America's Woke & Obese Military

I have friends who are still officers in different branches of the military and they all tell me they are looking for an exit and are telling their children not to join. It's all about careerism, toeing the LGBTQRST+++ line, or you won't get promoted. But it's been woke for decades. It's just way over the top now.

I know two people in the army that are looking to leave as soon as they finish their commitments. One is just about a year from retirement and the other is serving to complete their commitment to pay for their college.
I know two people in the army that are looking to leave as soon as they finish their commitments. One is just about a year from retirement and the other is serving to complete their commitment to pay for their college.

They won't be able to. The Army is extending stop losses.

Report: Army Staff ‘Baffled’ by Sharp Decline in White Recruits in Last Five Years​

The Army’s recruiting of white soldiers in 2023 had dropped almost by half in the last five years, according to a report.

That dramatic decline has coincided with a push by the service to increase recruitment of a more diverse population, according to a report.

The decline of white recruits has also coincided with the Army missing its target of 65,000 recruits in 2023 by 10,000. reported Wednesday that Army internal data showed that a total of 44,042 new Army recruits were categorized by the service as white in 2018, but that number has fallen consistently each year to a “low” or 25,070 in 2023. The outlet reported a six percent dip from 2022 to 2023 was the most significant drop. No other demographic group has seen such a precipitous decline, it added.

There has been largely “flat” recruitment of black and Hispanic recruits, according to the report. However, due to the decline of white recruits during that time — 56.4 to 44 percent — the percentage of those demographic groups went up by four and seven percent, respectively.

At least some Army officials appeared to blame Republicans and conservative media for calling out wokeness in the military, as well as obesity and the public education system.

The article recalled the Army’s campaign to recruit Gen Z, which featured a soldier with two moms, as well as other minority populations, that attracted flak from Republicans.

“There’s a level of prestige in parts of conservative America with service that has degraded,” one Army official told “Now, you can say you don’t want to join, for whatever reason, or bad-mouth the service without any cultural guilt associated for the first time in those areas.”

However, it said the drop in white recruitment has “baffled Army staff and isn’t easily explained by any one particular factor.” cited statistics of white men declining in the labor force and at civilian universities as well, quoting an economist from the American Enterprise Institute.

“Men have been in trouble in the workforce for two generations. The greatest risk of being a labor dropout is being a native-born, low education, unmarried guy,” said economist Nicholas Eberstadt. “Like with any other big historic change, it’s kind of hard to attribute to a single magic bullet.”

Yeah, that is what Every American High Should Look Like Today. Sadly you can watch that time on YouTube regarding different High Schools across the US in the 80s and 90s.
When I go for lunch at a fastfood restaurant the local HS kids are out wandering around...looks like Brazil...It's Pitiful....and all Orchestrated by Powers You Didn't know existed back then..
Man those pics make me Nostalgic and Sad to see what they Stole...

It is 0957 on Sunday morning and I have already exceeded my daily recommended consumption of red pills.

Does anyone here have qualifications or a longstanding semi-expert knowledge of the classics? I am thinking that a red pill classical reading club would be good for this forum with a solid red pill classicist running it.
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This video is a clip from a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert in ... San Francisco. Yes, Dixie flag and all. It is almost impossible to explain the "this is what they took from us" to guys younger than Gen X (no fault to younger men). Show this video. This is what we took from younger generations - at least it is what our politicians took from them. The full video shows more "diversity," but the point is still accurate. When younger guys see it, it sinks in.

Little wonder the Army is having a hard time recruiting. Things like this keep leaking out.
This is a performance from a BBC show called The Old Grey Whistle Test, back in 1975, and it was filmed live at the BBC studio in Shepherds Bush, before an appreciative audience.:

Well when your Society and Schools Vests its future in DieVersity and other Effeminate worthless endeavors you reap what you sow.

No more Mad Mikes, General Pattons, etc.
Just a Screwball Organization defending Childish Marxist Ideology that is not worth defending.
Especially when it sees you and your ancestors as evil. And those in charge don't believe in Borders, whats the point of a Nation when the Blood is Diverse?02hoare-superJumbo.jpg
They still recruited 25K? Still way too high. We have more ways to go!

Given that 50% of the supply has gone, it seems likely it is largely a 50:50 split, with only Democrats really joining now. And likely skewing heavily to overweight people on mind-altering pescriptions.
Given that 50% of the supply has gone, it seems likely it is largely a 50:50 split, with only Democrats really joining now. And likely skewing heavily to overweight people on mind-altering pescriptions.

Naw, the American military has always been 70% Republican since the end of the Vietnam war. Also keep in mind Democrats are probably 75% women. The Democrat men cannot be saved. This ultimately means something like 15K Republican men joined the army so they could pay their bills. It sucks that impoverishment is a major recruiting strategy, but this also means our side needs to come up with solutions for men who need income if we want recruitment to fall to sub-10K.
Sadly there is nothing as a whole job wise-careeer like it used to be...sure their are exceptions...especially if a young man has a Construction family as an example, background he might be able to get into that...but of course it's heavily Hispanic and a white young man off the streets would probably shy away from that....good to cut your teeth around your own kind. Good luck getting on with the Railroad...of course I'm being more realistic, granted their are tons of careers, but how many are viable and truly acheivable in todays society where you as a white man are hated.

Plus young men have to compete against their potential mates in the job market which sadly 20 bux an hour don't cover living expenses much less luxuries or simple savings. Younger Gen X and below Males have taken the Hardest Hit for being able to Transition into Manliness, not Faux Media crap but sound men who don't follow Image and other forms of Goofy Modern Garbage. The Money Structure of a Central Planned Economy where money is devalued at the expense of the worker doesn't help things.

When the Greatest Generation played hero, little did they know just a Generation and half later their Nation and its Sons would be the Victims of the Marxist Tribe and all their Tactics of Destroying a Society.
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There are still good options for young guys. The big three of the skilled trades are Electrical, Plumbing or HVAC. Can work pretty much work anywhere and make decent to good money. Great money if you start you own business, but lots of responsibility. I'd much rather do this than join the military or go to college.

Then there are a bunch of niche trades too. I got into golf course maintenance and that's basically a trade. I've actually met a lot of younger people (especially men) that have no desire to go to college or join the military. Very different mentality (in a good way) from when I was their age 10-15 years ago.