Daily Interactions With Women


I thought we needed a thread to record our everyday dialogues with women we are approaching and attempting to court.

Lately, I've been going to my local mall to buy clothes and hopefully run into some women along the way. There's one store here that has both a knickknacks section and a women's clothing section. It's like 90% women in the store, but a man can justify being in there if he's looking at all the other stuff they've got that's not part of women's apparel. So I often like to go into this place, not just in hopes of talking to a woman, but to look at all the other interesting merch they're selling.

It would be quite easy to start up a convo in this store IF the woman was in the knickknack section. But they never are. Too bad, as it would be easy to comment on these items and strike up a natural convo. Try doing that in the women's apparel section....
Don't do it brother, they're there shopping for their homes and families they're not there trying to get picked up. It's like going out to eat and one of my friends hitting on the waitress, dude she's there working she's not there to be your entertainment. I understand the concept of how women in an innocent environment would be the ones that you would actually want but maybe pick a place where it's more of a social setting and no I don't mean the club. But at the same time a little hole in the wall and there are a couple girls there and you buy them drinks and be social....that's not the worst thing it's not like those are club bottle rats. Among many other scenario also of course.

I'm not trying to put you down please please don't see it that way. I just think you can do better than that, like have more pride and respect than that and absolutely not to say you are not a respectful man.

But again not saying you're doing something wrong just giving my opinion so as to the situation you spoke of if it were me in a situation like that, the gym, the grocery store, a restaurant, a park....innocent places. You can maybe give a smile or just say "hi how are you" as they walk past and just see if the girl is receptive to it and then go from there. If it happens so be it and if not then that's fine too, but from my experience it actually happens a lot where just a friendly comment will draw a smile and lead to a further playful conversation. It's important to present yourself well and come off as kind and sincere with friendly intentions, again you're not at a place where people are there to socialize but if it happens so be it....it happens a lot.
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Girl at my work flirting with me. Street wisdom says to not get with a coworker. In this area, I'm not very streetwise. It can be done if you don't have to see them or work alongside them everyday, in this case I don't. Lots of people meet their spouses at work, so it's not all bad. And technically she's not a coworker.

Other places are fair game, mall included. If a woman locks eyes with you and smiles, it's fair game to smile back and strike up a small conversation as FrancisK suggested. Even without a green light, you can still go up and approach, but now you're starting to enter PUA territory. It can work though.

The one that I get most tempted to try something but I don't is at restaurants. Even a drive thru. Most girls who are on the clock are obligated to be nice. Doesn't mean there aren't some that aren't genuinely interested, but that's the exception to the rule.
Don't do it brother, they're there shopping for their homes and families they're not there trying to get picked up. It's like going out to eat and one of my friends hitting on the waitress, dude she's there working she's not there to be your entertainment. I understand the concept of how women in an innocent environment would be the ones that you would actually want but maybe pick a place where it's more of a social setting and no I don't mean the club. But at the same time a little hole in the wall and there are a couple girls there and you buy them drinks and be social....that's not the worst thing it's not like those are club bottle rats. Among many other scenario also of course.
So you are just supposed to pray and magically a woman will fall into your lap? If you don't talk to new women how do you ever expect to meet a woman? Not everybody is lucky enough to go to a church filled with young single women. You sound like you are purity spiraling again. Its easy for you to criticize other men's legitimate attempts to meet woman. Unfortunately not every man is in your lucky situation to be offered frequent introductions to vetted women. Many men have to do their own legwork and you want to shit on them for it.

Are you aware of the parable of the drowning man?
this isn't a game forum, marriage is the goal
Lately, I've been going to my local mall to buy clothes and hopefully run into some women along the way.
If you are looking to meet women its best to try and find a place that has great game logistics otherwise it makes it harder. Admittedly some cities really don't have any places with good game logistics so it also depends on where you live I guess.
I'm currently doing rideshare. I drive dozens of women everyday; most of my passengers are women. Before I started I didn't realize how that would affect me.

I've done more than 1500 rides and I gave my number to three women who ignored me. One women gave me her number and we met. It's a delicate situation; I want to be professional and not make any unwanted advances that could get me kicked off the platform.

Some women are friendly but that doesn't mean they are interested in every guy they talk to. The woman I met asked me personal questions and opened up about her love life. And she responded positively to a compliment. Those are the green lights.

