Have you ever felt like you were talking to a demon while talking to a person?


A handful of times In my life I really felt like I was talking directly to a demon and not the actual person I was engaging with, I recently brought this up with an Orthodox friend and he also has experienced this so Im wondering how many other people on the forum have picked up on this when talking face to face with another person? It happened the most to me during my catechuman process but also a handful of times while I was a protestant, same feeling.
Go to a bar or ride the subway home late at night. Talk to someone in the throes of addiction or go to any kind of leftist rally. The demonic influence is easily perceived in those kinds of places.
Haha, yes thats true, the encounters me and my friend were talking about were with "normal" people like friends and family kind of people, when you in deep conversation with them, we both experienced and sensed a change in the person and like we no longer talking with the person but almost like they have become a vessel for a demonic entiry to talk through, they still look perfectly normal and arent acting out, its very subtle, it usually happens when the conversation becomes a little heated and theres some anger involved
Haha, yes thats true, the encounters me and my friend were talking about were with "normal" people like friends and family kind of people, when you in deep conversation with them, we both experienced and sensed a change in the person and like we no longer talking with the person but almost like they have become a vessel for a demonic entiry to talk through, they still look perfectly normal and arent acting out, its very subtle, it usually happens when the conversation becomes a little heated and theres some anger involved
Personally, I am convinced that the average joe is already under a degree of demonic possession. The only people who are not are Christians who have the Holy Spirit indwelling them.
Personally, I am convinced that the average joe is already under a degree of demonic possession. The only people who are not are Christians who have the Holy Spirit indwelling them.

There’s a name for this it’s called people who are perfectly possessed. They are walking around living a normal life, and don’t know they are under demonic influence. Every once in a while they give out a clue they are. I say the low to mid-level elites are in this category, but the high level ones probably attempt direct demonic contact through rituals or other methods. Just speculation though.
I used to go on homeless outreach trips with a local catholic group. Many of the people are clearly under an influence that's not merely drugs and alcohol or mental illness. It can be very unnerving and incredibly sad. A lot of times you'll see them flip like a switch from just general craziness and schizo behavior to extreme anger and hate. Poor tortured souls.
You just reminded me of the time I had an encounter with a homeless person here in Johannesburg over 10 years ago, he was a white middle aged man he always wore a blazer and begged for money at the same stop sign everyday, he would tremble like someone who has parkensons but on steroids and occasionally would have these raging shouting fits,I once gave him money and asked him to get into the car and we went for a drive I wanted to see whats up with this guy and he immidiately started talk about how in the past man would ride a dinosaur like a car and how we evolved into the motot vehicle and something about the engine, I then started telling him about Christ and he opened the car door and left in a screaming fit and didnt even take the money, I forgot about this incident
I used to go on homeless outreach trips with a local catholic group. Many of the people are clearly under an influence that's not merely drugs and alcohol or mental illness. It can be very unnerving and incredibly sad. A lot of times you'll see them flip like a switch from just general craziness and schizo behavior to extreme anger and hate. Poor tortured sou
When you encounter someone like this, pray for them. This will bring the demon(s) under direct attack. In some cases, you can see an instant reaction even when you pray silently.
I once sat at the same lunch table with a wicca witch and a medium who speaks to spirits,I was praying for them in my heart, hope it help,this was recent, last year, I also prayed for them at the liturgy the next day and lit a candle for them
How do you guys think would be the best way to engage with demonically inspired people, to get victory over the demon as its happening?
How do you guys think would be the best way to engage with demonically inspired people, to get victory over the demon as its happening?
I don't think you can, generally.. I think it's better to avoid people like that and pray for them instead. If you're not as spiritually mature as you think, they might draw you in, one way or another. The reason Twitch and Onlyfans whoredom increased so much is because men tend not to have a good defense against that. A demonic woman is either always going to use the weaknesses she knows of against you, and an attractive demonic woman will use your desire for female company or sexuality like that. A demonic man will use every single ounce of your capacity for brotherhood or love for your neighbor and depress you that way. You really can't win, because these people, like the devil, will try to use your virtues against you in order to drag you into despondency and hatred of God.

