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I'm currently working as a diesel engineer but I'm educated as a marine engineer so I'm educated in all internal combustion engines including gas turbines. We add a lot of additives to fuel and lube oil to maximize fuel efficiency/ performance, meet "green" standards, and prevent wear. This is an almost totally unregulated field, you can use basically anything you want except lead, but even small engine planes are allowed to use lead - think the propeller planes taking off from small airports. You can go on Shell or Exxon's website and look up their jet engine fuel/lube oil additives. There's a huge amount of heavy metals and other toxic compounds being used. Some real proven carcinogens. In addition engines wear and deposit more heavy metals into our atmosphere (think aluminum). Soil tests have been performed and it shows the top layers of soil exposed to these things, even in remote areas where nobody is driving, are getting contaminated with these heavy metals and additives, and then we use that soil to grow crops. It's a real health danger. I guarantee a lot of people are getting cancer that wouldn't otherwise, and some are probably getting psych issues as a result, though I doubt it's a main contributor to either, personally. However, earthworms are capable of neutralizing most of this stuff over time. The earth can heal itself, it's just a matter of how fast it can heal vs how fast we pollute.

Regarding the chemtrails - and all of them are chemtrails on account of the additives and engine wear that I mentioned already - there is a real agenda behind it. Mainstream news has talked about planes doing cloud seeding. You can see it pretty easily with satellite imaging, which at times shows areas the size of Arkansas and larger being covered with artificial clouds arrayed neatly in rows, clearly from a plane or planes flying back and forth over a region. I live near a major airport, as do probably most people, and you can just look up in the sky and see it. On a bad day over a quarter of the sky will be covered in clouds formed from contrails, and that's just from normal passenger planes.

So I'm pretty sure it's a combination of maybe unintentional seeding from normal aircraft and intentional spraying likely from government and the usual suspect NGO aircraft. There's good evidence for this if you really look into it though the censorship makes these things difficult to find.

If we had a benevolent government, they would be conducting tests to measure the cloud formation from aircraft using different compounds in their fuel and lube oil additives, but instead they just ignore the issue, the question is if that is intentional or just from laziness. Even the intentional spraying - I believe there are people who genuinely think they are helping things by doing this. Maybe they're trying to end a drought somewhere or they think blocking the sun will help the climate or something. Obviously this is in vain and is tantamount to mocking God, and should be stopped immediately, but I think some people really do think these things are worth it.
See this post by possibly world's smartest man Chris Langan on the topic of chemtrails:

"A Few Choice Words on the Geoengineered "Polar Vortex"

Let me begin by saying that anyone who still doesn't understand that the US occupation government is engaging in weather modification "experiments" is an idiot. If you're one of those people, I don't want to hear from you. Your opinion is blatantly counterfactual and meaningless. You're a mindless little dung beetle who would gobble up a big pile of fresh steaming dog crap if instructed to do so by your "leaders", "experts", and "authorities". You're beneath contempt.

Now that we've got that out of the way, I live on a ranch smack in the middle of the US Heartland. There are 3000 people or so in this entire county. We're a hundred miles from the nearest airport able to handle commercial jetliners. Yet last week, just prior to the "polar vortex", the sky over our property was a fluffy white tic tac toe game played by what appeared to be large jet tankers belching out ugly non-dissipating contrails which were smudged and smeared by the wind into expansive blotches that blotted out the sun. This has been going on ever since we moved here nearly 20 years ago.

There is no way to explain this in terms of normal air traffic generating the usual vapor-laden jet contrails. The "contrails" do not look or behave like water vapor or ice crystals, and there is no reason that we should ever see more than a single jet airliner overhead, maybe two at rush hour (the usual number on a clear day is 0). I've checked the airline schedules, and there's simply no way. The government is once again trying to kill us, and you'd better believe that this record "cold snap" is taking quite a death toll.

