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Electric Vehicles Thread (Bikes, Cars, Trucks, etc.)

I tried an Electric Unicycle recently. It was insanely fast and with a steep learning curve, but its an interesting sport. A friend of mine has been a pioneer in the sport going back many years, and this year they hosted their first Grande Prix here in Vancouver, with another coming up in Las Vegas. It felt a bit like the moto guys back in the 1950s with tricked out bikes and brave enthusiasm.
What I don't like most about electric vehicles is the way it got praises and hailed as the perfect solutions and the only way to solve pollutions. Alternative avenues to technology are not being explored such as 100% renewable diesels or optimizing mass transit systems.

Several months ago the regional government instituted heavy fine for people whose vehicles does not pass the emissions test. This is a clear ploy to get people to use electric vehicles. They tried to make things difficult for us who uses conventional vehicles.
Good luck getting out in time if one of these volcano buses decide to erupt.

That last bus had an incredible number of people on it. They were pouring out in huge clumps of people and it took a while for everybody to exit. The fire was already spreading rapidly by the time the last person cleared. It's lucky there was no big explosion like some of the others had.
I'm not entirely against electric transportation. I've owned an electric bike now for 3 years and I love it, but it only works because I've relocated to an area where the things I need are within biking distance and the weather is co-operative year round. I no longer own a car that I was paying a lot to maintain and find parking for, and I disliked basically having to have permission from the government to use it.

That being said, I am against the huge, contrived, cultural shift that's obviously agenda-driven towards electric vehicles. All those variables that line up for my current situation don't line up for the other 99% of the world.

Battery technology hasn't changed much despite what today's propaganda tells us. Back in the days of playing Nintendo GameBoy I recognized that rechargeables simply perform poorly after a dozen or so charges, unable to have that same "kick" and capacity as their initial charge. Teslas and fully-electric vehicles all have this problem today, and so long-distance driving and long term use simply isn't economical or practical. Hybrid models probably work best, so that electric can take care of short distances and cut the concentration of pollution emanating from the streets. When power and longevity is required it can use traditional "on-site" fuel-burning methods.

Of course though without fully-electric vehicles, the Satanists won't be able to proceed with their 15-minute city plans, hence all the propaganda we see today.
Yeah I am not against electric transportation options. Far from it. But I am also 100% against any mandated by governments that try and control our movements through restrictions/regulations.

But I also work in an industry where big things need big engines. It will be decades before these movers get anything electric. Perhaps hybrids, but not fully electric. But the kids zipping around my neighborhood on suped up e bikes and skateboards are where its at. Short trips under 20km are perfect for these things. But if I need to haul tools and perhaps use my vehicle for an office for the day, I want to be able to burn fuel to stay warm/cool.

These governments spear heading this had an opportunity to bridge common sense, but as usual they would rather whip their base into a frenzy to wage war on their opponents.
I spent 2 grand on my electric bike.

It costs 9 cents worth of electricity to go 40 miles at speeds that no human on a bicycle can reliably match.

As far as cars, I do not currently know enough to comment. I did the math once on a tesla and they get the equivalent of 100 mpg because an electric motor is a lot closer to 100% efficiency than even the best internal combustion engine, which if I remember my physics classes correctly, hovers around 25% efficiency (carnot cycle).
My coworker asked me why I bought the ebike as he sees bicycles as a means for physical fitness, whereas I see them as also a tool for getting around.

I told him that an electric bike is all the joy of riding a bicycle when you were a kid with none of the work (if you just use throttle). It is a good and relatively cheap pastime on the weekends for tooling around town and trails. If you want to get fitter, and I certainly can on mine, it is a radrunner cargo bike that weighs about 100 lbs, you can just wear yourself out as hard as you want then switch to electric when you're tired.
EVs aren't working because EV's are not longer automobiles. They are tablets with wheels and the ranges are ridiculously small compared to the advertising. Tesla 3 long range dual motor claims about 605km of range when in reality it does maximum 400km in a city environment. Besides that, if you live in an apartment, the cost of charging is similar or higher to the cost of diesel/gasoline.

European consumers are being bombarded with taxes and penalties to shift to EV's, but the change is still slow.

By the way, I do have a Tesla 3 long range dual motor. It's a nice car, but way overpriced. Why do I have it? Company car at a reduced cost for me, with free charging in the office.
One of my clients has the Ford Lightning for almost a year now.

He also has an early 90s F-150 regular cab. The windows are always down and the dog is only ever a quick hop onto the bench seat. Keys always in the ignition or in the visor.

Guess which one is his daily errand vehicle?

This guy sold his company about 10 years ago for $800m so has the means to buy whatever vehicle he wants. The lightning isn't what he thought it would be for a long haul truck, and is too fancy for just getting in and going for his errand running. So it sits for long periods.
Yes. They get very hot and can reignite after the initial fire has been extinguished. So what they do here (Netherlands) is bring over a big water container and dunk the whole car in it to cool off for a few hours.
In the US there are specific fire extinguishers to fight electrical fires. Very interesting to know the Netherlands spends money to have big dunk tanks for this issue.

Honda has recently released the motocompacto again revival from the 1980s. It boasts a 12mile range with 15mph speed. Folds up akin to a briefcase with charger to carry around for anything. Very interesting design and from what I know it's not a GM based battery system. We have some on offer here at my Acura dealer. They are pretty neat.