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Exposing the Lies of History: Setting the Record Straight


Trad Catholic
It was inevitable that this subject be given a proper context here. Let this thread be for posting information that exposes the re-writing of history, the false insertions, the hijacking of sensationalism, and the overarching monumental and outright venomous lies that have been taught to our fathers, us, and will be attempted to be forced onto our children. Everything that has kept families and nations torn and divided, let it be shown and let the truth speak for itself. I don't expect many people to post here, but anyone is welcome to contribute.

Please keep the content of this thread and the focus of your posts on a specific historical lie, and not on the specific nature of other philosophical arbitrative topics like cosmology, nuclear physics, or dinosaurs. I am no moderator, but I ask that while admiration can be expressed to the utmost of any historical figure, there will be no glorification of any man in place of, at the level of, or above God, no race-baiting, and no personal attacks on one another, and no encouraging any kind of violence, real, historical, or fictional. Exposing historical lies about medicine and health are also encouraged.

We all have varying opinions to some degree on what is history and what is historical fact. Disagreements are guaranteed, and for the sake of dialectic debate to progress towards absolute truth and fact, they are necessary. This topic will be sensitive to some, so I will only be posting objective research and evidence, or quoting what others have done in the name of objective research and evidence-finding. As such the main focus of this thread will mostly be centered around people, places, governments, and events that took place within the last several centuries.

I plan, in due time, with this audience and member base, to comb through the British Empire and its conception and infiltration by jews, the entirety of the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, the Mexican-American War, The American Civil War, truths and fictions of slavery, the rise of the Bankers in Europe, the takeover of America by the bankers, World War I, the Russian Civil War, the Weimar Era and Great Depression, The peak of Fascism and National Socialism, World War II, and everything that happened during the "Cold" War. More recent events since the Gulf War speak for themselves and are brought to light every day.

As a Christian I am compelled to seek the truth in all worldly matters just as much as I am in spiritual matters. We cannot cross over one Rubicon in spirit but keep our feet abreast of the second in the worldly plane. Some of us here are very connected to God and theologically-driven, but the mightiest of us with our sureties and confidence can still be humbled with words of truth. It all starts with humbling ourselves, something I know many of us can do easier than our secular contemporaries. I began one day with realizing everything taught to us in our history books was a complete lie.

A very simple start to this: "I was wrong." and "I was lied to." From there, the search began and the rebuilding of our complete knowledge of the Earth and our civilization ensued. You must first arrive at these homely conclusions before continuing down this research, but the more you break through this barrier they have built over our eyes, the more your soul will be invigorated to continue despite any overwhelming situation that approaches.

"Light in the messengers eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones." - Proverbs 25:30

This will be a lengthy first post to this thread.

I will start with the Holocaust™. The truth is that it did not happen. Arguably this topic, as opposed to many other real genocides throughout history that happened to peoples in their homelands (Armenia, Greece, Russia, India, Germany, China, Rwanda, Palestine) is the only one with a constructed mythology that was present far before its alleged occurrence, and much after it. It is one of the most vested and protected assets of international jewry, and one of the most important roadblocks for the future for all of our peoples. To present to our readership and site-lurkers the facts, I will let the experts who have placed their names, livelihoods, freedoms, and some even their lives, on the line in order to question that which cannot be questioned by the powers that be, do the initial presentation. I could post a number of all kinds of written commentary, but I have decided to go with three sources as the crux of this conclusion on this matter.

The first is this man, David Cole. David is jewish. He sought it upon himself to learn the truth about the camps and he created this documentary in September 1992 on his visit to Auschwitz. He was death-threated to no end and vilified by the jewish community for his work. "Detroit Jewish News editor Phil Jacobs listed Cole as a threat to the Jewish people alongside "Hitler, Hussein, and Arafat", and Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told The Jerusalem Report "I can't think of any other Jew who has gone so far in aiding and abetting the enemies of the Jewish people"."


"David Cole in Auschwitz"

A breakdown of important and relevant timestamps are as follows:

0:00 - Introduction to what is the Holocaust™?
3:15 - breakdown of the camp structure, the expansion, and the industrial sector

"The main camp is the center of Auschwitz tourism. It is here where tours are conducted hourly in English, Polish, German, and French. By their own figures, over half a million people visit every year, and the place has become a curious shrine, a mix of crass commercialism and religious reverence, with a hotel, restaurant, gift shop, and booths selling all manner of video equipment, so that no one need worry about missing a shot of the final solution."

6:14 - explanation of the map of Auschwitz

7:10 - "What is shown on the tour and what is not. During the tour you are shown the block of death, the wall of death, naturally right next door to the block of death, and exhibit after exhibit specifically designed to affirm atrocity stories and portray Auschwitz as a death machine. But what don't they show you? To start with, a building that could be conceivably called "The Block of Life" as massive disinfestation complex where zyklon-B gas was used daily to combat lice and the disease they carried. Holocaust™ "experts" don't deny the purpose of this building, they just don't like mention it, after all, why complicate things?"

8:30 - the swimming pool (not on the tour)

10:00 - Cole mentions wearing his yarmulke on purpose to get more answers from the tour guides so that he does not appear as a 'revisionist,' who in the past have not had success from getting answers.

10:45 - the tour guides are taught by their supervisors, under the command of the curator of Auschwitz, to say things they know are not true.

12:20 - to understand the Holocaust™ story one must understand the nature of the things passed off as proofs. (piles of hair, shoes, clothing, etc)

13:30 - Zyklon-B was the premier pesticide in Europe at the time and was present at many camps including those that did not allegedly have homicidal gas chambers

14:36 - Proofs presented that work against the narrative like wartime aerial photographs, various things for children to do (who were allegedly killed immediately)

15:50 - Crematorium / mortuary explained (big shocker the Chimney that's not connected to the building is a "reconstruction" of the "original")

16:35 - Walls of former rooms that were knocked down, patched up holes on the floor where toilets and bathroom facilities used to be, wooden doors with glass panes, and another doorway with no fittings, and a manhole right in the middle of the "gas chamber."

19:45 - breakdown of the alleged "original state" of the gas chamber.

21:26 - supervisor admits that the holes are not original and were built "after the war"

22:20 - Soviet exaggeration of initial figures in fraudulent claims

24:00 - Dr. Franciszek Piper's (the curator) interview where he admits the buildings were renovated, and that the remodeling did not have "all correct details"

28:00 - Dr. Piper: "room was a gas chamber but was turned into an air raid shelter and that the holes in the ceiling were removed, walls were built, and a new door was added" After the war he claims the opposite happened "the ceiling holes were put back in, the walls were knocked back down, but the door they forgot to remove" Cole highlights three points of importance:
1. A clear deception
2. "Gas chamber" is no longer valid as proof in present state
3. Two views of the reconstruction (mainstream view is that Soviets and Poles created an air-raid shelter in a "gas chamber," while revisionist view is that Soviet Poles used an air-raid shelter in what was formerly... an air-raid shelter.)

31:20 - mainstream Polish book and Dr. Piper claims the "gassings" were moved from camp to camp, ie shutdown in one camp and opened in another to keep it secret from inmates, and this has become part of the lore. He breaks down numerous reasons via the aerial photographic maps of how this is absurd, and how it contradicts many "eye witness" claims.

34:23 - No Zyklon-B residue in the alleged gas chambers, citing the Leuchter Report. The question is now "why are there NOT any appreciable traces of Zyklon-B in the "gas chambers?"".

36:20 - Dr. Piper admits to another claim that contradicts the narrative, the eyewitnesses, the lore, and himself. To the question "Why is the residue count high in delousing chambers but low in alleged homicidal chambers?" he says that "Delousing chambers were used constantly day and night and homicidal chambers were used only 20-30 minutes every 24 hours when in operation."

37:40 - Cole does all the calculations disproving the high death rates with this newfound evidence:
Limited use of chambers could conceivably explain lack of residue, but
Limited gassing contradicts eye witnesses and makes the high gassing death rate technically impossible.

