Over the last few months I was invited to some dinner parties, and it reminded me of something that seems to not exist much anymore as it once did.
I was talking to a friend about how that used to be a more common thing, cooking, inviting people around, sitting at a dining table, and even without googling it I could surmise on my own why this does not happen much anymore
I looked at all those articles and may quote some sections when time allows.
I can cook, with a bit of effort, have participated in hosting birthdays and the like but right now lack both the dining table and the utensils, let alone the guests. I'm trying to psych myself up to this as I definitely respect the folks I know in various places who do this.
The elites want a more atomised society, to dumb everyone down, discourage thinking and discussion and so the MSM is not really going to encourage or endorse dinner parties any more.
Do any of you host dinner parties or are planing to start? Any thoughts on this topic in general? It's only going to work in 2025 with certain kind of guests I would think, more of a fringe activity these days unfortunately.
I was talking to a friend about how that used to be a more common thing, cooking, inviting people around, sitting at a dining table, and even without googling it I could surmise on my own why this does not happen much anymore
- why cook when you can order uber eats which also saves you cleaning up?
- why make conversation with people when you can just read and message on your phone?
- cooking skills in general are declining
- the mainstream culture does not allow political disagreements or discussions anymore

Screens, space, or woke friends? People are debating the decline of dinner parties
'Maybe there's no dinner parties because we're not allowed to disagree with friends.'


Are Dinner Parties Dead? - Miss Manners
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Though our family was not wealthy, I inherited Mom’s china, silver, crystal and linens, and I love using them. They remind me of her, an...

Dinner Parties Are In for 2025, And They’re Essential to Easing Our Crisis of Connection
Dinner parties have become hugely popular in the past year, so we put together a guide on how to host one and reap all the mental health benefits—especially for the socially anxious among us.
I looked at all those articles and may quote some sections when time allows.
I can cook, with a bit of effort, have participated in hosting birthdays and the like but right now lack both the dining table and the utensils, let alone the guests. I'm trying to psych myself up to this as I definitely respect the folks I know in various places who do this.
The elites want a more atomised society, to dumb everyone down, discourage thinking and discussion and so the MSM is not really going to encourage or endorse dinner parties any more.
Do any of you host dinner parties or are planing to start? Any thoughts on this topic in general? It's only going to work in 2025 with certain kind of guests I would think, more of a fringe activity these days unfortunately.