Joel Osteen

I saw the video from Roosh's visit to the megachurch. I don't know if it was on a Sunday, but it was not full. Roosh panned the camera around and there was lots of empty seating in areas. And no way there was anything like 45,000 people there, more like 5,000. But my memory could be wrong.

Roosh summed up the experience as nothing more than a dopamine hit.

Joel Osteen had no problem with giving shelter to Jews from the local synagogue.

Televangelist Joel Osteen opened his megachurch in Houston to a Jewish congregation needing a place to hold High Holidays services in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Congregation Beth Yeshurun was flooded and the building was in no condition to host services, according to reports.

Osteen and his wife, Victoria, came under fire during Harvey for not immediately opening their large and dry Lakewood Church building to shelter those displaced by the hurricane and its floods. It later opened to refugees from the storms.

A post on the church’s website ahead of Rosh Hashanah read “During Hurricane Harvey, Houston’s largest synagogue, Congregation Beth Yeshurun experienced devastating flooding. This came at an especially bad time for Beth Yeshurun as the Jewish High Holy Days, (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur), are this week. Beth Yeshurn’s leadership reached out to us and Pastors Joel & Victoria offered to help. We are honored to announce that we will be opening our doors to the Beth Yeshurun congregation so that they may celebrate their High Holy Days at our church.”
The biggest problem with Joel is that he prays in vain, asking for things endlessly that benefit him in this world, but not his soul.

People often think Jesus says in that quote, "praying in vain" is akin to using the Lord's name in vain, or whatnot. But it's not, it means praying for things you shouldn't pray for, things that God doesn't want us to have, that would actually be bad for us. Because in the same sentence he is talking about the hypocrisy of Pharisees, who were wealthy, and prayed in vain.