40:39 - Can we trust the Soviets to have faithfully reconstructed the "gas chamber"?
The Soviet Precedent is asking "Do the Soviets have a history of fabricating Holocaust™ evidence or using deception to support this concept?"
The Auschwitz death records were kept by the Soviets and not released until 1989.
He cites the following discredited Soviet charges that they tried to pin on the Germans at Nuremberg but the other Allies saw through as being fraudulent:
-Steam chambers used to kill people in Treblinka
-Electro chambers
-Soviet claim that Germans killed the Polish officers at Katyn, which they eventually admitted guilt for
-Shrunken heads, lampshade from jew skins, and human soap made from jew fat
-20,000 jews gathered in a makeshift village and blown up with an atomic bomb

47:47 - Holocaust™ experts are proven hypocrites. The myth is that the existence and use of homicidal gas chambers is well documented. The truth is that it is not well documented.

"When the experts tell you that there is no room for debate about the gas chamber story, they are hiding the fact that they debate each other about it frequently, oftentimes the reason for a reluctance to answer hard questions about the gas chambers comes from the fact that the experts secretly realize the gas chambers are simply not well documented, and that much of the documentation we have, has already been discredited."

50:50 - Cole's exposure of the hypocrisies of Jead-Claude Pressac's book "AUSCHWITZ: Technique and operation of the gas chambers" We cannot trust anything the Soviets put forward as "evidence"

He explored Crematorium 1 with Dr. Piper and did not see any metal gas chamber door matching the description of the one in Pressac's book which the "experts" claimed was still there.

53:00 - Concluding the Soviet Precedent:
-Exaggerated figures
-Reconstructions passed off as genuine
-Important evidence suppressed
-"Evidence" fabricated
-Outright falsehoods

56:00 - Cole exposes Dachau "gas chambers" video as US wartime propaganda.

57:58 - Cole exposes the Eisenhower camps where Germans were exterminated. "Starting in April 1945, the United States Army and the French Army casually annihilated about one million men most of them in American camps. Eisenhower's hatred passed through the lens of a compliant military bureaucracy, produced the horror of death camps unequalled by anything in American military history, an enormous war crime." - Ernest F. Fisher


The second source is the Fred Leuchter report itself, here for all to read. For those who don't know the background, he was commissioned by Ernst Zundel to obtain evidence as a technical witness for his trial in Canada when Zundel was charged with "Holocaust™ denial" for questioning the number of people killed. It is the purest forensic investigation done into the matter and it happened by pure luck, most of the rock and wall samples were almost confiscated in the airport in Poland before they were able to get them back to Canada.

The Leuchter Report - PDF


Here is the official interview and documentary with Fred Leuchter that follows him to the camps as he does his analyses (mind his heavy Boston accent):

"Fred Leuchter exposes the Gas Chamber myth"

Relevant time stamps and commentary included:

0:00 Introduction where he gives a very in-depth breakdown and analysis of gas chambers that existed as far back as the 1920s that were still in use in the 1950s in the United States.

10:20 - explains cyanide poisoning, which would have befallen all the guards at the alleged gassing camps or the gimps we're told were sent in to move the bodies with a clamp after the alleged "mass gassings" took place

12:20 - a breakdown of how Zyklon-B operates as a chemical agent and what is required for it to disperse effectively

15:10 - Leuchter's conclusion from the findings "none of these chambers could have supported an execution of human beings. In fact they were not used for that purpose."

16:40 - Leuchter takes initial samples from inside the alleged gas chamber.

18:00 - Leuchter explains the ridiculousness of having the storm drain and the gas in the room at the same time

19:50 - Madjanek, Poland - in the "experimental gas chamber" there are bluish stains appearing to match the delousing chamber from Birkenau was placed there by hand.
At Auschwitz 1: "It is in my best engineering opinion that the facility was not ever used as a gas chamber for the extermination of people or vermin"
At Auschwitz 2: "It is my opinion also that the areas at Auschwitz 2 were not used for purposes of exterminating people but were simply used for delousing."
At Madjanek: "There is one rebuilt gas chamber which does not appear to be capable of having been used for even the extermination of vermin."
The Experimental "Gas Chamber": "The uniqueness of this facility sets it apart from all the others. The doors are gasketed, and there were apparently heated air returns which pumped the air from the chamber through a heater and back into the room. This would seem to indicate the Germans were trying to develop a more rapid procedure for delousing clothing, blankets, etc. Up until this time, delousing normally took place over a 2-3 day period, where they would spend one day with the gas in the room, and another day airing the room out."


"What it appears was being developed here was not an extermination capability for people, because the gas chambers were much too small. This facility is a larger version of the Deghesh delousing chamber which is made of metal, that had a air pumping system which pumped hot air from the chamber through the heater back into the chamber to accelerate the hydrogen cyanide gasses evaporation from the pellets into the air and the circulation throughout the room. This was simply a new development in testing standard conventional delousing procedures to speed them up and make them safer."


The third and final source for this initial expose on this topic is one Dr. Frederick Toben, a German-born Australian citizen who was the director of the Adelaide Institute, before being jailed in 2009. For those who aren't aware, there was a huge social movement in Australia in the 1990s that pushed for the truth about World War II, the NSDAP, and the Holocaust™. Here is Toben's banned documentary, "Judea Declared War on Germany (2004)"

Relevant time stamps below:

0:50 - Train station at Auschwitz, list of interviews for relevant information by Dr. Toben "listen to the evidence, and judge for yourself"

2:40 - Air-Raid shelter structural explanation, not "gas chamber"

3:30 - "This video offers a critical look at that part of World War Two history called the Holocaust™."

5:04 - "The historical facts show that international zionism wanted to destroy Germany and Hitler, and not the other way around." Speech by Benjamin H. Freedman
(background on WW1 and Versailles, zionist gambit for Palestine)

8:00 - Plan for Madagascar migration and deportation, which resulted in Samuel Untermayer declaring worldwide war and boycott on Germany

9:45 - Plans for world domination existed and were written by internationalists "Protocols of Zion"11

11:20 - What is a concentration camp? First ones built by British in South Africa in 1900 where 50,000+ died of malnutrition and disease.
-1918 - Poland built first two European concentration camps in former German territory of Posen, immediately imprisoned 16,000 Germans. In the next 8 years, the Poles built six more, imprisoning more than 50,000 Germans, and thousands of Ukrainians.

12:48 - The Bromberg Massacres which caused Germany to send in troops to protects its citizens

13:20 - Why were jews put in concentration camps? A basic explanation of the yellow star.

14:45 - The infamous "6 million" figure appearing many times before WW2

17:00 - No official plot, scheme, agenda, orders, documents, or plans for extermination (The Wannsee protocols debunked as post-war fraud document made by a crook with very poor German grammar)

19:20 - A closer look at the concentration camps:
"You must look very closely to even see a guard. The schedule for the working day looked like this: 5am wake up, make beds, dispense coffee. 6am roll-call, work groups assembled, leave for work. 12pm lunch break. 1230pm return to work. 6pm end of work, return to camp, roll-call, food rations issued. 9pm lights out. Their clothing was sufficient to protect them from the harsh European winter. They had long coats, boots, ear muffs, and head wear. Prisoners were worked, and for any acts of sabotage automatically received the death penalty, but they were not subjected to the constant shelling, rifle fire, mines, grenades, bombing, or partisan attacks the German soldiers were suffering at the front day and night. According to the Auschwitz information brochure, prisoners received from 1300 up to 1700 calories per day, while most of the German population was only getting 900 calories per day. For breakfast each prisoner received half a liter of coffee and for dinner a liter of vegetable soup. Supper consisted of 300-350 grams of bread, 30grams of margarine, 20grams of sausage, and herbal tea or coffee."

21:48 - Dachau fake gas chambers versus delousing chambers
"Auschwitz-Birkenau was built on marsh ground. Large drainage ditches had to be dug around the camp. With the ground water level only around 30cm below the surface, underground burials were impossible, because of the danger of poisoning the drinking water. But the wet ground was the perfect breeding environment for insects and vermin. Fleas and lice spread sickness like wildfire throughout the camp. 74,000 died from Typhus. "

25:00 - Zyklon-B's usage in the US and Europe, more dangerous in terms of a fire hazard. A detailed description of the fumigation and aeration process. (Impossible to get thousands of bodies out of a room if they were covered in this stuff)

28:55 - an alleged Sonderkommando testimony on "gas chamber" operation and cremation details, claims that bodies were burnt to ash in pits.


