Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Wtf. Literally no-one was voting for Haley. Why would you simp for the zero numbers of votes that she would have got. This si so out of touch with what his base supporters want.

Isn't this just more evidence that Trump is so far removed from what we all hope he is. The scales fall further from your eyes, we are being presented with a 'choice' that will just be more of the same old nonsense.
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Sounds like he's just going after her supporters to vote for him.

Her supporters are huge wealthy (((donors))) Trump needs to win.

The private equity billionaire continued, "I share the concern of most Americans that our economic, immigration and foreign policies are taking the country in the wrong direction. For these reasons, I am planning to vote for change and support Donald Trump for President. In addition, I will be supporting Republican Senate candidates and other Republicans up and down the ticket."

The party of leftist radicals has spent the year trying to either bankrupt or jail the former president through the weaponization of the judicial system. Their plan has yet to be successful, as now Trump's campaign is likely to receive an influx of cash from Wall Street elites.

Zion Don incoming...

It sucks that there are no viable anti-Israel candidates, but look at how powerless the average American is. The average American just sits on his couch while elections are stolen, so this is the country the average American deserves.
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Her supporters are huge wealthy (((donors))) Trump needs to win.

Zion Don incoming...

It sucks that there are no viable anti-Israel candidates, but look at powerless the average American is. The average American just sits on his couch while elections are stolen, so this is the country the average American deserves.
Unfortunately Jewish money is a requirement.

As long as Kushner is out of the WH I'll consider it a win.
Her supporters are huge wealthy (((donors))) Trump needs to win.

Zion Don incoming...

It sucks that there are no viable anti-Israel candidates, but look at how powerless the average American is. The average American just sits on his couch while elections are stolen, so this is the country the average American deserves.
You are right. The biggest battle for the right wing to have a chance to fight back it to destroy the "fed" narrative. I am disappointed to see a Patriot Front video of them doing a neighborhood clean-up after a storm, or handing out meals to people who lost their homes in a tornado or flood, and then see the comments flooded with "Feds" and getting tons of likes.

If we are to take the country back, it isn't going to be by voting. If you want to believe you can buy more time or get something better out of one candidate or another, that is fine. But if you think you can get the right guys into office and save this country and take it back to 1980, you are very mistaken. It will take some kind of organization and real-world activities. And I think we will see this grow by leaps and bounds as young men have no other outlets and can no longer afford to have families or buy a home. The best thing we can do, 30+ year old Christian/conservative men, is get out of their road and step one is stop calling them "feds".

And I am not supporting Patriot Front or putting them up on a pedestal. I don't think they will survive long term, because they don't tie in Christianity to their movement. I am saying another movement will come along, and I think it will come from the Nick Fuentes/Jake Shields branch, that will tie in America First and Christianity, and it will deserve our support or at least deserve us getting out of their road.

My true belief is a mix of China surpassing us in technology and economic power + Russia teaming with China and crushing NATO + Iran and proxies crushing Israel + our satanic elites importing 80 IQ fighting aged men to commit crimes + the noticing of the young Christian right = enough pressure to crack this satanic system in the name of Christianity and all that is good. I think there is a real chance we see this happening over the next 20 years. And that excites me greatly, and I don't think any of these guys would be allowed into power by this system, so they will go take it.
Isn't this just more evidence that Trump is so far removed from what we all hope he is.
Your post is evidence that you don't understand politics.

Don't take it the wrong way. My point is that in order to win a political race, you absolutely cannot alienate people in your party, regardless of past behavior. Optics themselves are terrible. It's a surefire way to lose.

Making friends out of enemies is politics.
Some people will make any possible excuse for Trump's actions or statements, while they apply a completely different standard to other politicians and public persona's, like Elon Musk. I once again warn against the danger of a new Trump Presidency. It's a perfect setup for a more totalitarian America and probably western world. They need the "state of emergency" spiel that Trump always provides. Last time it cost us 2-3 yeas in "jail," what will it be this time? My prediction...Pain!
Your post is evidence that you don't understand politics.

Don't take it the wrong way. My point is that in order to win a political race, you absolutely cannot alienate people in your party, regardless of past behavior. Optics themselves are terrible. It's a surefire way to lose.

Making friends out of enemies is politics.
I understand perfectly well what's happening and I don't need your patronising comment. Presumably you still think trump is playing 8d chess after all this time? Tell that to the j6 guys.

My point is that all politicians including trump are so out of touch with what needs to be done to reverse the tide of degeneracy. We are so far beyond what can be solved by traditional left/right politics.

I can't think of a single politician who says what normal people are thinking and or/isn't controlled by (((special))) interests.
I understand perfectly well what's happening and I don't need your patronising comment. Presumably you still think trump is playing 8d chess after all this time? Tell that to the j6 guys.

