Joel Osteen

I saw an article about this shooting that said that church has an average Sunday attendance of 45,000! The church is in a former auditorium, of the kind that previously held major concerts and other large events before being converted into a church. Amazing that so many people want to be part of that church.
So many saps are misled by this "salesman of salvation." He should be discredited any chance someone brings him up.

"false prophet Joel Osteen exposed"

There are so many videos exposing this guys watered-down gospel and lies, what does it matter to the enemy if he's not leading people to reforming the great Holy civilization that kept the darkness at bay, but making them pursue feel-good politics and material comfort? He's doing his part, and is compensated graciously for leading so many astray.
I saw an article about this shooting that said that church has an average Sunday attendance of 45,000! The church is in a former auditorium, of the kind that previously held major concerts and other large events before being converted into a church. Amazing that so many people want to be part of that church.
Yes, and apparently Joel turned away a bunch of storm victims because they just had new carpet put into the super structure auditorium and he didnt want to get it dirty. Not sure if this is true or not? Also, this Stephen Furtick guy out of Charlotte and Joseph Prince out of Singapore seem like bourgeois nut bags too. Not sure if each of these charlatans need their own threads or we should start a "TBN Charlatan Evangelical JQ Cheerleader" master thread?
Yes, and apparently Joel turned away a bunch of storm victims because they just had new carpet put into the super structure auditorium and he didnt want to get it dirty. Not sure if this is true or not? Also, this Stephen Furtick guy out of Charlotte and Joseph Prince out of Singapore seem like bourgeois nut bags too. Not sure if each of these charlatans need their own threads or we should start a "TBN Charlatan Evangelical JQ Cheerleader" master thread?
I remember that incident, when Houston was flooded by a hurricane. They claimed that auditorium building was known to have problems with flooding, and they didn't want to use those spaces as a shelter under the circumstances. I remember it being somewhat plausible, but also just sounding like an excuse. That story and this current shooting are basically the only stories I know about that church, other than knowing of Joel Osteen as a preacher with a questionable message.
I saw an article about this shooting that said that church has an average Sunday attendance of 45,000! The church is in a former auditorium, of the kind that previously held major concerts and other large events before being converted into a church. Amazing that so many people want to be part of that church.

Fun fact, in the 90s that was the venue where the Houston Rockets NBA team played. Back then it bore the excellent moniker of The Summit. I went to some Rockets games there with my dad during the team’s mid-90s championship heyday. Good times.
Osteen's "prosperity gospel" is from the Devil. 'My kingdom is not of this world."
I agree. Where the prosperity gospel goes wrong is with the "name it and claim it" teaching, where you are calling prosperity into being by faith, in accordance with verses like "ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find". It doesn't work like this. They are claiming you can trigger miraculous inflows of wealth by the power of God. This is false teaching!

However, if you go to your job and work hard and take responsibility, they're likely to give you more responsibility, and in time you gain more skills and promotions, and will make more money. Then, if you are frugal and responsible with your income, you will eventually build up savings and net worth, and become prosperous. A working class person won't make as much as a talented professional, but they can still buy a modest home, build equity, build a 401K, and gradually be very comfortable in their middle age and beyond. Christian behavior does tend to lead to prosperity in the long run.

I think this is a Biblical principle, as shown in Psalms 1:1-3:
1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
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I'm watching this guy right now and I have to say, as good as he is at what he does, he is exhausting to listen to. There's something about his cadence that I find annoying and disingenuous.

I much prefer Dr. David Jeremiah. Out of all the televangelists, he comes across as the most real...and I find his sermons comforting.
I agree. Where the prosperity gospel goes wrong is with the "name it and claim it" teaching,
I like to call it "blab it and grab it."

"ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find"
Notice how they always quote that but never quote James 4:3: "You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures."

Christian behavior does tend to lead to prosperity in the long run.
I think so, and God has blessed some believers with much wealth. Knowing my temptations, I think I understand why God has not made me wealthy.
I like to call it "blab it and grab it."

Notice how they always quote that but never quote James 4:3: "You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures."

I think so, and God has blessed some believers with much wealth. Knowing my temptations, I think I understand why God has not made me wealthy.
I forgot about James 4:3. Atheists always use "ask and it shall be given you" to claim the Bible is false. So that's a good one to counter with.
I forgot about James 4:3. Atheists always use "ask and it shall be given you" to claim the Bible is false. So that's a good one to counter with.
"Lord, I ask for a million dollars, in my name I pray, amen."

In all seriousness though, I love when the Apostles quote or allude to Jesus' words in the Gospels. It happens, sometimes in surprising ways, and gives great insight on how to properly apply His teachings.
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