JCSteel Other Christian Heritage Oct 18, 2023 #23 Chuck Norris can stop a chainsaw with his bare hands.
G God's lonely asperger Protestant Heritage Oct 19, 2023 #25 Australiabros... our response? (profanity warning)
Thomas More Protestant Heirloom Philanthropist Oct 23, 2023 #34 I can solve this. It's pretty advanced for 3rd grade though.
Thomas More Protestant Heirloom Philanthropist Oct 23, 2023 #35 A full circle of radius 2 would have an area of 4pi, so half a circle is 2pi. The rectangle has an area of 10, so the area of the shaded region is 10 - 2pi. However, they don't give that option, so the answer is ___________.
A full circle of radius 2 would have an area of 4pi, so half a circle is 2pi. The rectangle has an area of 10, so the area of the shaded region is 10 - 2pi. However, they don't give that option, so the answer is ___________.
JCSteel Other Christian Heritage Oct 23, 2023 #36 Don't see an Oliver Anthony thread happening on the new forum so here's a tribute.
Let God Arise Orthodox Heritage Oct 24, 2023 #38 GoodShepherd said: We live a more simple life Click to expand... Plus a good dog for protection and friendship.
GoodShepherd said: We live a more simple life Click to expand... Plus a good dog for protection and friendship.
TruckDriver9 Other Christian Heritage Oct 25, 2023 #39 Valentine said: For all your random funny and cool pics and videos. Click to expand...