Christianity and Race, by St. Nephon

Wow, now you're really picture-spamming this thread. Chill down, brother. Do you think anyone will take your point more seriously because of all those colorful graphics? My posts must have triggered something deep inside of you that you're willing to research my whole forum history, down-vote my posts and even accuse me of being one of (((them))). I can assure you I'm not a fed either - why would they even care about a smallish forum like this one which is filled with incels?

I never denied the existence of race, by the way. I just denied lumping together blonde, blue-eyed, tall Northern Europeans with swarthy Southern Europeans as one single "white race". It is the light-pigmented Northerners who are the true "white" Europeans and the more civilized people, Southerners are olive-skinned darkies who are jumping the bandwagon.

Southern European countries such as modern Greece, the Balkans and southern Italy generally are shitholes compared to the Northern ones such as Germany, England or Sweden. Also - prior to the 20th century - the US was largely settled and built up by light-pigmented Europeans of NW-European descent like the English, French and Germans. It was only around the turn of the 20th century that swarthy S-European immigration (Italians) was encouraged.

DNA and genetic research is a Jewish dominated discipline that mostly ignores phenotypical classification:

There is your "one white race". Please tell me that Mediterranids, Dinarids and Alpinids are "white" compared to Nordids and East Europids. Nazi anthropologists often were Nordicists who considered the blonde Nordid race superior to the swarthy European races. They claimed that Nordids were the founders of Indo-European civilizations like the Romans, Ancient Greeks, Persians, Indians etc. which is why you can still find their racial remnants such as blue eyes in modern-day mixed populations of Kurdistan, Iran, Afghanistan and India (mostly in the upper caste of Brahmans).
Even the light-pigmented East Europids which are mainly found among Eastern Slav populations today were inferior to Nazi Nordicists - so it's not about being "white" only. Ironically, many White Nationalists today consider Eastern Slavs "non-white" even though they are quite light-pigmented.
Calling someone "muh incel" on ex-PickUpArtist-turned-Godpill forum 🤡 🤡 🤡

You are out of your league here buddy.
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It isn't despair, I hope I am wrong, but when you really study China, they are worlds ahead of the west in technology.
Even though the US is in decline, this flatly is not true.
As @Samseau correctly and wisely pointed out, Whites, as an ethnic group, suffer greatly from the sin of pride and this is our downfall right now.
I think it's more the fact of what M.B points out below.
particularly those in the 50s and 60s chose to not believe and instead opted for the good life.
The "whites" suffered from population increase, the wealth effect, materialism, and allowing others to come in and propagandize them. We now see the results of choosing "the good life" and forgetting about God, which of course destroys who you are as a human being.
Even though the US is in decline, this flatly is not true.

I think it's more the fact of what M.B points out below.

The "whites" suffered from population increase, the wealth effect, materialism, and allowing others to come in and propagandize them. We now see the results of choosing "the good life" and forgetting about God, which of course destroys who you are as a human being.
I agree with your comment about Whites, especially lets say the 1960's culture revolution, where Whites walked away from God and Christianity due to easy materialism and are now suffering greatly for it.

China though is much more advanced than maybe you realize. There are rumors they have developed a 5mm chip and if so, that puts them on another level. It was the USA under Trump hitting them hard to keep the 7mm chip very limited to them, if they went above and beyond, there is no telling what else they have accomplished. They have rocket technology that our top brass admit "we have no idea how that is even possible". We have planes falling apart in the sky on a daily basis and phones that only slightly increase battery and phone functionality for thousands of dollars to purchase.

It isn't because the Chinese are superior. It is because they honor, reward, and look up to education and intelligence. In the west we reject it for sports ball, or for diversity quotas. And as time goes on, as long as the west continues to do this, China will simply pull further and further ahead.

I think the real big question is if the satanic elites can eventually take over China after Xi Jinping is gone. If not, China will take over the globe, how they treat the rest of us is unknown but probably not going to be good. If the satanic elites can take over Chian, then it will be the USA v.2.0 or simply the British Empire v.3.0. And eventually China will be used and abused until the satanic elites move on elsewhere a hundred years down the road and China is left a husk of its former self. Much like it was due to the Opium wars, pushed by the very same satanic elites. One thing going for China is they are well aware of the satanic elites and don't seem to be willing to let them rule over them again.
I agree with your comment about Whites, especially lets say the 1960's culture revolution, where Whites walked away from God and Christianity due to easy materialism and are now suffering greatly for it.

China though is much more advanced than maybe you realize. There are rumors they have developed a 5mm chip and if so, that puts them on another level. It was the USA under Trump hitting them hard to keep the 7mm chip very limited to them, if they went above and beyond, there is no telling what else they have accomplished. They have rocket technology that our top brass admit "we have no idea how that is even possible". We have planes falling apart in the sky on a daily basis and phones that only slightly increase battery and phone functionality for thousands of dollars to purchase.

It isn't because the Chinese are superior. It is because they honor, reward, and look up to education and intelligence. In the west we reject it for sports ball, or for diversity quotas. And as time goes on, as long as the west continues to do this, China will simply pull further and further ahead.

