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Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

I don't mean to goof on the women in this forum, but this exchange from the Ladies' Humor thread had me laughing for 10 minutes straight

Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-14 um 12.03.14.png
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I heard this video around like 10 times thanks to a guy who would spam it in game voice chat. Was mentioned at my church today and it was kind of hard to hold the laughter.
My favorite part is when he yells "THRO A PEPPA MIN AT IS HEAD"

The women asking him to stop are seething over being on the naughty list.

Learned recently the guy in the original video is a schizophrenic who was getting out of a flight in Jamaica he visited for a black woman. He has a goytube but I forgot the handle. Odd guy.