Christianity and Race, by St. Nephon


Race is a major topic for today's age given that White lands are being flooded with foreigners from all over the world, and the result is causing mass confusion amongst many Whites as they grow desperate while their nations fall into doom. The reactions from Whites are generally irrational; ranging from complete denial of race in an attempt to pretend that the barbarian invasions are no big deal, to the other extreme of fantasizing of some kind of White race awakening and mass consciousness. Both lead to hell, and to show this I will be quoting an ancient 4th century saint, Saint Nephon, who spoke in a plain language about race that any modern man today could understand.

St. Nephon was so holy that St Athanasius the Great (you know, the guy who single-handedly fought the Arian heresy which became Islam) as a young man visited him and saw a vision:

"Saint Athanasius the Great visited him before his blessed repose while he was still a deacon. On his deathbed the Saint was granted to see angels and the All-Pure Mother of God. After his death he was seen by Athanasius, his face shining as the sun."


In other words, St. Nephon was a Saint's Saint. Very few people know of Nephon, because he did not want to be known. He considered himself a worthless sinner until the day he died, and never sought fame. What we know from him comes from his students, who recorded their conversations with him. These conversations were preserved in Mt. Athos for 1700 years, when a monk read his works in the 1980's and realized just how relevant St. Nephon was for the modern world.

For you see, St. Nephon lived in a time remarkably similar to our day; the end of the Roman empire and simultaneously the birth of a new Christian empire. Degeneracy was rampant, and St. Nephon had a youth that was almost exactly like Roosh V's life. He chased women solely for sexual pleasure, he went out to bars and brothels and engaged in every sin imaginable, he coveted money and food and all of the pleasures offered by a Pagan society. He eventually reached rock bottom when his friend saw he was turning into a Negro:

He once met a friend who gazed into his face for a long time with astonishment. When Nephon asked why he was staring, the friend replied, “I have never seen your face like this before. It is black, like that of an Ethiopian.”

Notice - the casual mention of race in a manuscript that is 1700 years old! How is it that "race is fake" when people were talking about race, plain as day, nearly 2000 years ago? And again notice, the fallen state of Nephon was compared to being as bad as a being a Black. Turns out that Black behavior being abhorrent is not merely common to our time.

Naturally, being called out by his friend, St. Nephon had his "come to Jesus moment," just like Roosh did,

These words showed to Nephon his fallen state, and he began to cry out to the Mother of God, begging Her intercession.

After an intense and long prayer he saw that the face of the Mother of God on the holy icon was radiantly bright with a smile. From that time Nephon prayed incessantly to the Queen of Heaven. If he fell into sin, the face of the Mother of God turned away from him, but after tears and prayers, she mercifully turned toward him again.

Finally, Nephon completely turned his life around and began to spend his time in prayer and repentance. After an illness, from which he received healing from the Mother of God, he received the Holy Mysteries, and then accepted monastic tonsure and intensified his efforts, exhausting his body in the struggle against the passions.

Nephon struggled a long life, even having to beat his feet to a bloody pulp on some nights, in order to keep himself from going out into the city to sin. But eventually he overcame his fallen state, and received visions, and became an elder to young Christians seeking wisdom. He remained a monk until the end of his life, when he had plans to visit Alexandria. Little did St. Nephon know, Patriarch Alexander had received a vision from God the night before: "The first man to walk into your Cathedral tomorrow you will make into a Bishop." St. Nephon arrived early to begin his prayers, and the Patriarch of Alexandria told him he was to become a Bishop. He was shortly ordained, but within a few years had passed away. So his crowing as a Bishop was there to illustrate just how pleased God had been with Nephon's repentance.

Thus, having established the unmistakable authority and holiness of this early Saint, what did St. Nephon think about race? It turns out that, from his collected writings, there is a most illuminating and amazing passage on the topic of race, which is the real topic of this thread. It is titled,

Blacks With White Souls

Another time again, when we were together in his cell, I found the opportunity to answer a question to mine in respect to the black race. The question as to whether the color of their bodies had any effect on their souls preoccupied me. Could God have an aversion to them? Because, according to what I believed, there weren't any people from their race who had fought the good fight and had been saved. I had never heard of any black person who had pleased God.

“I'll answer you,” the saint said. “The Ethiopians are genealogically descendant from Shem. And there are many from their race whom God called to His Kingdom. Indeed their virtues glittered with miracles, too. I shall relate three examples to you:"

“Years ago there lived one such black thief. He was a very tall man with a fearful appearance. He used to steal in the area of Pannephus. He was so terrible that, whenever he groaned you died of fear. One night, however, he saw a terrifying dream. There was, he says, and endless plain, and he was standing in the middle. At one point he turned his gaze and saw a fiery river flowing very tumultuously, and in its path it devoured even the dirt and rocks. He took a few steps closer to see. However, as soon as he drew near, four flames came out, grabbed him from the hair and were dragging him to throw him into the fiery river to burn him up. As he was being dragged, it seemed to him that a spirit said to him: ‘Miserable wretch, had you repented and become a monk we wouldn't be able to submerge you in here."

