnson, Bill Gates, and Beyonce where all simultaneously assassinated within a five minute period? There would be a collective mental and financial breakdown of American society. It would make 911 look like amateur hour. Of course, I'm not advocating this, nor am I trying to give anyone any "bright ideas," but if you really wanted to hurt America, then disappearing their celebrities would be a good place to start.

If the jew's AI, 5-D Chess System thinks it's a bad idea to take out Kanye, then in an existential, war gaming, reverse psy-op-false-flag operation sense, Kanye should indeed be taken out (by anti-zionist US nationalists). Again, not advocating this, but if the war is that complicated and nefarious, people need to start thinking outside the box. Fight fire with fire and stop taking a knife to a gun fight.

The (((people))) they are capable of carrying out such a mass murder are the same ones who want Hollywood in place to dumb down America while they carry out the great replacement and globo homo agenda
In Your Heart, You Know Ye’s Right
Worth a read..
Jews have promoted black music for more than 100 years and virtually created the rap industry. Jews have also created rampant negro worship throughout our culture, which has trained millions of intelligent whites to idolize blacks as entertainers, athletes, celebrities, and even intellectuals.
This explains also why Michael Jackson seems to have ended up in a clash. It's the black musicians in particular (yes, MJ was less black towards the end but he started out black)