31:40 - detailed descriptions of cremations from crematory experts. Every body takes 2-3 hours to burn, and must be crushed in an additional machine to a fine gritty mixture. The smoke is not from the corpses but from the fuel that is use to run the ovens. "It is practically impossible to burn large numbers of bodies into ash in pits, just pouring fuel over a pile of bodies wouldn't work. No air gets down to the fire, and the fire goes out. Even in house fires and airplane crashes, people don't burn to ash, they're only heavily charred. Even funeral pyres are never burned to ash, a crusher is still needed."

35:25 - Auschwitz' marshland habitat was the reason why five crematoriums were built powered by coal, which was bought in by the Auschwitz 3 complex, and is not a good fuel because its volatile oil has been removed, and if it gets damp or wet, it will not burn. Once a furnace is fired up, it takes an average of 40kg of coal and an hour and a half to cremate a body. Coal leaves 10% of its weight in ash, so for every body burnt there would be 4kg left over of coal ash. An emaciated human body leaves around 1kg of ash, including the crushed bones. The coal deliveries made to Auschwitz were archived, and with a little arithmetic, the estimate of the number of bodies that could have been burned with that amount of coal can be easily determined.
"In 1943 641.5 tons of coke delivered to Birkenau, enough to cremate only 16 bodies per day, and 31.1 tons of coke deliverd to the main camp, enough to cremate only 2 bodies per day"

"Without any bone-crushing machines, how did they crush the bodies to ash?"

39:00 - interesting experiment attempting to burn telephone books in dry ground as a parallel of the fraudulent claim of the eyewitness accounts. (fire went out after 10 minutes)
"Burning thousands of bodies in pits is practically impossible"

43:55 - Explanations for the pictures of thousands of piles of emaciated corpses.

"Teams of Pathologists followed the invasion forces into Europe and did Autopsies on thousands of these dead bodies. Dr. Larson, pathologist with the Judge Advocate Generals Office led these teams and reported: "Not one case of death by Poison Gas was found!"

45:45 - Auschwitz gas chamber construction breakdown and impossibility explained:

"Homicidal gas chambers are very difficult to design properly, and the larger they are built the more carefully designed they must be. A well designed gas chamber must have sealed tubing for getting the poison gas into the chamber, all necessary doors must be well-sealed and lockable, and after the gassing, the hundreds of cubic meters of poisonous gas must be extracted from the chamber in a way that will not kill everyone in the vicinity. Of the five alleged homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz, not one of them fulfilled any of these criteria."

He goes on to eviscerate the myth with describing each of these five buildings.

50:50 - "the only evidence we could find on the inside of the chamber, was evidence of incompetence."


52:05 - "Across the roof, Dr. Toben points out how ludicrous it is to imagine an SS man standing up on this roof in a strong wind, trying to hold the poison-soaked roof cover in one hand, and with the other hand, trying to pour highly poisonous crystals down into these holes without getting powder all over himself, and have it blown all over the rest of the camp itself."

53:20 - What the tourists miss on their tour of Auschwitz, everything but Soviet propaganda films and hollywood horror stories.
-They do not point out the post office, the camp library and the brothel for the prisoners, the theaters, the classrooms for children, the camp hospital with an "intensive care" station sign.

55:50 - Piles of clothing and shoes in the museum are exhibits sitting on a false floor, which gives a false impression of how many articles exist:

58:02 - "Fact vs Fantasy" photos of healthy well-fed prisoners taken by the Russians after they had captured the camp and other photos of prisoners going about their day in very placid settings versus artists renditions of fantasies of destitution, despair, and beatings.


1:01:00 - Official document of the Allied military police office in Vienna states there was never any facility at these camps which had housed poison gas:


"In all cases where gassings were alleged, it could be proven that torture had been used to extract confessions and witnesses have lied. Any former inmate who, during their debriefing continues to allege that poison gas was used to murder people (in particular jews), are to be reported to this office and if they insist on lying further, they are to be charged with perjury." - signed Major Miller Commanding Officer Allied Military Police Vienna

1:02:30 - the International Red Cross had observers stationed in concentration camps. "At the insistence of Adolf Hitler and the German High Command, they sent group delegations in to inspect the conditions in the camps. They saw well run hospitals, the food was good, post offices, banks, and schools, but no gas chambers in any camp during or after the war."

Dr. Toben's Conclusions:

The final solution was a mutual contract signed with zionist groups to deport jews to Madagascar. Another agreement known as the Haavara agreement was knowingly sabotaged by the international zionists who wanted lots of jewish war victims so as to complete their gain of Palestine.

None of the concentration camps had gas chambers, those alleged gas chambers shown to tourists in Auschwitz were mortuaries, and technically useless for anything else. As well there was never enough coke or fuel in Auschwitz to cremate more than 16 bodies per crematorium retort per day.

Although many prisoners unfortunately died as a result of disease, the German military machine did what it could to keep prisoners healthy by providing fumigation units and hospitals, and in many cases, more food than the German population was getting, until the last few months of the war, when owing to the extreme Allied bombing campaigns, supply had collapsed. Seen statistically, more prisoners survived the war in concentration camps than Germans survived the fire-bombing holocaust of German cities such as Dresden, Hamburg, and Pforzheim.

So what happened to the alleged 6 million dead? Many hundred of thousand of jews emigrated from Europe before the war. Approximately a quarter of a million died from old age, malnourishment, and disease in the camps and ghettoes. A jewish military brigade group was formed during the war, and at least a million jews fought in uniform, and many fell in action. Other jews, pretending to be civilians, but murdering from ambushes, died as partisans. Thousands of jewish communities in Poland, Russia, Hungary, Romania, and Czechoslovakia, were destroyed by their own anti-jewish groups, and not by Germans. On the 17th of November 1941, Stalin sent out Order 0428, ordering special murder squads to dress in German uniforms and slaughter civilians behind German lines, always leaving a few survivors that could blame the murders on the Germans. Many jews continued to live unmolested in Germany, and occupied territory, and many of them were killed as a result of the allied bombing raids. One day before Germany surrendered, British bombers attacked and sank two ships killing 8000 jewish patients from Neuengamme and Bergen-Belsen camps, as well as many German medical staff. As the jewish populations in Europe dropped dramatically, they rose dramatically in other countries around the world, including Palestine (before Israel), the USA, South Africa, South America, Australia. Many more jews had decided they "had enough of being jewish," and they had changed their names.



That is all for now. For those who want to learn, and for those who appreciate this, I appreciate you taking the time to read it even more so. For those who disagree, I welcome any evidence to the contrary of what I have posted.

"Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but they that deal truly are His delight." - Proverbs 12:22
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Good topic @MusicForThePiano

I will start with the Holocaust™. The truth is that it did not happen. Arguably this topic, as opposed to many other real genocides throughout history that happened to peoples in their homelands (Armenia, Greece, Russia, India, Germany, China, Rwanda, Palestine)

I think you are wrong here, I'm convinced all these "genocides" are propaganda tools, it's all mythology. The lie is way bigger than you think.
(It's not that I say none died or were killed) Genocide implies absolute evil vs millions of innocent victims being slaughtered and raped. That's the product of BDSM fantasy, not reality.

I think we as God's children are not able to commit these kind of atrocities.

They always want to make us believe 'we are beasts" and that only by having strong rulers we refrain from killing and raping eachother.

This is a grand lie.

I hope you'll zoom out and see the "Dresden mass killing & rape" is just as fake as the Holocaust™ or the "nukes" on Hiroshima.

Man is not that bad.

Just extremely gullible, like that Adam that took the Devils fruit while staring at the tits of Eve.

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I think we as God's children are not able to commit these kind of atrocities.

They always want to make us believe 'we are beasts" and that only by having strong rulers we refrain from killing and raping eachother.

This is a grand lie.

I hope you'll zoom out and see the "Dresden mass killing & rape" is just as fake as the Holocaust™ or the "nukes" on Hiroshima.
Thanks for your input. If you could show evidence for the specific ones, then it will show that they too are faked just like the hoaxacaust, which has clear forensic evidence proving it is false.