I think the real big question is if the satanic elites can eventually take over China after Xi Jinping is gone. If not, China will take over the globe, how they treat the rest of us is unknown but probably not going to be good. If the satanic elites can take over Chian, then it will be the USA v.2.0 or simply the British Empire v.3.0. And eventually China will be used and abused until the satanic elites move on elsewhere a hundred years down the road and China is left a husk of its former self. Much like it was due to the Opium wars, pushed by the very same satanic elites. One thing going for China is they are well aware of the satanic elites and don't seem to be willing to let them rule over them again.
Yes to all of these hypotheticals, however Christendom does not need China. I don't expect them to be anything more than they already are, a mercantile race that takes the community to the extreme over the individual, even to the point of Godlessness because everything is so automated there. Would they subjugate America and start strip mining all of its resources? Not unless they send the PLA in to wipe out every Mesoamerican drug gang. China has never done an intercontinental invasion outside of its natural geographical sphere of influence. What they're doing in Africa now seems to be easy pickings for minerals and profits, hence their mercantilism.

They were much better under the Manchus, when they actively fought against the degenerate jewish influence of opium and the golem that was the British Empire at that point in time. Though the CCP was spawned by jewish marxist ideas, the "Xi Jinping" thought has trickled down and this is one of the only things that won't allow the jews to completely dominate it. They can assassinate or replace him, but can they root out the pro-Chinese thought? That will be very hard for them to do given their current exposure.

We could discuss ad nauseum how much better China would be if it became wholly Christian, and despite how I used to pray for it, it is not feasibly possible with the size of their people and the mixture of their old religions, communism, and lifestyles. They are conditioned to behave in a very secular way from birth, and barely 2% of their population are Christian. Yes they are anti-globohomo, but that does not mean that they could create the same hard-fought peace for their people the way the Europeans did. There are some Anglican bishops who would place preaching to these people above their own European brethren, and this is where reality diverges for what is best for Christendom. All of these efforts to proselytize the alien world have only done a net harm to the faith as it eventually lead to the infiltration and subversion of Church offices by traitors and aliens who undermined the specific history of those who founded the Church to begin with, and as a result the last 79 years have seen the largest abandonment of the faith by its stock congregations in its 2000 year history.

Here is an image just to get an idea of how little of China has been exposed to Christ:
An estimated Christian population of 23 million plus out of its ballparked total population of 1.426 billion is a whopping 1.6%.

God bless the ones that do come to Christ, as the Philippines are an example of one such nation that is the leading standard bearer for Christ in that part of the world, however, even that did not rescue them from third-world status, low-trust society with high crime, and generations of indignities. I would never purposefully condemn a White and Filipino couple that are Catholic and practicing, but it's a weak move on both their parts. Many hapas are statistically prone to mental illnesses and this is obvious if you've spent time around enough of them. Every single one I knew had severe social issues, addictive behaviors, and two eventually became murderers from years of living in a twisted reality (though I suspected the worse of these two was half crypto-jewish on the fathers side).

Family dynamics plays a lot into a Christian household when there is more than one race involved. Life is already a struggle enough, I would never further complicate it on purpose. That being said, I would never turn away an Asiatic seeking Christ, just like I would never turn away an African, an Indian, or even a jew, but I am eternally leery of these people, and that is something no social conditioning can make me or any other awakened European drop.

Truth being told in all, there is so much work to be done in rescuing our own people from their spiritual abandonment and secular lies that none of us would even have the earthly time to attempt some external crusade to convert foreign swathes, and those that do are often met with grizzly or unfortunate ends, or they've succeeded in reaching some distant race that will not preserve what they have given them while abandoning their own who have lost their faith. Pathological altruism is the White man's Achilles heel.

One of the problems with all the hollow sermons and "churchianity" culture in the west is that it has lost its touch to the true divine. Many westerners do not know the humbling and the peace that is truly felt when in a traditional Latin service or at an Orthodox liturgy. Us Europeans being spiritual creatures cannot gravitate towards empty religions and mockeries of Christian historical tradition. So one tactic that must be embraced is the raising up of the traditional Churches and the breaking down of the fake ones and not stopping ever until Kingdom Come. To truly purge the judaized and masonic elements from the corrupted versions of Christianity will see Whites coming back to the Church en masse.
could discuss ad nauseum how much better China would be if it became wholly Christian, and despite how I used to pray for it, it is not feasibly possible with the size of their people and the mixture of their old religions, communism, and lifestyles. They are conditioned to behave in a very secular way from birth, and barely 2% of their population are Christian. Yes they are anti-globohomo, but that does not mean that they could create the same hard-fought peace for their people the way the Europeans did. There are some Anglican bishops who would place preaching to these people above their own European brethren, and this is where reality diverges for what is best for Christendom. All of these efforts to proselytize the alien world have only done a net harm to the faith as it eventually lead to the infiltration and subversion of Church offices by traitors and aliens who undermined the specific history of those who founded the Church to begin with, and as a result the last 79 years have seen the largest abandonment of the faith by its stock congregations in its 2000 year history.
There are some white-pills in this area. Christianity has made great strides in China. The problem is you have a communist gang that runs the country. But even the CCP recognizes how it shot itself in the foot with the one-child policy. I'm praying that God overthrows their demonic government, and a lot can change in 50 years.
If the satanic elites can take over Chian, then it will be the USA v.2.0 or simply the British Empire v.3.0.

