Farming Thread

TPTB are going after the potato farms in Idaho, claiming conservation of water is needed due to predicted shortage of water in the future. Idaho isn't suffering a drought and reservoirs are full.

WOW 🚨 American Farmer Blowing The Whistle On US Government

JUNE 2024, Idaho Farmer’s Water Is Being Shut Off. “A water shutoff order on literally a half million acres of farmland. — A lot of these farmers, and this impacts about 6,400 water users.”

“Property like this will become worthless. Without water, the land doesn't have any value here.”

“The state of Idaho has put a water curtailment order which is basically a water shutoff order on literally a half million acres of farmland.
— But a lot of these farmers that are farming this land have already invested thousands of acres, thousands of dollars per acre to grow potatoes. Good morning everyone. My name is Trevor Belknap. I operate a family farm, a fifth generation family farm in the Snake River Valley of eastern Idaho. I just wanted to visit with you for a minute about the impacts of the water curtailment order that's been issued by Director Weaver from the Outer Department of Water Resources.
The situation which we find ourselves is about as bad as it gets. Not only will we be out of business, many other businesses will be highly impacted and you as my friends and neighbors will also be impacted because we're so interconnected.

If the ag economy in eastern Idaho fails, which it surely will if this containment order is in place, it can remain in place, we'll dry up and blow away just like it did back in the dust bowl of the 30s. Banks will fail. Equipment dealers, car dealers, gas stations, grocery stores, all rely on the ag economy that's here in eastern Idaho. The children in our schools, how many of them belong to families who work in some form of ag industry in eastern Idaho?

It's horrible. And we need to fix it. And I would propose to you that it is not a water problem, it's a management problem. Because we have water. Reservoirs are full. The mountains are covered in snow. The river's been flowing well.
So why now? Why after we've planted our crops, we have crops in the ground that are already growing. Now, in the middle of June, they pull a curtailment order to say, you must cease pumping water. The cost is huge. An acre of potatoes costs upward of $4,000 an acre to grow. How will that ever be recovered? They will not grow without water. And what will that do to everyone else that's reliant upon us in this area and the state of Idaho?

What will the counties do for roads and bridges, police departments, ambulances, hospitals that rely on tax the tax base. Property like this will become worthless. Without water, the land doesn't have any value here.”

I know all the reasons, why I should start farming, but I don't know how to force myself to do it.
I like to travel sometimes, ride a motorcycle, fight in the gym, explore things, and just the image of being from some point stuck around the farm only is hard for me. Farmers I know, have definitely a better life than city dwellers chasing rat race but nobody has been anywhere for years, because you can't leave livestock...
Are people born as farmers?
You can farm without animals in your case and then do all your travelling during winter and be back in time before Spring to plant again,also you dont have to live on an actual farm to be a farmer you can live in a suburb and do backyard farming I do that but I also have chickens and ducks but you dont have to have the animals
Biggest bang for your buck is to include the animals but as mentioned you are tied to the land. Iv been trying to find animal sitters but it's hard when you have dairy critters. I eat well but no vacations. The animals can turn abused land back into prairie grasses and loamy soil in a couple of years and plenty of extra to work into the garden.
I was an animal retard when I started but plenty of videos and books on husbandry to get you pointed in the right direction. I don't use vaccines or meds, be prepared to cull the weak ones to propagate the healthy genes. Goats suck but are great dairy producers. Sheep produce great milk too but try wrangle a sheep to see how effective that might be.
See Gabe Brown on YouTube for some excellent lectures on regenerative ag practices. The NoTill guy is pretty good too.
I know all the reasons, why I should start farming, but I don't know how to force myself to do it.
I like to travel sometimes, ride a motorcycle, fight in the gym, explore things, and just the image of being from some point stuck around the farm only is hard for me. Farmers I know, have definitely a better life than city dwellers chasing rat race but nobody has been anywhere for years, because you can't leave livestock...
Are people born as farmers?

If you want to try out raising animals you could start with chickens in a Salatin box.

Around 60 chickens fit in one box, move the box two times a day for 4-6 weeks and feed during each move. This is probably the easiest entry into producing your own meat and you're only committed to it for a month and a half max. The slaughter might be the biggest hassle as you need to do it your self along with the processing. If you know any hunters they will likely have the experience to help you out. But you will need some equipment to pluck the chickens as that is very tedious to do by hand.

It might be worth it to raise pigs or other larger animals to make the slaughter easier but then you're committed or a longer time.
If you want to try out raising animals you could start with chickens in a Salatin box.
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Around 60 chickens fit in one box, move the box two times a day for 4-6 weeks and feed during each move. This is probably the easiest entry into producing your own meat and you're only committed to it for a month and a half max. The slaughter might be the biggest hassle as you need to do it your self along with the processing. If you know any hunters they will likely have the experience to help you out. But you will need some equipment to pluck the chickens as that is very tedious to do by hand.

It might be worth it to raise pigs or other larger animals to make the slaughter easier but then you're committed or a longer time.
Chicken tractors are a great way to keep ticks off your land also.

Slaughtering is kinda a pain in the ass... But I've had all my boys kill ducks or chickens. It's a great learning experience for them all.

A rabbit colony is probably easier than chickens. Plus rabbit scat is not a hot fertilizer.