“He awoke terrified. Dizziness and horror had seized him from the terrible vision. ‘What could it mean?’ he would ask himself. And since he couldn't give an explanation, he decided to go to an anchorite monk and ask him what this fiery river in his vision was."

“He immediately threw away the tools of his trade and took the road to Pannephus. He travelled quite a way, and shortly, glancing around him, he saw the anchorite's cell. He drew near and knocked on the door. An elder opened the door to him at once. ‘Welcome, young man! Why did you put yourself through this trouble? Could it be that the fiery river and the four flames that grabbed you to throw you in scared you? My son, how horrible is the threat of that river! Do you want to escape from its horror? Repent for your robber's exploits and become a monk. Then you will be saved."

“Thunderstruck the thief heeded the words of the hermit. He fell at his feet immediately: ‘Have pity on me, honorable father,’ he begged, the black in soul and body. Have mercy on me, the wretch, and do with me whatever God commands you'. He continued to implore him with tears until that holy elder tonsured him a monk. And after he taught him all the duties of the monastic life, he left him his own cell and retreated deeper into the desert, to live among the beasts.”

“Then, with a lot of ascesis that black man attained such heights of virtue, that at the time that he was praying his whole body resembled a glowing, fiery pillar. Thousands, countless demons would throw themselves on him, but he would scorn them all. His prayer would burn them and make them disappear completely. The wisdom of God had illumined his mind He would write books and send letters to the fathers of the Scete and to many others. He would benefit everyone with the pure and lucid truth of Christ. And when that black man died his holy relics exuded a lot of myrrh which, as all from that area confirm, cured all those possessed by demons and all the ill. But enough about him.”

“Another black man - old and poor - lived in a town where he would go here and there always mumbling something. That's why many thought he was crazy. Once a big drought came to that town. The earth was completely dry, the animals were dying, all the plants were turning yellow. The inhabitants of the town with their bishop continually held litanies and vigils, but to no avail! Finally, one night, the bishop saw an angel in his dream saying to him: ‘God commands you to take all your clergy and go to the southern gate of the town. There, the first farmer you see coming in, you must beg at length, until you convince him to pray to God to send you rain.’”

“The angel said this and disappeared. The next day, very early in the morning, after Matins, the bishop with his clergy set out for the gate the angel had pointed out. No time went by when they saw a very old black man coming from outside carrying wood on his shoulders. ‘Father’ the bishop immediately implored him, ‘pray to our merciful God to take pity on us and send a little rain to this very dry earth.’”

“No sooner said than done, the old man lifted up his aged inky-black hands and prayed. Suddenly, it began to flash with lightning and thunder loudly. A strong wind started blowing, clouds gathered in the sky, and rain began to come down in torrents. All this happened in a twinkling of an eye and with only the prayer of the black man. It rained so much that the houses were in danger of flooding. Then the bishop again implored the old man to slop the rain. And he raised his hands to heaven a second time. The violent rainstorm ceased!”

“When everything calmed down, the bishop pleaded with him to reveal who he was, how he lived, and what he did to have such boldness with God. And that venerable old man answered humbly: ‘You see that I am an insignificant black man, and you seek to find virtue in me? For God's sake,’ the bishop insisted, ‘tell me the whole truth for the glory of our Lord.’ ‘I haven't done anything good, Father. Except that from the time I became a Christian, I never accepted charity from anyone. Every day I go up the mountain and gather a small load of wood I put it on my shoulders and go down to town to sell it. From what I earn, I keep only two obols, just enough for my daily food. The rest I give to those like me, the poor. When winter comes and I can't climb up the mountain for wood, I fast until I find a good day. Then I climb up the mountain again, as is my custom, and I bring my small load to sell and make do, always sharing with the poor.’”

“The old man again put the wood on his shoulders, bid farewell to the bishop and clergy and entered the town to sell the wood.”

“But enough about him also, I shall relate to you the life of another, my child, so that you may be assured that our Good God has also called large numbers of blacks to His Kingdom.

“When the devout King Constantine was living, I visited the area around Mount Boeum where there was a coenobium by the seaside. As I was discussing spiritual topics with the brothers, the subject of the blacks came up: that God had honored a large number of them. Then one of the brothers named Charisethes said: ‘I met a black who became a great ascetic.’ And since everyone sought to learn his hardships, Charisethes started:”

“I was in a certain field of the coenobium and I was working in the vineyard. One day I saw a black sitting under a grapevine. He had in front of him a washed pumpkin full of water and some weeks which he was eating. I observed him continuously for several days and admired his hardship, because for a month he didn't change the water in the pumpkin. So much so that the water became putrid and stunk unbearably. Many times I begged him to let me change the water or to bring him a little bread, but to no avail. He stayed continually in this same place maintaining silence, and all night long he would chant and pray.”

“When the summer days were very hot, he would go to the seashore, sit on a rock, and bake in the sun all day. Many times, when someone would go to see him, he pretended to be crazy and would say: Yes! Yes! I know you came to kill me, but God sees you from above! and he would point to heaven with his finger.”