One thing going for China is they are well aware of the satanic elites and don't seem to be willing to let them rule over them again.

I'm of a similar belief as put forth by Bro Nat, which is that the monetary system as currently exists, and that can change within 10-20 years dramatically, still goes through the central bankers/"west". That means China is dependent on it, one way or another. And it has major ponzi/real estate issues that it has to deal with that are very fragile.

I don't expect them to be anything more than they already are, a mercantile race that takes the community to the extreme over the individual, even to the point of Godlessness because everything is so automated there.
Yes, they can be successful, and for a time (as we've seen historically), but ultimately this always reverts.
however, even that did not rescue them from third-world status, low-trust society with high crime, and generations of indignities
To deny that certain groups, or people, have ceilings is to do the same thing that is stupidly done in the west: tell everyone they "can do anything they want" if they just put their mind to it. People can do amazing things, but those amazing things are in the realm of the spiritual, and are not what is referred to when spoken about in the material (which of course matter less).
I'm of a similar belief as put forth by Bro Nat, which is that the monetary system as currently exists, and that can change within 10-20 years dramatically, still goes through the central bankers/"west". That means China is dependent on it, one way or another. And it has major ponzi/real estate issues that it has to deal with that are very fragile.
You are correct. I am speaking beyond the time that the west can still project power and the bankers can still crack down on anyone who rocks the boat.

We can see how weak and ineffective our military already is. Fearing an Iranian retaliation to the point they reach out and say "if you leave us alone, you can hit Israel" or how the Houthi's have made our military "intelligence" look like clowns. The way things are going, there will eventually be a time when China is advanced enough that the west can no longer threaten them. And that is when I am talking about China taking what they need and want. A bunch of 90 IQ people are not going to stop them or even slow them down. And that is the future battle of the West v. China.
Here is another shocking example of the growth China has experienced in the last 25 years. 90 IQ immigrants/the lack of intelligence in the west + anti-White diversity quotas = a system that cannot even function. Must less stop an invasion by a soon-to-be vastly superior opponent who needs the land to feed their own people. And who, historically proven stronger view, of the collective.

Whites might disappear from the west in a few generations. And with it will go the ability of the remaining inhabitants to defend themselves from a vastly superior competitors. Competitors who both need their land and already see these new inhabitants as a cancer on the globe that they must cut out to survive and feed themselves.

Calling someone "muh incel" on ex-PickUpArtist-turned-Godpill forum 🤡 🤡 🤡

You are out of your league here buddy.

We don't know for sure if he's a chew or a fed, he could just be one of the millions of brainwashed, so, I have deleted your images making assumptions about him. Love thy enemy, so we should give him the benefit of the doubt until there is hard evidence. I even gave Cog Dis 73 lots of time before he exposed himself, generally if they are in fact Talmuds they won't be able to hide it.
Saint Nephon's accounts of individuals of African descent achieving spiritual greatness are notable exceptions rather than the norm. Though he does acknowledge the virtues and accomplishments of these individuals, that do not change the broader reality of racial differences. Just as Saint Nephon compares humanity to the diversity of the earth with different races akin to different types of soil, he implies that racial distinctions are inherent and enduring. Therefore, rather than seeking integration or equality, Christians should embrace and celebrate racial differences, recognizing the inherent blessing bestowed upon the European-descended peoples as the chosen vessels of God's divine plan.

It is a bit of a chicken and the egg argument - did God make Whites more capable of following Him, or are Whites blessed for recognizing God in greater capacity than other races, thus earning more blessings? I would classify it as a mystery. (mysterion) However, what we can conclude, is that it is always God as the root cause of White ascendancy, so no matter what, Whites cannot hold themselves as superior for something that was given to them by mercy. The same goes for Jews (the ones who accepted Christ, that is).

Nothing humans have is actually deserved, but bestowed through mercy and grace, which is why pride is always the deadliest of sins.

Also, as Saint Nephon affirms the unique virtues of individuals of African descent while maintaining the broader racial hierarchy, so too should modern Christians uphold the racial purity and integrity of their own communities, ensuring the preservation of God's intended order. To purposefully do the opposite to prove some point ("I'm not racist!" or "I don't worship my own race, see my mixed-race relationship!") is willful bastardization with a priori knowledge.

Nephon understands these racial differences, but this does not mean one needs to worry about upholding the purity or intergrity of such racial communities. If they were put there by God, why does anyone need to worry about it? God gives, God takes, it's beyond our control and therefore not to worry.

All we need to worry about is our own personal relationship with God, then our Neighbors, then the stranger, then the enemy's relationship with God. Everything else will sort itself out afterwards.

Yes race denialism is a satanic (Hebrew for adversary) lie. These satans (adversaries) are using this lie to make us believe in the hodgepodge of a new Babel, it is no coincidence many of their new world order structures resemble its mythical image.

