Child Broadcaster and Gatekeeper Ben Shapiro

Even when I was an ignorant "Normiecon", before I met you all wonderful folks, I had a hard time getting past his voice. That's why I liked his Tiktok reaction videos best.

I also used to watch some of his Sunday Special Interviews, which he hasn't done in months.

This is a little off topic, but there is a tie in with Ben Shapiro.

Andrew Klavin is a novelist who writes crime stories, some of which have been made into movies, such as True Crime. He also has done Youtube videos for some time on culture and other topics. He converted to Christianity about 20 years ago, but was born Jewish.

Recently, he said that while Christ is King, and every knee shall one day bow to him, he thinks that people who have been saying "Christ is King" as a tagline are anti-Semitic. Here is a tweet with a short video clip where he says it.

Here is a video where he discusses the whole thing with Candice Owens and Ben Shapiro (obviously before she got fired).

I came across a mention of this on Vox Day, and didn't know what he was referring to, so I went to Klavan's twitter page. He is getting tons of comments on all his tweets saying Christ is King.

I've heard of him for a long time, but never particularly paid attention to him. However, I think this whole incident is an interesting example of how people are becoming much more vocal about saying Christ is King. I am not certain, but I think it may be true that there is a correlation between people who have been running with the "Christ is King" tagline, and people who have been noticing things about the Jews.
This is a little off topic, but there is a tie in with Ben Shapiro.

Andrew Klavin is a novelist who writes crime stories, some of which have been made into movies, such as True Crime. He also has done Youtube videos for some time on culture and other topics. He converted to Christianity about 20 years ago, but was born Jewish.

Recently, he said that while Christ is King, and every knee shall one day bow to him, he thinks that people who have been saying "Christ is King" as a tagline are countersemitic. Here is a tweet with a short video clip where he says it.

Here is a video where he discusses the whole thing with Candice Owens and Ben Shapiro (obviously before she got fired).

I came across a mention of this on Vox Day, and didn't know what he was referring to, so I went to Klavan's twitter page. He is getting tons of comments on all his tweets saying Christ is King.

I've heard of him for a long time, but never particularly paid attention to him. However, I think this whole incident is an interesting example of how people are becoming much more vocal about saying Christ is King. I am not certain, but I think it may be true that there is a correlation between people who have been running with the "Christ is King" tagline, and people who have been noticing things about the Jews.

It's because in three words, Christ Is King completely destroys the astroturfed concept of "Judeo-Christianity." It is a perfect confession of the Christian faith while simultaneously being a phrase a Jew could never say.
Interesting. They were 3.7% of the US population at the time, but made up 4.23% of the armed forces, so they actually served in disproportionally high numbers. They made up 2.7% of WW2 deaths, which is lower than average, but still significant.

They are only 0.7% of the US military today.

WW2 was obviously deeply personal for Talmuds. I'm not surprised at all they had a higher representation in the military back then.
I can't stand Ben Shapiro. He reminds me of that weasel nerd kid at school who would smugly argue about everything "well actually Batman could beat Superman if he had sufficient preparation, that has been demonstrated repeatedly if you actually bothered to read the comics"

The kind of kid who has a leather satchel and reminds the teacher that there was homework due when you almost reached the end of the class without them remembering.

He sounds like the professor dude from the Simpsons and I get annoyed just looking at his chunky eyebrow weasel face.

Ok I'm done. Proceed.
Have you seen Randall Weems from Recess?


He literally rubs his hands. What did Disney mean by this?
What the heck is Klavan talking about? Has he not read the Gospel? Ben recognizing that the Messiah is Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, is a bad thing? Amazing. Talk about earthly cares!
Have you guys heard about how, allegedly, before they fired her, they did a meeting where Matt Walsh showed a compilation of her saying Christ is King and then of Nick Fuentes saying Christ is King?