It's a fine art, knowing when to just enjoy the conversation and when to make a move.
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So you are just supposed to pray and magically a woman will fall into your lap? If you don't talk to new women how do you ever expect to meet a woman? Not everybody is lucky enough to go to a church filled with young single women. You sound like you are purity spiraling again. Its easy for you to criticize other men's legitimate attempts to meet woman. Unfortunately not every man is in your lucky situation to be offered frequent introductions to vetted women. Many men have to do their own legwork and you want to shit on them for it.

Are you aware of the parable of the drowning man?

Did I say don't talk to women? Did I say to pray and one will appear magically? Who did I shit on? If you're going to run your mouth maybe actually read what I wrote. I said don't be a classless loser PUA going around hitting on them while they're just trying to go about their everyday lives, I also said nothing wrong with being polite and saying hello and seeing what happens.

Maybe stop being so combative and negative towards everything and try having some class instead of being so desperate you might have some better luck. If you want to throw parables out there you ever heard of the definition of insanity?
I said don't be a classless loser PUA going around hitting on them while they're just trying to go about their everyday lives
Tbh this mentality works more against men than for them.

Having a brief conversation with a stranger isn’t something traumatic for women. If it is, then that just speaks to her being sheltered and quite frankly I can’t have sympathy for something so petty. If a man is civil and can take no for an answer chatting up strangers really isn’t a big deal. If you live in a bubble that might be hard to grasp but in the grand scheme of things it’s nothing.
Tbh this mentality works more against men than for them.

Having a brief conversation with a stranger isn’t something traumatic for women. If it is, then that just speaks to her being sheltered and quite frankly I can’t have sympathy for something so petty. If a man is civil and can take no for an answer chatting up strangers really isn’t a big deal. If you live in a bubble that might be hard to grasp but in the grand scheme of things it’s nothing.

Agree but there is a difference between being friendly and maybe something happening because of that which happens all the time and being that dipshit that is specifically going to innocuous places trying to turn them into a hunting grounds hounding women. Not speaking to the OP here.

If you want to find a good woman you need to start with being a good man yourself. That's the way I see it.

Would you want a girl that throws herself at every guy wherever she goes? Of course not....so why would you act like that yourself?
Agree but there is a difference between being friendly and maybe something happening because of that which happens all the time and being that dipshit that is specifically going to innocuous places trying to turn them into a hunting grounds hounding women. Not speaking to the OP here.

If you want to find a good woman you need to start with being a good man yourself. That's the way I see it.

Would you want a girl that throws herself at every guy wherever she goes? Of course not....so why would you act like that yourself?
Men have to take initiative, I feel it’s an unfair comparison.
True, but where do you think this applies? OP is attempting to meet women, and I don’t think he’s interested in bars/clubs.

Places specifically tailored as social events, doesn't have to be the bar.

You're right and I digress, what I do doesn't have to be the same as what another man does and I wrote as much as in my reply. Also I have personally met women at innocuous places but it was without trying, I wasn't there for that purpose. I communicated that it was something to tread lightly with but then also gave some commentary about if you were to do that because I have done that myself, even if it wasn't on purpose.
Did I say don't talk to women? Did I say to pray and one will appear magically? Who did I shit on? If you're going to run your mouth maybe actually read what I wrote. I said don't be a classless loser PUA going around hitting on them while they're just trying to go about their everyday lives, I also said nothing wrong with being polite and saying hello and seeing what happens.

Maybe stop being so combative and negative towards everything and try having some class instead of being so desperate you might have some better luck. If you want to throw parables out there you ever heard of the definition of insanity?
I think your intentions are good, but reading your posts over the years, I don't think you quit grasp how desperate the situation is for White men in the west. You have said before you are part of a tight knit minority community. And that within this community the other members are constantly trying to set you up with women.

As I have grown older, and my own unique path, I have come to realize there is absolutely nothing more important for a human than a community. I have both had a community as a child, that many Americans never got to appreciate, and took it for granted. I then lost that community and for years suffered through stress, anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. It wasn't until I truly realize how important community is, and finding a new one, that I was able to come back to feeling somewhat normal again. And damn it feels good. I have little in my life, no wife, no kids, no hobbies, no friends, but at least I have a community, and that alone keeps me going.

Most White American men don't have community. They are isolated in the burbs, or in the hellscape of an urban area. They have no one trying to introduce them to women. They don't often meet many women. They are locked in their routine of working a 40 hour week, likely with other men and some married women, and then on the weekends trying to find something to make their life fulfilling, which never happens because their real desire is a mate. Everywhere they go, every person of power, is either telling them they are the worst person alive or they don't matter. Many women they do meet are either fat, narcissists, or drug addicts. And that is if they are lucky enough to come across them and get more than a growling "leave me alone" style "hello" back from them.