Also, contemporary anthropology is heavily scrubbed. The idea that there were only three races and that mixtures of these three spawned every other race: the Caucasoid (the White), the Negroid (the Black), and the Mongoloid (the Yellow) is fallacious. Much of the knowledge of other races were removed from public discourse when Phrenology was no longer studied openly.

If they were using the terms Whites, Blacks, and Yellows 1700 years ago, then that's an excellent reference point as any other. We may have created more precise measurements of the observed phenomena, but this does not change underlying base observations. The 3 base races are an excellent starting point and largely hold true through most scrutiny, similarly to Newtonian Mechanics.

Why would you call these divisions artificial? I've already explained the migrations in other threads, linguistic and paternal lineages are inherently tribal, the names are all descended from Israelite patriarchs or their sons. Calling these divisions artificial is saying that the promises and foretold fates of the 13 tribes are artificial, promises spoken by our Creator, the Lord.

There was plenty of transportation for any military conquest and it was written about extensively by Roman consuls. The issue is that there were not as many blacks, mongols, Indians (and no mesos) in the Mediterranean and the Levant of Greco-Roman civilization. Every one of the peoples living there, even in Egypt, were genetically similar, and all can be traced back to Noah's sons. Most of the incredibly dark slaves came from regions south of the lower Nile and these people were almost always slaves as the main body of their tribe never ventured far north.

Never said any of these divisions are artificial, but that they are trivial in comparison to God.

No one is denying that the White, or European and Mediterranean man, is closer to God. That is the whole truth of these racial arguments that I make. I don't think I've ever heard you give a Pagan a compliment before, but you know it to be true too: the European races are spiritual creatures. Animals without souls don't create art, architecture, beneficial technology, poetry, music, and so on.

Pagan ideas can be neat, but, it's like comparing a toy soldier to a real soldier. Greek pagans stood out compared to others, but by the end of Hellenistic thought the most intelligent, such as Aristotle, had arrived at the idea of a single God which showed their vast maturity compared to virtually any other group of Whites. It was Aristotle that redeemed the entire Greek race, for example, and showed many more of them could be saved.

Where do you get that a handful of spiritual blacks redeemed their entire race? That is a fallacy. Even your own arguments do not support this, and you are then giving all the pagan Whites who deny their true heritage a free pass because a majority of the White race has done the spiritual toiling and suffering. The temporal actions of a few do not dictate the spiritual fates of the many.

Because if one Black can be saved, who knows how many more can be saved? This was the reasoning of St. Nephon. Likewise it is true for Whites or Asians.

I see Galatians 3:28 again. Christianity has never labored under a greater curse than the many mistranslations of the Bible. Some of these mistranslations are even followed in some other translations because these errors have become traditional. Bible scholars know that there are many thousand mistranslations in the King James Bible alone.

"There is not one Judaean or Greek, there is not one bondman or freeman, there is not one male and female; for all you are one in Christ Yahshua."

Is not a statement about race and sex, I will explain below. Also don't forget that Judaean is not jew, it is a nationality at the time as there were many different ethnicities living within its borders.

I've interpreted it correctly, I believe you did not read me correctly.

Paul is not saying that there should be no more slaves. The word here for bondmen is the same Greek word, δοῦλος, which was translated as servants in 1 Timothy 6:1 where, in an epistle written several years after this epistle to the Galatians was written, Paul wrote: “Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed.” Rather, Paul is saying that among Christians, slaves should get equal love and respect with freemen, as he later wrote in the epistle to Philemon, where he wrote to him of the slave Onesimus, that he being a Christian should be treated “16 Not now as a servant, but above a servant, a brother beloved, specially to me, but how much more unto thee, both in the flesh, and in the Lord?” The word for servant in that passage is also δοῦλος each time it appears. Paul also continued to make distinctions concerning sex, where he wrote in 1 Corinthians chapter 14, an epistle which was written several years after this one, that “it is a shame for women to speak in the church.” Therefore he is not saying here that there will be no more distinction between the sexes.

Never said any of the above, for example.

Therefore it is not as if there could no longer be Judaeans or Greeks, but as Paul had said in Galatians chapter 2, “6 Now from those reputed to be something, whatsoever they were then makes not one difference to me. Yahweh does not receive a man's stature, therefore to me those of repute are conferred nothing.” Likewise he later wrote in Romans, chapter 3: “9 What then, are we better? Not at all: for we previously accused both Judaeans and Greeks all with being at fault: 10 just as it is written, 'that there is none righteous, not even one.'” Paul's words therefore have nothing to do with servitude, race or nationality, or sex.

Yes, Paul's words do have to do with those things, and it is a reference to the salvific nature of Christ being able to transcend such material divisions.

Therefore, all of these things only have to do with the status of a person, and that there should be no distinctions of status among Christians: they should all love and treat one another equally. This is also the meaning of Paul's later discourse on the parts of the body of Christ which he had made to the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians chapter 12 where he concludes “25 That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.” But Paul is only speaking in reference to the Body of Christ, to the seed of Abraham, and that is a distinction which he maintains throughout this chapter of Galatians.