Don't give them any room. Leave the demonically possessed or influenced up to priests, exorcists or at least the spiritually advanced. Evangelizing regular lost sheep is difficult enough as it is, don't make it harder on yourself. These people will suck decades from your life.
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I don't think you can, generally.. I think it's better to avoid people like that and pray for them instead. If you're not as spiritually mature as you think, they might draw you in, one way or another. The reason Twitch and Onlyfans whoredom increased so much is because men tend not to have a good defense against that. A demonic woman is either always going to use the weaknesses she knows of against you, and an attractive demonic woman will use your desire for female company or sexuality like that. A demonic man will use every single ounce of your capacity for brotherhood or love for your neighbor. You really can't win, because these people, like the devil, will try to use your virtues against you in order to drag you into despondency and hatred for God.

Don't give them any room. Leave the demonically possessed or influenced up to priests, exorcists or at least the spiritually advanced. Evangelizing regular lost sheep is difficult enough as it is, don't make it harder on yourself. These people will suck decades from your life.
Guys like me and my friend, these are people we live with under the same roof, its not like we seeking to experience stuff like this and we cant leave or avoid these people we have to face it and engage, today I experienced another encounter but with a new person on my street, I was walking my kids to school and here in South Africa when its garbage day and our trash is out on the pavement the streets are crawling with homeless people who dig through your trash and I greeted a homeless person, a usual guy that I see every week and usually greet, today when I greeted he pulled a bit of a face and said "piss off" in zulu and a few other words and complaints, I would have done the sign of the cross but had both my hands occupied and was carrying one of my children in my arms, I was a bit suprised by this today I wasnt expecting that from this guy
Don't give them any room. Leave the demonically possessed or influenced up to priests, exorcists or at least the spiritually advanced. Evangelizing regular lost sheep is difficult enough as it is, don't make it harder on yourself. These people will suck decades from your life.
It's a curious thing how much wealth and context or generalized safety make people soft and desiring of proving to ourselves and others that we are what we say we are. I tend to think it's far more important at this point, especially if you are a person of means, to really judiciously investigate charities to give to that are worthwhile, and forget that random person kindness nonsense. I say nonsense not because I don't occasionally give to random people on the street, but rather that so much of it is playing into scammer's hands, and it is unsafe. You realize this when you go to third world countries. Even in the USA, if you do any research or follow what certain panhandlers do, they will do all they can to get something out of a random person rather than just go to the free food, room and board that requires them to do something, give something of themselves (like just behave). It's not easy but real charity isn't parting with $5 (usually, always), it's giving more to something you've actually researched, and to people who are grateful that you actually know in some capacity, or can check up on.

The ancient world had no significant excess except for the real higher ups or rulers, and certainly there was no welfare. It's lame, and I correct people when I hear it, to point out something about "widows and orphans", appealing to biblical times, when now they are literally wards of the state or inherit houses or millions from husbands, or get freebies from SSA. The point of that back then was that they didn't have a chance to work and could barely eat if a man didn't help them. It's weird that smart or learned people act like they don't know this but human emotionalism is a big, big thing for people.
It's a curious thing how much wealth and context or generalized safety make people soft and desiring of proving to ourselves and others that we are what we say we are. I tend to think it's far more important at this point, especially if you are a person of means, to really judiciously investigate charities to give to that are worthwhile, and forget that random person kindness nonsense. I say nonsense not because I don't occasionally give to random people on the street, but rather that so much of it is playing into scammer's hands, and it is unsafe. You realize this when you go to third world countries. Even in the USA, if you do any research or follow what certain panhandlers do, they will do all they can to get something out of a random person rather than just go to the free food, room and board that requires them to do something, give something of themselves (like just behave). It's not easy but real charity isn't parting with $5 (usually, always), it's giving more to something you've actually researched, and to people who are grateful that you actually know in some capacity, or can check up on.

