Healthy Life Expectancy

Western doctors are no good though, even the average couch potato out lives a doctor, they are not good examples, there is a good book you must read called confessions of a medical heretic the stats he shares in there will shock you, when doctors in US and Israel went on strike people stopped dying, when they went back to work people continued dying, the deaths caused by malpractice and wrong diagnosis is very very very high, even covid all those deaths mostly happened in hospitals only, the people who were sick and didnt go to hospital lived. I know a husband and wife who both got covid, the wife went to hospital she died, the husbanf didnt and he lived.
I don't agree with you. I do not dispute anything about what happened during covid though.
Western doctors are no good though, even the average couch potato out lives a doctor, they are not good examples, there is a good book you must read called confessions of a medical heretic the stats he shares in there will shock you, when doctors in US and Israel went on strike people stopped dying, when they went back to work people continued dying, the deaths caused by malpractice and wrong diagnosis is very very very high, even covid all those deaths mostly happened in hospitals only, the people who were sick and didnt go to hospital lived. I know a husband and wife who both got covid, the wife went to hospital she died, the husbanf didnt and he lived.

With how many people have chronic disease now, this definitely does not apply to our current state of health.
Without hospitals these people would be toast. Theses places are reasons why those with chronic illnesses are able to live so long today.
Like everything else, it's not black and white, all good or all bad.
With how many people have chronic disease now, this definitely does not apply to our current state of health.
Without hospitals these people would be toast. Theses places are reasons why those with chronic illnesses are able to live so long today.
Like everything else, it's not black and white, all good or all bad.

At minimum it's like a zero sum game. We have chronic illness because of the food available via modern industrial "progress" and because of other various medications that address problems from that crap food (but in turn generate other chronic problems) . Really most of these chronic problems are generated from ourselves succumbing to our passions.

Agree it's not all black and white though and there is a gradational scale. But we are waaaay on one side of it now as a culture.
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Most doctors are nothing but drug dealers.

There are some that are really really good but the vast majority are garbage and think they are gods when in fact a majority of their work relies on funding from pharmaceutical companies.

The ones on the cutting edge are often shunned for being outside the Overton window.

Look at Dr. Zev Zelenko who pushed Ivm and hydroxychloroquine or any of the doctors on the list of people who prescribe IVM now. They are generally shunned compared to the vast majority of doctors who push statins, and cholesterol meds to mitigate shit lifestyles.

Most doctors are hardly current in any of the medical literature, or cutting edge science but will pontificate like they are in the know.

I once had a fat ass dr. try to lecture me about my prescribed testosterone use when I was there to see him for a physical injury connected to my military service. Even though I go to literally the best Dr. In the world who is the cutting edge clinician on both male fertility AND andrology.... Meanwhile this doctor would have me take psych meds and pain killers instead of a prescribed and regularly monitored testosterone with blood work and the exercise regime that allows me to have a physically active life instead of depression, coping issues, PTSD and alcoholism.

Anyway rant over on doctors. The good ones are expensive I've found. But worth it. Then again, I've got a lot more issues physically due to the military than most people at 35.

As far as quality of life... Yeah I think into your 70s it's possible to have a good quality for sure. Modern meds are pretty effective for most people which are likely to suffer from metabolic disorders. My parents are in their 70s. My dad at 72 would kick most of the men's ass I've med in the real world and still works 40 hours a week as a chef.

I don't think that keeps up into your 80s though. Vo2 Max and cardiac capacity start to rapidly decline well before then.
I don't agree with you. I do not dispute anything about what happened during covid though.

With how many people have chronic disease now, this definitely does not apply to our current state of health.
Without hospitals these people would be toast. Theses places are reasons why those with chronic illnesses are able to live so long today.
Like everything else, it's not black and white, all good or all bad.
If you notice USA is a country that spends the most on health care, I think its something like x7 more than the country in 2nd place, yet Americans are the most unhealthiest group of people in the world and are taking more meds than any other country in the world by far and its not making USA healthier.

Western medicine cannot help you they only give you pills to make the symptoms go away and the meds then cause other sicknesses and side effects and becomes a vicious cycle, unfortunatley they cant cure sickness they dont deal with the root cause.
If you notice USA is a country that spends the most on health care, I think its something like x7 more than the country in 2nd place, yet Americans are the most unhealthiest group of people in the world and are taking more meds than any other country in the world by far and its not making USA healthier.

Western medicine cannot help you they only give you pills to make the symptoms go away and the meds then cause other sicknesses and side effects and becomes a vicious cycle, unfortunatley they cant cure sickness they dont deal with the root cause.
This is really all a product of our high plasticized and corn syrup diet.

Pretty much all major issues are diet and metabolic related.
This is really all a product of our high plasticized and corn syrup diet.

Pretty much all major issues are diet and metabolic related.
True but also the medical, my country also follows western medicine by the way Im not bashing USA so we have the same problem here but on a smaller scale, even most births at our private hospitals are all c-sections this isnt right, natural births are rare but its the healthiest and best for mom and baby, then they encourage formular over breast feeding and vaccines and all that trash thats harmful, this is what Im talking about, western medicine is toxic to our health.

You go to a doctor who treats you for cancer and he has coca cola dispensor outside his door
If you notice USA is a country that spends the most on health care, I think its something like x7 more than the country in 2nd place, yet Americans are the most unhealthiest group of people in the world and are taking more meds than any other country in the world by far and its not making USA healthier.
The US just has more options and abundance, and thus, more pitfalls. There are plenty of people in the US that are as fit or fitter than anyone in the world. The spending the US does is also a canard.
There are some that are really really good but the vast majority are garbage and think they are gods when in fact a majority of their work relies on funding from pharmaceutical companies.
Average doctor seems to know almost nothing outside of prescription pharmaceutical medicines.

For example a few weeks ago my mum had severe muscle stiffness and cramping all over her body 3 that was ongoing for 3 days. She told me about it on the third day. I mega-dosed her on magnesium (3 pills in the morning then again 3 at night for 2 days in a row) and after 2 days it went away completely. Had she gone to a doctor they probably would have prescribed strong pain killers and anti-histamines and told her she just has to wait until it goes away.
The US just has more options and abundance, and thus, more pitfalls.
The U.S. also have less strict food quality regulations than the EU countries. In the EU food tends to have a higher minimum quality but the minimum price is also higher than say USA or Australia typically. Switzerland for example also has high food quality regulations. The McDonalds in Switzerland for example has to sell 100% Swiss grass fed beef but the McDonalds there is expensive. In France for example there are regulations about how much sodium, sugar, calories etc McDonalds can put in its food. Also in France if a kid in school gets fat the parents get brought in to talk to the principle and the government gives them consultations with a nutritionist or some such and a plan for the kid to get back into shape. It is seen as unacceptable for a child to be fat.