I don't have a problem with life and all of its absurdities, but the curious thing about the trajectory of life is that we're supposed to work hard and are naturally inclined to do well for our families, children and community but we also as Christians are told to suffer under the nonsense of godless people, because we are just sojourning here. I don't have the answer, but I will say, right or wrong, I push back against the feminine attitude of just laying down against certain rulers due to their current status as so called "rulers" over us. I have a personal opinion that modern christians largely have that weak approach towards evil, having been spoiled and lived in a secure world for so long.
Where Christians get it wrong today is that they are supposed to lie down and accept the spiritual degradation of the culture.
The reason usury runs rampant is a spiritual problem, not a political one.
Jesus Christ did NOT lie down against spiritual degradation. Indeed, he called for war against evil powers (the sword not peace), threw the money changers out of the temple, and told his followers never to worship anyone but him, even if it meant death.
It was the spiritual revolution of Christ that eventually overthrew the Roman system, including their usury, and established an all powerful Church. Early Christians used violence all the time - they refused to pay religious taxes, acknowledge other Gods, and when they could, they eventually tore down all pagan temples.
THAT is real progress. People think political systems matter - they don't. That's why Christ told us to pay our taxes, because politics are meaningless. Control the Spiritual realm, and the political one always follows. And today, our Spiritual realm has been taken over because Christians have become so weak and effeminate, when in reality we should be tearing down all of the false idols today and renewing the zeal of the population. That's where the violence needs to occur, for "The Kingdom of Heaven is seized by force."
"Freedom of Religion" is 100% apostasy, and results in CivDeath and domination by Satan. No such thing as Freedom of Religion.
"He who is not with me is against me." - Matthew 12:30.
Until there is an explicitly Christian government, no amount of political theories or revolutions will accomplish anything. That is why it makes no difference to resist or fight political movements as long as the Spiritual foundation is corrupted.
Abortion, "pride month," usury, taxes, foreign wars, unlimited immigration, etc, are all just symptoms of a much larger problem - the lack of faith in Christ Jesus, and a culture that willingly lives by His name, commandments, and His Church.
Until this comes to pass, politics is a total waste of time and will always result in failure because we will be building on sand. This world WILL continue to crash and burn from judgement until people repent, and as Christians, it is our job to call others to repentance as well as condemn the Satanic lies around us, openly and without fear.
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