I am lucky, I have an opportunity to meet a lot of women, but I am not interested right now in my life. I have bigger things to deal with. But most guys are not so lucky. I see some of the women who not only have a guy, but have other guys lined up. Very subpar women, with many choices, and they use it to their advantage to make their current guy uncomfortable and on edge.

I guess my long post, I have two important points.

#1) Don't take your community for granted and realize most of the men here and you see out there don't have a community.

#2) For those men without community, I suggest they do their best to meet women any place they can. Since men and women's interests rarely line up, these leaves them with social media, dating websites, bars/clubs, or as the OP suggested, places where women congregate. Whether shopping, yoga, farmer's markets, or whatever other thing women do as a hive minded creature, that is where these men will have to go to meet women. And in these settings, where women outnumber men, the women will naturally feel safer and more open to conversation that leads to who knows where.
Did I say don't talk to women? Did I say to pray and one will appear magically? Who did I shit on? If you're going to run your mouth maybe actually read what I wrote. I said don't be a classless loser PUA going around hitting on them while they're just trying to go about their everyday lives, I also said nothing wrong with being polite and saying hello and seeing what happens.

Maybe stop being so combative and negative towards everything and try having some class instead of being so desperate you might have some better luck. If you want to throw parables out there you ever heard of the definition of insanity?
Australia seems to have given up the pretence of searching for a virgin 'wife' đź‘€
Don't do it brother, they're there shopping for their homes and families they're not there trying to get picked up. It's like going out to eat and one of my friends hitting on the waitress, dude she's there working she's not there to be your entertainment. I understand the concept of how women in an innocent environment would be the ones that you would actually want but maybe pick a place where it's more of a social setting and no I don't mean the club. But at the same time a little hole in the wall and there are a couple girls there and you buy them drinks and be social....that's not the worst thing it's not like those are club bottle rats. Among many other scenario also of course.

I'm not trying to put you down please please don't see it that way. I just think you can do better than that, like have more pride and respect than that and absolutely not to say you are not a respectful man.

But again not saying you're doing something wrong just giving my opinion so as to the situation you spoke of if it were me in a situation like that, the gym, the grocery store, a restaurant, a park....innocent places. You can maybe give a smile or just say "hi how are you" as they walk past and just see if the girl is receptive to it and then go from there. If it happens so be it and if not then that's fine too, but from my experience it actually happens a lot where just a friendly comment will draw a smile and lead to a further playful conversation. It's important to present yourself well and come off as kind and sincere with friendly intentions, again you're not at a place where people are there to socialize but if it happens so be it....it happens a lot.

I am a bit surprised to see this point raised so strongly. Let me emphasise that I respect you as a poster in general, and appreciate your respectful tone above. My disagreement is about this particular issue only. Some thoughts follow that are not simply a response to your post but also address concerns noted elsewhere about similar discussions on CIK.

Re: Objection 1 - "you are harassing women when they don't want to be approached".

Well, most men are needy, cannot read signals, and should not be approaching women in public. A lot of street approaching is uncalibrated, unwanted and, in many cases, genuinely borders on mild harassment. However, I want to emphasise the mild nature of these interactions for the most part.

In contrast, there are also A LOT of legitimately creepy dudes with near zero social awareness in major cities who make women scared on public transport etc. These men often have drug issues, mental health problems, etc.

That said, men can learn how to start interactions with good intentions, harmless vibes, and by giving value. Reading signals is also an essential skill to develop, while simultaneously being outcome independent and avoiding any reliance on gaining instant approval. For instance, reading too much into friendliness from women behind the store counter is good for the ego but not for much else. In this context, keep it light, short, and move on.

Importantly, women need men to approach them, because women do not take initiative. Telling men they shouldn't approach and placing restrictions on such discussions here would likely take us back to the end times of RVF when the courting sub-forum was banned. This left single men with no discussions that could offer a tangible path forward for development of relationships and marriage.

Re: Objection 2 - "daygame is about short term sexual encounters and you won't meet a wife from that"

It is true that men can try to meet women (nearly) anywhere and try to have sex quickly. Yet men can also try to meet wife material women (nearly) anywhere. A man can choose to only approach women with tattoos, short skirts, showing cleavage etc, given that these are visual cues that suggest openness to quick sex. Conversely, a man could also choose to only approach women with no tattoos, no crazy hair colours, not much skin showing etc.

