Chads' Lounge


I have read how American soi bois stand around and do nothing when people behave badly in some situations, but in Russia, if someone tried the same thing, all the nearby men would immediately beat the crap out of them.

Have you ever done this or are you just being a keyboard warrior? What training do you have in fighting?

In frontier towns where government law and order has not taken hold yet, it was common for the men of the town to band together as a posse to track, capture, and hang criminals. In the small town I grew up in, there's a story about a gang of robbers that was terrorizing the area. The robbers were operating out of a canyon outside of town, that is now part of a state park. The town men got a posse together to come after the gang of robbers. The robbers holed up in a cave in that canyon, and the town men blasted the entrance of the cave shut and left the gang inside.

This is the way it should be, but if that happened today your picture would be blasted all over the media especially if the gang of robbers were ahem not white.

I agree that in many situations, vigilante justice is wrong, even when you are not satisfied with the outcome of the legal process. However, I think there are limits, and vigilante justice can sometimes be justified. I think there comes a time when the legal system can be considered sufficiently corrupt, and an individual case sufficiently egregious, that a man could decide he's willing to go to jail to see the actual criminal put in the ground where he belongs.It's a grey area, so I can't say I'm certain, but I'm inclined to approve of what this guy has done. I think he was willing to go to jail to kill his sister's rapist, or an any case he found himself there, and then decided he might as well take out some child molesters if he was stuck in there with them.

We simply don’t know all the facts without research. What if sister knew her brother was a psychopath and got that guy killed by saying she was raped? Where are the facts from the trial?

I consider pedophiles complete scum and share this man’s motivations to eliminate them but then I think that Jesus wouldn’t condone killing them.
That's pretty interesting. I saw a recent claim that being able to bench 225 pounds (four 45 pound plates, a little over 100kg) puts you well into top 1% of most strongest people, whereas most gym bros consider that a bare minimum to be considered strong at all. 315 on bench, or six plates, is really extremely strong, so maybe the level of obsession, drug use, and general fanaticism most guys would require to get there cuts into your ability to actually meet women or relate to anyone who's not also a hardcore gym rat. In my experience, women don't care at all how much you can bench. It's something to impress other guys.

I also wonder about the low end. Whose max bench press is 125? Maybe women were included in this survey.
Have you ever done this or are you just being a keyboard warrior? What training do you have in fighting?

This is the way it should be, but if that happened today your picture would be blasted all over the media especially if the gang of robbers were ahem not white.

We simply don’t know all the facts without research. What if sister knew her brother was a psychopath and got that guy killed by saying she was raped? Where are the facts from the trial?

I consider pedophiles complete scum and share this man’s motivations to eliminate them but then I think that Jesus wouldn’t condone killing them.
I am only a keyboard vigilante. I still condone vigilantism in some cases.
That's pretty interesting. I saw a recent claim that being able to bench 225 pounds (four 45 pound plates, a little over 100kg) puts you well into top 1% of most strongest people, whereas most gym bros consider that a bare minimum to be considered strong at all. 315 on bench, or six plates, is really extremely strong, so maybe the level of obsession, drug use, and general fanaticism most guys would require to get there cuts into your ability to actually meet women or relate to anyone who's not also a hardcore gym rat. In my experience, women don't care at all how much you can bench. It's something to impress other guys.

I also wonder about the low end. Whose max bench press is 125? Maybe women were included in this survey.

Maybe it's all a bunch of crock and you shouldn't worry about it too much as it's a meme. Or if you do that then big chad dude pushing that much is obviously married.
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