I don't know how much violence you have seen in-person, but the things man can do to each other, and it's on video if you need to see this for yourself, are beyond forgiveness in my opinion, but thankfully I am not the judge of their fates. The actions of some men are below that of many beasts, because they are men and they should not act like that.

Many things are grand lies, but understanding violence and how it is used is not. The nature of the victors of human wars have learned that weaving grand lies is helpful to their narrative. They are the ones who dictate terms to the defeated, and in the last century they did so on a humongous and ruinous scale. The fact that the truth of one gets suppressed while the lies of another get promoted is a very tricky topic to navigate for basic truth seekers. To simply call them all fake is taking the easy road out of doing the research. I do agree that there was a degree of sensationalism in many of the other ones. I've had to correct people who say that the idea for the mythical jewish holocaust™ was inspired by the Armenian genocide, which makes me think the Armenian who told me that, claiming that their grandparents "survived that genocide" didn't do their historical research well enough. I never called it fake, but I always get suspicious of hyper-sensationalism when it comes to these "genocides."

The rapes were not as prevalent in Dresden, they were mostly in industrial cities which were captured by the Soviets, and in Berlin, Prague, and every other major city that fell under the Red Army. You have to remember it wasn't the real European Slavic Russians who were doing most of that, it was the hordes of mongols, tatars, kalmyks, and other Asiatics that were pushed westward by Stalin's directives. The Red Army came in waves, the first wave were their most elite soldiers, usually comprised of ethnic Russians, Germans, Poles, and other Slavs, and then the mass bulk of it came the following day, and these hordes were known for pillaging and taking everything from every village from every chicken, pig, cow, to every woman. You need to read Hellstorm and look at the citations in the references in the back to see this. There is a particularly gruesome chapter in there that gets touted as propaganda and false by the kosher narrative called "The Devil's Laughter," I'm telling you it is anything but that.

Man is not that bad.

Just extremely gullible, like that Adam that took the Devils fruit while staring at the **** of Eve.
I see the point you are trying to make, but man can be extremely rotten and vile, the result of too much sin and demonic influence, and the result of a corrupted bloodline. Adam was merely gullible yes, but we are all very far removed from him.

Fixing a lie with another lie is not the way to truth. So by admonition that because the holocaust™ is fake that all the other events must be as well is not following proper logic, it relies on the relevant evidence and forensics, with military documents, migration routes, and demographic statistics to show what was and what wasn't.

Here is a picture of Dresden, a rare colored one from the 1940s. The older buildings were constructed from a sandstone mix because of its prevalence on the Elbe river, these are the ones which retained the scorched surfaces. While one could make the argument that the rest of the city was not engulfed in inferno's or flaming tornado funnels cause by the incessant bombing, it is hard to look at this once magnificent jewel of a city and say it was not attacked and destroyed completely.


Another photograph here shows the bodies of the dead that they were able to find, and there are plenty more pictures that show the empty loading carts being stocked full of them. I do not think they would have the capability to produce thousands of mannequins with lifelike qualities back in the 1940s during the middle of the biggest war the world had seen with modern machinery:


The numbers of dead on these events always remain debatable, but one thing isn't, and that's that most of the killing was done not on behalf of the Germans, but on behalf of the "others," the "good guys". Leon Degrelle was not a liar and he talked about this extensively, it was suppressed heavily by the Allied powers just like Eisenhower's Rhine-Meadows death camps were. Calling it all fake is akin to admitting we live in a matrix where nothing really matters then in the end.

There's a guy on bitchute who makes videos saying all of these wars are fake and controlled demolitions and none of these cities were destroyed and nobody died, and his reasoning is similar to yours, that we are all witnessing lies everywhere. These people pull their trump card of everyone having "mass amnesia" or the "mandela effect" or some other confusing pseudo-philosophy of arriving at truth. It is similar to the Tartarian theories, but even those, as out there as they are, acknowledge the truth about the wars.

If this was another example of atrocity propaganda, I assume they would want to push it down people's throats and force them to feel guilty for it, but the German people have no autonomy to ask for an answer on why they were bombed so horribly. Bomber Harris, RAF Marshall, was a shabbos madman, and he was the one who first devised the air doctrine for specifically targeting a civilian population in order to win a war against a nation.

Here is a suppressed documentary that Germans are not allowed to watch on the subject of Dresden's history and the eyewitness accounts:

"Firestorm Over Dresden"

I am curious on what you believe the reason would be for everything being fake if some events are promoted while others are buried. A lie is not corrected by fabricating another lie.
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I figure this article will fit nicely in this thread.

Here's another article from that time confirming one of the key points

Thanks for your input. If you could show evidence for the specific ones, then it will show that they too are faked just like the hoaxacaust, which has clear forensic evidence proving it is false.

I don't know how much violence you have seen in-person, but the things man can do to each other, and it's on video if you need to see this for yourself, are beyond forgiveness in my opinion, but thankfully I am not the judge of their fates. The actions of some men are below that of many beasts, because they are men and they should not act like that.

Many things are grand lies, but understanding violence and how it is used is not. The nature of the victors of human wars have learned that weaving grand lies is helpful to their narrative. They are the ones who dictate terms to the defeated, and in the last century they did so on a humongous and ruinous scale. The fact that the truth of one gets suppressed while the lies of another get promoted is a very tricky topic to navigate for basic truth seekers. To simply call them all fake is taking the easy road out of doing the research. I do agree that there was a degree of sensationalism in many of the other ones. I've had to correct people who say that the idea for the mythical jewish holocaust™ was inspired by the Armenian genocide, which makes me think the Armenian who told me that, claiming that their grandparents "survived that genocide" didn't do their historical research well enough. I never called it fake, but I always get suspicious of hyper-sensationalism when it comes to these "genocides."

The rapes were not as prevalent in Dresden, they were mostly in industrial cities which were captured by the Soviets, and in Berlin, Prague, and every other major city that fell under the Red Army. You have to remember it wasn't the real European Slavic Russians who were doing most of that, it was the hordes of mongols, tatars, kalmyks, and other Asiatics that were pushed westward by Stalin's directives. The Red Army came in waves, the first wave were their most elite soldiers, usually comprised of ethnic Russians, Germans, Poles, and other Slavs, and then the mass bulk of it came the following day, and these hordes were known for pillaging and taking everything from every village from every chicken, pig, cow, to every woman. You need to read Hellstorm and look at the citations in the references in the back to see this. There is a particularly gruesome chapter in there that gets touted as propaganda and false by the kosher narrative called "The Devil's Laughter," I'm telling you it is anything but that.

I see the point you are trying to make, but man can be extremely rotten and vile, the result of too much sin and demonic influence, and the result of a corrupted bloodline. Adam was merely gullible yes, but we are all very far removed from him.

Fixing a lie with another lie is not the way to truth. So by admonition that because the holocaust™ is fake that all the other events must be as well is not following proper logic, it relies on the relevant evidence and forensics, with military documents, migration routes, and demographic statistics to show what was and what wasn't.

Here is a picture of Dresden, a rare colored one from the 1940s. The older buildings were constructed from a sandstone mix because of its prevalence on the Elbe river, these are the ones which retained the scorched surfaces. While one could make the argument that the rest of the city was not engulfed in inferno's or flaming tornado funnels cause by the incessant bombing, it is hard to look at this once magnificent jewel of a city and say it was not attacked and destroyed completely.


Another photograph here shows the bodies of the dead that they were able to find, and there are plenty more pictures that show the empty loading carts being stocked full of them. I do not think they would have the capability to produce thousands of mannequins with lifelike qualities back in the 1940s during the middle of the biggest war the world had seen with modern machinery:


The numbers of dead on these events always remain debatable, but one thing isn't, and that's that most of the killing was done not on behalf of the Germans, but on behalf of the "others," the "good guys". Leon Degrelle was not a liar and he talked about this extensively, it was suppressed heavily by the Allied powers just like Eisenhower's Rhine-Meadows death camps were. Calling it all fake is akin to admitting we live in a matrix where nothing really matters then in the end.