“My child, these are the accomplishments of the blacks,” Nephon said as he finished. “That's why you must not think that they are rejected by God. But just as the grapevine gives both black and white grapes, man was created the same way by God: some are black, some are yellow, and some white. Let's say, like the earth, because there is a great variety there, too.”

This is what the servant of God told me and got up to pray. He lifted up his hands to Heaven and began to supplicate.


There is quite a bit to discuss from the above passages, with many conclusions that can be draw, which are directly applicable to our day and age. The bolded parts above I highlighted to illustrate important concepts or noteworthy mentions, such as "King Constantine," which is a clear reference to the time and place in which Nephon lived.

To make sure everyone understands the above passages, there are three main blacks:

1. The theif who repents and becomes a monk. He is granted visions, and the ability to read and write.
2. The woodsman monk who summons rain, because he lived a perfect life with completely pure faith.
3. The ascetic monk who survives on virtually no food, which is a sign of Christ-like holiness, and was so focused on his prayer he would scare others away from him lest they prevented him from achieving salvation with God.

Out of these incredible stories, we can deduce two main conclusions especially relevant to our time:

1. Race Denialism is a Satanic Lie.

Contrary to the nonsense that "We're all part of the human race," and that "White, Black, and Asians" are clever Talmudic propaganda designed to divide and conquer people in order enrich the usurers, it is the exact opposite which is true.

If Greeks living in North Africa, 1700 years ago, could so causally and calmly discuss the different races of the world (and these were monks!!), then it is obvious that our own lying eyes are telling us the truth about race. Race is real, race is here because of God; the White, Black, and Yellow races are all part of His plan to populate His earth with His creation.

It is the marketing and brainwashing of our Talmudic (((Educations))) today that are designed to deceive Whites into ignoring their own history, their own race, in order that powerful interests can take advantage, divide them, and conquer them. St. Nephon and the monks of Ancient Rome did not have any financial interests when speaking to one another; people have noticed racial differences for thousands of years.

It is an interesting fact, however, that it is so difficult to discover racial talk in ancient times. This is because there just wasn't much migration between lands. Before modern transportation, the average White probably never saw a Black or Yellow person in their life. In the absence of any kind of rapid transport, Whites divided themselves into more artificial groups, such as Greeks, Goths, Visigoths, Teutons, etc. That Whites could have different tribes does not detract from the fact that they still belonged to the same race, and everyone in the Ancient world was well aware of this fact. Most likely, race wasn't written about much because it was so obvious; it would be like writing about the fact that the sun was shining.

2. God is Superior to Race, and Whites are Special for Being Able to Understand Him.

The other key takeaway from the St. Nephon, and the accounts of his days, is that Whites weren't simply considered superior merely because they were White. Notice how the entire passage begins:

Another time again, when we were together in his cell, I found the opportunity to answer a question to mine in respect to the black race. The question as to whether the color of their bodies had any effect on their souls preoccupied me. Could God have an aversion to them? Because, according to what I believed, there weren't any people from their race who had fought the good fight and had been saved. I had never heard of any black person who had pleased God.

The author, who was a neophyte monk learning from Nephon, clearly was repeating the biases of his day: Blacks were inferior because they did not have the soul of a White. They did not possess the same spiritual capacity of Whites, they did not pursue salvation; it even appeared that they were simply scorned by God Himself!

We can infer that Whites in those times did not consider themselves superior because of technology, art, or their high IQs. That was seen as completely trivial and even pointless. No, Whites prided themselves on their spirituality; it was God that made them, and it was God that made them great. It was because the White man could see God that the White man could create beautiful things, invent wonderous creations, and write beautiful works of philosophy and poetry. The soul of the White man was what set him apart, even the Pagan White could sense a deeper world beyond what he could see, and this is what made him great.

Hence the title of the entire passage: "Blacks with White souls." Because what made each of the Blacks great was their soul, not their race. Because they could see God, like the White man, they redeemed their entire race as worthy and capable equals of Whites who would also be called in great numbers to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is as the Bible says, "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Gal 3:28) For it is only through the Christ can the natural divisions that God created between peoples be overcome; without Christ, people are hopelessly divided and easily preyed upon by Satan.

Additionally, notice in the above the special mention of Ethiopians, descended from the Israel tribe of Shem - I've said it so many times on the Roosh V Forum, and I've said it many times here, Ethiopians stand far apart from the rest of Africa, especially Ethiopian Orthodox who are generally better behaved and make for better neighbors than many secular Whites. People saw it easily back then, and it can easily be seen today. This is why there is a general media blackout on Orthodox Ethiopians; they are never mentioned, because it completely destroys 99% of race narratives on Blacks - many Christian Ethiopians have White souls.

Conversely, we see many Whites today who have forsaken their rich spiritual heritage, who souls are turning Black, just as St. Nephon's soul once was. His soul was so Black his face was turning Black! For it is the soul that makes the man, and not the man who makes the soul. So the Whites today who focus on money, gratification, and power are really no different than your average Black criminal. Their souls are putrid with rot, and this is why they turn a blind eye to the suffering of the Neighbor as their countries are invaded, raped, destroyed, and looted by financial parasites. Whites don't care about each other anymore, and that's why Whites are their own worst enemy.

