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I was reading one of my favorite pages on X (from South Africa) and the author was asking his followers if they did any regular deworming (to kill internal human parasites) and it appears that quite a few people do. I have never done this but am curious if anyone here has experience with this. I have some Ivermectin I picked up in Mexico last year so I thought of trying this.
I was reading one of my favorite pages on X (from South Africa) and the author was asking his followers if they did any regular deworming (to kill internal human parasites) and it appears that quite a few people do. I have never done this but am curious if anyone here has experience with this. I have some Ivermectin I picked up in Mexico last year so I thought of trying this.
I'd do the ivermectin approach.

There's a formula based off of bodyweight somewhere you can find.

I use it on all me dogs and chickens and take it in a prophylactic manner.
Do it in phases as different medications and anti-parasitics attack different parasites. Doing a lot together will take a toll on you I can say from experience, especially in terms of energy level and periodic dizziness and stuff.

Fenbendazole, and also Ivermectin, are 2 good ones to do for a few weeks each (you need to read about the dosages and frequency).

I have never used HCQ but I think it would be another you would do by itself for a phase - but be careful with the dosing on this as you can hurt yourself.

Some that I have done together without problems are Paraguard by Zahler - which includes the three main anti-parasitics that are usually recommended and requires a course of about 3 weeks of daily use; raw papaya seeds - just open a papaya and eat a couple tablespoons of them with breakfast fruit or straight; and dried pumpkin seeds as noted above (hard to find however, almost all are from China or Mexico). If you can't get good pumpkin seeds, just do Paraguard and papaya seeds or just Paraguard by itself.

Castor oil is an excellent anti-parasitic that you only need to take a few times a year. You take a tablespoon in the morning and then from 5-10 hours later make absolutely sure you are near a toilet for the remainder of the night.
Do it in phases as different medications and anti-parasitics attack different parasites. Doing a lot together will take a toll on you I can say from experience, especially in terms of energy level and periodic dizziness and stuff.

Fenbendazole, and also Ivermectin, are 2 good ones to do for a few weeks each (you need to read about the dosages and frequency).

I have never used HCQ but I think it would be another you would do by itself for a phase - but be careful with the dosing on this as you can hurt yourself.

Some that I have done together without problems are Paraguard by Zahler - which includes the three main anti-parasitics that are usually recommended and requires a course of about 3 weeks of daily use; raw papaya seeds - just open a papaya and eat a couple tablespoons of them with breakfast fruit or straight; and dried pumpkin seeds as noted above (hard to find however, almost all are from China or Mexico). If you can't get good pumpkin seeds, just do Paraguard and papaya seeds or just Paraguard by itself.

Castor oil is an excellent anti-parasitic that you only need to take a few times a year. You take a tablespoon in the morning and then from 5-10 hours later make absolutely sure you are near a toilet for the remainder of the night.
Ive used fenbendazole and IVM on the dogs to deworm my litters and mama dogs.

And just ivm on the chickens.

For humans I think a good course of IVM is sufficient... I'm not sure how safe or if fenbendazole is fit for humans... Though I have heard of it.
I was reading one of my favorite pages on X (from South Africa) and the author was asking his followers if they did any regular deworming (to kill internal human parasites) and it appears that quite a few people do. I have never done this but am curious if anyone here has experience with this. I have some Ivermectin I picked up in Mexico last year so I thought of trying this.
I have done this on multiple occasions and continue to detox and deworm monthly.

As the above poster noted @StanWildman there is lots of natural remedies and other ones he mentioned.

I had severe chronic fatigue going on last year - I researched and basically knew it was internal parasites. I went out on a full blown attack and felt them dying off at nighttime, but messed up my body by killing them off without being able to get them out through pooping.

I had to do an enema to release everything and it worked - I was full of all sorts of things.

I used CDS as @Christos_NIKA mentioned internally and for the enema cleanse, it worked wonders and I do one weekly now.
Pumpkin seeds can be used as a natural dewormer, they pretty cheap, you could even blens them in a smoothie maker with yogurt
I've heard the same thing about papaya seeds. I was paranoid about parasites when I first moved to Central America and papayas are plentiful down there, so I used to always have a papaya around and eat the seeds. They didn't taste great, but it was doable.
Ive used fenbendazole and IVM on the dogs to deworm my litters and mama dogs.

And just ivm on the chickens.

For humans I think a good course of IVM is sufficient... I'm not sure how safe or if fenbendazole is fit for humans... Though I have heard of it.
Do a little reading. Fenben is fine as long as you stay within recommended amounts (there is a lot of reaseach on this) or you can just use the human-approved menbendazole if you are worried. IVM gets certain parasites as I said but it is necessary to use different substances to get different bugs.
messed up my body by killing them off without being able to get them out through pooping.
DO NOT BE CONSTIPATED when you embark on an anti-parasite regime. Otherwise there will be problems that might leave you worse off than simply living with worms.

Hydration and avoidance of foods that cause binding are extremely important. I think 5+ 12 oz glasses a water per day is the minimum. Taking coconut oil in the early day - a couple tablespoons - is an excellent laxative that will kick in in a few hours (for those with ears to hear, let them hear) which you can do with some bulletproof coffee and or large dollups on some fruit. I do not eat any bread and only minimal grain products, no cheese, when doing anti-parasitics. You need to adjust for your own metabolism.
I've heard the same thing about papaya seeds. I was paranoid about parasites when I first moved to Central America and papayas are plentiful down there, so I used to always have a papaya around and eat the seeds. They didn't taste great, but it was doable.
I find papaya seeds to be like pepper, not a bad addition to any food and not disagreeable. Eating them on fruit cancels out the bitterness.
I'd do the ivermectin approach.

There's a formula based off of bodyweight somewhere you can find.

I use it on all me dogs and chickens and take it in a prophylactic manner.

Ivermectin?? YOU'RE NOT A HORSE!!