And the body of Christ are those who have been baptized and grafted into Christ.

Ethiopia has nearly 125 million people in such a small area, and barely half of them are Orthodox, which is still considerable for any country's population. So 43% of 125 million is roughly 53,750,000 Orthodox Ethiopians. Even with that many allegedly-practicing Orthodox citizens, its country still suffers incredibly high crime rates. Check its statistics from multiple sources, the murder rate is 19.3/100k compared to fallen jewmerica's 5.6/100k, nearly tripled. I wish them many blessings and love and peace, but I don't want to be their neighbor, and they don't want to be mine. They remain in their country and are not abandoning their soil to come live in the west for gibs. Both of us understand our place in God's plan. I would rather live next to a secular White who I could convert, the way the apostles went out and converted their brethren. Of course it's easier said than done, but we must live by example, and in these spiritually-trying times, the unbelievers will be forced to their knees one way or another.

I'm surprised you can't see through such hallow statistics. If you could find the murder rate of just Orthodox Ethiopians, you'd find it similar as any White murder rate.

The vast majority of murders in Ethiopia comes from the ever present low-level warfare between Islamic and Orthodox factions battling each other, year after year, village by village. You'll have situations where Orthodox villages will sometimes band together and simply genocide an entire neighboring Islamic village after one too many rapes or murders occurs from their "neighbors."

The same is true in America; if you look at murder stats of just Chicago, for example, it is 30/100k, far higher than Ethiopia even when counting Muslims. This proves my point; the fact that a nation with constant religious warfare is already more peaceful than Black Chicago is hard proof of the transformative power of Christ on Black populations, especially Orthodoxy.

The only reason an entire country (Ethiopia) has a lower murder rate than a single city (Chicago) can only be explained if the murder rate of Ethiopians is extremely low in the Orthodox parts to bring the average down.

The second paragraph you are right, Whites have abandoned their ancestral spirituality which comes straight from God. All of these hedonisms and worldly pursuits are wrong, but we are all aware of that here, it's time to move these discussions to the next level. The way to turn White apathy into spiritual intensity is to conquer them with Christ's teachings. It is befitting that a creature made in the image of the Creator would lose everything beautiful when it turns on its own roots. It is poetic justice in a way, but I do not champion nor encourage this. I believe the fallen Whites must be preached to and saved more so than any other people. They are the ones in the direst need.

Certainly, they are the ones we must start with and work on the most, since they are our kin. If we cannot save our brothers, who then can be saved? If we cannot love our own people, are we not less than tax-collectors and pagans?

Yes, any nationalist movement without a spirit is a broken animal. The entire point of nationalism is to put one's own interests on the back end in place of the interests of the nation, and what is a nation but a space of land and the people who live there? I think you have spent too much unintentional time in the company of self-hating White neo-liberals. It is infectious to be around these dead corpses. There are millions upon millions of European men and their descendants abroad who have given their lives so their children and a posterity for their people can endure through time. This is why I have to correct some of these historical fallacies.

"Hitler's great failure was the proof that paganism cannot unite Whites, and that until there is a true political movement that places Christ at its center there will be no salvation for Whites. They will continue to be marginalized, replaced, prevented from reproducing, and even wholesale slaughtered like we see in Ukraine. We do not need to see an Eagle on a uniform, but a Cross."

About a year ago there was much drama on RVF in the Hitler thread because of this very same sentiment. I don't remember you ever commenting in there, but I was all over it like white on rice. It was established there, as it is in many other places of these kinds of spiritual discussions, that Hitler was not a Pagan. The National Socialist German Worker's Party and movement in Germany was built on the principles of positive Christianity, it is in their doctrine. It was the last decent country on Earth and much of our modern technological conveniences we take for granted were spawned by Christian Germanic minds.

One has to question why all allied leaders (including Stalin) were high ranking Freemasons and at the same time leaders of the German coalition nations (including Hitler) were all Christian. Not forgetting the Jewish declaration of a Holy war by Samuel Untermyer in 1933. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ... it is a duck. WW2 was a Holy war and when the armies of Christianity were eventually defeated it should be no surprise that our once Christian nations have been slowly turned into a replica of Babylon. Every single Axis leader apart from the Japanese and some Arabs were Christian men who were not freemasons, and all of them were either Catholic or Orthodox, only one major one was a Protestant.

This line of argument about defeat is a theological fallacy, because it is both rooted in historical manipulation by the victors and by people who do not do the time-exhausting legwork of researching for themselves how everything went down. It is not your own thought, as I have seen this parroting of a research-less talking point many times before about an allegedly Godless cause getting wiped out for the sake of not being "Christian enough".

This claim you make also demands validity in the face of the opposite occurring every day in our reality. If this was a sound logical argument based in correct historical theology, then there would never be a Christian defeat in history and, inadvertently, we would have no martyrs or Saints, or even a faith for that matter. The spiritually bankrupt hordes have been "winning" every day in their demonic appetites for a material and flesh world, yet the Christian European suffers endlessly but the minute he decides to band together with his kinsmen he is doomed? No.