Any White Nationalist political movement, in such a spiritually dead environment, is doomed to fail. For it assumes that Whites will somehow magically give a damn about their race, when they only care about themselves. Whites today have souls of a Negro, and without addressing this problem, everything else is futile. Hitler's great failure was the proof that paganism cannot unite Whites, and that until there is a true political movement that places Christ at its center there will be no salvation for Whites. They will continue to be marginalized, replaced, prevented from reproducing, and even wholesale slaughtered like we see in Ukraine. We do not need to see an Eagle on a uniform, but a Cross.

Until such a day comes to pass, avoid all political movements promising a better future for Whites; it is nothing but false prophets and race hucksters designed to prey on the weak, or it is the blind leading the blind, in this spiritually depraved time. The only success can come from a movement which elevates the soul of the White man, to his proper station, so that he may once again love his Neighbor.
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I don't agree with you here. Especially the hyperbolic statements as "Race Denialism is a Satanic Lie". You seem to be making a case that God goes above race (I agree), but that God really really cares about race (I don't agree).

I don't know how you can back up this statement "Race Denialism is a Satanic Lie"

Races mix, e.g. a Catholic woman from the Philippines meets a Catholic Western man and they marry and get kids. Which I have seen in my Parish. I don't mind. I don't see a fault in that.

But you say:
Whites are Special for Being Able to Understand Him.

Is it by "race mixing" that their kid is now less able to understand God? That's quite burden for the kid. That by making a kid, getting the blessing from God, he is at instant disconnected from God, as God doesn't like his race so much, or the race mixing.

Is the "white" man's understanding of God better than the woman from the Philippines?

I can not agree with you here.

We are all God's children, we are all called, we are all loved the same way.

I can agree that there are racial differences, I can agree that some sins seems to be more present in some races.

But in no way I see a "chosen" white people.

Go outside to a shopping center. And you'll see fat "white" people, sloth, people gamble full greed, people watch porn, they cheat, they lie, put on the TV and you'll see white deceivers.

I think we all are individually called, and all are held to the same standard at the gates of heaven. In my opinion race is a largely useless frame of reference, especially in the practice of faith.
I think we all are individually called, and all are held to the same standard at the gates of heaven. In my opinion race is a largely useless frame of reference, especially in the practice of faith.
I agree with this. The notion that there is something defective in certain races by nature is ultimately offloading their own responsibility for their actions onto God. "They are violent and thuggish by nature, God made them that way, how could we expect any different from them."

It's an issue of a culture that has developed in relation to their race when it comes to blacks. They have a culture that they are oppressed and therefore they have justification for acting rebellious. They have a culture that glorifies violence and crime etc. Every individual who chooses to adopt that is fully culpable for doing so and has the capacity to say "no" to it.

I am not saying anyone here personally holds to the notion of blacks being defective by nature, but it is a common view. Some might bring up IQ and maybe that is a factor, but a culture of dismissing authority, being a victim, drugs, absent fathers, and gangsta rap rather than a culture of trying at school and paying attention could have a pretty big impact on that too.

Ultimately the position of blacks being defective by nature removes culpability from them and puts it on God. I don't think God is at fault. I think individuals are very much responsible for the poisonous culture that they embrace and will answer to it fully. The whole "they are dealt a bad hand from the start" is their own narrative.
Every individual who chooses to adopt that is fully culpable for doing so and has the capacity to say "no" to it.
Amen. God has given us all the freedom.

I am not saying anyone here personally holds to the notion of blacks being defective by nature, but it is a common view. Some might bring up IQ and maybe that is a factor, but a culture of dismissing authority, being a victim, drugs, absent fathers, and gangsta rap rather than a culture of trying at school and paying attention could have a pretty big impact on that too.

And you could argue, that races / families have a slightly different nature, and by that nature they are more vulnerable to commit certain sins.

When I look around me we, mostly whites, are all different, some struggle more with pride, some more with lust, some more with sloth.

And I agree that the broad culture, driven by music, art, philosophy, faith shapes us as in champions behavior and looks down on other behaviors.

Since the 80s blacks have been shown as rappers, pimping whores, shooting guns, a very destructive view of masculinity. The same goes for white men, which have been indoctrinated with wall street guys making millions, grinding strong working men that never complain. White men received a largely different cultural indoctrination than blacks. Some whites adopted the black programming but they were always shown as losers; wiggers.

We can agree all that this a fact right? And we can also agree that cultural programming has an effect?

We also see now that the cultural programming has changed, and that now the white university students don't want to work on wall street, or do a tech startups, but they want to work for something "meaningful", an NGO or something with clean energy.

That's cultural programming.
Ultimately the position of blacks being defective by nature removes culpability from them and puts it on God. I don't think God is at fault. I think individuals are very much responsible for the poisonous culture that they embrace and will answer to it fully. The whole "they are dealt a bad hand from the start" is their own narrative.
100% agree.

We are all under attack by cultural programmers, you could say those that shouted "Barabbas" to set him free were also under cultural programming. But is God at fault then?

