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Henry Kissinger Leaves This Mortal Coil

Grim Reaper won.jpg

Crossposted but relevant

This guy always gave off dark vibes. There is something about people with foreign accents who are in positions of American power and media commentary/influence that just rubs me the wrong way (not to mention this guy's as jewish as they come). I just can't see myself moving to Australia or the UK or Germany and running my thick American accent mouth on TV about their politics. I mean, the gall.
This guy always gave off dark vibes. There is something about people with foreign accents who are in positions of American power and media commentary/influence that just rubs me the wrong way (not to mention this guy's as jewish as they come). I just can't see myself moving to Australia or the UK or Germany and running my thick American accent mouth on TV about their politics. I mean, the gall.
Agreed. Besides this and him opening china, he was a scumbag jew that gutted America like the good jew he was. Even though we have quotes of him saying he'd be countersemitic if he wasn't Jewish, we all know you can't remove the jewing from the jew.
I'm no fan of jews in any way, but even I have to admit Kissinger was one of the best foreign secretaries the USA ever had.
The Vietnam War and Cambodia related accusations are mostly old leftist baby boomer nonsense.
President Johnson started that war in 1964 many years before Kissinger was even in office....
Kissinger just did his job in ending that useless conflict before even more people died.

Well his protege Klaus Schwabb is also just doing his job. Such heroes.