Catholic Grifters


Started this thread cover people that you find suspicious of being a Catholic grifter (i.e. using the faith to for fame and fortune). This isn't just limited lay people either, I suspect many people in religious life are also grifters.

Please be respectful of all people mention, no bashing of the people you consider suspicious. It has to based on some reason, not "I don't like the guy".

Sorry sedes, I don't care about your theories or dislike of The Pope, if you want to talk about sedevacantism, make your own thread and talk there, not here. Thank you
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I expect this thread to go south really quick so I'll begin the pot stirring immediately. I don't like to drop the grenade and let everyone else pick up the pieces but rather stay behind and see what happens. That probably doesn't speak well of my mental well being.
Obvious one, our dear Michael Vorris. A homo condemning homos in the church then being outed as a still practicing homo. It looks like CM is being dissolved as we speak. My new metric for worthwhile media is how much vitriol do they espouse for anything that doesn't adhere to their narrative of outrage porn. Obviously outrage sells very well.
Dr. Taylor Marshall is a grifter who prostitutes himself to the audience that will provide him with a consistent flow of income. He’s theologically bankrupt to boot. He's successful, but not by 100% honest means. Sure, he's sold a good number of sloppily-researched books but he also found he can make VERY good money from the crisis in the Church as well as controversies he manufactures himself. Profiting from the crisis in the Church is absolutely the worst.
Dr. Taylor Marshall is a grifter who prostitutes himself to the audience that will provide him with a consistent flow of income. He’s theologically bankrupt to boot. He's successful, but not by 100% honest means. Sure, he's sold a good number of sloppily-researched books but he also found he can make VERY good money from the crisis in the Church as well as controversies he manufactures himself. Profiting from the crisis in the Church is absolutely the worst.
Taylor Marshall is a total rat.

The guy runs a political anti-Catholic channel. I wouldn't be surprised he is funded by the 3-letter agencies.

90% of his content are hit-pieces on the Pope.

He reduces ad-absurdum Catholicism to the Latin Mass and communion on the tongue and sadly seduces many in his trap.

Get away you Satan.
Started this thread cover people that you find suspicious of being a Catholic grifter (i.e. using the faith to for fame and fortune). This isn't just limited lay people either, I suspect many people in religious life are also grifters.

Please be respectful of all people mention, no bashing of the people you consider suspicious. It has to based on some reason, not "I don't like the guy".

Sorry sedes, I don't care about your theories or dislike of The Pope, if you want to talk about sedevacantism, make your own thread and talk there, not here. Thank you

I find most online religious media toxic. That goes for several Catholic channels or even the Ortho ‘bro’ movement. There are exceptions. I’ve never really seen this toxicity in the real world where it seems people at mass just get along and accept each others differences, but there are real world Christian grifters for sure. This is a blast from the past but that Peter Popovic guy has to be called out even though he isn’t Catholic. He was busted years ago and continues selling things to this day.
Taylor Marshall is a total rat.

The guy runs a political anti-Catholic channel. I wouldn't be surprised he is funded by the 3-letter agencies.

90% of his content are hit-pieces on the Pope.

He reduces ad-absurdum Catholicism to the Latin Mass and communion on the tongue and sadly seduces many in his trap.

Get away you Satan.
Iv wondered the same thing with how fast his popularity grew from the T&T days to nearly a million followers. I can't imagine he doesn't know what he's doing by luring in retards that can't read Catholic doctrine and must have a pundit spoon feed them. I have to assume on some level it's nefarious and the gold chain was too much to resist. I remember for a while he was posting videos of his family vacations after gaining popularity. I feel bad for his kids being plastered all over YouTube.
I turned off all Catholic commentators until after Lent at least. They're not Catholic, they're dissenters trying to establish their own magisteriums. Appeal to authority because they have theology degrees but still sound like Jordan Peterson word salad tards. Maybe even more concerning is all the pay pigs supporting these grifters. Who the heck gives money to some idiot to misinterpret church doctrine. It's gotta be boomers. If not our world is definitely screwed.
But I do know priests and good friends that still talk about Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro like they're great intellectuals. My brain instantly vapor locks when I hear that as I can't fathom being so unintellectual. It's like an impenetrable barrier and no amount of screaming can convince them to consider reality. Does nobody read a thing anymore? But I digress.
You don't remain on YouTube by speaking the truth. They will never address the JQ knowing their chains would be yanked. I hope that sweet sweet chain is worth it Marshall. Imagine trading truth for money, honor for likes, freedom for fame. He should have stayed a Protestant because that's exactly what he still is.
Next on my hit list, Bishop Barron and John Henry Weston. To be continued....
I like Taylor Marshall, even though I don't find his brand of R&R reasoning very persuasive

The worst of the Catholic grifters is Michael Loften at Reason and Theology. His recent video about Francis allowing the Anglican "Mass" in a Catholic Church is particularly egregious in how dishonest it is.
The Hallow app, it promotes guided meditation with a focus on Catholic spirituality. In past, I mostly used the app to listen to gregorian chants while praying the rosary or just help myself focus. But kind of dropped off from using them.

Recently I noticed that they have celebrities like Mark Wahlberg and the guy from The Chosen. But what really tipped me off is that they got Liam Neeson on their app. It is progressively becoming a subscription/service app with fewer and fewer free options, so my interest has fallen off.

It reminds me a lot of the monetization I saw when I went to The March for Life. At what point does our cause become more about reach and profit than integrity. (Not to be smirk the March for Life).
The Hallow app, it promotes guided meditation with a focus on Catholic spirituality. In past, I mostly used the app to listen to gregorian chants while praying the rosary or just help myself focus. But kind of dropped off from using them.

Recently I noticed that they have celebrities like Mark Wahlberg and the guy from The Chosen. But what really tipped me off is that they got Liam Neeson on their app. It is progressively becoming a subscription/service app with fewer and fewer free options, so my interest has fallen off.

It reminds me a lot of the monetization I saw when I went to The March for Life. At what point does our cause become more about reach and profit than integrity. (Not to be smirk the March for Life).
I feel the same.

Weird story man, capital investors, shares, a young kid getting rich.

It's a fine balance, on the one hand most chuches are so underfunded they just produce crappy apps.

But on the other hand, venture capitalists, +100m investment, in the hands of a kid with some rich dudes investing millions?

To me this doesn't go together.

Money changers in the temple.