People are responsible for adopting and embracing poisonous culture.

Those will be judged. We all will be.
The topic of race is very important in my opinion and there's also a historical correlation between race and religion.

However, I think that the categories "white", "black" and "yellow" are vague over-simplifications and are totally lacking in nuances. Even within Europe there's a world of difference between for instance Protestant Swedes, Catholic Sicilians and Orthodox Russians, even though all of them are Christians.

"Whites" or people of European descent never saw themselves as "one race" prior to the 20th century, not even in the US. One citation in some obscure Orthodox writing is not proof of the opposite.​
For context it's important to remember that race, as we conceive of it now, was thought up of during the late enlightenment period. A French philosopher by the name of Buffon had a large hand in it and he was of the same ilk as Newton and Darwin.

I'm much more interested in the viewpoint of some obscure ancient 4th century saint than a prideful godless "enlightened thinker".
The topic of race is very important in my opinion and there's also a historical correlation between race and religion.

However, I think that the categories "white", "black" and "yellow" are vague over-simplifications and are totally lacking in nuances. Even within Europe there's a world of difference between for instance Protestant Swedes, Catholic Sicilians and Orthodox Russians, even though all of them are Christians.

"Whites" or people of European descent never saw themselves as "one race" prior to the 20th century, not even in the US. One citation in some obscure Orthodox writing is not proof of the opposite.​
The first law of the newly founded USA, in 1790, stated, literally, that citizenship was reserved for free White men of good character.

Europeans have been defining themselves as "White" for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Knowing they might go to battle between France and England, but at the same time Franch and English citizens had much more in common with each other than a tribesman from Nigeria or a man from China.

White men 3/4/5 centuries ago didn't refer to the Native Americans as "savages" in our founding documents and literally own people due to them being from Africa, and still think there was no such thing as racial differences.
Is it by "race mixing" that their kid is now less able to understand God? That's quite burden for the kid. That by making a kid, getting the blessing from God, he is at instant disconnected from God, as God doesn't like his race so much, or the race mixing.

I think the answer is yes, the mixing is a scar upon us that we have to deal with. But God gives grace. I even feel this being mixed from various European ethnicities. It is core to us to be part of a tradition as all properly ordered traditions point upwards to Holy Tradition. Having a mixed background causes rootlessness and points us towards atomization and separation. Should we be mad at God for this? How could we? This sort of thing is our own doing and connected to our fall, particularly at Babel.

I think we all are individually called, and all are held to the same standard at the gates of heaven. In my opinion race is a largely useless frame of reference, especially in the practice of faith.

Are we held to the same standard? To whom much is given much is required. I think it's extremely difficult for us at this point in history to disentangle our concept of race with enlightenment thought.

I don't agree with you here. Especially the hyperbolic statements as "Race Denialism is a Satanic Lie". You seem to be making a case that God goes above race (I agree), but that God really really cares about race (I don't agree).

Of course he cares, HE MADE the races! If He didn't care, why would He make them?

I don't know how you can back up this statement "Race Denialism is a Satanic Lie"

Races mix, e.g. a Catholic woman from the Philippines meets a Catholic Western man and they marry and get kids. Which I have seen in my Parish. I don't mind. I don't see a fault in that.

All loving, lawful marriages are the fruit of the Holy Spirit and any children that result from it are blessed.

But you say:
Whites are Special for Being Able to Understand Him.

You are having difficulty overcoming your brainwashing received as a child from your Talmudic education.

When I say Whites are special for being able to understand God, this does not mean other races are damned or inferior. They too, can achieve enlightenment if they turn to God. The point I'm making here is that Whites aren't special in virtue of merely being White, but because they turned to God. The White race is special because of what they do, not because of who they are. This is why White Nationalism fails.

Is it by "race mixing" that their kid is now less able to understand God? That's quite burden for the kid. That by making a kid, getting the blessing from God, he is at instant disconnected from God, as God doesn't like his race so much, or the race mixing.

No, this does not follow. A racially mixed child, produced as the fruit of a sacred marriage, is blessed and part of God's plan. God wanted racially mixed children, which is why He created different races that could fall in love with each other.

If God didn't want racially mixed people, He wouldn't have created different races, and He wouldn't let different races fall in love.

Is the "white" man's understanding of God better than the woman from the Philippines?

Depends on the individual.

I can not agree with you here.

We are all God's children, we are all called, we are all loved the same way.

I can agree that there are racial differences, I can agree that some sins seems to be more present in some races.

But in no way I see a "chosen" white people.

Never said, or implied that. Whites are blessed for having turned to God, not because they are White. God created the world's different races because He wanted His most Holy Creation to span the globe;

Whites occupied the colder and darker areas, and spread across the land to farm.
Blacks occupied the hottest areas around the equator with intense sunlight, and spread across the earth to hunt.
Yellows (East Asians) occupied the rivers and seas that were neither especially hot or cold, but relied on fishing and intense water crops (rice).