There's a guy on bitchute who makes videos saying all of these wars are fake and controlled demolitions and none of these cities were destroyed and nobody died, and his reasoning is similar to yours, that we are all witnessing lies everywhere. These people pull their trump card of everyone having "mass amnesia" or the "mandela effect" or some other confusing pseudo-philosophy of arriving at truth. It is similar to the Tartarian theories, but even those, as out there as they are, acknowledge the truth about the wars.

If this was another example of atrocity propaganda, I assume they would want to push it down people's throats and force them to feel guilty for it, but the German people have no autonomy to ask for an answer on why they were bombed so horribly. Bomber Harris, RAF Marshall, was a shabbos madman, and he was the one who first devised the air doctrine for specifically targeting a civilian population in order to win a war against a nation.

Here is a suppressed documentary that Germans are not allowed to watch on the subject of Dresden's history and the eyewitness accounts:

"Firestorm Over Dresden"

I am curious on what you believe the reason would be for everything being fake if some events are promoted while others are buried. A lie is not corrected by fabricating another lie.

Let's take dresden.

There's a guy on bitchute who makes videos saying all of these wars are fake and controlled demolitions and none of these cities were destroyed and nobody died, and his reasoning is similar to yours, that we are all witnessing lies everywhere.

What we have here is a poisoning of the well. The standard dialectical puke; "all is lies" vs "all is true"

I read hell storm / saw the "documentary" and find it not convincing as I find the Holocaust narrative not convincing.

I don't say Dresden is not bombed. We can all see that.

The photo you share, implies these are bodies. But look well, what do we really see?

I tried to find the highest resolution online.


What do we really see? We see a statue (the standard propaganda location) and a pile of rags? It's implied to be bodies, but I can not distinct any body part, please point out what is the body? The resolutions are too low. Could be rags. Stuff? And why pile them up on the center square next to the statue?

It seems in front we see 4 bodies, spread out, but what does that say; million died in hellfire? Or 100.000?

And I really don't buy and like your racial look on the world. That the Tatars or the Mongol are born to do the devils work? This is complete nonsense to me, with no theological or worldly base.

I am curious on what you believe the reason would be for everything being fake if some events are promoted while others are buried. A lie is not corrected by fabricating another lie.

Don't put that nonsense in my shoes.

I say all those grand "genocide" narratives are all of the same hyperbolic, hyper sensational low quality. Maybe 5% truth / 95% fabrication.

I don't deny people were forced to move to work camps, or that Hiroshima, Dresden and Rotterdam were bombed.
People most likely died in these bombings.

I don't think the goal of bombings was to kill civilians but to disrupt the functioning of the other countries and to squash hope.
We see city centers (with governing structures there) & industrial areas bombed for this reason.

I think you should give the German narratives (they did propaganda, and they did it well) the same criticism as the Jewish narrative.

I feel we are pushed in the division.

One said says "jews are bad, germans good, jews lie" vs "germans bad, jews good, german lie"

This is nonsense in my opinion, both positions, i don't believe the Germans were Gods army on earth.

I see it just as a sad case, how time and time again man puts faith in it's worldly leaders and is willing to fight / die for their local elites. Wether German / American or any other nation / group. Always manufactured division.

I don't think the real war is fought with weapons and bodies but in the mind.

World vs God
I read a lot of history books. Actually, I gave up reading novels entirely because most of them only aim to stir emotions without providing any useful value whatsoever.
But the problem with history books is that they are written by humans.
And especially, books about conflicts are like asking married couples shortly before divorce: What is happening here, folks?
Be sure you will get an entirely different opinion about the same event from wives than from husbands.
Both of them would have their own version of what happened, who is to blame, who is telling the truth, and who is lying.

Even in such a simple affair, you will never find the whole truth, mostly just glimpses of what could happen.

And now add to this confusion dozens of years, multiple sides, hundreds of thousands of people, most of them long dead, and the interest of all sides in using it for propaganda purposes even today.
And you will start asking, as Pontius Pilate, what is the truth?

Our personal truth is what we choose to believe. But I'm not making conclusions about events where it is hard to find enough evidence that will cause me to believe. And that is almost all occurrences related to people.

I believe only in God thoroughly because of my past and present experiences with Him, which always exceeded my expectations, and without His intervention, I wouldn't be alive today.
I am not enough of a history buff to be likely to contribute anything massive here, but have a few comments on what has been said so far :
the Holocaust™
Someone told me once that gypsies on some occasions intentionally maim their children so that they can more effectively obtain sympathy in a life of begging. That is also the problem with the Holocaust™, namely that a historical event has been turned into a business and been used in a perverted way to obtain sympathy. We see recently, it does not like any rivals, no talk of Russians killed by Nazi Germany, nor is the holodomor allowed to be mentioned in the same breath.

Also like that day I had two beggars come after me one after the other on the street and the one ruined the other one's 'game', then they got very angry with each other for harming each other's sympathy business.
Here is a picture of Dresden, a rare colored one from the 1940s.
A few weeks ago I was staying somewhere where they had a large format colour history book of World War II. So I was flipping through it, reading, looking at the pictures. There were a number of very horrifying images of the dead - one sticks in the mind from a V2 rocket attack on London. Did the Germans do a ground assault or paratroopers on England as well? Just if anyone knows their history.. Point is, the firebombing of Dresden is also maybe wheeled out a bit more than necessary, just that you can find all kinds of horrific images of the dead piled up or strewn across the landscape in World War II without mentioning either Dresden or the Holocaust.

After doing some searching, I suspect that some of these photos from World War II are not easily to be found online, they are in older books you might find in a second hand bookstore.

An article about the numbers of dead -

World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history. An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, or about 3% of the 2.3 billion (est.) people that comprised the global population in 1940. Deaths directly caused by the war (including military and civilian fatalities) are estimated at 50–56 million, with an additional estimated 19–28 million deaths from war-related disease and famine. Civilian deaths totaled 50–55 million. Military deaths from all causes totaled 21–25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war.
Does put the "six million" in perspective, even if it were not exaggerated, and make any complaining about it at this point in time seem most absurd and entitled.
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If that really is a pile of over 300 dead bodies, the stench/smell would be so atrocious no one would be able to even stand near it, and walking on top of the bodies would be impossible without constant vomiting.
Are really trying to say that after every battle in human history no one ever collected the dead?
It's not a lie but more an omission - one hears the phrase Bolshevik Revolution but to be honest I don't know exactly what a 'bolshevik' is or was, was not taught it at school at all. Did anyone else hear about that at school? Yes, I chose the minimum history back at that age but it sounds like it was important but it is not emphasised. I suspect it may have impacted a bit outside Russia. If anyone knows their stuff on this topic please inform us. When, what, who...

Why They Don’t Want You To Know What Types of Books the Nazis Burned​

As a follow-on to my previous post...the story continues...

She Just Said What You're Not Supposed to Say About the Nazis. How Long Will Ben Put Up With it?​

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How about how old the Earth is? Scientists claim for billions of years there was no earth in the universe, than the earth was an empty rock. Eventually primordial soup somehow appeared and then evolved into all the plants and animals we have today.

When the truth is God created the Earth in seven days and the Earth is only a little over 6,000 years old. It may appear older, but Adam and Eve were full grown at the beginning of their lives, not embryos nor infants, despite being less than a year old.
This Stone Choir podcast "the big lie" is essential listening if you are interested in this topic.
Two hours worth and very calmly and eloquently presented.
They provide a lot of historical information about WWI and the late 1900s and the Versaille Treaty as well as things I knew nothing about such as the US entry into in WWI in 1917 I think it was.
Then they do get onto the various WWII topics which we hear about ad nauseum. I don't think I can bear to hear it anymore, just the repetition factor. Nevertheless important historical information about WWII in there as well.
There has been a fair bit of discussion in this thread about to what extent the Nazis were influenced by Christianity. I honestly could not get into the debate about swastikas and crucifixes whatever the truth of it is. But worth pointing out this painting which Hitler did in 1913 :

He was quite skilled with the paints, not just public speaking :
From the discussion in this thread however I get the impression he was deficient in military strategy.
There has been a fair bit of discussion in this thread about to what extent the Nazis were influenced by Christianity. I honestly could not get into the debate about swastikas and crucifixes whatever the truth of it is. But worth pointing out this painting which Hitler did in 1913 :

He was quite skilled with the paints, not just public speaking :
From the discussion in this thread however I get the impression he was deficient in military strategy.
The Wikipedia article says an art critic stated he had no interest in people and that's why he couldn't paint them well. Honestly, painting or sculpting the human form (or animals) is notoriously difficult. I don't think he was a bad artist...just not excellent. His style and quality could have been sufficient for magazine covers or book illustrations. Not bad by any means...just not exceptionally gifted. He did have an eye for landscapes and flowers, clearly.
There has been a fair bit of discussion in this thread about to what extent the Nazis were influenced by Christianity. I honestly could not get into the debate about swastikas and crucifixes whatever the truth of it is. But worth pointing out this painting which Hitler did in 1913 :

He was quite skilled with the paints, not just public speaking :
From the discussion in this thread however I get the impression he was deficient in military strategy.
The liberals try to paint the Nazis as Lutherans who did what they did because they read On the Jews and Their Lies. They also blame the Catholic Church for doing nothing to stop the Nazis, even calling the Pope who lived at the time "Hitler's Pope." Whatever one believes about the intricacies of WW2, the consistent manipulation of that data into an anti-Christian narrative is undeniable.