This farmhouse presently feels like an icy tomb. The wrmest spot in the house registers 50 degrees. We have animals here about which we're very, very worried. Animals are tough, but notoriously susceptible to attempts by humans to kill them. This is such an attempt, and it is being made without our permission or approval. Whoever is responsible for this has no right to be doing it. They're too stupid and immoral to have earned such a right. They're the very dogsh*t that their gulls and followers would eat if ordered to do so by the dogsh*t itself.

Enough of these lying freaks. If they want to do "weather modification experiments", let them go swimming in a vat of liquid nitrogen and claim that it's for "the good of mankind" (on the rare occasions when they're not lying about it as usual). In this case, that's exactly what it would be."
Red pill me on chemtrails - conspiracy theory or yet another globalist health-harming tactic?
Most people don't watch the sky during the day for any length of time, but all it takes to see the chemtrails is watching for a few minutes when it's happening, which last for hours. First the planes fly in a criss-cross pattern laying down a coherent and persistent "contrail" that, instead of dissipating, continuously expands for hours and hours until it creates a milky white spread across nearly the entire horizon.

If you look up for a couple of minutes during the actual seeding or when the contrails/chemtrails are still sort of tubular, it's perfectly obvious something is amiss. If a person glances up and only sees the final result, the milky ceiling, then they merely think that's normal because they did not see how it arrived.

I've been watching chemtrails in multiple parts of the USA and other countries for about 15 years and recently I lived near a large US Air Force base and the seeding was frequent. I think I posted some picture of it last year on RVF.

Here they are. Lots of good info. in this thread.

I took these three pics on the same morning within about an hour if I remember correctly as I moved from my house to a mile away. As you can see in the first pic, the sky is clear and the first chemtrail is seeded.


More trails are added...


And after a short time, the milky white haze has covered the sky while still more seeding continues from multiple planes.

See this post by possibly world's smartest man Chris Langan on the topic of chemtrails:

"A Few Choice Words on the Geoengineered "Polar Vortex"

Let me begin by saying that anyone who still doesn't understand that the US occupation government is engaging in weather modification "experiments" is an idiot. If you're one of those people, I don't want to hear from you. Your opinion is blatantly counterfactual and meaningless. You're a mindless little dung beetle who would gobble up a big pile of fresh steaming dog crap if instructed to do so by your "leaders", "experts", and "authorities". You're beneath contempt.

Now that we've got that out of the way, I live on a ranch smack in the middle of the US Heartland. There are 3000 people or so in this entire county. We're a hundred miles from the nearest airport able to handle commercial jetliners. Yet last week, just prior to the "polar vortex", the sky over our property was a fluffy white tic tac toe game played by what appeared to be large jet tankers belching out ugly non-dissipating contrails which were smudged and smeared by the wind into expansive blotches that blotted out the sun. This has been going on ever since we moved here nearly 20 years ago.

There is no way to explain this in terms of normal air traffic generating the usual vapor-laden jet contrails. The "contrails" do not look or behave like water vapor or ice crystals, and there is no reason that we should ever see more than a single jet airliner overhead, maybe two at rush hour (the usual number on a clear day is 0). I've checked the airline schedules, and there's simply no way. The government is once again trying to kill us, and you'd better believe that this record "cold snap" is taking quite a death toll.

This farmhouse presently feels like an icy tomb. The wrmest spot in the house registers 50 degrees. We have animals here about which we're very, very worried. Animals are tough, but notoriously susceptible to attempts by humans to kill them. This is such an attempt, and it is being made without our permission or approval. Whoever is responsible for this has no right to be doing it. They're too stupid and immoral to have earned such a right. They're the very dogsh*t that their gulls and followers would eat if ordered to do so by the dogsh*t itself.