Of course wife-worthy women are rare these days, but that doesn't change the key point here:

Learning about socialising, communication, sales, psychology, relationships etc can be used for good or bad or something in between. I think it's in men's best interest to consider this information and to gain knowledge while being guided by men who have longer term experience and wisdom on their side, especially men with a conservative stance and Christian ethos. Younger men need guidance, and shutting out conversations about courtship may lead some of them to seek help elsewhere, in places with more liberal values.

In addition, many young men these days are overly reliant on dating apps and social media for interacting with women. These men badly need ongoing help with initiating interactions in the real world.

Now, there is a clear risk that a few men, reporting about courtship, will say they hold conservative values and say they want a relationship but who will actually try to escalate things sexually based on pure opportunistic availability. This is a risk, however, that I believe is already well recognised and managed adequately here.

In sum, a man can decide what kind of relationship he wants and guide these interactions forward, or decide to end them, based on his goal. Socialising and communication is what you make it.

Further discussion here:

I thought we needed a thread to record our everyday dialogues with women we are approaching and attempting to court.

Lately, I've been going to my local mall to buy clothes and hopefully run into some women along the way. There's one store here that has both a knickknacks section and a women's clothing section. It's like 90% women in the store, but a man can justify being in there if he's looking at all the other stuff they've got that's not part of women's apparel. So I often like to go into this place, not just in hopes of talking to a woman, but to look at all the other interesting merch they're selling.

It would be quite easy to start up a convo in this store IF the woman was in the knickknack section. But they never are. Too bad, as it would be easy to comment on these items and strike up a natural convo. Try doing that in the women's apparel section....

Nice idea.

I don't see a question here so I'm not sure if you are looking for feedback (?)

If you are, I'll give you some tips that are based on experience, not just theory. Prior to meeting my wife, I developed a couple of long term relationships that only happened because I took action to make incidental socialising a regular habit. Also, some of my close friends have met their wives through incidental approaching. One friend (non-church going), who I instructed on this topic, met his wife in a grocery store. Years later, I was a groomsman at his wedding, and they now have children. Another friend who I mentored (very red-pilled and now church-going) met his wife in a book store. I also went to his wedding and they're currently planning for children. So, many great things, not just empty sex, can come from random encounters.

Now, some action tips as a start:
  1. Every time you go outside, make a conscious effort to make small talk with everyone, where the situation permits. E.g., waiting in line somewhere.
  2. Practice light chit chat with store clerks and other workers (remember that almost all workers will be nice as part of their job, so move on quickly to avoid overstaying your welcome).
  3. Where possible, try to make the other person smile or laugh. Keep everything friendly, light, and fun.
  4. Use situational cues to start a conversation with women about something in the environment, with no further outcome in mind. (For the Maddox example, you could walk into a women's clothing section and simply ask why X thing is popular. No need to escalate further. This is just making random conversation to build your social skills and comfort, and hopefully to brighten the day of someone else just for a few moments. Thus, no need to worry about having a deeper "reason" to be there.)
  5. Maintain this practice on a regular basis.
  6. Ensure, where possible, that it's balanced with socialising through church, friends, social circle, groups/clubs, work etc.
Some critical aspects of growth and mindset:
  • Get feedback from the environment, friends, and others. If you haven't achieved your goals yet, consider the value of listening to others who have achieved similar things to what you want.
  • Use self-reflection to adapt and improve. Always be ready to look inwards as a means to grow. It's essential to be brutally honest with yourself, and not to shy away from making real self-assesments about both your strengths and areas to work on.
  • Try to "give" in early interactions without any expectation of reciprocation. Be ready for some people to look at you weirdly, ignore you, make you feel rejected etc. This is an unavoidable part of taking social risks.
  • It's difficult to over-emphasise how important it is to steel yourself mentally/emotionally and to become resilient in the face of rejection. Yet men must take such risks, and persist in the face of them, to succeed in life.
And from there...

Once you get more confident with the above, then you can advance to consciously approaching attractive women and transitioning from indirect situational chats that last under a minute, to deeper conversations that could go anywhere. And beyond.

I hope this helps.
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Last woman I talked to was one that started messaging me last year, presumably due to suspicions of school shooting. It was an alright conversation the first 2 times, if not interrupted by her having a boyfriend. But then last time she doesn't answer for 2 weeks even though they're all plugged on the damn phone 24/7, and that she started the conversation anyway. Also forgot my birthday despite saying "noted" during conversation.
What about Greek Fest? A lot of Orthodox in here, there's usually a large Greek Fest once a year at various churches, are there not? Maybe a good time to meet women. If I were not married and needing to find a woman I would probably reserve cold approaching for large, safe environments like festivals, parks, expos, public performances, concerts, sports events, or any other place where there are large gatherings of locals who are looking to have a fun time and are more open to talking to strangers.
I think your intentions are good, but reading your posts over the years, I don't think you quit grasp how desperate the situation is for White men in the west. You have said before you are part of a tight knit minority community. And that within this community the other members are constantly trying to set you up with women.