Even when reading the madness of Elie Wiesel, it becomes very clear that the narrative is presented in a way so as to cause you to doubt in the existence of God.
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It was inevitable that this subject be given a proper context here. Let this thread be for posting information that exposes the re-writing of history, the false insertions, the hijacking of sensationalism, and the overarching monumental and outright venomous lies that have been taught to our fathers, us, and will be attempted to be forced onto our children. Everything that has kept families and nations torn and divided, let it be shown and let the truth speak for itself. I don't expect many people to post here, but anyone is welcome to contribute.

Please keep the content of this thread and the focus of your posts on a specific historical lie, and not on the specific nature of other philosophical arbitrative topics like cosmology, nuclear physics, or dinosaurs. I am no moderator, but I ask that while admiration can be expressed to the utmost of any historical figure, there will be no glorification of any man in place of, at the level of, or above God, no race-baiting, and no personal attacks on one another, and no encouraging any kind of violence, real, historical, or fictional. Exposing historical lies about medicine and health are also encouraged.

We all have varying opinions to some degree on what is history and what is historical fact. Disagreements are guaranteed, and for the sake of dialectic debate to progress towards absolute truth and fact, they are necessary. This topic will be sensitive to some, so I will only be posting objective research and evidence, or quoting what others have done in the name of objective research and evidence-finding. As such the main focus of this thread will mostly be centered around people, places, governments, and events that took place within the last several centuries.

I plan, in due time, with this audience and member base, to comb through the British Empire and its conception and infiltration by jews, the entirety of the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, the Mexican-American War, The American Civil War, truths and fictions of slavery, the rise of the Bankers in Europe, the takeover of America by the bankers, World War I, the Russian Civil War, the Weimar Era and Great Depression, The peak of Fascism and National Socialism, World War II, and everything that happened during the "Cold" War. More recent events since the Gulf War speak for themselves and are brought to light every day.

As a Christian I am compelled to seek the truth in all worldly matters just as much as I am in spiritual matters. We cannot cross over one Rubicon in spirit but keep our feet abreast of the second in the worldly plane. Some of us here are very connected to God and theologically-driven, but the mightiest of us with our sureties and confidence can still be humbled with words of truth. It all starts with humbling ourselves, something I know many of us can do easier than our secular contemporaries. I began one day with realizing everything taught to us in our history books was a complete lie.

A very simple start to this: "I was wrong." and "I was lied to." From there, the search began and the rebuilding of our complete knowledge of the Earth and our civilization ensued. You must first arrive at these homely conclusions before continuing down this research, but the more you break through this barrier they have built over our eyes, the more your soul will be invigorated to continue despite any overwhelming situation that approaches.

"Light in the messengers eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones." - Proverbs 25:30

This will be a lengthy first post to this thread.

I will start with the Holocaust™. The truth is that it did not happen. Arguably this topic, as opposed to many other real genocides throughout history that happened to peoples in their homelands (Armenia, Greece, Russia, India, Germany, China, Rwanda, Palestine) is the only one with a constructed mythology that was present far before its alleged occurrence, and much after it. It is one of the most vested and protected assets of international jewry, and one of the most important roadblocks for the future for all of our peoples. To present to our readership and site-lurkers the facts, I will let the experts who have placed their names, livelihoods, freedoms, and some even their lives, on the line in order to question that which cannot be questioned by the powers that be, do the initial presentation. I could post a number of all kinds of written commentary, but I have decided to go with three sources as the crux of this conclusion on this matter.

The first is this man, David Cole. David is jewish. He sought it upon himself to learn the truth about the camps and he created this documentary in September 1992 on his visit to Auschwitz. He was death-threated to no end and vilified by the jewish community for his work. "Detroit Jewish News editor Phil Jacobs listed Cole as a threat to the Jewish people alongside "Hitler, Hussein, and Arafat", and Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told The Jerusalem Report "I can't think of any other Jew who has gone so far in aiding and abetting the enemies of the Jewish people"."


"David Cole in Auschwitz"

A breakdown of important and relevant timestamps are as follows:

0:00 - Introduction to what is the Holocaust™?
3:15 - breakdown of the camp structure, the expansion, and the industrial sector

"The main camp is the center of Auschwitz tourism. It is here where tours are conducted hourly in English, Polish, German, and French. By their own figures, over half a million people visit every year, and the place has become a curious shrine, a mix of crass commercialism and religious reverence, with a hotel, restaurant, gift shop, and booths selling all manner of video equipment, so that no one need worry about missing a shot of the final solution."

6:14 - explanation of the map of Auschwitz

7:10 - "What is shown on the tour and what is not. During the tour you are shown the block of death, the wall of death, naturally right next door to the block of death, and exhibit after exhibit specifically designed to affirm atrocity stories and portray Auschwitz as a death machine. But what don't they show you? To start with, a building that could be conceivably called "The Block of Life" as massive disinfestation complex where zyklon-B gas was used daily to combat lice and the disease they carried. Holocaust™ "experts" don't deny the purpose of this building, they just don't like mention it, after all, why complicate things?"

8:30 - the swimming pool (not on the tour)

10:00 - Cole mentions wearing his yarmulke on purpose to get more answers from the tour guides so that he does not appear as a 'revisionist,' who in the past have not had success from getting answers.

10:45 - the tour guides are taught by their supervisors, under the command of the curator of Auschwitz, to say things they know are not true.

12:20 - to understand the Holocaust™ story one must understand the nature of the things passed off as proofs. (piles of hair, shoes, clothing, etc)

13:30 - Zyklon-B was the premier pesticide in Europe at the time and was present at many camps including those that did not allegedly have homicidal gas chambers

14:36 - Proofs presented that work against the narrative like wartime aerial photographs, various things for children to do (who were allegedly killed immediately)

15:50 - Crematorium / mortuary explained (big shocker the Chimney that's not connected to the building is a "reconstruction" of the "original")

16:35 - Walls of former rooms that were knocked down, patched up holes on the floor where toilets and bathroom facilities used to be, wooden doors with glass panes, and another doorway with no fittings, and a manhole right in the middle of the "gas chamber."

19:45 - breakdown of the alleged "original state" of the gas chamber.

21:26 - supervisor admits that the holes are not original and were built "after the war"

22:20 - Soviet exaggeration of initial figures in fraudulent claims

24:00 - Dr. Franciszek Piper's (the curator) interview where he admits the buildings were renovated, and that the remodeling did not have "all correct details"

28:00 - Dr. Piper: "room was a gas chamber but was turned into an air raid shelter and that the holes in the ceiling were removed, walls were built, and a new door was added" After the war he claims the opposite happened "the ceiling holes were put back in, the walls were knocked back down, but the door they forgot to remove" Cole highlights three points of importance:
1. A clear deception
2. "Gas chamber" is no longer valid as proof in present state
3. Two views of the reconstruction (mainstream view is that Soviets and Poles created an air-raid shelter in a "gas chamber," while revisionist view is that Soviet Poles used an air-raid shelter in what was formerly... an air-raid shelter.)