Enough of these lying freaks. If they want to do "weather modification experiments", let them go swimming in a vat of liquid nitrogen and claim that it's for "the good of mankind" (on the rare occasions when they're not lying about it as usual). In this case, that's exactly what it would be."
Sounds like this dude should have moved to my parts to prep for the cold better. If your house can't get above 50 you might have a few design flaws. We regularly get -20 to -40 F in winter for several weeks. A modestly insulated home and sized HVAC should be able to keep up unless you only have a heat pump. Maybe it's renovation time for the author. My livestock does just fine in those temps also. They just need to be dry and out of the wind. None of the shelters or coop are insulated, you'll get moisture buildup and frostbite problems. Fresh air and wind protection are key.
I'm mostly poking fun. I do think the weather is being manipulated via dumping toxic garbage in the air. It's super irritating but as mentioned its difficult to find concrete evidence of.
This is HILARIOUS! I was literally about to create a thread on this, as I noticed there wasn't one yet, but someone beat me to it! (I was so excited to start a thread, dammit!)

Anyways, I've attached some pics I took this morning. The first two were taken at about 8 AM, and the next three were taken at about 10 AM. You can clearly see how the trails are spreading out and forming this misty haze, which will eventually form a cloudy, grey goo over the sky and might last for literally weeks. (I kept a tally going during the month of October here in Southern Ontario, Canada, where I am. There were only FOUR days of sunny weather out of the total thirty one. That is most definitely NOT normal.)

I know "they" have been talking about this sort of thing since at least the 1950's. I have come across a speech by Lyndon Johnson at a post-secondary institution's convocation ceremony where he speaks of it.

It is OBVIOUS that something is going on up there. It SERIOUSLY freaks me out that most "normies" don't even notice. I think if this had been tried a hundred years ago, when most people were still living on farms and in touch with the natural order, lots of people would have been talking about it, and I suspect the "drones on their phones" syndrome is at work again here.

My question is, WHY? Is it to make the earth cooler because of "global warming", which is the official explanation given in their documents about it? Is it to block out the sun so we can't grow our own food? (We tried a garden last summer and the results were ABYSMAL, and I think the lack of sun and warmth had a lot to do with that but maybe I'm just paranoid. lol) Is it to demoralise us and make us sick? Is it some kind of weird occultic thing, like a Satanic ritual to turn the natural order on it's head? (I notice a lot of the time, it is cold and dark when it should be hot and sunny, then hot and sunny when it should be cold and dark.)

Anyways, I'm glad SOME ONE created this thread. :)


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It is OBVIOUS that something is going on up there. It SERIOUSLY freaks me out that most "normies" don't even notice.
Yeah, I've never had anyone ask me about them. Then again, I've never brought up the topic with anyone else myself because I'm worried about the looks I'd get. Even if the person noticed the trails themselves, I doubt they'd make a big deal about it. It's amazing how clueless the public really is about these things.

My question is, WHY? Is it to make the earth cooler because of "global warming", which is the official explanation given in their documents about it? Is it to block out the sun so we can't grow our own food? (We tried a garden last summer and the results were ABYSMAL, and I think the lack of sun and warmth had a lot to do with that but maybe I'm just paranoid. lol) Is it to demoralise us and make us sick? Is it some kind of weird occultic thing, like a Satanic ritual to turn the natural order on it's head? (I notice a lot of the time, it is cold and dark when it should be hot and sunny, then hot and sunny when it should be cold and dark.)

Anyways, I'm glad SOME ONE created this thread. :)
The reason they do it is probably a slow kill + the ability to control the weather and cause droughts and temperature changes. I think they're trying to warm the planet. When they talk about climate change and how the Earth is warming, that usually means that it is indeed warming...and they're the ones who are causing it.

Dropping this little tool off here for any of you guys looking to identify aircraft flying overhead. I work in aviation and use this website frequently to track aircraft that are headed to my airport but aren't filed with us to arrive.

For military aircraft tracking you want to select the "U" at the top of the screen. There's lots of neat tools built in you can use for tracking. The different colors of aircraft represent the individual altitude of the aircraft, so the color of an individual aircraft will change over the course of its flight.

