General European Politics / Current Affairs

Right wing parties win big.

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Far right in Europe = cope and psy-op.

Remember these far right politicians are against spreading of islam not European races and cultures going extinct.

Check out at muh based poland, they dont accept muslim immigrant but african negros, curries and gooks are impregnating their women and its okay because they are fellow christians or cow worshipers or atheists.

It’s a USA and jewish policy to fill Europe with 3rd world immigrants. So their countries can’t develop (saving USA hegemony) and depopulating middle east (less people opposing israel).
Far right in Europe = cope and psy-op.

Remember these far right politicians are against spreading of islam not European races and cultures going extinct.
There is nuance, as with everything. Blackpilling is neither correct nor helpful. There are forces that try to infiltrate right wing movements and political parties, and they do so with varying degrees of success. But there are absolutely people who value their folk and argue for the importance of maintaining it. For them to have success, it is necessary for people with discernment to become politically active, instead of claiming psyops everywhere.

Poland now has a bad immigration policy because the Piss Party was too retarded and anti-Russian to apply common sense policies, so they lost support in the population and the EU Commission candidate Tusk could move back in and put the immigration program into full gear.

Right wing movements are very susceptible to a false sense of pride and vengeance, and it can cloud their minds until they don't work any more, and thus the left-right dialectic continues endlessly.

That is why a good right winger has to be a Christian who consciously restrains his temperament, and not someone who prefers dystopian memes and fash-compilations to facts and hard work. Capable right wingers might engage in polemics, but they don't run around and say "look at me, look how based I am, can you even imagine how BASED everything is?!!". Hence, Fidesz and the Piss Party. They are not, in fact, based, and they have never been. Fidesz politicians saying racist stuff is just them being Hungarians. Hungarians are naturally racist. Just like Poles.

The AfD is one of the parties that legitimately started to fight the uphill battle, and God has blessed them with such ruthless and malicious enemies that there is surprisingly little ideological subversion, Zionist and otherwise, probably less than even a couple of years ago.
One of their biggest problem seems to be that they are hopelessly understaffed and would have trouble putting together a working government even if they got voted in.
The Romanian AUR appears to be a similar deal. Plenty of people agree on paper, but all the smarty pants who post political essays could never get over themselves and have others show them the ropes of real-life political work. So the only people joining are well-meaning idiots and mentally ill people.

It's a global issue, really.

That is why the people we complain about here always win. They're like "whatever, I'll get in there, maybe I'll build a network and put more people from my already existing network in positions, and after a while, who knows, we might own the place". It's obviously less of a struggle when you are entirely cynical about it, but the mechanism remains the same.

Sometimes, you have to be the guy. Or at least one of them. If suffering is to come anyway, you might as well make it worthwhile.
That is why a good right winger has to be a Christian who consciously restrains his temperament, and not someone who prefers dystopian memes and fash-compilations to facts and hard work.
Marine le Pen rather than Eric Zemmour.

But still can't get over how the Rassemblement National went from 1st to 3rd between the two rounds of the recent election.
Insane? She sounds like the only sane person in that building to me.

Or are you referring to some other things she's said?
She's one of those esoteric gnosticism type nationalists that we also have a lot of in Germany. Also, she's a woman in politics. But she does have the correct take on a lot of current topics.
There is a political strain of Romanians who say they are Orthodox, but Orthodoxy to them is just a specific outcome of their "genetic spirituality" or something like that.

I'm also not the biggest fan of that type of action. There is a chance to make cogent points in a speech that you can record and upload using peer sharing strategies. I'm all for shouting Christ is King and In God We Trust, but going ape during a trivial parliament session is the sort of thing that only impresses people who already agree with your position. It provides jouissance, but next to zero political capital.

Sosoaca does a lot of these Loomer-esque stunts, and I'm not sure it does a lot of good. That being said, there is hardly any way of praising Christ in public that I'd find inappropriate. Then again, I am an Orthodox Christian.

I do have personal sympathies for her, also because family's fate and mine are somewhat intertwined, and also because AUR, together with the AfD, is one of the actual high quality right wing parties in Europe. My uncle joined the party, so who knows, I might meet her someday.
Check out at muh based poland, they dont accept muslim immigrant but african negros, curries and gooks are impregnating their women and its okay because they are fellow christians or cow worshipers or atheists.
According to the 2021 census here is the breakdown of the population Poland:
Poles: 37,499,700 98.59%
Silesians: 236,588 0.62%
Ukrainians: 64,909 0.17%
Belarusians: 43,693 0.11%
Germans: 42,558 0.11%
Kashubians: 15,177 0.04%
Russians: 10,977 0.03%
Lemkos: 9,226 0.02%
Romani: 9,026 0.02%
Lithuanians: 8,088 0.02%
Jews: 8,064 0.02%
Armenians: 5,586 0.01%
Slovaks: 4,508 0.01%
Vietnamese: 4,198 0.01%
Czechs: 4,035 0.01%

Others: 69,785 0.18%
Unknown 11,128 0.03%

Total: 38,036,100

So according to the above census from 2021 out of the just over 38 million people living in Poland a maximum of 110,000 people were either non-Europeans or of unknown origin (I added the Jews, Armenians, Vietnamese, Others and Unknown together, even though most of the "others" and "unknown" people would likely still be European). Literally less than 0.3% of the population is non-Europeans so I am really not understanding where your panic mongering about "african negros, curries and gooks" is coming from. What you are saying simply has no factual basis in reality.
In a bizarre boat accident off Italy, british billionaire Mike Lynch died along with several key members of his retinue.

His business partner died days earlier in an unrelated accident.

They had just beaten a multi-billion dollar lawsuit from Hewlett-Packard.

Very, very strange.


The German right-wing party just lost a crucial seat in the Saxony election after a reevaluation of the official results because of a "computer glitch".

Not getting this seat means that the right-wing party won't have the ability to block the 2/3 majority needed for important decisions.

With this seat they would have had considerable power in Saxony.The electoral commission in Saxony said that a software error caused an incorrect calculation of seats in the state parliament.
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