The Germans in WW2 did wear crosses, every single one of them, it just may look different to unknowing minds. The Cross Pattée (or Iron Cross) is an age-old depiction of the cross and is in many Cathedrals in Europe. The German belt buckles also bore the inscription: "Gott Mit Uns" or (God's with us). I could go into how the Hakenkreuz is also a Christian cross, but that deserves its own thread. It was particularly fond to Eastern Orthodox Romanians and Russians. Both the Romanovs and the Codreanu's had this hooked cross in several important aspects of their lives.

This isn't a Hitler debate thread, we can make one if you want to hammer out more on Hitler. However, Hitler was entirely pragmatic and used Christianity, which was smart, but all of his ideas were materialistic in nature and his adoption of the Iron Cross (which barely looks Christian) wasn't his idea. It was just him being a pragmatic politician keeping to tradition.

As for Hitler being backstabbed, that was entirely his fault for not invading Britain. Hitler was not a good Christian, otherwise he would have crushed Talmudic Britain immediately. Instead he idolized race and believed his "Germanic" British brothers would come to good sense after the fall of France, which was laughable. He doomed the White race due to his race idolization, which proves my point about Pagan movements being abject failures.

Historically, Christian political movements were always the most successful; the failure of great empires such as Byzantium was due to the Catholic backstab and genocide of Constantinople in the 4th Crusade. Otherwise the Byzantine Empire would have preserved just fine. The other great loss of Byzantine territory occurred with the Jewish Revolt under Heraclius in the 6th century, which, again, shows the folly of not obeying Christ enough and casting pearls before swine, turning a blind eye to the Talmudic menace just as did the Tsar Nicolas did at the turn of the 20th century.
It is a bit of a chicken and the egg argument - did God make Whites more capable of following Him, or are Whites blessed for recognizing God in greater capacity than other races, thus earning more blessings? I would classify it as a mystery. (mysterion) However, what we can conclude, is that it is always God as the root cause of White ascendancy, so no matter what, Whites cannot hold themselves as superior for something that was given to them by mercy. The same goes for Jews (the ones who accepted Christ, that is).

Nothing humans have is actually deserved, but bestowed through mercy and grace, which is why pride is always the deadliest of sins.

Nephon understands these racial differences, but this does not mean one needs to worry about upholding the purity or intergrity of such racial communities. If they were put there by God, why does anyone need to worry about it? God gives, God takes, it's beyond our control and therefore not to worry.

All we need to worry about is our own personal relationship with God, then our Neighbors, then the stranger, then the enemy's relationship with God. Everything else will sort itself out afterwards.

If they were using the terms Whites, Blacks, and Yellows 1700 years ago, then that's an excellent reference point as any other. We may have created more precise measurements of the observed phenomena, but this does not change underlying base observations. The 3 base races are an excellent starting point and largely hold true through most scrutiny, similarly to Newtonian Mechanics.

Never said any of these divisions are artificial, but that they are trivial in comparison to God.

Pagan ideas can be neat, but, it's like comparing a toy soldier to a real soldier. Greek pagans stood out compared to others, but by the end of Hellenistic thought the most intelligent, such as Aristotle, had arrived at the idea of a single God which showed their vast maturity compared to virtually any other group of Whites. It was Aristotle that redeemed the entire Greek race, for example, and showed many more of them could be saved.

Because if one Black can be saved, who knows how many more can be saved? This was the reasoning of St. Nephon. Likewise it is true for Whites or Asians.

I've interpreted it correctly, I believe you did not read me correctly.

Never said any of the above, for example.

Yes, Paul's words do have to do with those things, and it is a reference to the salvific nature of Christ being able to transcend such material divisions.

And the body of Christ are those who have been baptized and grafted into Christ.

I'm surprised you can't see through such hallow statistics. If you could find the murder rate of just Orthodox Ethiopians, you'd find it similar as any White murder rate.

The vast majority of murders in Ethiopia comes from the ever present low-level warfare between Islamic and Orthodox factions battling each other, year after year, village by village. You'll have situations where Orthodox villages will sometimes band together and simply genocide an entire neighboring Islamic village after one too many rapes or murders occurs from their "neighbors."

The same is true in America; if you look at murder stats of just Chicago, for example, it is 30/100k, far higher than Ethiopia even when counting Muslims. This proves my point; the fact that a nation with constant religious warfare is already more peaceful than Black Chicago is hard proof of the transformative power of Christ on Black populations, especially Orthodoxy.

The only reason an entire country (Ethiopia) has a lower murder rate than a single city (Chicago) can only be explained if the murder rate of Ethiopians is extremely low in the Orthodox parts to bring the average down.

Certainly, they are the ones we must start with and work on the most, since they are our kin. If we cannot save our brothers, who then can be saved? If we cannot love our own people, are we not less than tax-collectors and pagans?

This isn't a Hitler debate thread, we can make one if you want to hammer out more on Hitler. However, Hitler was entirely pragmatic and used Christianity, which was smart, but all of his ideas were materialistic in nature and his adoption of the Iron Cross (which barely looks Christian) wasn't his idea. It was just him being a pragmatic politician keeping to tradition.

