Jews' Own System Turning Against Them

Full interview is out. He goes pretty hard in it. I am surprised they let this air. It is Piers sputtering and stumbling, and Dan correcting him and pointing out history and religious beliefs that Piers has no answer for, other than to call him "anti-sematic".

First time seeing this and first time hearing Bilzerian speak. I suspect a lot of the stuff Bilzerian said about seeing the evidence is stuff that goes around Twitter, which is why I think he struggled to give sources when Piers attacked him, almost literally say "source?". Bilzerian could use a little voice coaching, he's monotone, sounds disinterested, and if he can memorize the sources of his main talking-points I think he'd be able to reach more people. I have the sense most people who haven't heard about what he's saying because they're not on Twitter or boards like this, wouldn't be able to follow up on what he was talking about. Other than that, it blows my mind people are able to talk about this stuff so openly and not get assassinated.
Putin's days might truly be numbered now that he has named the unmentionables.

Remember, Stalin himself died under mysterious circumstances shortly after he decided to go after the same group of people. But that course of action was of course only caused by Stalin's paranoid and conspiratorial mind, as any history book will tell you.
Putin's days might truly be numbered now that he has named the unmentionables.

Remember, Stalin himself died under mysterious circumstances shortly after he decided to go after the same group of people. But that course of action was of course only caused by Stalin's paranoid and conspiratorial mind, as any history book will tell you.
It will be interesting to see what happens going forward. I do wonder if we’re getting close to a tipping point for Putin to be comfortable enough to express this. I guess we will see if other world leaders start saying the same thing.

If the entire planet wakes up to the JQ, where will they go? This isn’t 1947 anymore and Mars isn’t open for business yet. It seems like a big miscalculation on their part. E. Michael Jones always points out that they are their own worst enemy when it comes to these things.
Putin's days might truly be numbered now that he has named the unmentionables.

Remember, Stalin himself died under mysterious circumstances shortly after he decided to go after the same group of people. But that course of action was of course only caused by Stalin's paranoid and conspiratorial mind, as any history book will tell you.
If even Stalin, the Communist tyrant himself was willing to go after the Jews in the end, is there a single person that reaches the heights of power that is not given the chance to be redeemed by God?

Romans 13 feels like it applies here.

Romans 13:1-7

13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.

6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.

7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
Among younger generations, it really feels like the JQ is going mainstream now.
It's only a matter of time now before the political tide begins to turn.
I know a few guys in their 20s that are aware of it, and we've openly spoke about it. We don't care if other people hear us. The internet is waking people up. I even heard a guy at work mention that blacks are 13% and committing most of the crime.

I'm 34 and this was never a thing with my generation, unfortunately.
I know a few guys in their 20s that are aware of it, and we've openly spoke about it. We don't care if other people hear us. The internet is waking people up. I even heard a guy at work mention that blacks are 13% and committing most of the crime.

I'm 34 and this was never a thing with my generation, unfortunately.
The older generations unfortunately failed in this regard.
It'll be up to the younger generations to finally bring an end to this eternal issue.
Why are you booing me? He even says he's not saying it's the Jews, but atheist Jews, but they aren't even really atheists either!

Of course that's because you can't be in the Synagogue of Satan and be an Atheist, you can't really hate God if you are pretending he doesn't exist, though most Atheists make a concerning effort.
@Giordano Bruno to tie the present back to the past there are some considerations, not easy to come to the conclusion of, but should be assessed regardless.

For Stalin's death, there is a lot of conflicting stories. Of course the official narratives are lying. What did Stalin do after he lost the first major battle to Germany? He was rumored to have suffered a breakdown after learning his plans for Operation Thunder were destroyed, he fled to Siberia hiding from his generals believing they were going to kill him. What happened next is the most hidden part of WW2. The OSS went to Stalin and what then happened is never talked about even on the Internet. The OSS was mostly high ranking Masonic Freemasons IE satanists.

It is difficult to find true historical talks about the nature of his death or what he did that pissed off the jews so much other than some labor alleged partitions specifically targeting jewish populations, but because he died before this conference took place there labor partitions and gulag quotas do not exist in Soviet official records. He enforced the death penalty for "anti-semitism" the entire time he was premier. Just because Stalin rounded up some jews doesn't mean he was anti-jewish. Pathological jews murder jews all the time especially in Russia, just look what happened to Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov and Lev Davidovich Bronstein. Stalin also had multiple jewish wives. Hard to imagine someone like this turning on his masters though:


Here's a video with snippets of documentarian Dennis Wise relating his findings as well as some Russian veterans mentioning that Stalin had a lot of Rothschild and Masonic documentation recovered from Prague that the Germans had confiscated, and that under Yeltsin all of this material was returned to the Rothschild archives in France, Wise calls it "barristry" meaning litigative documents, but it likely had the obscene and profane occult material in it as well.