It all looks so obvious, doesn't it? None of these races are superior, just different. Different talents, strengths, and weaknesses, so that they could inhabit the part of Creation that the Lord wanted them to inhabit. We are looking at a beautiful design, authored by an intelligence that exceeds all understanding. Rather than deny the Lord's handiwork, why not appreciate and marvel at it?

I think we all are individually called, and all are held to the same standard at the gates of heaven. In my opinion race is a largely useless frame of reference, especially in the practice of faith.

Race is both useless and useful in terms of faith. On one hand, the Lord can save all and reaches out to all; yet on the other hand, we are called to honor our father and mother, we are called to love our people ("Can not tax-collectors and pagans love their own people?"), and God sent His Son first to his own people before others.

Race is where we come from, but it is not where we are going.

Satan attacks this distinction in order to lead people to hell, either by having people turn blind to the plights of their own people, or by having them focus on their own people beyond all others. We see this especially in today's age, and therefore, it is necessary for the salvation of all that a proper racial understanding be elucidated.
I agree with this. The notion that there is something defective in certain races by nature is ultimately offloading their own responsibility for their actions onto God. "They are violent and thuggish by nature, God made them that way, how could we expect any different from them."


Ultimately the position of blacks being defective by nature removes culpability from them and puts it on God. I don't think God is at fault. I think individuals are very much responsible for the poisonous culture that they embrace and will answer to it fully. The whole "they are dealt a bad hand from the start" is their own narrative.

I have never said that, and, the reason some races suffer from some sins more than other races is because we live in a fallen world. Man was created perfect, but Adam doomed us all and we now suffer from all sorts of sins, and these sins affect races in different ways. That some races suffer from some sins more than others does not mean some races are superior to others.

Whites tend to suffer from pride, Blacks from violence, and Asians from despair. Different sins, but all lead to the same place: Hell.

So all races are fundamentally the same, even though they take on different lives, appearances, and characteristics.

God did not create us equally, but He judges us equally.

No where in the Bible does it say God created us equally. We are in fact, all very different; some faster, stronger, smarter, taller, prettier, or kinder. It is plainly obvious we are all very different, and these differences extend across races. This is part of God's design.

And yet, these differences hardly matter. For the Christ taught us that we are all judged equally:

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

That all men are created equal is a political fiction used by Americans to justify a revolt from a tyrant. It was just propaganda.

We are not created equally, but we are all judged equally by the same God.
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The topic of race is very important in my opinion and there's also a historical correlation between race and religion.

However, I think that the categories "white", "black" and "yellow" are vague over-simplifications and are totally lacking in nuances. Even within Europe there's a world of difference between for instance Protestant Swedes, Catholic Sicilians and Orthodox Russians, even though all of them are Christians.​
You aren't reading carefully, no one is making the claims you purport to refute. I never denied that the major races cannot be divided further into other classifications and tribes.

"Whites" or people of European descent never saw themselves as "one race" prior to the 20th century, not even in the US. One citation in some obscure Orthodox writing is not proof of the opposite.

And here you are clearly in denial, I show you a 4th century text clearly using the same racial language we use everyday, and you claim that "it doesn't count." You're just living in your own head if you deny historical evidence.

I'm sure there are many other ancient texts that refer to race, by the way. If I found one, that means there are plenty of others. But have you actually done the work to look for them? Or are you simply going to deny they exist based on your inadequate education?

I can already think of one off the top of my head; Othello by Shakespeare is about a Black man (a Moor) and race is probably discussed throughout that work. I could find more, but I don't need to; if you choose to remain in ignorance than that is your choice.
The first law of the newly founded USA, in 1790, stated, literally, that citizenship was reserved for free White men of good character.
How is "white" defined then? Apparently, Irishmen and Italians were considered to be "non-white" at first, despite both of them being Europeans.

Europeans have been defining themselves as "White" for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Knowing they might go to battle between France and England, but at the same time Franch and English citizens had much more in common with each other than a tribesman from Nigeria or a man from China.
"White" and "black" are terms which are used to compare the color/pigmentation between two ethnicities, or two groups of ethnicities.

Compare a typical Italian with a Swede, both from Europe: The Italian is "black".
Italian and Nigerian: The Italian is "white".
Italian+Swede and Nigerian: The Europeans as a group are "white".

Also, compare the Euro-American and the Afro-American: The Afro-American is "black".
(Mulatto) Afro-American and (purebred) Nigerian: The Afro-American is "white".
Euro-American + Afro-American and actual Europeans: The Americans as a group are "black".
Euro-American + Afro-American and actual Africans: The Americans as a group are "white".

There is no "white race" or "black race" in an absolute sense. So, drop those silly color terms and call people by their actual ethnicity.​
How is "white" defined then? Apparently, Irishmen and Italians were considered to be "non-white" at first, despite both of them being Europeans.

"White" and "black" are terms which are used to compare the color/pigmentation between two ethnicities, or two groups of ethnicities.

Compare a typical Italian with a Swede, both from Europe: The Italian is "black".
Italian and Nigerian: The Italian is "white".
Italian+Swedes and Nigerian: The Europeans as a group are "white".