It should be noted that there are aircraft that DO NOT track on ADS-B. For example, there have been military arrivals to the airport I work at that have scheduled with us, arrived at the correct time, but were not visibly tracking on this site. This is probably wise given national security matters, but my reason for pointing this out is to note the ability of concealment. Even small aircraft on clear, sunny days have the option to fly VFR without tracking.

In the context of aerial geoengineering, the next time you find aircraft criss-crossing your skies with large trails, try and verify them. Keep in mind that they are often at extremely high altitudes, so for accurate placement, try to track them when they are directly overhead.

Dropping this little tool off here for any of you guys looking to identify aircraft flying overhead. I work in aviation and use this website frequently to track aircraft that are headed to my airport but aren't filed with us to arrive.

For military aircraft tracking you want to select the "U" at the top of the screen. There's lots of neat tools built in you can use for tracking. The different colors of aircraft represent the individual altitude of the aircraft, so the color of an individual aircraft will change over the course of its flight.

It should be noted that there are aircraft that DO NOT track on ADS-B. For example, there have been military arrivals to the airport I work at that have scheduled with us, arrived at the correct time, but were not visibly tracking on this site. This is probably wise given national security matters, but my reason for pointing this out is to note the ability of concealment. Even small aircraft on clear, sunny days have the option to fly VFR without tracking.

In the context of aerial geoengineering, the next time you find aircraft criss-crossing your skies with large trails, try and verify them. Keep in mind that they are often at extremely high altitudes, so for accurate placement, try to track them when they are directly overhead.

As someone in aviation do you have any thoughts on the phenomenon? I've noticed that some days jets leave a short & innocuous trail that makes no mark and quickly dissipates, whereas othertimes they persist, creating a crosshatch pattern and disperse into a haze which covers the sky and precipitates a change in weather. I'm not well-versed enough to understand if this is simply a difference due to atmospheric conditions or if there is a difference in the trails themselves, perhaps the former being simple contrails and the latter being something of a more sinister nature.
As someone in aviation do you have any thoughts on the phenomenon? I've noticed that some days jets leave a short & innocuous trail that makes no mark and quickly dissipates, whereas othertimes they persist, creating a crosshatch pattern and disperse into a haze which covers the sky and precipitates a change in weather. I'm not well-versed enough to understand if this is simply a difference due to atmospheric conditions or if there is a difference in the trails themselves, perhaps the former being simple contrails and the latter being something of a more sinister nature.
My understanding of atmospheric conditions is very limited as well, and my work deals primarily with ground service, so take my opinion lightly as I don't hold any more authority on the topic than yourself. I know atmospheric conditions are complex and can vary greatly based on altitude, so when one aircraft leaves a contrail, and another does not, even though they share the same sky, there could be a reasonable explanation. With that said, there are clearly some trails left by aircraft that are large and heavy, that you can watch sink and waft through the sky. @Read_Lives_of_Saints pictures above are a good example. This does not look like the by-product of heated air condensing after leaving a turbine exhaust. Add to this the obvious climate cult that is circulating amongst the leaders of the western world and I think it is pretty clear that our skies and weather are to some degree manufactured.
I have no photos or videos, but I know what I saw from the ground in Los Angeles about seven or eight years ago: what looked like an airliner at medium altitude laying down a trail, ceasing the spray, then turning around the way it came and spraying again a trail more or less parallel to the previous one. That looked to me like the deliberate spraying of a fine substance.

Most people don't watch the sky during the day for any length of time
I have no photos or videos, but I know what I saw from the ground in Los Angeles about seven or eight years ago: what looked like an airliner at medium altitude laying down a trail, ceasing the spray, then turning around the way it came and spraying again a trail more or less parallel to the previous one. That looked to me like the deliberate spraying of a fine substance.
Are you in a different country now? Because I see this type of thing nearly every day.