As for Hitler being backstabbed, that was entirely his fault for not invading Britain. Hitler was not a good Christian, otherwise he would have crushed Talmudic Britain immediately. Instead he idolized race and believed his "Germanic" British brothers would come to good sense after the fall of France, which was laughable. He doomed the White race due to his race idolization, which proves my point about Pagan movements being abject failures.

Historically, Christian political movements were always the most successful; the failure of great empires such as Byzantium was due to the Catholic backstab and genocide of Constantinople in the 4th Crusade. Otherwise the Byzantine Empire would have preserved just fine. The other great loss of Byzantine territory occurred with the Jewish Revolt under Heraclius in the 6th century, which, again, shows the folly of not obeying Christ enough and casting pearls before swine, turning a blind eye to the Talmudic menace just as did the Tsar Nicolas did at the turn of the 20th century.
I feel we are talking on too much worldly business, who wins which war?

Does that matter?
Isn't it all a binary equation?

Do all black people have a soul? Yes.
Do women have a soul? Yes

Then that means we are all Gods' children.

And then we have worldly succes; empires, successful businesses, wealth.
And worldly pain; hunger, sickness.

Do we know God's plan? Does he love those with worldly success more?
Or does he give trials, like to the Israelites in Egypt?

The more I think about it, the more I realize God has a plan for us.

Even when I read about crime rates, I don't buy it anymore, what is that crime? It's all worldly crimes whatever the rulers deem as crime.
You can watch and make porn all you want, you can put people on "medicine" for depression, but selling crack cocaine is a problem.

Zooming out I just see no solution in the world. And those great empires, weren't so great, e.g. the Dutch empire were a bunch of Jews owning a powerful fleet shooting down every other ship in the world, claiming a monopoly on trade using financialization; the current model for the US.

It's all to material, material is always of scarcity.

While the Holy spirit is abundant and for everyone.
I feel we are talking on too much worldly business, who wins which war?

Does that matter?
Isn't it all a binary equation?

Do all black people have a soul? Yes.
Do women have a soul? Yes

Then that means we are all Gods' children.

And then we have worldly succes; empires, successful businesses, wealth.
And worldly pain; hunger, sickness.

Do we know God's plan? Does he love those with worldly success more?
Or does he give trials, like to the Israelites in Egypt?

The more I think about it, the more I realize God has a plan for us.

Even when I read about crime rates, I don't buy it anymore, what is that crime? It's all worldly crimes whatever the rulers deem as crime.
You can watch and make porn all you want, you can put people on "medicine" for depression, but selling crack cocaine is a problem.

Zooming out I just see no solution in the world. And those great empires, weren't so great, e.g. the Dutch empire were a bunch of Jews owning a powerful fleet shooting down every other ship in the world, claiming a monopoly on trade using financialization; the current model for the US.

It's all to material, material is always of scarcity.

While the Holy spirit is abundant and for everyone.
Do you believe in curses? Before I mention generational curses, bloodline curses, spiritual curses. It is known that those whose parental lineage practice freemasonry and engage in extreme debauchery and blasphemous acts do indeed curse their children. It is written and is a reality when an observer can connect the dots. That is an example of a spiritual curse, which thus proves that "curses" do indeed exist. I know anyone reading this is thinking where I'm going with this, to a "racial curse," but I don't believe it is denoted by skin color but by bloodline. That is what many people don't understand when it comes to race. Canaanite blood is cursed, it has a demonic taint to it. Are there White-skinned people with this blood in their veins? Likely, yes. Are there dark-skinned people with this blood in their veins? Absolutely. Are there people with a pseudo-semitic visage whose vessels contain this hexed life-force? Undoubtedly.

What determines who inherits these curses? We would have to have some way of verifying that a bloodline is tainted with this, and right now the only one I can think of is polydactyly, which is clearly evidence of nephilitic ancestry according to ancient texts and is mentioned a few times in Scripture (Samuel 21:20-21). How can fallen angels breed with human women? These questions are beyond the scope of many to even begin researching. The other one which is evident in the jews and others who blaspheme Christ is their physical revoltingness. I know you don't like that, but it goes beyond the mere shape of one's face, it is their aura, their energy is demonic. Clearly the giants are not resurfacing (at least not yet) but the rot of this corruptive seed has not been rooted out yet.

We can look at every living organism on the Earth, trees, plants, animals, microscopic creatures, and all variations of mankind and say "God created this," that's obvious. But to question the search for solutions because we cannot resolve our differences and to retreat into a world of only the spirit is not what we are supposed to do with our time. I will segue out of a racial discussion for a bit.

To ignore the material and the physical and the temporal for the sake of it being a passing thing is to ignore God's purpose for us. If none of these governments or movements matter, if nothing is to be achieved in a lifetime and we must all become ascetic and only pray but do nothing else, that what is the point of life? Why would God breathe life into Adam?

Most people only offer half-solutions these days, extremes if you will, being purity of one end: only the spiritual or only the physical. We do not live in a monotone realm, there will always be the physical world where acts play out and the spiritual world that influences it. You cannot have one without the other. No amount of prayer and contemplation, nor meditation, nor drugs, can ever bring a human brain to understand a world of pure energy that was inhabited before our creation by the creatures we call Angels. We must accept our place with our limited wisdom under the Creator, as this is a test which I believe the elitist occult types wish to break through with their arrogant blasphemies.

