My money is on some type of “arrangement”. Hardly anything new, but it would explain a lot.
To be honest, even if that's not the case, it doesn't change that she used her religious position to push political causes that literally go against her own scripture..
That said, there is some clemency considering she had probably been brainwashed by the media.
People in England are pretty inundated with propaganda, anyone who relies primarily on TV for news is practically half there, half a zombie, including people I would normally consider based.
It doesn't matter how smart or wise you are, watching TV for long enough gets you eventually, the propaganda is subtle and uses tricks from human psychology to build patterns in your head.
Perhaps she's crazy, or evil, or just degenerate, but there is a chance still that she is just that brainwashed, regardless, she is wrong.
Donald Trump is doing everything he can to help kids who abusers pretend are trans, by protecting them from these degenerates, and every illegal in America both poses a risk, and risks their own life by fueling cartels, smuggling and human trafficking.
If you look at the content of her words in the context of God's word, while she might have meant the opposite of good, it is absolutely a fact that we must stop mutilation and mental gaslighting of children, as well as the illegal immigration that supports crime, harms countries lifeblood and purity, and deprived the world of prosperity and stability.
If she complains more, that probably means we are doing the right thing I guess?