Donald Trump

As much as I enjoy watching this infantile midget cokehead getting his ego taken down 6 notches, I do not think discussions of ending wars and not starting WWIII should be done with live TV cameras rolling. They should have had backroom discussions with him, and preferably with an interpreter. The interpreter would be more coherent and allow cokehead to calm down for a minute and think about his next comments carefully. Maybe Trump was doing this on purpose to expose to the world what an immature clown this guy is. He dresses like a 6 year old, has no sense of decorum or diplomatic grace, and just wants to throw temper tantrums in the Oval Office. I can hardly believe what I was seeing.
I’m not sure old coke head really needs an interpreter. I get the feeling his understanding of the English language is a lot better than he’s letting on.
Trump shared this AI video on his Instagram about Gaza, I dont know if this is supposed to be trolling but I disliked the video and to be honest it actually gives off anti-Christ vibes with the Golden statue of Trump and the Trump balloons and images all over the place.

I like Trump and the things his doing but with videos and messages like this its a reminder to us Christians not to get too carried away, our loyalty is to Christ and the Church first.

Trump shared this AI video on his Instagram about Gaza, I dont know if this is supposed to be trolling but I disliked the video and to be honest it actually gives off anti-Christ vibes with the Golden statue of Trump and the Trump balloons and images all over the place.

I like Trump and the things his doing but with videos and messages like this its a reminder to us Christians not to get too carried away, our loyalty is to Christ and the Church first.

I think Trump didn't even watch the video very much, just thought it would be catchy and cool to meme it out. Trump really doesn't think too hard about images and messaging, he's an old man who barely understands the internet. He's simply just throwing media at the wall to see what sticks or not. If it falls flat he finds a new image or message.

Guys read way too much into Trump's words, when his words really do not matter. It's his actions that count.
I think Trump didn't even watch the video very much, just thought it would be catchy and cool to meme it out. Trump really doesn't think too hard about images and messaging, he's an old man who barely understands the internet. He's simply just throwing media at the wall to see what sticks or not. If it falls flat he finds a new image or message.

Guys read way too much into Trump's words, when his words really do not matter. It's his actions that count.
I must admit this attempt to whitewash this latest anti-Christian promo of his was quick and imaginative. Instead of immediately admitting the cringe and obvious anti-Christian message, you promptly came up with possible excuses.

Nice lawyering.

"He didn't watch it"?
I say he did and he liked it very much. Prove me wrong. You can't.

These aren't just words, they are actions. And even if they were just words, they can still condemn a man.
"America First" , what a joke, except when it comes to the only group on the planet you can't criticize, why are we giving one single charity penny to any country in this entire world
Here is the entire 1 hour meeting with Zelensky until Trump kicked him out of the White House
(Arguing between the midget emperor and Trump/Vance starts at minute 42:20)

I was watching this again, more closely, and what's so amazing about this entire episode is how uncompromising Zelensky is.

Trump isn't even making that good of a deal. The best deal for America would be to get out of Ukraine completely. But Trump, being a pragmatist, knows he has a lot of Republicans who see blood and fortune in Ukraine. Trump knows just ripping off the band-aid won't work with Congress. Thus, instead of trying to get a deal 100% in America's favor, he simply tried to get a deal that was at least 50% in America's favor.

And yet going 50/50 is too much for the Reform Jews that run most of the world. That's why they vote Democrat, and run the Democrat party. Zionists are totally willing to go 50/50 if it means Israel gets continued support. Zionists are pragmatist nationalists, and will do whatever it takes for Israel. Reform Jews are completely selfish parasites, and have no problems sucking their hosts dry as fast as possible for their own gain. They are gluttons, and NEVER compromise if they believe they can get more.

We saw the same behavior in Trump's first term. Trump tried to do a compromise on immigration with the Democrats. He tried to do something similar to Reagan's compromise on immigration, which would legalize most illegal aliens in exchange for a tough border wall and security. Unlike Reagan, however, Trump wanted more than promises, so it was a better deal than what Reagan got. But ultimately, it would have been a bad deal for America, it would have only been a 50/50 compromise with Reform Jews. And yet that deal completely fell through, because Reform Jews are simply the most greedy bloodsucking vampires in existence, and are so evil they can make Zionists look good.

Zelensky was obviously instructed before his arrival to not compromise, and not to sign any deal without American boots on the ground. The Reform Jews want it all; America to completely fund the war, and all of the riches of Ukraine for themselves. The idea that they would share the wealth of Ukraine with anyone else is unfathomable to them.

For Israel, that doesn't matter, because Israel sees a strong America as good. America funds Israel and is a loyal host. Why would they want to destroy America so quickly? It makes no sense from a Talmudic Nationalist point of view. So a compromise on Ukraine is a good thing, indeed, a very good thing, because a giant war between America and Russia just means destroying two Zionist countries that are both loyal and supportive of Israel. Where is the upside for Israel?

Reform Jews don't see it that way. They think as long as Talmudic Jews profit, no matter who else loses, all Talmuds will benefit. They believe as long as Talmudic Jews grow rich, somewhere or somehow, then they will be able to take care of Israel. But, of course, that's probably not true, especially when we consider that most Talmudic Jews do not live in Israel nor want to contribute to Israel. This is why Zionists actually like antisemitism, because it drives more Talmudic Jews to live in Israel, and support Israel.