31:20 - mainstream Polish book and Dr. Piper claims the "gassings" were moved from camp to camp, ie shutdown in one camp and opened in another to keep it secret from inmates, and this has become part of the lore. He breaks down numerous reasons via the aerial photographic maps of how this is absurd, and how it contradicts many "eye witness" claims.

34:23 - No Zyklon-B residue in the alleged gas chambers, citing the Leuchter Report. The question is now "why are there NOT any appreciable traces of Zyklon-B in the "gas chambers?"".

36:20 - Dr. Piper admits to another claim that contradicts the narrative, the eyewitnesses, the lore, and himself. To the question "Why is the residue count high in delousing chambers but low in alleged homicidal chambers?" he says that "Delousing chambers were used constantly day and night and homicidal chambers were used only 20-30 minutes every 24 hours when in operation."

37:40 - Cole does all the calculations disproving the high death rates with this newfound evidence:
Limited use of chambers could conceivably explain lack of residue, but
Limited gassing contradicts eye witnesses and makes the high gassing death rate technically impossible.

40:39 - Can we trust the Soviets to have faithfully reconstructed the "gas chamber"?
The Soviet Precedent is asking "Do the Soviets have a history of fabricating Holocaust™ evidence or using deception to support this concept?"
The Auschwitz death records were kept by the Soviets and not released until 1989.
He cites the following discredited Soviet charges that they tried to pin on the Germans at Nuremberg but the other Allies saw through as being fraudulent:
-Steam chambers used to kill people in Treblinka
-Electro chambers
-Soviet claim that Germans killed the Polish officers at Katyn, which they eventually admitted guilt for
-Shrunken heads, lampshade from jew skins, and human soap made from jew fat
-20,000 jews gathered in a makeshift village and blown up with an atomic bomb

47:47 - Holocaust™ experts are proven hypocrites. The myth is that the existence and use of homicidal gas chambers is well documented. The truth is that it is not well documented.

"When the experts tell you that there is no room for debate about the gas chamber story, they are hiding the fact that they debate each other about it frequently, oftentimes the reason for a reluctance to answer hard questions about the gas chambers comes from the fact that the experts secretly realize the gas chambers are simply not well documented, and that much of the documentation we have, has already been discredited."

50:50 - Cole's exposure of the hypocrisies of Jead-Claude Pressac's book "AUSCHWITZ: Technique and operation of the gas chambers" We cannot trust anything the Soviets put forward as "evidence"

He explored Crematorium 1 with Dr. Piper and did not see any metal gas chamber door matching the description of the one in Pressac's book which the "experts" claimed was still there.

53:00 - Concluding the Soviet Precedent:
-Exaggerated figures
-Reconstructions passed off as genuine
-Important evidence suppressed
-"Evidence" fabricated
-Outright falsehoods

56:00 - Cole exposes Dachau "gas chambers" video as US wartime propaganda.

57:58 - Cole exposes the Eisenhower camps where Germans were exterminated. "Starting in April 1945, the United States Army and the French Army casually annihilated about one million men most of them in American camps. Eisenhower's hatred passed through the lens of a compliant military bureaucracy, produced the horror of death camps unequalled by anything in American military history, an enormous war crime." - Ernest F. Fisher


The second source is the Fred Leuchter report itself, here for all to read. For those who don't know the background, he was commissioned by Ernst Zundel to obtain evidence as a technical witness for his trial in Canada when Zundel was charged with "Holocaust™ denial" for questioning the number of people killed. It is the purest forensic investigation done into the matter and it happened by pure luck, most of the rock and wall samples were almost confiscated in the airport in Poland before they were able to get them back to Canada.

The Leuchter Report - PDF


Here is the official interview and documentary with Fred Leuchter that follows him to the camps as he does his analyses (mind his heavy Boston accent):

"Fred Leuchter exposes the Gas Chamber myth"

Relevant time stamps and commentary included:

0:00 Introduction where he gives a very in-depth breakdown and analysis of gas chambers that existed as far back as the 1920s that were still in use in the 1950s in the United States.

10:20 - explains cyanide poisoning, which would have befallen all the guards at the alleged gassing camps or the gimps we're told were sent in to move the bodies with a clamp after the alleged "mass gassings" took place

12:20 - a breakdown of how Zyklon-B operates as a chemical agent and what is required for it to disperse effectively

15:10 - Leuchter's conclusion from the findings "none of these chambers could have supported an execution of human beings. In fact they were not used for that purpose."

16:40 - Leuchter takes initial samples from inside the alleged gas chamber.

18:00 - Leuchter explains the ridiculousness of having the storm drain and the gas in the room at the same time

19:50 - Madjanek, Poland - in the "experimental gas chamber" there are bluish stains appearing to match the delousing chamber from Birkenau was placed there by hand.
At Auschwitz 1: "It is in my best engineering opinion that the facility was not ever used as a gas chamber for the extermination of people or vermin"
At Auschwitz 2: "It is my opinion also that the areas at Auschwitz 2 were not used for purposes of exterminating people but were simply used for delousing."
At Madjanek: "There is one rebuilt gas chamber which does not appear to be capable of having been used for even the extermination of vermin."
The Experimental "Gas Chamber": "The uniqueness of this facility sets it apart from all the others. The doors are gasketed, and there were apparently heated air returns which pumped the air from the chamber through a heater and back into the room. This would seem to indicate the Germans were trying to develop a more rapid procedure for delousing clothing, blankets, etc. Up until this time, delousing normally took place over a 2-3 day period, where they would spend one day with the gas in the room, and another day airing the room out."


"What it appears was being developed here was not an extermination capability for people, because the gas chambers were much too small. This facility is a larger version of the Deghesh delousing chamber which is made of metal, that had a air pumping system which pumped hot air from the chamber through the heater back into the chamber to accelerate the hydrogen cyanide gasses evaporation from the pellets into the air and the circulation throughout the room. This was simply a new development in testing standard conventional delousing procedures to speed them up and make them safer."


The third and final source for this initial expose on this topic is one Dr. Frederick Toben, a German-born Australian citizen who was the director of the Adelaide Institute, before being jailed in 2009. For those who aren't aware, there was a huge social movement in Australia in the 1990s that pushed for the truth about World War II, the NSDAP, and the Holocaust™. Here is Toben's banned documentary, "Judea Declared War on Germany (2004)"

Relevant time stamps below:

0:50 - Train station at Auschwitz, list of interviews for relevant information by Dr. Toben "listen to the evidence, and judge for yourself"

2:40 - Air-Raid shelter structural explanation, not "gas chamber"

3:30 - "This video offers a critical look at that part of World War Two history called the Holocaust™."

5:04 - "The historical facts show that international zionism wanted to destroy Germany and Hitler, and not the other way around." Speech by Benjamin H. Freedman
(background on WW1 and Versailles, zionist gambit for Palestine)

8:00 - Plan for Madagascar migration and deportation, which resulted in Samuel Untermayer declaring worldwide war and boycott on Germany

9:45 - Plans for world domination existed and were written by internationalists "Protocols of Zion"11

11:20 - What is a concentration camp? First ones built by British in South Africa in 1900 where 50,000+ died of malnutrition and disease.
-1918 - Poland built first two European concentration camps in former German territory of Posen, immediately imprisoned 16,000 Germans. In the next 8 years, the Poles built six more, imprisoning more than 50,000 Germans, and thousands of Ukrainians.

12:48 - The Bromberg Massacres which caused Germany to send in troops to protects its citizens

13:20 - Why were jews put in concentration camps? A basic explanation of the yellow star.

14:45 - The infamous "6 million" figure appearing many times before WW2

17:00 - No official plot, scheme, agenda, orders, documents, or plans for extermination (The Wannsee protocols debunked as post-war fraud document made by a crook with very poor German grammar)

19:20 - A closer look at the concentration camps:
"You must look very closely to even see a guard. The schedule for the working day looked like this: 5am wake up, make beds, dispense coffee. 6am roll-call, work groups assembled, leave for work. 12pm lunch break. 1230pm return to work. 6pm end of work, return to camp, roll-call, food rations issued. 9pm lights out. Their clothing was sufficient to protect them from the harsh European winter. They had long coats, boots, ear muffs, and head wear. Prisoners were worked, and for any acts of sabotage automatically received the death penalty, but they were not subjected to the constant shelling, rifle fire, mines, grenades, bombing, or partisan attacks the German soldiers were suffering at the front day and night. According to the Auschwitz information brochure, prisoners received from 1300 up to 1700 calories per day, while most of the German population was only getting 900 calories per day. For breakfast each prisoner received half a liter of coffee and for dinner a liter of vegetable soup. Supper consisted of 300-350 grams of bread, 30grams of margarine, 20grams of sausage, and herbal tea or coffee."

