Most people who have never been sanctified through baptism have demons around them, often influencing them. People who actively smoke marijuana have demons inside of them, same with drunkards. Even doing certain yoga poses and saying certain phrases or chants during those poses is a spiritual risk. I don't say this as a timid fearmonger but as someone who recognizes that either praying to a fallen angel (non-Christian religions) or intoxicating the body on purpose (altering state of consciousness where the interstice of soul and body both reside that demonic spirits float around and now have access to) causes these things to attach themselves and sometimes even alter the choices people make.
Actual demons in human flesh are rarer. I've seen some in invading migrants from Africa walking around Italy that probably just finished eating some human fingers for lunch an hour before, there was no "light" in their eyes, no semblance of an uncompromised soul, just blood-red subhuman scleritis and a vessel of pure uncontrolled impulse, the exact opposite of a sanctified and practicing holy man. Cannibalism affects everyone who engages in it, not just Blacks however. There is a very good chance someone like Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel have a lot more in common with these savages than they do with any normal person, their uncontrolled shaking fits are likely bouts of Kuru disease. All of the self-appointed elites are thus basically demons in a human skin, and if one were to expire in your presence I would pray so that the wandering spirit doesn't attempt to enter your own body, which it cannot if we have not broken certain rules.
Some people are so doped up on drugs that you can barely see the original soul behind the glassy eyes of the skinsuit. Homeless people in the USA are another case where I've likely had a demon talk to me. Think about these people, especially in the southern and southwestern states, who are outside in the heat day after day, passing out wherever, drinking piss poor water from canals, one day blurring into the next, eventually the only way they "stay sane" is by getting high. That's the real street life, it is so unbearable and inane that only those in a state of "altered consciousness" can handle the urban concrete jungle constantly without going insane, which they do just bit by bit. The longer someone has been out on the streets of a city, say as opposed to being in the wilderness and living off of berries and plants and animals, the more unnatural they become.
There are books on demonology that are approved by official Church sources, and books that aren't for they likely contain subversive incantations in their text. Study this subject only from a position of strong faith and if you have the slightest doubt do not tread in these waters. Just know what to look for in people who are afflicted with demonic possession, as demonic influence is a much lesser degree than full-on possession controlled (agents of the jews and deep states) and uncontrolled (violent murderous savages and the people receiving exorcisms).