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The only legit argument to shaving is to attract girls when single, or because your wife likes it when you shave.

It's a small gesture to make females happy. Give girls the small things and in exchange you can ask them to do more important things, such as wearing modest clothing, or not wanting to spend money all the time.

Personally, because my girl likes a shaved face, I shave in summer but let it grow out in winter. It's my compromise with her but also I like beards in the winter because it really does keep the face warm.
All you have to know about beards is how women react to black and Muslim men with beards. They chase them and have their children, forsaking their own cultures, men, and religion. The beard isn't the problem. It's the lack of primal manliness, confidence, and leadership.
Cucks behave this way, not men.
I don't think it's kind to put it in those exact terms.

However, I do wonder whether women insisting that their man shave is just another one of those tests that they do...

I would be curious to know what the result would be if you just said "men have beards, God made us this way, I'm growing mine." and draw a line under it, my guess is maybe a bit of a tantrum but ultimately she's gonna respect you more.
I don't think it's kind to put it in those exact terms.

However, I do wonder whether women insisting that their man shave is just another one of those tests that they do...

I would be curious to know what the result would be if you just said "men have beards, God made us this way, I'm growing mine." and draw a line under it, my guess is maybe a bit of a tantrum but ultimately she's gonna respect you more.
My wife always told me she didn't like beards. Then when we were separated while working on the immigration process I decided what the heck, I feel like growing a beard, so I did. She never complained and loves my beard now. It's been over a decade since I've been clean shaven.