21:48 - Dachau fake gas chambers versus delousing chambers
"Auschwitz-Birkenau was built on marsh ground. Large drainage ditches had to be dug around the camp. With the ground water level only around 30cm below the surface, underground burials were impossible, because of the danger of poisoning the drinking water. But the wet ground was the perfect breeding environment for insects and vermin. Fleas and lice spread sickness like wildfire throughout the camp. 74,000 died from Typhus. "

25:00 - Zyklon-B's usage in the US and Europe, more dangerous in terms of a fire hazard. A detailed description of the fumigation and aeration process. (Impossible to get thousands of bodies out of a room if they were covered in this stuff)

28:55 - an alleged Sonderkommando testimony on "gas chamber" operation and cremation details, claims that bodies were burnt to ash in pits.


31:40 - detailed descriptions of cremations from crematory experts. Every body takes 2-3 hours to burn, and must be crushed in an additional machine to a fine gritty mixture. The smoke is not from the corpses but from the fuel that is use to run the ovens. "It is practically impossible to burn large numbers of bodies into ash in pits, just pouring fuel over a pile of bodies wouldn't work. No air gets down to the fire, and the fire goes out. Even in house fires and airplane crashes, people don't burn to ash, they're only heavily charred. Even funeral pyres are never burned to ash, a crusher is still needed."

35:25 - Auschwitz' marshland habitat was the reason why five crematoriums were built powered by coal, which was bought in by the Auschwitz 3 complex, and is not a good fuel because its volatile oil has been removed, and if it gets damp or wet, it will not burn. Once a furnace is fired up, it takes an average of 40kg of coal and an hour and a half to cremate a body. Coal leaves 10% of its weight in ash, so for every body burnt there would be 4kg left over of coal ash. An emaciated human body leaves around 1kg of ash, including the crushed bones. The coal deliveries made to Auschwitz were archived, and with a little arithmetic, the estimate of the number of bodies that could have been burned with that amount of coal can be easily determined.
"In 1943 641.5 tons of coke delivered to Birkenau, enough to cremate only 16 bodies per day, and 31.1 tons of coke deliverd to the main camp, enough to cremate only 2 bodies per day"

"Without any bone-crushing machines, how did they crush the bodies to ash?"

39:00 - interesting experiment attempting to burn telephone books in dry ground as a parallel of the fraudulent claim of the eyewitness accounts. (fire went out after 10 minutes)
"Burning thousands of bodies in pits is practically impossible"

43:55 - Explanations for the pictures of thousands of piles of emaciated corpses.

"Teams of Pathologists followed the invasion forces into Europe and did Autopsies on thousands of these dead bodies. Dr. Larson, pathologist with the Judge Advocate Generals Office led these teams and reported: "Not one case of death by Poison Gas was found!"

45:45 - Auschwitz gas chamber construction breakdown and impossibility explained:

"Homicidal gas chambers are very difficult to design properly, and the larger they are built the more carefully designed they must be. A well designed gas chamber must have sealed tubing for getting the poison gas into the chamber, all necessary doors must be well-sealed and lockable, and after the gassing, the hundreds of cubic meters of poisonous gas must be extracted from the chamber in a way that will not kill everyone in the vicinity. Of the five alleged homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz, not one of them fulfilled any of these criteria."

He goes on to eviscerate the myth with describing each of these five buildings.

50:50 - "the only evidence we could find on the inside of the chamber, was evidence of incompetence."


52:05 - "Across the roof, Dr. Toben points out how ludicrous it is to imagine an SS man standing up on this roof in a strong wind, trying to hold the poison-soaked roof cover in one hand, and with the other hand, trying to pour highly poisonous crystals down into these holes without getting powder all over himself, and have it blown all over the rest of the camp itself."

53:20 - What the tourists miss on their tour of Auschwitz, everything but Soviet propaganda films and hollywood horror stories.
-They do not point out the post office, the camp library and the brothel for the prisoners, the theaters, the classrooms for children, the camp hospital with an "intensive care" station sign.

55:50 - Piles of clothing and shoes in the museum are exhibits sitting on a false floor, which gives a false impression of how many articles exist:

58:02 - "Fact vs Fantasy" photos of healthy well-fed prisoners taken by the Russians after they had captured the camp and other photos of prisoners going about their day in very placid settings versus artists renditions of fantasies of destitution, despair, and beatings.


1:01:00 - Official document of the Allied military police office in Vienna states there was never any facility at these camps which had housed poison gas:


"In all cases where gassings were alleged, it could be proven that torture had been used to extract confessions and witnesses have lied. Any former inmate who, during their debriefing continues to allege that poison gas was used to murder people (in particular jews), are to be reported to this office and if they insist on lying further, they are to be charged with perjury." - signed Major Miller Commanding Officer Allied Military Police Vienna

1:02:30 - the International Red Cross had observers stationed in concentration camps. "At the insistence of Adolf Hitler and the German High Command, they sent group delegations in to inspect the conditions in the camps. They saw well run hospitals, the food was good, post offices, banks, and schools, but no gas chambers in any camp during or after the war."

Dr. Toben's Conclusions:

The final solution was a mutual contract signed with zionist groups to deport jews to Madagascar. Another agreement known as the Haavara agreement was knowingly sabotaged by the international zionists who wanted lots of jewish war victims so as to complete their gain of Palestine.

None of the concentration camps had gas chambers, those alleged gas chambers shown to tourists in Auschwitz were mortuaries, and technically useless for anything else. As well there was never enough coke or fuel in Auschwitz to cremate more than 16 bodies per crematorium retort per day.

Although many prisoners unfortunately died as a result of disease, the German military machine did what it could to keep prisoners healthy by providing fumigation units and hospitals, and in many cases, more food than the German population was getting, until the last few months of the war, when owing to the extreme Allied bombing campaigns, supply had collapsed. Seen statistically, more prisoners survived the war in concentration camps than Germans survived the fire-bombing holocaust of German cities such as Dresden, Hamburg, and Pforzheim.

So what happened to the alleged 6 million dead? Many hundred of thousand of jews emigrated from Europe before the war. Approximately a quarter of a million died from old age, malnourishment, and disease in the camps and ghettoes. A jewish military brigade group was formed during the war, and at least a million jews fought in uniform, and many fell in action. Other jews, pretending to be civilians, but murdering from ambushes, died as partisans. Thousands of jewish communities in Poland, Russia, Hungary, Romania, and Czechoslovakia, were destroyed by their own anti-jewish groups, and not by Germans. On the 17th of November 1941, Stalin sent out Order 0428, ordering special murder squads to dress in German uniforms and slaughter civilians behind German lines, always leaving a few survivors that could blame the murders on the Germans. Many jews continued to live unmolested in Germany, and occupied territory, and many of them were killed as a result of the allied bombing raids. One day before Germany surrendered, British bombers attacked and sank two ships killing 8000 jewish patients from Neuengamme and Bergen-Belsen camps, as well as many German medical staff. As the jewish populations in Europe dropped dramatically, they rose dramatically in other countries around the world, including Palestine (before Israel), the USA, South Africa, South America, Australia. Many more jews had decided they "had enough of being jewish," and they had changed their names.



That is all for now. For those who want to learn, and for those who appreciate this, I appreciate you taking the time to read it even more so. For those who disagree, I welcome any evidence to the contrary of what I have posted.

"Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but they that deal truly are His delight." - Proverbs 12:22

There is a good book that covers some of these events, its basically the history of the world through the eyes of the church I think you would enjoy it, its Orthodox though but it doesnt get to deep into theology its more of a history discussion so dont worry, book is called The Orthodox Survival Coarse by Fr. Seraphim Rose