This may or may not be the case, but you are trying to tell others what they think. I think a better thing would be to just ask them. When have I stated, for example, that BTC will "solve all of mankind's ills"? "Never" is the answer.I notice a clear parallel with devout believers in ideologies like Libertarianism and Communism, which are utopian systems that their proponents claim will solve all of mankind's ills.
I've noticed that a lot of people do what you do here, which is have some complex that the elite have God-like powers. If you think about it, it's weird to claim that others are "utopian" in their thinking, and then in your next paragraph you're the ultimate "We can't do anything to the all powerful state!" dystopia promoter. Even funnier, you ask us to have "imagination" or skepticism to do so!Bitcoin proponents will object by pointing to the nature of Bitcoin rendering it immune to this sort of tampering and abuse, but I say that they simply lack either imagination or sufficient cynicism in regard to the ruthless nature of the power elite. For example, it does not matter that your Bitcoin "cannot be confiscated", because guess what can be easily confiscated? YOU. And no one wants to be physically "confiscated" and tossed in a prison cell because their internet money has been declared illegal or more likely has simply been regulated into uselessness in one manner or another.
So you say. However unreal it may seem to you, it is a solution for many of the things that plague man currently. What's your solution, take your beating and plead with the elite Gods for mercy?but their proposed solution is simply completely unrealistic

As a believer in freedom, they'll get no such pleasure from me.