As I have grown older, and my own unique path, I have come to realize there is absolutely nothing more important for a human than a community. I have both had a community as a child, that many Americans never got to appreciate, and took it for granted. I then lost that community and for years suffered through stress, anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. It wasn't until I truly realize how important community is, and finding a new one, that I was able to come back to feeling somewhat normal again. And damn it feels good. I have little in my life, no wife, no kids, no hobbies, no friends, but at least I have a community, and that alone keeps me going.

Most White American men don't have community. They are isolated in the burbs, or in the hellscape of an urban area. They have no one trying to introduce them to women. They don't often meet many women. They are locked in their routine of working a 40 hour week, likely with other men and some married women, and then on the weekends trying to find something to make their life fulfilling, which never happens because their real desire is a mate. Everywhere they go, every person of power, is either telling them they are the worst person alive or they don't matter. Many women they do meet are either fat, narcissists, or drug addicts. And that is if they are lucky enough to come across them and get more than a growling "leave me alone" style "hello" back from them.

I am lucky, I have an opportunity to meet a lot of women, but I am not interested right now in my life. I have bigger things to deal with. But most guys are not so lucky. I see some of the women who not only have a guy, but have other guys lined up. Very subpar women, with many choices, and they use it to their advantage to make their current guy uncomfortable and on edge.

I guess my long post, I have two important points.

#1) Don't take your community for granted and realize most of the men here and you see out there don't have a community.

#2) For those men without community, I suggest they do their best to meet women any place they can. Since men and women's interests rarely line up, these leaves them with social media, dating websites, bars/clubs, or as the OP suggested, places where women congregate. Whether shopping, yoga, farmer's markets, or whatever other thing women do as a hive minded creature, that is where these men will have to go to meet women. And in these settings, where women outnumber men, the women will naturally feel safer and more open to conversation that leads to who knows where.

I know full well that white men have lost their identity and culture in the west and it's a very sad situation but I think that is a different discussion. I will say this, I didn't grow up around my culture, I know my culture full well I speak Aramaic and I'm proud of my culture but I actually grew up in the whitest of white leave it to beaver neighborhoods possible. I know lots of white men I grew up with who do have the community you speak of and they did marry nice girls and went on to have beautiful families, I fully reject the premise that things are hopeless and I think that defeatist attitude works against you.

I've said this before, there are men of my culture who are desperate to get married and nobody will have them because they spent their lives at the strip club, in the bar, desperate for attention putting themselves out there as much as they can staining themselves and nobody will have them directly because of it. The same culture that vouches for me works against them and for whatever it's worth I haven't taken up my family on their offers to set me up with girls, that's not how I want to do things and quite frankly I don't need the help.

My point has always been and I will stand by it, if you want a good woman you need to be a good man first and foremost.
I know full well that white men have lost their identity and culture in the west and it's a very sad situation but I think that is a different discussion. I will say this, I didn't grow up around my culture, I know my culture full well I speak Aramaic and I'm proud of my culture but I actually grew up in the whitest of white leave it to beaver neighborhoods possible. I know lots of white men I grew up with who do have the community you speak of and they did marry nice girls and went on to have beautiful families, I fully reject the premise that things are hopeless and I think that defeatist attitude works against you.

I've said this before, there are men of my culture who are desperate to get married and nobody will have them because they spent their lives at the strip club, in the bar, desperate for attention putting themselves out there as much as they can staining themselves and nobody will have them directly because of it. The same culture that vouches for me works against them and for whatever it's worth I haven't taken up my family on their offers to set me up with girls, that's not how I want to do things and quite frankly I don't need the help.

My point has always been and I will stand by it, if you want a good woman you need to be a good man first and foremost.
I believe you are close to 40, if I remember correctly. That puts me at about 5 to 8 years older than you. You are right, when we grew up there were a lot of White men who married nice young women. Those days are disappearing very quickly as young White men are being destroyed and young White women are turning to any pleasure possible to satisfy themselves.

I agree about being a good man first. But once you are a good man, if you live in the west, still finding a good wife is a struggle and any opportunity to meet women should be taken, with the understanding you are meeting a wife, not a fling.