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Child Broadcaster and Gatekeeper Ben Shapiro


Other Christian
Benjamin has dropped the mask a bit. I can't see why he chose to reply like this. There seems to be no indication Owens was referencing his gate keeping operation. Maybe he's frustrated that people are talking about God when Israel needs more money.

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I can't stand Ben Shapiro. He reminds me of that weasel nerd kid at school who would smugly argue about everything "well actually Batman could beat Superman if he had sufficient preparation, that has been demonstrated repeatedly if you actually bothered to read the comics"

The kind of kid who has a leather satchel and reminds the teacher that there was homework due when you almost reached the end of the class without them remembering.

He sounds like the professor dude from the Simpsons and I get annoyed just looking at his chunky eyebrow weasel face.

Ok I'm done. Proceed.
He's the Billy Kristol of the millennial generation. I believe he completely lacks self-awareness, is hyper-paranoid, defensive, but hey he's got a lot of money so none of it matters.
It's actually amazing how far back on their heels all of these characters are. Perhaps scary, in a sense, if you believe that the winners in larger portion moving ahead are the crazy islamic people, but this is certainly making us break out the popcorn.
He's even ticked off liberals (but still call him right winger), they're close to naming him without naming (((him))).

Wealthy Vlogger Ben Shapiro Calls Social Security a 'Ponzi Scheme,' Says Retirement Is 'Stupid'​

Ben Shapiro says a lot of dumb things. One dumb thing he said recently was that he disagrees with the concept of retirement and doesn’t think Americans should do it. This was definitely a “mask off” moment for Shapiro, who spends a lot of time trying to convince everyday people that he’s just like them and has their best interests at heart. In reality, Shapiro is just a rich guy, and like a lot of rich people, he doesn’t understand what it’s like to be poor or middle-class.

During a segment of his immensely popular rightwing show The Daily Wire, Shapiro recently said: “It’s insane that we haven’t raised the retirement age...No one in the U.S. should be retiring at 65 years old. Frankly, I think retirement itself is a stupid idea unless you have some sort of health problem.”
Shapiro continued his rant down a similarly odd path: “Everybody that I know who is elderly, who is retired, is dead within five years. If you talk to people who are elderly who lose their purpose in life by losing their job and they stop working, things go to hell in a handbasket real quick.”
Very interesting, Ben. Weirdly enough, I know a lot of people who have been retired for many years and are really enjoying themselves. Maybe they’re secretly hankering to take a part-time job as a greeter at Walmart, though. You never know. Maybe that would give their life more “meaning” or whatever.
After making the retirement-leads-to-an-early-grave argument, Shapiro then pivoted to a very familiar libertarian talking point, which is that using the government to take care of people is just way too expensive. Better to defund the federal welfare system and just let the public work forever:
“Just on a fiscal level, and on a logical level, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt established 65 as the retirement age, the average life expectancy in the U.S. was 63 years old. Today, the average life expectancy in the U.S. is close to 80. It’s totally insane that you believe you should be able to work from the time when you are essentially 20 to the time when you are 65—which is a 45 year period—pay in, and then you will receive Social Security benefits to support you and your family, your wife or whatever, for like another 28 years—that’s crazy talk. That is not fiscally sustainable.”
Shapiro not understanding the concept of retirement makes a lot of sense. After all, Shapiro’s “job” is barely a job. Sitting in front of a camera and spouting off about how the woke mob is ruining America does not really qualify as arduous labor. How much does Shapiro make from doing this sort of thing? It’s unclear. Online estimates claim his media company is worth tens of millions of dollars. The guy recently listed one of his Los Angeles homes on the market for $2.9 million. Suffice it to say he’s not exactly living paycheck to paycheck.

