Maxis often make this claim, but it's complete nonsense. Bitcoin is not backed by energy, rather it is extracted through the wasteful expenditure of energy. Claiming that Bitcoin is backed by energy is like claiming that the old demonic Aztec religion was "backed by human life" (aka human sacrifice). A currency directly backed by gold can be readily exchanged for gold. A currency like the dollar, which is de facto backed by oil, can be exchanged for oil. Bitcoin cannot be exchanged for energy. You can certainly use energy to extract Bitcoin, but Bitcoin cannot be said to represent a store of energy, because the energy it represents was wasted in its extraction. In other words, every kilowatt hour spent mining Bitcoin is a sunk cost that can never be recovered and which has no present or future value.
The network is literally secured through energy, and the double spend problem solved via exactly the same mechanism. Claiming BTC is backed by energy is claiming the truth, that is, reality. Gold can't be exchanged for energy, and it also represents a store of energy, that's the point of it. Was energy wasted in gold extraction? I've pointed out over a long time how everything people who don't like BTC, for no good reason, apply in their criticisms, they don't apply to gold. It's a clown show of logic or consistency, over and over.
There are dangers besides direct confiscation, most obviously by controlling the on and off ramps and by blacklisting addresses.
There are dangers and risks to everything in life. It's another non point you all make. If you need to leave a country, which would be a great use case and priority for all the doom sayers, confiscation risk is worst for gold, and best for BTC. But you won't point that out, because it shows how BTC is yet again, a better asset. Let me count the ways while you ignore them. That's what I do.
You accuse me of having an emotional antagonism towards Bitcoin, but all my criticisms are all very fair and reasonable. I think you have an extreme philosophical bias in favor of Bitcoin, in addition to an emotional attachment and a personal financial stake, which combine to make you far less objective in your analysis than you think you are.
They aren't fair or reasonable, or I wouldn't object to them,
and more importantly, show how they don't even make sense, time and time again.
Think of it. If you are fair and reasonable, you'd realize that the asset I claim to be what it is, is also understood by the market to be increasingly valuable. You kick against the goads and are year over year, increasingly wrong. Now who is fair and reasonable? Nothing about your assessment, or the perceived value of BTC, has been ever going in your direction since we've been debating this. But I'm the one is out on the limb? It's funny.
In other words, you believe what you want to believe.
No, as I've said above, I have all the reasons to actually continue to believe, and continually be supported. If anything is a belief, it's yours, since even if you think this is "just a trade" you're also on the wrong side of that. You haven't been right about anything, so yours is the "belief", if anything is.
And to be fair, this seems to have worked out pretty well for you so far.
But I don't think it will for much longer.
But ironically, the more valuable Bitcoin becomes, the less incentive new players have to join the game.
Wrong again.
The only reason is because they believe they'll be able to keep playing and sell it to someone else.
Like every other asset of all time. Wrong again.
Gold serves literally every function that Bitcoin does in terms of acting as an inflation hedge, being outside of centralized control and having a limited supply.
Put another tally in the wrong category.
It's basically a relic of a bygone era.
Hey, you finally stumbled on an accurate statement. But if it's a relic, what makes you hate BTC so much, since we've demonstrated that its characteristics are precisely why gold is a relic?
Trying to argue that bitcoin is better than gold by saying "gold is hard to transport" is pure BTC-cultist copium.
We can always count on Urkel to get more things wrong (about BTC at least).
Nobody who is sane here plans their financial life on such an outlandish scenario.
These guys set records for meaningless points. Hey guys, in the .00001% chance life becomes unbelievable bad or sucky, I might have something in my possession that makes things 1% better! Yay!
It's funny they haven't realized how silly all this is, both after we've told them, and after having years to think about it and all the other doom nonsense.