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Covid Jab Injuries

This thread is crazy. None of this stuff is normal. People are dropping like flies and no-one can see it except those who are awake. It's like being in a zombie movie

While the excess death toll seems to be from an epidemic of the vaccinated, the rush on European, Australian and North American borders seem to be an epidemic of the unvaccinated.
Warning - graphic content below


^ I was informed this week of a pretty healthy 53 yo man that died of cancer over the winter. "He felt a little sick, was diagnosed, about 7 weeks later he passed." He worked construction his whole life and was always fit and energetic man. We'll never know. Rest in peace, brother.
^ I was informed this week of a pretty healthy 53 yo man that died of cancer over the winter. "He felt a little sick, was diagnosed, about 7 weeks later he passed." He worked construction his whole life and was always fit and energetic man. We'll never know. Rest in peace, brother.
Today I learned of a late 20's young man with Stage 4 cancer. He is a friend of my kids and an was an excellent high school athlete. Very fit.

That's two fast-progression cancers I've heard of in the last week.
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Stay away from hospitals. Some places are "vaccinating" people under the guise of any injection whatsoever.

"Warning to anyone that goes into a hospital"

I'm pretty sure this is in the UK. They are always ground zero for anti-life policies.