After catching flack online for his views—even from some of his own followers—Shapiro felt compelled to issue a follow-up to his original anti-retirement screed. He didn’t really back down from his original point, though. “Social Security is a Ponzi scheme that is 100% going to bankrupt the country,” Shapiro wrote on Twitter. During another 20-minute video, Shapiro continued to call FDR’s landmark social welfare program a “scheme” and rant about how it was unsustainable and would bankrupt the nation.
Experts have already noted that there is nothing fundamentally unstable about federal entitlement programs and that, given a revamped funding plan passed by Congress, the programs can be sustained indefinitely. It isn’t some sort of anomalous threat to the national debt. In fact, one of the biggest recent additions to the national debt was incurred by the Trump administration when it gave massive tax breaks to the nation’s wealthiest—people like Shapiro.

I’d like to take Shapiro’s idea seriously though. I believe in rationality, just as Shapiro ostensibly does. To prove something, you first need to do some trial and error. As such, I suggest an experiment: I would like to challenge Shapiro to lead by example and work until he is in his nineties. Except, to make things fair, he should eschew his cushy vlogger job and, instead, live and work like the average American does. The median household income in the U.S. is something like $74,000 a year. If Ben Shapiro promises to work at a job that supplies approximately half of that—maybe contracting for DoorDash or Uber—for the next 40 to 45 years (or until he collapses from exhaustion), then maybe I will consider his point of view. Otherwise, he just sounds like an out-of-touch rich guy who’s never struggled a day in his life.
He's even ticked off liberals (but still call him right winger), they're close to naming him without naming (((him))).

Wealthy Vlogger Ben Shapiro Calls Social Security a 'Ponzi Scheme,' Says Retirement Is 'Stupid'​

Ben Shapiro says a lot of dumb things. One dumb thing he said recently was that he disagrees with the concept of retirement and doesn’t think Americans should do it. This was definitely a “mask off” moment for Shapiro, who spends a lot of time trying to convince everyday people that he’s just like them and has their best interests at heart. In reality, Shapiro is just a rich guy, and like a lot of rich people, he doesn’t understand what it’s like to be poor or middle-class.

During a segment of his immensely popular rightwing show The Daily Wire, Shapiro recently said: “It’s insane that we haven’t raised the retirement age...No one in the U.S. should be retiring at 65 years old. Frankly, I think retirement itself is a stupid idea unless you have some sort of health problem.”
Shapiro continued his rant down a similarly odd path: “Everybody that I know who is elderly, who is retired, is dead within five years. If you talk to people who are elderly who lose their purpose in life by losing their job and they stop working, things go to hell in a handbasket real quick.”
Very interesting, Ben. Weirdly enough, I know a lot of people who have been retired for many years and are really enjoying themselves. Maybe they’re secretly hankering to take a part-time job as a greeter at Walmart, though. You never know. Maybe that would give their life more “meaning” or whatever.
After making the retirement-leads-to-an-early-grave argument, Shapiro then pivoted to a very familiar libertarian talking point, which is that using the government to take care of people is just way too expensive. Better to defund the federal welfare system and just let the public work forever:

Shapiro not understanding the concept of retirement makes a lot of sense. After all, Shapiro’s “job” is barely a job. Sitting in front of a camera and spouting off about how the woke mob is ruining America does not really qualify as arduous labor. How much does Shapiro make from doing this sort of thing? It’s unclear. Online estimates claim his media company is worth tens of millions of dollars. The guy recently listed one of his Los Angeles homes on the market for $2.9 million. Suffice it to say he’s not exactly living paycheck to paycheck.

After catching flack online for his views—even from some of his own followers—Shapiro felt compelled to issue a follow-up to his original anti-retirement screed. He didn’t really back down from his original point, though. “Social Security is a Ponzi scheme that is 100% going to bankrupt the country,” Shapiro wrote on Twitter. During another 20-minute video, Shapiro continued to call FDR’s landmark social welfare program a “scheme” and rant about how it was unsustainable and would bankrupt the nation.
Experts have already noted that there is nothing fundamentally unstable about federal entitlement programs and that, given a revamped funding plan passed by Congress, the programs can be sustained indefinitely. It isn’t some sort of anomalous threat to the national debt. In fact, one of the biggest recent additions to the national debt was incurred by the Trump administration when it gave massive tax breaks to the nation’s wealthiest—people like Shapiro.

