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Coffee Thread

Remember to not feed the monster by buying or drinking gay coffee :
There was a good article about that in ROK, maybe it is somewhere in the internet archives..
Due to stomach issues I decided to replace my daily coffees with caffiene tablets. In addition I found that the colour of my teeth improved since then. Also, with heightened sensitivity to caffeine I've moderated my intake.

@JR5 and others - the following may or may not be useful to you depending on your biophysical state and circumstances.


Some adjustments I've made at times, which have helped to reduce stomach/oesophagus irritation, sooth the jitters, minimise the elevation of immediate heart rate [and hopefully longer term heart issues] (1-5); heighten focus (5); reduce the incidence of caffiene-withdrawal headaches (6); reduce difficulty in getting to sleep (7); and buffer neurotransmitter desensitisation (8).
  1. Wait 1-2 hours after waking to have my first dose (during this time I will get sun exposure, do stretching, have a shower and do other things to help speed up the natural waking process, plus:
  2. Drink 500-800ml of water/fluids before having my first dose.
  3. Take 2-4 small doses throughout the day, rather than 1 or 2 large doses
  4. Avoid mixing with other stimulants
  5. Alternate combining caffeine with L-Theanine OR Glycine OR Ashwaganda/Bacopa in a cycle
  6. Use the minimum dose needed for my purpose of the day, e.g., important meeting = higher dose, weekend chilling = lower dose; use moderation and conscious use as a guiding principle rather than maximising my pleasure or using it out of habit.
  7. Conclude all intake within 8-10 hours of bedtime
  8. Ensure at least 1-2 days per week are caffeine free

As I was reading your post, I was thinking “this guy is reciting Hubermann” and then I saw your links. My norm for last 10-20 years is to wake up, drink about 8oz water and then pour about 12oz coffee first thing. Last year or 2 Ive been experiencing manic energy early in the morning followed by a mid-day crash for about 2-4 hrs. Then remainder of evening Im pretty moderated in my energy levels. So I tried the delay coffee recommendation by 1-2 hrs in the morning but I really didn’t really notice much change in my energy peaks/valleys. It wasn’t until I tried a carivore diet (with no changes in my coffee consumption) for 10-12 days that I noticed I fixed my energy levels to be at a moderated level maintained steady all day. Don’t mean to hijack thread into a carnivore diet discussion but just wanted to report my experiences and findings thus far. Does anyone else have issues with peak & valley energy levels and how did you fix it?

Something about decaf just tastes off. I wouldn't be surprised if the process they use to extract the caffeine makes it toxic.

Yeah they use paint stripper to get the caffeine out. Drink swiss water decaf instead. It is more expensive but the process used to remove the caffeine is chemical free.
Why the hell would anyone drink decaf anyway? Coffee tastes like ass, I only drink it for the caffeine. No one truly thinks coffee tastes good.