I definitely agree with Bukele's approach. I wish more leaders could be as effective as him. I will never understand why Western nations tend to place some romanticized idealism above results. They continue to elect leaders like Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron over more effective ones. Also, Western media tends to paint effective leaders in a bad light despite their effectiveness. I mean, look at Nayib Bukele, Lee Kuan Yew, Vladimir Putin, etc.; they are painted as 'dictators.'
Bukele also proves that a leader has great power and, if they want to, they can really solve problems. Look at El Salvador's crime rate. After years of criminal activity, Bukele decided El Salvador had enough. In just several short years, he managed to solve generational problems. I suppose in the West, if the leaders really put in the effort, immigrants and n-word criminals could be dealt with swiftly.
There is a saying that you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. To get results, a leader must make difficult choices and be willing to be painted in a bad light. In Southeast Asia, former leaders like Duterte and Soeharto once had very effective death squads who performed extrajudicial killings on criminals.