I’d like to take Shapiro’s idea seriously though. I believe in rationality, just as Shapiro ostensibly does. To prove something, you first need to do some trial and error. As such, I suggest an experiment: I would like to challenge Shapiro to lead by example and work until he is in his nineties. Except, to make things fair, he should eschew his cushy vlogger job and, instead, live and work like the average American does. The median household income in the U.S. is something like $74,000 a year. If Ben Shapiro promises to work at a job that supplies approximately half of that—maybe contracting for DoorDash or Uber—for the next 40 to 45 years (or until he collapses from exhaustion), then maybe I will consider his point of view. Otherwise, he just sounds like an out-of-touch rich guy who’s never struggled a day in his life.
This is a good article, but it treats him a bit like a normal misguided conservative, capitalist White American.

In reality, he is a Jew. International Jews do not work, period. They do not do labor, they profit off of labor. To one of these Jews, retirement is simply the goyim getting off the Jewish plantation at a certain age. Why would a Jew ever support such a thing? They want slaves, shabbos goys, for life, not just for 45 years of labor. If they can get 65 years of labor, then absolutely, and once the slaves cannot support themselves anymore, Jews would be more than happy to liquidate the elderly gentiles or else leach all of the wealth remaining from them via the medical and nursing home system, so that they have nothing to pass to their gentile children, ensuring generational wealth stays with the Jews.

Ben Shapiro is a financial parasite, feeding off of the blood and sweat of gentile laborers and soldiers, dying to fight for his ethno-state.

At the very least, Ben needs to be stripped of his citizenship and deported, along with his entire extended family.
I think some of them got drafted into combat in WW2. I could be wrong. If there is a representative fraction of WW2 headstones for Jewish enlistees, I'd like to know it.

During the course of World War II, 550,000 Jewish men and women served in the armed forces of the United States. (Another 1 million Jews served in other Allied forces - 500,000 in the Soviet Army, 100,000 in Polish Military and 30,000 in British Army.)
Jewish servicemembers accounted for 4.23 percent of all soldiers in the U.S. Armed Forces.
About 60 percent of all Jewish physicians in the United States under 45 years of age served in the military.
22 Jews attained senior rank in the armed forces - 18 generals, 6 major generals, 12 brigadier generals,1 vice admiral, 2 rear admirals and 1 commodore.
The total number of Jewish war casualties was 38,338 - 11,000 were killed, 7,000 of which occured in combat.
Approximately 26,000 Jewish men and women in uniform received citations for valor and merit. The number of awards totaled 49,315, including 66 Distinguished Service Crosses, 28 Navy Crosses, 41 Distinguished Service Medals, 244 Legions of Merit, 1,434 Silver Stars, 2,047 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 191 Soldier's Medals, 28 Navy and Marine Corps Medals, 4,641 Bronze Star Medals, 13,212 Air Medals and 14,550 Purple Hearts.
3 Jewish soldiers were awarded the military's highest distinction, the Congressional Medals of Honor - Ben Salomon, Isadore S. Jachman, and Raymond Zussman.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt praised the fighting abilities and service of Jewish men and women. General Douglas MacArthur in one of his speeches said, “I am proud to join in saluting the memory of fallen American heroes of Jewish faith.” At the 50th National Memorial Service conducted by the Jewish War Veterans of the United States, General A. A. Vandergrift, Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps, said, “Americans of Jewish faith in the Marine Corps have served with distinction throughout the prosecution of this war. During the past year, many Jewish fighting men in our armed forces have given their lives in the cause of freedom. With profound sympathy and respect, I join you in paying homage to them at this memorial service.”