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In response to the idea that they're just contrails, I'd point out how there are periods where I live of up to 2 months or more where there are no white lines in the sky, followed by days on end where the sky is filled with them. If they were just contrails, it would mean that no planes flew over my town for two months and then started flying over it again out of the blue, but this is ridiculous, as I live in fair sized city with a domestic and international airport.

Also, the chemtrails have been good in the sense that they've helped me to start to wake some people up. At first when I pointed them out, they were reluctant to believe, but then once they'd seen them and couldn't unsee them, they had to admit that something's happening. Watching the sky get painted white will do that.
The US state of Tennessee has passed a new law banning geoengineering and chemtrail activities in the state. On 18.03.2024, the Senate voted 25 to 6 in favor of the bill "Senate Bill No. 2691" (SB 2691), which was also approved by Congress on 01.04.24 by 70 to 22 votes. The restrictive law, which makes violations punishable by US$ 10,000 per day, will therefore come into force on 01.07.2024.



I wonder if the fact that I and others have noticed that the sun feels hotter these days is linked to the dangerous levels of radiation we're now exposed to.
I've been wondering about Chemtrails for a while. But I don't understand the point of why.
Temperature perception also changes naturally as you get older in age.
Maybe. But I'm noticing this in 75-degree weather too. The ambient temperature around me can be 75 but the sun's rays on my face now feel hot, where years ago they just felt warm.

Here's a Reddit thread talking about the same subject:
Maybe. But I'm noticing this in 75-degree weather too. The ambient temperature around me can be 75 but the sun's rays on my face now feel hot, where years ago they just felt warm.

Here's a Reddit thread talking about the same subject:

This is also an effect of getting older.
The biggest evidence of chemtrails is that there are plenty of planes that fly at high altitude that do not leave "contrails" behind.

I see tons of planes that fly without leaving any contrails, yet others that do, at the exact same altitude. Hence it's all lies, there are no contrails visible from the ground - they are actually leaving behind chemicals in the air and it's been happening for decades for God knows what purpose.
The biggest evidence of chemtrails is that there are plenty of planes that fly at high altitude that do not leave "contrails" behind.

I see tons of planes that fly without leaving any contrails, yet others that do, at the exact same altitude. Hence it's all lies, there are no contrails visible from the ground - they are actually leaving behind chemicals in the air and it's been happening for decades for God knows what purpose.

How do you verify that they are at the same altitude? I am trying to systematize my observations of con/chemtrails into a more cohesive theory of what's actually going on. If chemtrails are being sprayed, are they covert attachments onto aircraft on unrelated flights/missions? Or are they dedicated specifically for this purpose? If the latter, do they have a public flight manifest or are they 'ghost' aircraft?
How do you verify that they are at the same altitude? I am trying to systematize my observations of con/chemtrails into a more cohesive theory of what's actually going on. If chemtrails are being sprayed, are they covert attachments onto aircraft on unrelated flights/missions? Or are they dedicated specifically for this purpose? If the latter, do they have a public flight manifest or are they 'ghost' aircraft?

From what I've seen, the planes appear to be the same size, and same models. Yet some release contrails, while others do not.

If they are the same size and model, this would indicate they are at similar altitudes, would it not? And then why would some leave trails but not others? Chemtrail theory makes most sense here.
How do you verify that they are at the same altitude? I am trying to systematize my observations of con/chemtrails into a more cohesive theory of what's actually going on. If chemtrails are being sprayed, are they covert attachments onto aircraft on unrelated flights/missions? Or are they dedicated specifically for this purpose? If the latter, do they have a public flight manifest or are they 'ghost' aircraft?

It's in the fuel. All the kerosene is being allocated by the government before it reaches the consumer (airlines).