French Politics Thread

Black street bums permitted to occupy a theatre in Paris

The article makes mention of a novel The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail
I have not read that but am a bit curious, hoards of migrants invade Europe without resistance. Hope it stays fiction but it's unfortunately coming partly true.

Link below for an English translation of the book Les Camps des Saints (translated by a jew no less). It is fiction, but is trajectorially prescient given France was the first nation in Europe to truly compromise it's racial makeup on purpose. Spain and Italy never wanted Moors, Hungary never wanted Mongols, and Greece never wanted Turks. It's interesting but not the most accurate depiction of racial tensions and likely outcomes of what is happening now. Remember it was written in the 70s, and racial tensions were turbulent then as they are now, only there was still a much heavier White system in place to keep it from going out of control. Raspail, Jean -- 2nd American ed, 1975.pdf

Here's a better version that one can ctrl+f parts for: Camp of the Saints.pdf
Black street bums permitted to occupy a theatre in Paris

The article makes mention of a novel The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail
I have not read that but am a bit curious, hoards of migrants invade Europe without resistance. Hope it stays fiction but it's unfortunately coming partly true.
Read the book. It’s like Jean Raspail came from the future, went back in time, and wrote a book about what was going to happen to the west.
Link below for an English translation of the book Les Camps des Saints (translated by a jew no less). It is fiction, but is trajectorially prescient given France was the first nation in Europe to truly compromise it's racial makeup on purpose. Spain and Italy never wanted Moors, Hungary never wanted Mongols, and Greece never wanted Turks. It's interesting but not the most accurate depiction of racial tensions and likely outcomes of what is happening now. Remember it was written in the 70s, and racial tensions were turbulent then as they are now, only there was still a much heavier White system in place to keep it from going out of control. Camp of the Saints - Raspail, Jean -- 2nd American ed, 1975.pdf

Here's a better version that one can ctrl+f parts for: Camp of the Saints.pdf
The academic dishonesty in portraying the Muslim-Moorish invasion and occupation (made possible by some very willing Jewish collaboration) of Iberia as some kind of idyllic society brought to a tragic end by the Reconquista needs to be challenged. It's used to buttress many inclusionist and pro-immigration stances. This is how you get academics trying to push the Ottoman Empire and Mughal Empire as "multicultural" havens, too; also largely unchallenged. Interestingly, many of the former subjects of these empires disagree, but it's brushed aside as "nationalism." Interesting how empires seem to be good if they were ruled by anything other than Christians. What happened to "imperialism bad?"

The conquest of Iberia is taught as an illustrious achievement in the Arab-Muslim world, by the way. Many students must memorize the excerpt of Umayyad commander and invader of Iberia Tariq ibn Ziyad's speech to his troops ("The sea is behind you and the enemy is in front of you"). Just something to keep in mind as your Western university professor bemoans the "tragic" end to the convivencia ("coexistence," give me a break) in Iberia.