My point is that all politicians including trump are so out of touch with what needs to be done to reverse the tide of degeneracy. We are so far beyond what can be solved by traditional left/right politics.

I can't think of a single politician who says what normal people are thinking and or/isn't controlled by (((special))) interests.

You're assuming Trump supporters expect Trump to turn around the degenercy... 80% of us do not believe in such things.

The point of a Trump presidency is strategic, not tactical. It's to make our enemies fight amongst each other and waste time. This gives us more time for a variety of purposes before the collapse:

- Building up our Churches
- Building up bunkers
- Stacking gold, BTC, or property

Remember, our enemies are NOT immortal. Any time lost for them is time never coming back, so it is time gained for us.
I understand perfectly well what's happening and I don't need your patronising comment. Presumably you still think trump is playing 8d chess after all this time? Tell that to the j6 guys.

My point is that all politicians including trump are so out of touch with what needs to be done to reverse the tide of degeneracy. We are so far beyond what can be solved by traditional left/right politics.

I can't think of a single politician who says what normal people are thinking and or/isn't controlled by (((special))) interests.

You don't. The question isn't about him being out of touch. The question is about us being out of touch.

You are thinking that it's actually possible to defy the establishment, with honor, AND live to tell the tale. You're living in a fantasy. It's not possible. You already know that from Trump's first term. And you've seen how the machinery works. Yet you still believe there is a solution without actually articulating what it is. You mistakenly believe it's because Trump was incompetent, rather than understanding that the machinery is extremely competent in fighting for degeneracy. That's even after you saw the current administration kick it into higher gear. Trump didn't do things the way we wanted in many instances. I get it. But you think that him doing things differently would have achieved some significantly different result. Not possible. Even when he changed gears, the establishment was ready to kick him back.

That brings me to the next point. Do you understand the lifecycle of a solution in this machinery? If a solution can be found within years, it's a huge win, but extremely rare. Some take decades and lots of elbow grease, and even blood. We got Trump elected in 2016 and we did start exposing some issues that weren't so clear beforehand. He got totally destroyed for trying to fix things. We're now 8 years later. There aren't many men built like Trump to be able to withstand that destruction. On top of that, we have made gains across the country that are not given due credit (e.g. Virginia, California and New York congressional seats).

If you get involved in your local political scene, you will get a better idea on how this machinery moves. That will give you a better insight honestly than the rudimentary one you have right now. Then we can have a more reasonable debate beyond the amateur level.

Samseau is right. The idea is to reverse the tide rather than fix things with a magic potion in a fantasy book. Funny thing is that it doesn't even happen in fantasy books. If you watch Game of Thrones, look at what happened to Ned Stark for trying to do what you think should be done. That was based on a fantasy book, but will give you more insight into politics than most mediums you may be exposing yourself to.
OK, I think I understand where you are coming from, that you can force change from within. I just think we are too far gone for that and that even if you do make a little change from within, the might of the machine will crush you anyway. You more or less accept that in what you wrote.

My point is not to play their game. Check out of the system, do what you can whilst you can and prepare for the forthcoming collapse, decline, war, whatever is coming as best you can.

Based on the evidence of what we have seen the last 8 years, your vote isn't worth a damn and Trump most certainly won't save you anymore than Biden would.

There nothing I can do that would help at a local level. I don't live in the US, I'm just calling it as I see it. I do what I can and have the time to do locally here in Switzerland.

You're right about that, there's no long-term difference. But short-term Trump is worse than Biden, simply due to the risk of extreme events that might make our lives miserable or even kill us outright.
This attitude ensures the other side wins and more suffering, poor economics, mass migration, Ukraine funding, tranny militaries are encouraged to continue wrecking our Nation.
This attitude ensures the other side wins and more suffering, poor economics, mass migration, Ukraine funding, tranny militaries are encouraged to continue wrecking our Nation.

There's no objective reason to think that Trump will have any lasting positive effect on any one those things. Remember that Trump was in fact elected back in 2016! It's an unnecessary risk with no potential upside.
There's no objective reason to think that Trump will have any lasting positive effect on any one those things. Remember that Trump was in fact elected back in 2016! It's an unnecessary risk with no potential upside.

That's your assertion.

I don't believe we will have a second Paul Ryan deal nor a second Scamdemic.

He will have to fix border. Triaging it alone is worth the vote.

Come live in the South West and see what that's like.
That's your assertion.

I don't believe we will have a second Paul Ryan deal nor a second Scamdemic.

He will have to fix border. Triaging it alone is worth the vote.

Come live in the South West and see what that's like.

We won't have the exact same of course, but they'll come up with something and it could be horrible. Wait until the period towards the end of his possible second term.