Also, compare the Euro-American and the Afro-American: The Afro-American is "black".
(Mulatto) Afro-American and (purebred) Nigerian: The Afro-American is "white".
Euro-American + Afro-American and actual Europeans: The Americans as a group are "black".
Euro-American + Afro-American and actual Africans: The Americans as a group are "white".

There is no "white race" or "black race" in an absolute sense. So, drop those silly color terms and call people by their actual ethnicity.​
The tweet literally explains your question. Italians, Irish and Jews were considered "White" by the founding fathers due to them being allowed to have citizenship.

No one in Sweden thinks Italians are "black". Where did you ever hear this? People in Sweden think Italians have a different life style and way of being, sure. But when compared to Blacks, they would quickly realize the differences in themselves and Italians is miniscule v. them and Sub-Saharan Africans.

And you are using the word "Race" incorrectly. Race is Caucasians, Asians and Sub-Saharan Africans. "White" is an ethnicity, it refers to people of the European region, a subset of the Caucasian race.
The fundamental problem white people face today is not the threat of Jews, blacks or the encroachment of other various races into their countries. All the problems white people face stem from the same root cause: the mass abandonment of the Christian faith that defined and sustained the European (white) people for generations. Whites are by far the most moral race, and for this reason are the race most prone to both guilt and emotional manipulation. And without a firm foundation of Christian faith, whites are easily manipulated by Satanic Jews to replace their natural sense of morality (which would otherwise be Christian) with the suicidal and self-hating morality of leftism/wokism.

It's really that simple. Traditional Christian faith (Catholic, Orthodox and pre-Scofield/jewified Protestantism) inoculates the believer against emotional manipulation through the introduction of a false morality. True Christians do not hate themselves for their race or feel guilty for the crimes of their ancestors. They understand that God created the races for reasons of his own. They know that their own sins are just as bad if not worse than their supposedly "evil" ancestors. They possess faith, humility and gratitude that allows them to firmly reject the seductive ideologies of leftism that have been mass-adopted by so many whites in place of Christianity.

This is why Samseau is correct that the answer to the serious problems white people face is not political. Only a religious revival of genuine Christian faith can destroy the cancer that is killing the European races. There is no political solution, because leftism does not function as a political belief. It is religious in nature, and thus only the true religion and the truth of Jesus Christ can dislodge and destroy it.
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The notion that there is something defective in certain races by nature is ultimately offloading their own responsibility for their actions onto God.
No one says there is anything necessarily "defective" in any race. We do live in a world where we have a fallen state and predispositions, as well as certain selection pressures and proclivities. These are both good and bad. Heck, this even exists within races. Are you held to your particular genetic makeup and its possibilities and talents, or frailties, while another is held to his on judgment day? Of course. Races are just subsets of genetic makeup, on average, that are in fact the makeup of that person. That's why they are called races; they have traits in combination that others don't both good and bad.
Race is Caucasians, Asians and Sub-Saharan Africans.
The fundamental problem white people face today is not the threat of Jews, blacks or the encroachment of other various races into their countries. All the problems white people face stem from the same root cause: the mass abandonment of the Christian faith that defined and sustained the European (white) people for generations. Whites are by far the most moral race, and for this reason are the race most prone to both guilt and emotional manipulation. And without a firm foundation of Christian faith, whites are easily manipulated by Satanic Jews to replace their natural sense of morality (which would otherwise be Christian) with the suicidal and self-hating morality of leftism/wokism.

It's really that simple. Traditional Christian faith (Catholic, Orthodox and pre-Scofield/jewified Protestantism) inoculates the believer against emotional manipulation through the introduction of a false morality. True Christians do not hate themselves for their race or feel guilty for the crimes of their ancestors. They understand that God created the races for reasons of his own. They know that their own sins are just as bad if not worse than their supposedly "evil" ancestors. They possess faith, humility and gratitude that allows them to firmly reject the seductive ideologies of leftism that have been mass-adopted by so many whites in place of Christianity.

This is why Samseau is correct that the answer to the serious problems white people face is not political. Only a religious revival of genuine Christian faith can destroy the cancer that is killing the European races. There is no political solution, because leftism does not function as a political belief. It is religious in nature, and thus only the true religion and the truth of Jesus Christ can dislodge and destroy it.
There will first have to be a man-made Church which addresses these issues. Just going back to a random Christian Church, even a conservative one, will not address the serious political issues we already face. It can make their lives far better in the image of God, and this is needed for many White people, but the serious issue we face still have to be tackled by an organized movement to oppose the satanic elites. It might have fixed the issues 60 years ago, but this battle is now spiritual and political. The number 1 issue will be immigration, both legal and illegal, and if Whites have a right to their own homelands. Until this is addressed at a political level, more and more non-Christians will continue to flood into the west and vote away more and more of our society.

I predict, in the next few years, a White Nationalist based Christian movement will begin. Probably from someone in the Nick Fuentes realm, but not Nick himself. This will quickly replace Patriot Front, NJP and all other WN movements as the civil rights group that will defend the rights of Whites politically and makes racial reality a Christian component again. Seeing them get tax breaks while pushing for White civil rights will cause some serious issues for our government.