You say God has a plan for us and then say you see no solution in the physical world, His plan for us is to do something, to carry out some measure of purpose during our time here. We cannot be put here to simply exist. Acts carried out in the physical have spiritual meaning, and spiritual matters have physical correspondences. Once we understand that we cannot measure every single aspect of our reality with our manmade tools, then and only then will we have the epiphany to begin seeing things beyond an empirical lens.

I have accepted a few things as absolutes in a human life, and I do not question why they're there, though in a moment of emotional weakness or the death of a loved one I certainly would behave human and succumb to the strings of the heart:

-Suffering is a part of life, in all forms, and sometimes monstrous things happen to angelic people for what appears to be no earthly reason.

-This entire Earth was meant to be taken care of, meaning all life, and apart from vicious wild predators performing their God-written behavior to survive in their environments, no man should act contrary to that of the image of his Creator, and the actions of his Creator. We are supposed to be stewards of the Earth, and shepherds for the souls of men.

-Our own prejudices and biases are not erroneous to our spirit, unless they are written by God's enemies. They must not be ignored, but they should constantly be checked, and updated if necessary.

-Evil men (whether they are racially an Edomite jew, someone who converts to their cult and carries on their misdeeds, or a violent cannibal heathen) do indeed carry something from the chief of the fallen angels or those who have bred with human women in antiquity, and it will be a creation-long process before any man figures it out to an exact T. Some of us call it a spiritual seed of darkness, others call it by the blood. I am one of the few who believes in both. Something else has been passed on throughout our entire history that is not just original sin, part of our theological cornerstone.

What I am trying to get you to do is to redefine our world along both lines at the same time, everything temporal, material, and physical, as well as everything spiritual, empyrean, and metaphysical. Do not revile the physical world for being what it is, were it not to be a temporality then God would see no purpose in its existence.

The Holy Spirit is beyond abundant, but our material world was never meant to be a scarcity model. It was meant to be where God's love flourished forevermore. It is line of thinking like this which can be seen even in the atheists who are in a state of existential crisis for they know not the purpose of creation. The crime statistics can be superfluous yes, but the amount of evil that certain men to do people is not a fake reality. Do not consider for one second that there isn't a single person out there who wouldn't murder you in the most demonic and grotesquely violent manner (God forbid that this ever happens to anyone but it does happen to people every day) if they didn't think they could get away with it, or if they truly desired something so abominable and would attempt to do it.

Much of this life is a gift, a blessing, but there are many demons that wear the skin of a man, yet the vessel is hollow and basically a satanic puppet. Our own actions can either strengthen or sever us from the Holy Spirit. I detest that I never got married young, that I wasted so much time in my youth on trivialities of a woman's flesh that don't matter one iota to God's plan. However my own sins have not made me lose my faith in what I can do in God's name. Redemption is a long path for many, some longer than others, some shorter. Some people seem to spend their entire life after their realizations making up for previous sins, and even then the weight may be too much, like I felt it was for Roosh. We are no good to God if all we do is wallow in a guilt of impotence. Therefore we must be solution-minded, oriented towards solving problems even if they are only temporally, not one aspect of man's domain should be excused from righteous management.
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Genesis 9 is prophecy. Explains How Christ Said the First Mass, by Fr. James L. Meagher (1906): "The Holy Ghost drew back the curtain hiding the future and revealed the Crucified when Noe blessed and cursed the nations - the races - in his three sons. The mighty movements of mankind then begun have continued till our day..."
To ignore the material and the physical and the temporal for the sake of it being a passing thing is to ignore God's purpose for us. If none of these governments or movements matter, if nothing is to be achieved in a lifetime and we must all become ascetic and only pray but do nothing else, that what is the point of life? Why would God breathe life into Adam?

Most people only offer half-solutions these days, extremes if you will, being purity of one end: only the spiritual or only the physical. We do not live in a monotone realm, there will always be the physical world where acts play out and the spiritual world that influences it. You cannot have one without the other. No amount of prayer and contemplation, nor meditation, nor drugs, can ever bring a human brain to understand a world of pure energy that was inhabited before our creation by the creatures we call Angels. We must accept our place with our limited wisdom under the Creator, as this is a test which I believe the elitist occult types wish to break through with their arrogant blasphemies.
Yes, humans, being simple beings largely, go too far into making things purely one or the other. That's why your comment on half solutions is so important. I feel like we are aware of the greater possibility of the spiritual realm (it is more powerful since it isn't as constrained as we see our physical realm is by natural laws, etc) and we are taught that God is Spirit, though of course he is the God-man and thus both spirit and truth in physical form. So we tend towards a type of gnosticism, thinking in general that the physical and all of our sins are more related to our physical bodies, which I think Christ was trying to teach us don't stem from that reality. What's hard for most people, ultimately, is that they are slaves to their emotions and insecurities, I've noticed - and these emotions are what bring about their bad physical activities, whatever they may be.