The ancient world had no significant excess except for the real higher ups or rulers, and certainly there was no welfare. It's lame, and I correct people when I hear it, to point out something about "widows and orphans", appealing to biblical times, when now they are literally wards of the state or inherit houses or millions from husbands, or get freebies from SSA. The point of that back then was that they didn't have a chance to work and could barely eat if a man didn't help them. It's weird that smart or learned people act like they don't know this but human emotionalism is a big, big thing for people.
Being an orphan is still extremely awful today. The state literally sells them like pieces of meat to complete strangers and calls it "adoption", which leads to all kinds of horrible situations. In a sane society, they would just be raised by nuns in a Christian orphanage.
It's a curious thing how much wealth and context or generalized safety make people soft and desiring of proving to ourselves and others that we are what we say we are. I tend to think it's far more important at this point, especially if you are a person of means, to really judiciously investigate charities to give to that are worthwhile, and forget that random person kindness nonsense.
During the lockdowns, I worked soup kitchens for the homeless in the weeks going up to Christmas and it was actually pretty chill. I think there's something to be said about dealing with the genetically or biographically unfortunate in a first hand personal experience. It's different than just donating, although I am not against donating, as you said, as long as people to good research.

Soup kitchens can obviously be dangerous in some places, but when I worked there, none of the Roma who otherwise dominate the beggar scene in that city showed up. I guess they don't eat with "gadji" and would rather dine among themselves. Some runaway young people, some old polish dudes, and all were very friendly.

There are a lot of ways to help people in person without getting into immediate danger. I think people should generally start charity in their own immediate environment, like family, friends, neighbors, and so on. But there is room for substitution. Also, in charities you often get to talk about the faith and leave people with some nuggets of wisdom or hope (again, given that the clientele is peaceful). Women have to be more careful, obviously.
Welcome to Zombie land

‘Possessed’ murder suspect ate victim’s eye, ear after killing him near Las Vegas Strip: report

A suspected murderer is accused of killing another man at a bus stop near the Las Vegas strip and then eating parts of his face, according to police.

The Las Vegas police department received a report about a man who tackled another man to the ground around 5 a.m. Sunday morning on Las Vegas Boulevard near Charleston Boulevard, according to arrest documents obtained by 8NewsNow.

Roughly 45 minutes later, cops received a call from a witness who said a man was on top of another man at a bus stop “eating” his face.

When police arrived at the scene, they found 29-year-old Colin Czech kneeling next to the victim with “biological matter in his hair, mouth and on his clothing,” documents said.

Czech told cops that the man had attacked him.

The victim, later identified as Kenneth Brown, was taken to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Full story

There are a lot of ways to help people in person without getting into immediate danger. I think people should generally start charity in their own immediate environment, like family, friends, neighbors, and so on. But there is room for substitution.
Point being, obviously, most of those people are not demonic. Most of them are just struggling. I totally agree with Blade Runner that it's better to keep some distance from crazy or possibly possessed street folk. Leave that to people who are trained to deal with them.
I saw this online the other day I think we can all agree that these two guys here are under demonic influence, Christians praying outside planned parenthood and a dog faced cross dresser and cowboy snake charmer show up to mock the people praying.

People who quickly freak out or blaspheme Christ, the Saints, or the Virgin Mary in casual conversation are in my opinion already under a certain level of demonic influence. This is not normal behavior, even by someone who doesn't believe. I have had several people in my life in the past who have sneakily tried to play off as being Christian, or "searching", or "not" so serious/I can worship Jesus in on the hiking trail/I don't need to go to church to be a Christian types. They tried very hard to steer me into their debauched lifestyles with endless excuses. I have spent oftentimes years debating these people, and they love to twist Scripture to their liking or lifestyle, while never making a single step into a church or to repent. When challenged or encouraged to take concrete steps, they freak out and start blaspheming Christ. I have had to cut these people out of my life...I mean HARD cuts.