I very well could be wrong, but I see this taking place as things continue to get worse and churches continue to grow but there is no pushback to the political realities we face. Men will first rediscover Christ, then when they truly know Christ and what they are up against, they will take further action. You are correct, the first step is for them to return to the church, but there will be needed steps after this.
You aren't reading carefully, no one is making the claims you purport to refute. I never denied that the major races cannot be divided further into other classifications and tribes.
You didn't deny it, but you're making all those generalizations about "white" vs. "black" (while leaving out "yellow" for the most part) as if there were only two colors/races in this world. You're furthermore confusing race and soul:
[...] many Christian Ethiopians have White souls. Conversely, we see many Whites today who have forsaken their rich spiritual heritage, who souls are turning Black, just as St. Nephon's soul once was. His soul was so Black his face was turning Black! For it is the soul that makes the man, and not the man who makes the soul. So the Whites today who focus on money, gratification, and power are really no different than your average Black criminal. [...]Whites today have souls of a Negro

If the "soul makes the man [race?]", how is it possible that Ethiopians can have "white souls"? Wouldn't they have turned into "whites" because of their souls by now? Apparently "whites today have souls of a Negro", but their faces aren't turning black because of it.

You're also ignoring the issue of race-mixing, which can produce intermediate stages. For instance the European+Asian mixes which paternos mentioned: Should these mixed children be considered as predominantly "white", or "yellow", or somewhere in between? Can a "white+yellow" person have a "black soul", thus uniting all three colors in himself?
Italians, Irish and Jews were considered "White" by the founding fathers due to them being allowed to have citizenship.
Jews were considered "white"/European? Interesting.

No one in Sweden thinks Italians are "black". Where did you ever hear this?
A typical Italian is clearly darker pigmented/swarthier in hair and eye color than a typical Swede, and thus "black" by comparison.

People in Sweden think Italians have a different life style and way of being, sure. But when compared to Blacks, they would quickly realize the differences in themselves and Italians is miniscule v. them and Sub-Saharan Africans.
Depends on who you're asking. There are racists in Sweden who think that southern Italians (Sicilians) look like Arabs and are all criminal mafiosis. Maybe they think Sicilians are not quite as bad as Africans, but to them Sicilians are still inferior compared to Swedes.​

And you are using the word "Race" incorrectly. Race is Caucasians, Asians and Sub-Saharan Africans.
It is "White Nationalists" who are parading around the nonsensical label "white race", not me.

There's certainly much more than just three races in the world. Europids, Mongolids and Negrids are just the racial groups used as categories to summarize various races with considerable internal differences. Most Europeans are mixes of at least two different Europid races, showing traits of these races in their phenotype.​

"White" is an ethnicity, it refers to people of the European region, a subset of the Caucasian race.
No, "white" is a color. Ethnicities are "German", "Italian", "Swede" etc.
You didn't deny it, but you're making all those generalizations about "white" vs. "black" (while leaving out "yellow" for the most part) as if there were only two colors/races in this world. You're furthermore confusing race and soul:

If the "soul makes the man [race?]", how is it possible that Ethiopians can have "white souls"? Wouldn't they have turned into "whites" because of their souls by now? Apparently "whites today have souls of a Negro", but their faces aren't turning black because of it.

You're also ignoring the issue of race-mixing, which can produce intermediate stages. For instance the European+Asian mixes which paternos mentioned: Should these mixed children be considered as predominantly "white", or "yellow", or somewhere in between? Can a "white+yellow" person have a "black soul", thus uniting all three colors in himself?

Jews were considered "white"/European? Interesting.

A typical Italian is clearly darker pigmented/swarthier in hair and eye color than a typical Swede, and thus "black" by comparison.

Depends on who you're asking. There are racists in Sweden who think that southern Italians (Sicilians) look like Arabs and are all criminal mafiosis. Maybe they think Sicilians are not quite as bad as Africans, but to them Sicilians are still inferior compared to Swedes.

It is "White Nationalists" who are parading around the nonsensical label "white race", not me.

There's certainly much more than just three races in the world. Europids, Mongolids and Negrids are just the racial groups used as categories to summarize various races with considerable internal differences. Most Europeans are mixes of at least two different Europid races, showing traits of these races in their phenotype.​

No, "white" is a color. Ethnicities are "German", "Italian", "Swede" etc.

Yes, Jews who came from Europe were considered "White" as seen in the founding of this country. I am guessing the way things are now this would be reconsidered, but in 1790 they were considered White.

Race is more than skin color, race is DNA. DNA that is impacted by environmental pressures over thousands of years and no travel outside of 30 miles for 99.99% of all humans. There are sub-groups within White, Med v. Nordic v. Slavic. All would be considered White.

I understand you don't believe in the White ethnicity. It doesn't matter, your comments on it being created in the 20th century are factually incorrect. What you believe doesn't matter, what matters is the historical record of White being used long before the 20th century and that was my only comment directed to you. If you want to believe White people don't exist, you are free to do so, I have no idea who will win the battle of this debate when rubber meets road.