Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

This was cracking me up yesterday. I just remembered to share it here.

He is 38, and she is 47!! He is ultra rich. Surely he could get a wife in her child bearing years. She is said to be scissor partners with Hillary as well.

This is an arranged marriage for political purposes, but it's hard to see how marrying a barren lesbian divorcee serves any of the purposes you'd expect from an arranged marriage. Usually the goal is a child that is related to both factions in the arrangement.

Tesla factory missing 65,000 coffee mugs

When Tesla plant manager Andre Thierig took the podium toward the end of a rowdy staff meeting, Germany's Handelsblatt newspaper reported, he did not mention the bitter conflict between the workers' council and the IG Metall union that had dominated discussion until then.

"I'm just going to give you a figure," Thierig said at the Tesla factory, which employs some 12,000 people in a sprawling complex southeast of Berlin. "We've bought 65,000 coffee mugs since we started production here. 65.000! Statistically speaking, each of you already has five Ikea coffee cups at home.

"I'm really tired of approving orders to buy more coffee cups," he said to laughter and applause, promising there would be no cutlery in break rooms if the thefts didn't stop.

Meanwhile on Ebay: