Agnostic's Corner (Is God real?)

Australia Sucks

Dude, what are you talking about? You have all these theories about people in places in which you don't exist. It's all just made up nonsense. Relationships are not something you can plan from a distance. When one looks at the mechanics of forming good plutonic relationships they have nothing to do with the things you're describing. Good friends don't care about how much money you have or how well spoken you are or how funny you are, they like you because of your "vibe" and because your "energy" compliments theirs in some immeasurable, undefineable way. Romantic relationships go south because men don't follow the same mechanics of their plutonic relationships and instead put pussy up on a pedastal and begin to "behave differently" around women (like you're doing here with your constant pining for a young, attractive, virgin wife which truth be told is beginning to sound weak and somewhat gay).

Get out there already you big baller millionaire in his 30's who still lives with his parents... life is passing you by because you are too focused on "agnostic" products (money = virgin foreign women) instead of the natural processes of relating to women on God's terms of non-attachment (praying for a wife = God providing me with a wife if He so wills me to have one). You are too attatched to your agnostic plan, therefore the harder you reach for what you think you want, the more out of reach God will put it. Until you put God first, all your ideas and plans will continue to fail.
I have gotten out there. I have been to 8 countries (9 if you include Australia). I have tried dating in various countries and what I say is me speaking from experience. I am not arm chair hypothesizing. Have you actually tried traveling abroad and dating women in other countries?

I am not a Christian so I could be totally wrong about this but my understanding is that god is not a magic genie where you just ask for things and god provides them to you because you prayed for it.

My problem with Christianity is that if Christianity really is the real deal then why did god not make it obvious to all and sundry? Instead we have an estimated 4000 - 10,000 different religions in the world and with an estimated 700 deities being worshiped currently. And that is not even talking about the vast number of agnostics and atheists. If god really is the god of the Christians that they claim he is why didn't he make it indisputably clear to all? Instead the god of the Christians deliberately chose to allow humans to continue living in confusion and doubt long after Christ returned to heaven. But for what purpose?
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My problem with Christianity is that if Christianity really is the real deal then why did god not make it obvious to all and sundry? Instead we have an estimated 4000 - 10,000 different religions in the world and with an estimated 700 deities being worshiped currently. And that is not even talking about the vast number of agnostics and atheists. If god really is the god of the Christians that they claim he is why didn't he make it indisputably clear to all? Instead the god of the Christians deliberately chose to allow humans to continue living in confusion and doubt long after Christ returned to heaven. But for what purpose?

It is obvious - hence why you are mainly looking to secure women from Christian or formerly Christian countries. If it wasn't real it wouldn't have real results.

But that God doesn't not force anyone to believe in Him or His Son is because He loves us so much that we are given a free will to reject or accept Him.
But that God doesn't not force anyone to believe in Him or His Son is because He loves us so much that we are given a free will to reject or accept Him.
I am not saying god should force people to believe but he could give much clearer and less ambiguous evidence so believing would simply be an extremely obvious and logical choice rather than being a huge leap of faith as it currently is. He is just making things a lot harder than they need to be.
Retirement is bullshit. You don’t want to retire. It’s boring. Some people die when they retire. Women don’t want man retired. Men always need goals and challenges. Having money allows you to choose the ones you want. Instead of being forced into you. But nothing ends with having 1M. It just starts another level.
You never heard of the extreme early retirement movement (Jacob Lund Fisker, Mr. Money Moustache, Your Money, Your Life, etc)? Sometimes also referred to as the FIRE movement (Financial Independance, Retire Early). If you look at it very rarely do these guys sit around watching TV usually the type of guy who is ambitious enough to retire before age 40 is the type of guy to do a whole bunch of things after retirement. Its just the activites they engage in after retirement are not focused on money, They might learn new sports, start reading more, start a garden or even homestead, travel more, live by travelling on a housboat or internationally housesitting, go for multi month hikes, make furniture, etc. I agree you always need to be doing things and not just wathcing TV waiting to die. But doing things does not have to be about making money.

Christians are the best people on earth. From the countries you visited most of them were Christian? Why? Why do you choose christian countries? Cause they have the best values. You cannot pretend this not to be true.
I have a lot of respect for the Christians and wish there were more devout Christians in the world. But it does not follow that just because Christian culture is good that therefore Christianity must be the true religion. Lots of other factors could be at play and in and of itself its not sufficient evidence for a Christian god. But yes it would be intellectually dishonest of me to deny the benefits of a Christian society. And yes even the hypocrisy of me wanting to enjoy the benefits of a Christian society without being Christian. I guess at least in regards to this matter that makes me a hypocrite and a free rider? But at least I am not going to do what women do and hamersterize about it. I will at least own up to it.

By being agnostic or atheist you are destroying beautiful women. It’s a moral obligation to anyone who wants beauty in society to be Christian. Because Christianity is beautiful. It’s something people voluntarily adhere. Anti Christians are ugly. And their values turn a society to shit (look at communist architecture).
I am not anti Christian. Much respect to all the Christians out there and I hope you prosper and especially that Orthodox Christianity grows. I feel how Roosh felt in Poland that he saw the benefit to society of a genuinely conservative Christian country but he couldn't make the leap of faith to believe in Christianity himself. That is where I find myself today.

But if anybody here wants to pray for me to recieve some grace/revelation from the Holy Spirit so that I can find reason to become Christian it wouldn't hurt. At this stage I just do not see sufficient evidence to believe in Christianity. I just cannot bring myself to do it.
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This is an American way of framing things. For example Germans don't really see themselves as "European" that is just incidental they see themselves as German and French likewise see themselves a French and Italians see themselves as Italian, etc

If a German guy tries to go to Italy to get Italian girls its not really going to be much easier for him to get an Italian girl than it is for an Israeli guy or an Armenian guy or a Turkish guy, etc. In many countries in Europe you are either from the girls same ethnicity or you are an outsider. There is basically no middle ground. Its not like in the U.S.A. where people see each other as lumped into groups "black", "white", "Latino" etc.

Sometimes it is even more strict than that where women add social circle or sub regional criteria on top of the ethnic criteria. For example in Australia I have a Serbian friend who moved to Australia when he was 12. He has family still in Serbia and Croatia and goes to visit both countries sometimes yet he still has trouble to get a girl in Serbia or Croatia despite speaking fluent Serbian because he didn't grow up in their social circles so he is seen as an outsider.

And I have a North Macedonian friend in Australia who moved to Australia as a child (but he speaks fluent Macedonian) and multiple times he tried to go back to North Macedonia to find a girl but he still struggled because he didn't grow up in their social circles so he is seen as an outsider. .

I remember when I was in Kosovo I met an Albanian girl living in the capital Pristina but she was originally from another another city in Kosovo. Her parents would not even allow her to marry an Albanian guy from another city it had to be a guy from the same city she was from, let alone a foreigner.

Basically in Europe you have the more liberal westernized countries where girls are open to marrying foreigners but like Anglo sphere women their standards are outrageous so for example a female 6 who is 30 years old in Germany will expect to marry a tall, rich and handsome guy. Then you have more traditional countries like Kosovo and North Macedonia where beautiful young girls will marry the most loser guys imaginable (ugly, out of shape, broke, cheats, treats her bad, etc) but he has to be the same ethnicity and religion.

My hope is that there is a 3rd group of countries which are the golden ticket where there are a decent number of high quality women who are willing to marry foreigners (and have reasonable standards). My guess is countries like Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Romania, Ukraine (when the war is over), etc might fit into this third group. But I am really waiting for the opportunity to put boots on the ground to see with my own eyes if this is actually the case or not. The anecdotal evidence I keep hearing tends to reinforce this view but I cannot truly know until I experience it for myself.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep better at night. Good luck.
I believe this to be the case although I cannot be certain for sure until I have more life experience and have visited more countries.
But for now I would say it appears to be that way.

Is it possible the placebo effect could play a part here?
Anything is possible, but it sounds like you're actively fighting against believing, because it would mean you'd have to act on that belief. Try asking God, sincerely. Sincerity would include being willing to be chaste and go to church.

James 1:5:

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
My problem with Christianity is that if Christianity really is the real deal then why did god not make it obvious to all and sundry? Instead we have an estimated 4000 - 10,000 different religions in the world and with an estimated 700 deities being worshiped currently. And that is not even talking about the vast number of agnostics and atheists. If god really is the god of the Christians that they claim he is why didn't he make it indisputably clear to all? Instead the god of the Christians deliberately chose to allow humans to continue living in confusion and doubt long after Christ returned to heaven. But for what purpose?
You are assuming that it would be advantageous to humanity for God to make it more "obvious". That's not necessarily the case. The ultimate goal of human life from the Orthodox perspective is to seek union with God, to attain salvation. The universe that God created is the best possible universe that will save the most souls. He sees billions of factors that we don't see.

Think about this. The devil knows God exists, he has zero doubt. And yet, he still rebelled against him along with a third of the angels. Because creatures with free will cannot help but become prideful. It is better to remain ignorant and to reject God than to be sure of His existence and still reject Him. In the latter case, the person's sin will be greater because he consciously rejects the truth and thus his soul will become darker. So God protects those who would willfully reject Him by making Himself only obvious to those who seek Him. The evidence we have is sufficient. Jesus Christ is by far the most documented historical figure from the ancient world. The miracles He performed are exceedingly well documented, and He also fulfilled dozens of prophecies from the Old Testament. But people have to look a bit to be convinced, and that helps train the virtue of faith, which further draws us closer to God.

Not to mention, how would God prove to us he exists with 100% certainty and still allow us free will? I can't think of any way. Even if He wrote "Jesus Christ is Lord" in the stars, some would say they are going mad, or aliens did it, or outer space is an illusion. So what evidence would it take to convince you?

The reason there are thousands of religions is because people 1) some people far from the Holy Land could feel God's presence and so did the best they could without divine revelation and formulated a religious system on their own like Laozi and his Taoism, and 2) others were tricked by the devil into worshipping demons like the Hindus. Or it's a mix of both.
Sometimes it is even more strict than that where women add social circle or sub regional criteria on top of the ethnic criteria. For example in Australia I have a Serbian friend who moved to Australia when he was 12. He has family still in Serbia and Croatia and goes to visit both countries sometimes yet he still has trouble to get a girl in Serbia or Croatia despite speaking fluent Serbian because he didn't grow up in their social circles so he is seen as an outsider.

And I have a North Macedonian friend in Australia who moved to Australia as a child (but he speaks fluent Macedonian) and multiple times he tried to go back to North Macedonia to find a girl but he still struggled because he didn't grow up in their social circles so he is seen as an outsider. .

I remember when I was in Kosovo I met an Albanian girl living in the capital Pristina but she was originally from another another city in Kosovo. Her parents would not even allow her to marry an Albanian guy from another city it had to be a guy from the same city she was from, let alone a foreigner.

Basically in Europe you have the more liberal westernized countries where girls are open to marrying foreigners but like Anglo sphere women their standards are outrageous so for example a female 6 who is 30 years old in Germany will expect to marry a tall, rich and handsome guy. Then you have more traditional countries like Kosovo and North Macedonia where beautiful young girls will marry the most loser guys imaginable (ugly, out of shape, broke, cheats, treats her bad, etc) but he has to be the same ethnicity and religion.

My hope is that there is a 3rd group of countries which are the golden ticket where there are a decent number of high quality women who are willing to marry foreigners (and have reasonable standards). My guess is countries like Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Romania, Ukraine (when the war is over), etc might fit into this third group. But I am really waiting for the opportunity to put boots on the ground to see with my own eyes if this is actually the case or not. The anecdotal evidence I keep hearing tends to reinforce this view but I cannot truly know until I experience it for myself.
I think you are right that there are roughly 3 groups of countries. You can predict the level of in-group preference by the level of genetic similarity/inbreeding between people. The most inbred people in Europe are from the Western Balkans, so they are highly focused on their own in-group and don't like outsiders. Middle Easterners are a more extreme example. Certain Americans like those in Appalachia are also very inbred due to historical circumstances.

On the other hand, the most outbred are the Dutch, but this is what led to them and other Western Europeans flooding their countries with millions of migrants and accepting woke ideology. They don't care about their own people, everyone is the same as far as they're concerned.

Then you have this group in the East that stretches from Greece and Bulgaria up to Poland and Russia. They have moderate levels of inbreeding, so they are nationalistic, but I'm guessing not so extreme as to reject people outside their social groups. So my guess is that's your sweet spot and my personal experience gives credence to this theory.

Not to mention, how would God prove to us he exists with 100% certainty and still allow us free will? I can't think of any way. Even if He wrote "Jesus Christ is Lord" in the stars, some would say they are going mad, or aliens did it, or outer space is an illusion. So what evidence would it take to convince you?

This is the gist of the answer to "why doesn't God just reveal himself openly" that you'll get from pretty much all Christian churches, in my experience. It makes sense to me, so I buy it.
The reason there are thousands of religions is because people 1) some people far from the Holy Land could feel God's presence and so did the best they could without divine revelation and formulated a religious system on their own like Laozi and his Taoism, and 2) others were tricked by the devil into worshipping demons like the Hindus. Or it's a mix of both.
Also as good an answer to "why are there so many different religions" as you'll find. About worshiping literal demons, it's more common than people think. The Aztecs and Mayans with their worship of blood and death through human sacrifice, most "animist" African paganism (e.g. Voodoo), in addition to the demon gods of the Hindus.
This is the gist of the answer to "why doesn't God just reveal himself openly" that you'll get from pretty much all Christian churches, in my experience. It makes sense to me, so I buy it.

Also as good an answer to "why are there so many different religions" as you'll find. About worshiping literal demons, it's more common than people think. The Aztecs and Mayans with their worship of blood and death through human sacrifice, most "animist" African paganism (e.g. Voodoo), in addition to the demon gods of the Hindus.
That sounds like copium. God since he is infinitely powerful could obviously figure out a way to reveal himself in such a way that almost all people would believe and I do not see how it affects free will since he would not be forcing anybody to accept him or worship him once he has revealed himself.

That also sounds like copium. Why would good play favourites and only give some groups the full revelation and others group only partial revelation? Did he not imbue all groups of men with eqaul innate morality?

I have heard enough instances from people I know or have met of things happening in this world that are beyond the explanation of the physical reality that science can explain but its a huge leap to go from "there is something beyond the physically explainable reality" to "god exists and is the Christian god"
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That sounds like copium. God since he is infinitely powerful could obviously figure out a way to reveal himself in such a way that almost all people would believe and I do not see how it affects free will since he would not be forcing anybody to accept him or worship him once he has revealed himself.

That also sounds like copium. Why would good play favourites and only give some groups the full revelation and others group only partial revelation? Did he not imbue all groups of men with eqaul innate morality?

I have heard enough instances from people I know or have met of things happening in this world that are beyond the explanation of the physical reality that science can explain but its a huge leap to go from "there is something beyond the physically explainable reality" to "god exists and is the Christian god"
It is a huge leap. You have to believe through the Holy Spirit. None of this is provable in a sense that the human mind can fully comprehend. Getting a human to understand everything God does would be a little bit like trying to make an ant understand advanced physics. The ant would lack the physical and mental capicity to understand what you're talking about, but you might be able to get it to vaguely comprehend a little bit of the law of gravity by dropping various things near it.

I hope that metaphor makes sense.

I'd recommend asking God sincerely to grant you faith. Maybe He will. Or maybe if you still don't end up believing there's some reason for that that's not entirely your fault. Who knows. Hopefully you and I both end up saved in the end somehow.

I emphathize with you because although I at least definitely believe in Christ, the way you feel about Christianity in general is the way I feel about the various denominations within Christianity. It's wild to see just how convinced a lot of the Orthobros, Catholics (all the variations from Novus Ordo to Sedevacantist), and various kinds of Protestants are that their particular flavor of Chrisianity is the correct one and all the others are obviously wrong. It's hard to wrap my head around since they all seem to have strengths and weaknesses and produce very righteous people (as well as not so righteous). Also, to be totally honest, I resist trying to choose a church much in the same way you seem to resist believing, and for a pretty similar reason: it would obligate me to take whichever denomination I determine is true entirely seriously, something I dread.
That sounds like copium. God since he is infinitely powerful could obviously figure out a way to reveal himself in such a way that almost all people would believe and I do not see how it affects free will since he would not be forcing anybody to accept him or worship him once he has revealed himself.
But obviously just knowing that God exists does not guarantee one will follow His commandments. Again, the demons undoubtedly know God exists, yet they still rebel.

You are just looking at one aspect. Think of scary robot's ant analogy. How many factors are there that God sees but we see nothing of? How do you know that Him revealing Himself in this way that you imagine would lead to more people being saved than currently are? How do you know that will not lead to more people behaving like satan? That it wouldn't lead more people to hell than currently?

That also sounds like copium. Why would good play favourites and only give some groups the full revelation and others group only partial revelation? Did he not imbue all groups of men with eqaul innate morality?

No one really knows why He started with the Israelites. Maybe because they're in the middle of the world and that maximized Christianity's later spread. I don't know. If Christ had become incarnate in multiple places, that would lead to more confusion simply. So I believe God's plan was to have one obvious source of Truth.

We do also know that Christ went down to Hades and preached the gospel to the dead pagans, so they can have His full Revelation as well. And for those alive, just because they're not Christians doesn't mean God isn't looking out for them. He looks out for everyone, even the agnostics like yourself.
So God protects those who would willfully reject Him by making Himself only obvious to those who seek Him.
This is an incredibly important point. He doesn't even reveal himself in substantial way to some because of many reasons, but big ones are that the person can become prideful ("I have seen God") or even despondent (I'm nothing compared to Him) depending on the person's state in life, personality, and other considerations.
I have heard enough instances from people I know or have met of things happening in this world that are beyond the explanation of the physical reality that science can explain but its a huge leap to go from "there is something beyond the physically explainable reality" to "god exists and is the Christian god"
It's not a huge leap, it's just a long journey or steps in it. First start with how amazing life, in itself, is. Not the things that could go wrong with what we call "life" (which is of course real). Then ask, "Did this all start from nothing"? No, logically the answer literally IS known, it did not come from nothing. Then you begin.
But obviously just knowing that God exists does not guarantee one will follow His commandments. Again, the demons undoubtedly know God exists, yet they still rebel.
The most important point. Then you're on the hook even more, and back to point 1 at the top. Right?
That sounds like copium. God since he is infinitely powerful could obviously figure out a way to reveal himself in such a way that almost all people would believe and I do not see how it affects free will since he would not be forcing anybody to accept him or worship him once he has revealed himself.

False, if you saw someone who could teleport you around the universe at will and create matter out of nothingness, you would have no choice but to believe. Seeing is believing and that would be impossible not to believe unless you are insane.

So no, God cannot reveal himself directly like that.

However, you ignore the obvious (as usual): this is a giant universe that begs the question of creation. How did it get here without a creator? Simple statistical probability says there is a creator to design it all and make it fit.

That also sounds like copium. Why would good play favourites and only give some groups the full revelation and others group only partial revelation? Did he not
imbue all groups of men with eqaul innate morality?

Morality has nothing to do with it, those who are ready fall under different criteria than humans are aware of. Moreover, this is besides the point of God's existence. Just because you don't understand God is not a proof against His existence.

I have heard enough instances from people I know or have met of things happening in this world that are beyond the explanation of the physical reality that science can explain but its a huge leap to go from "there is something beyond the physically explainable reality" to "god exists and is the Christian god"

It's not a big leap at all if you are a honest historian. Why are the Christian parts of the world the best? How could that be if they are false? How can falsehoods produce massive, millennia spanning civilizations with technology that everyone copies and uses?

You are simply in denial, and the sooner you are honest with yourself the sooner you will make progress.

Christ himself gave this metric for recognizing real prophets from false prophets:

Matthew 7

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
I have gotten out there. I have been to 8 countries (9 if you include Australia). I have tried dating in various countries and what I say is me speaking from experience. I am not arm chair hypothesizing. Have you actually tried traveling abroad and dating women in other countries?

I am not a Christian so I could be totally wrong about this but my understanding is that god is not a magic genie where you just ask for things and god provides them to you because you prayed for it.

My problem with Christianity is that if Christianity really is the real deal then why did god not make it obvious to all and sundry? Instead we have an estimated 4000 - 10,000 different religions in the world and with an estimated 700 deities being worshiped currently. And that is not even talking about the vast number of agnostics and atheists. If god really is the god of the Christians that they claim he is why didn't he make it indisputably clear to all? Instead the god of the Christians deliberately chose to allow humans to continue living in confusion and doubt long after Christ returned to heaven. But for what purpose?
The reason there are so many other deities or "gods" is because there are other spiritual beings too called demons or how guys like Plato call Daemons. These "gods" (notice how the g isnt capitalized) were originally the angels that were set over each nation to rule and guide them under God. All ancients nations believed in some kind of God they were never athiest nations.

In Christianity we only technically believe that 2 forces exist, 2 religions if I may say, God and satan.

From what I can somehow see from you isnt that you doubt the existance of God but maybe which one is the correct one right?

This is a highly complex world with order and patterns which is a sign of a creator, think of a game like mindcraft or bitcoin for example, they are complex, they have someone who designed them but the designer is outside his creation but he leaves details about Himself in His creation, His atributes etc but God Himself is outside it, the one time God did enter into His creation through a flesh and blood man, Christ but still had His divine nature too thats not of this world, can you imagine if the creator of mindcraft for example could upload himself into the game and defy all the rules of the game, something like that.
That sounds like copium. God since he is infinitely powerful could obviously figure out a way to reveal himself in such a way that almost all people would believe and I do not see how it affects free will since he would not be forcing anybody to accept him or worship him once he has revealed himself.

That also sounds like copium. Why would good play favourites and only give some groups the full revelation and others group only partial revelation? Did he not imbue all groups of men with eqaul innate morality?

I have heard enough instances from people I know or have met of things happening in this world that are beyond the explanation of the physical reality that science can explain but its a huge leap to go from "there is something beyond the physically explainable reality" to "god exists and is the Christian god"
I think the time in history that God made Himself most obvious but still hidden was when He entered His creation through the virgin Mary and became Man. During His lifetime that period of time that He walked the earth, even then He never forced upon people who He was so some were able to see, others werent, some only noticed much later yet they were eye witnesses but not all believed, God is humble and meek, even the way He was born into this world was very quietly and humbly in an animals barn not inside a palace with huge celebrations from the town.

The Magi who were originally from Iran they came to worship Christ the child through the revelation that the stars gave them wether it was astrology or astronomy I dont know for sure but the creation, the cosmos led them to Christ at his birth, this might be a topic you want to research yourself about the Magi how through nature they got the revelation of who Christ was and why they worshipped Him.

Another topic you might want to examine is the physical history or Christ as a historical figure and also why did they Greeks, Romans and the Egyptians abandon their religions to convert to Christianity at that time without anyone pointing a gun to their head.
So no, God cannot reveal himself directly like that.
That is not a good argument. If god made it obvious to everybody that he exists and is in charge they could still openly choose to rebel against him like Satan did (since we have free will). That is my whole argument. Why doesn't god make it obvious to all that he exists and Christianity is the way and then those that openly want to rebel can knowingly do so and those who want to follow can do so in an informed manner instead of always having doubt in the back of their minds.

There is such a lack of concrete evidence for Christianity (and other religions) that many Christians eventually give up their faith and become agnostics.
That is not a good argument. If god made it obvious to everybody that he exists and is in charge they could still openly choose to rebel against him like Satan did (since we have free will). That is my whole argument. Why doesn't god make it obvious to all that he exists and Christianity is the way and then those that openly want to rebel can knowingly do so and those who want to follow can do so in an informed manner instead of always having doubt in the back of their minds.

There is such a lack of concrete evidence for Christianity (and other religions) that many Christians eventually give up their faith and become agnostics.

So what (who) do you believe in then?

The $?
I think any agnostic could benefit from reading Chris Langan's CTMU paper. Chris is extremely confident about his belief in God and the CTMU is his model that is his proof. CTMU pdf. I was able to understand some of it on a first read-through. Caution: it's complicated and there's a lot of terms you have to learn, but it did strengthen my faith regardless of my quality of understanding.
That is not a good argument. If god made it obvious to everybody that he exists and is in charge they could still openly choose to rebel against him like Satan did (since we have free will). That is my whole argument. Why doesn't god make it obvious to all that he exists and Christianity is the way and then those that openly want to rebel can knowingly do so and those who want to follow can do so in an informed manner instead of always having doubt in the back of their minds.

There is such a lack of concrete evidence for Christianity (and other religions) that many Christians eventually give up their faith and become agnostics.
God is not your bitch. He doesnt have to do shit. You are the one who have to demonstrate to Him your faith. Its the other way around. You have to prove yourself to Him.

If God had to prove Himself it would mean He is not God.

Ask and you shall receive. But its not enough to just ask. You need to be sincere. Cause you cant bullshit Him.

He did reveal Himself through Christ. And societies who follow His verb have better lives than others. Even though we are all imperfect. Unfortunately there will always be shit.

Faith is not rational. Its something from the heart. Theres no 2+2=4. You need to believe with your heart not your brain.

Just as your plan of 1M=perfect wife wont work. Human nature is too complex and dynamic for this type of thinking.

Life its what happens while your making plans. Lennon and all that.

Be a man. Be a christian man. And you will see the diference. But the time for childish playground selfishness will be over.

Its historicly undebatable Christ existed. And you can see God work in the perfection of nature. Theres something superior to humans in nature. Even though God said we should dominate nature. Not those kumbalaya nature greenpeace retards.

Many scientists were deeply religious. Google them.

Go to a church sit there. An old cath or ortho church. Before the mass. Close your eyes. And take a big breath.

I havent gone to an empty church for a while. Now they close churches because of the savage heathen migrants.