Most antisemetic content you see online is probably funded by Israel. Normal people don't actually care about Talmudic Jews, as these people are disgusting and normal people avoid disgusting content. It is in Israel's interest to pump out lots of antisemitic content, both on the left and the right, to keep other Talmudic Jews loyal to Israel.

So, the entire episode with Zelensky is very revealing, we see the intentions and agendas of various groups of Talmudic Jews laid bare. Zionists such as Trump and Putin, both pragmatists, versus Reform Jews like Zelensky who want absolute power and are totally uncompromising.

What's also interesting is how Zelensky, and other Reform Jews, try to sell the Ukraine conflict to Zionists. "Ukraine is a big Israel." They are trying to say to Zionists, "This conflict is good for both of us." Yet Zionists hear such talk as blasphemy. What could ever replace the promised land of Yahweh? Zionists just see their Reform cousins as Godless degenerates with no faith. How could anything ever compare to Israel? So Reform Jews attempts to persuade their Zionist cousins fall completely flat, and we see public disagreements between these two factions vis a vis Trump vs. Zelensky.

Trump wants compromise and peace with Russia, which is objectively better for both America and Israel, but Reform Jews want absolute power even if it means WW3 and total destruction. They are confident they will come out on top.

Now, you might say, "Why can't we just get away from these people," and you would be right, but that's a different topic and way beyond the scope of the Trump thread. First to beat evil we must understand evil, and the Trump presidency is far more instructive than I could have hoped for.
"He didn't watch it"?
I say he did and he liked it very much. Prove me wrong. You can't.

Never said that. I said he watched it once, maybe twice, and said, "Looks cool and catchy, post it, see what happens." Read what I wrote: "He didn't watch it very much."

These aren't just words, they are actions. And even if they were just words, they can still condemn a man.

Our job isn't to judge, that job is for Jesus on Judgement day. Our job is to care for ourselves and our Neighbors and select the best leader who will help them. Whether or not that leader is going to hell, is, quite frankly, immaterial, both practically and spiritually. Why are you judging individuals?
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Never said that. I said he watched it once, maybe twice, and said, "Looks cool and catchy, post it, see what happens." READ what I wrote: "He didn't watch it very much."
Are you saying he is an idiot? He should be excused due to retardation? That's the same excuse for his shitcoin scam (already forgotten and swept under the carpet).
Our job isn't to judge, that job is for Jesus on Judgement day. Our job is to care for ourselves and our Neighbors and select the best leader who will help them. Whether or not that leader is going to hell, is, quite frankly, immaterial, both practically and spiritually. Why are you judging?
You are confusing judgment with discernment. Our job is to discern good from evil and abstain from it.

I think Trump knows from all those $ billions Ukraine got, a huge portion was kickbacks to the democrats.
So now Trump is trying to recoup that. I think it’s pretty clever.

Zelensky don’t want to sign a deal because he knows Ukraine just got a fraction of that and he will be known among Ukrainians to have “sold” his country to the Americans.

Trump just want our money back. That’s why he’s not offering guarantees. They might do a false-flag attack to Americans working there and start WW3.
Trump shared this AI video on his Instagram about Gaza, I dont know if this is supposed to be trolling but I disliked the video and to be honest it actually gives off anti-Christ vibes with the Golden statue of Trump and the Trump balloons and images all over the place.

I like Trump and the things his doing but with videos and messages like this its a reminder to us Christians not to get too carried away, our loyalty is to Christ and the Church first.

There's actually 2 bearded trannies dancing in bikinis right at the halfway point of the video. Truly bizarre. It wouldn't surprise me if Trump watched it 1 time half paying attention and then posted it to social media, which is just plain stupid. The alternative is he carefully crafted that video which would be truly awful.

Trump has done a lot of good in his first month but there's been some stupid moves as well.
I think Trump didn't even watch the video very much, just thought it would be catchy and cool to meme it out. Trump really doesn't think too hard about images and messaging, he's an old man who barely understands the internet. He's simply just throwing media at the wall to see what sticks or not. If it falls flat he finds a new image or message.

Guys read way too much into Trump's words, when his words really do not matter. It's his actions that count.
The video wouldnt have been bad if it was just a video showing the rebuilding of Gaza, the problem I have with the video is it basically made Trump like a form of a worship figure in Gaza, and the golden statue of himself reminds me of the golden statue in the Bible in the book of Daniel that people had to worship.

You cant assume that Trump didnt watch it and just shared it, the details are very specific and it was shared from his personal account about a very important world issue.

I like Trump but we Christians must be careful with some of the things he says and does, we should also pray for him as he is in a position where temptation from the devil is high, this video was prideful. Trump has the potential to swing either way, being used by God or by satan, Im sorry to say but this particular moment I dont think it came from a good place.
There's actually 2 bearded trannies dancing in bikinis right at the halfway point of the video. Truly bizarre. It wouldn't surprise me if Trump watched it 1 time half paying attention and then posted it to social media, which is just plain stupid. The alternative is he carefully crafted that video which would be truly awful.

Trump has done a lot of good in his first month but there's been some stupid moves as well.
Im not throwing Trump under the bus for this but its a sobering message to us Christians to be on guard, Trump is currently in a very powerful position right now and the temptation of pride will be a great temptation for him.

Trump has done a lot of good since being in office I wont deny that.