Covid Jab Injuries

Lowest fertility rates in 40 years, what a shocker. How did that happen Auntie Beeb?

"millennials, born up to the mid-1990s, are not having children because of financial pressures, not feeling ready or having not found the right partner."

But of course.

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Gal Gadot is the (((person))) who released that awful cringe inducing instagram & youtube video of various "has been" Z-list celebrities all singing pieces of the official baby boomer national anthem called "imagine" by John Lennon. It was released in the first or second week of the covid "pandemic" lockdowns of 2020 and apart from being super weird and ill timed, was a way for them to humblebrag how lockdown was easy for them in their enormous mansions with 25 rooms or more.


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I don't even know what to feel about this. Lindy is a Warrior. God Bless her and her recovery and we should be praying for her.
I wish these stories were headlines in our screwed up world. What a clown world. Maybe they will be some day...

Thanks @MrRedsquare for documenting this as always. Legend. (y)
The truth is starting to come out.

Yale scientists link Covid vaccines to alarming new syndrome causing 'distinct biological changes' to body