Wise says that Stalin was not meant to see these documents, but Stalin himself was a freemason, so much of the nature of his death from anywhere is ultimately speculative other than "it was time for him to go" by his masters.

The jewish spin that he went rogue and developed Napoleonic tendencies are suspect. There are factions within jewry, all ancient bloodlines but it is not beneath one jew to murder another, though it is rare outside of revolutionary times. The more continuous truism is that jews use people to get what they want and then discard them afterwards, usually by killing them.

This book, "The Judas Goats" goes more into the infiltration and deception of American politics but also has very detailed information on the Soviet politburo and the events around the time of Stalin's death: Within by Michael Collins Piper (2007).pdf

If you are hesitant on it, don't be fooled into believing this man is good, he killed more Christians than anyone else in history and eroded the last bastion of Orthodoxy with his involvement in the Oktober Revolution and the Russian Civil War.

Do not be fooled equally by present-day leaders who call out jewish behavior while they uphold laws that only protect jews and none to help their own people, that goes for both the west and the east. Actions speak louder than words. The jews themselves are tired of their atheistic cousins making them look bad. You will never see a world leader mentioning all the disgusting curses that Orthodox and hasidic jews utter in their daily blasphemies against Christ and His Church, those "jews who go to synagogue" can never be painted in an evil light, but God cannot be fooled, and neither can His faithful servants.
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If you are hesitant on it, don't be fooled into believing this man is good, he killed more Christians than anyone else in history and eroded the last bastion of Orthodoxy with his involvement in the Oktober Revolution and the Russian Civil War.
You are not wrong, I just always think.

Jesus told us that only God is good.

In the parable of the man and the son, when he returned from his gambling and money wasting and apologised for his foolishness, the older brother complained that his father celebrated with a feast.

He said, "Do you not understand, it is as if my son and has come back to life!"

That always stuck with me. It is expedient and honourable that we ensure we all do the best to repay our debts and make amends for all wrongdoings, however, without repenting of wrongdoing in the first place, there is only death. So repentance in a sense is coming to life.

I think if people of great evil like Stalin really did repent of wrongdoing, and do remember, Stalin was most certainly a Christian, his mother told him she was disappointed that he didn't become a priest instead of a dictator, then that means even the greatest evils are not merely conquerable by God, but that the most evil men are willing to repent of their sins and be saved.

If Stalin could repent of his wicked sins, what does that say for us who sin, for all the people you know who sin, but have yet to repent?

It is a hope to me I think...

That always stuck with me. It is expedient and honourable that we ensure we all do the best to repay our debts and make amends for all wrongdoings, however, without repenting of wrongdoing in the first place, there is only death. So repentance in a sense is coming to life.
That's correct, and is a somewhat scary thing, as we commit sins all the time knowingly and unknowingly.

The prodigal son parable is another amazing story that shows us also that the obsession with "justice" (our human consideration of such a thing) is foolishness and is all too much in modern christianity (particularly Protestant forms) in ways that it shouldn't be, given it leads to massive misunderstandings and owes to simpleton thought or dogma.
It'a really Torah Jews vs Talmud Jews here, with the latter doing the hitting. For the former, zionism is a heresy.
I think this is where the Judeo Christian myth comes from. Christians and the Torah Jews have some common ground and have a similar heritage. Kind of like Muslims. The Talmud Jews are so far in left field they’d make Moses smash his tablets. Normies think Talmud Jews are Torah Jews however. Truth is it boils down to St Augustine’s city of God vs the city of man. Jerusalem VS Babylon. Anyone find it interesting the Talmud was written in Baghdad AFTER St. Augustines city of God?
I don't think it is wise to make distinctions where there are none. Jews, of all stripes and colors, are defined by their rejection of Christ. A secondary characteristic is their adherence to Hottentot morality: "Good is whatever is good for the Jews", perhaps a necessary consequence of wilful rejection of Christ. Of course, Jews are hardly the only people who follow it, and perhaps our dear Indian friends can teach them a thing or two about shameless amorality.