You think the mission to mars is fake as well or just the moon landings?
It's all fake.
You think the mission to mars is fake as well or just the moon landings?
Im no expert on the topic, but seems like it was an internal attack not an external one from a foreign country,
yes it seems like explosives were used from inside the building but also seems like actual planes were used too so both can be true at the same time,
there seems to be many eye witnesses to seeing the actual planes but at the same time other buildings also fell without any planes so it was obviously a plan they did in advance, having actual planes fly into the buildings was a major distraction to stear people away from investigating internal explosions from within the building. Who exactly organized those bombs I dont know?
I did hear Alex Jones report it when he was younger and he showed a bunch of Israelies about 50 being arrested for connections with 9/11 so they must have been involved somehow even if indirectly, so much for being Americas greatest ally. There were also Jews dancing when they saw this happen which shows they are an enemy to America.
It was also interesting to see certain Islamic countries celebrating this event which should be a warming to Americans that they are also your enemies.
The Islamic countries celebrations were largely a psyop, they had a couple of footages of small celebrations that media neocons like Howard Stern played ad nauseum in order to stir up and direct anger at muslims.
The Jews dancing were actual Israeli spies, who later claimed that they were there "to document the event".
One of the main planners of the event:
Captain Dan Hanley
"Who is Dov Zakheim?
Dov Zakheim is a neocon Zionist dual US/Israeli citizen who served in the US government in various capacities since the Reagan era in 1981. He was George W. Bush’s foreign policy advisor coming into the 2000 election.
From 1987–2001, Zakheim was CEO of SPC International, a subsidiary of System Planning Corporation, a high-technology analytical firm that also produced the Flight Termination System, which enables the remote control of airborne flight vehicles.
Zakheim was also a member of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), a DC-based neocon Zionist think tank where he helped to author exactly one year prior to 9/11 a paper entitled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” calling for the need of a “new Pearl Harbor” to garner public support for increased defense spending in refurbishing the military for future conflicts.
One year later on September 11, 2001, PNAC got its new Pearl Harbor.
In April 2001, just four months prior to 9/11, Zakheim was appointed as comptroller of the Pentagon by Bush. The day before 9/11, then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that $2.3-trillion was missing from the Pentagon budget. A team of budget analysts had been researching this for some time in the Office of Budget Analysis that was housed in the Office of Naval Intelligence spaces. Zakheim oversaw this office.On September 11th, American Airlines flight 77 struck this office killing over 30 analysts of the 50 working there. Hmm…coincidence? We don’t think so.
Zakheim retired in 2010 as a senior vice president of Booz Allen Hamilton, a front company for the ClA.
You be the judge.Kindly repost...thank you"
I got a lot to slog through on this thread but here’s my issue. You guys remember the 00s? It was very jingoistic and in your face. Almost genuinely fascistic, not like “trumps a fascist” but there was something disturbing about the Bush years. Now pride flags everywhere! Was there a change in course? How do we account for the 00s vs 20s attitude changes if this 9/11 business is real? How do we go from “project for a new American century” to BLM?
Almost all of the traditional "superhero" comic characters were invented by jews. I've wondered about this and feel it might be a manifestation of their desire for someone to "save" them from evil, as they reject Christ and don't want anything to do with Him.Even more ironic is the fact that Superman was invented by 2 jews.
"Secret Identities: The jewish Origins of your favorite superheroes part 1 - Superman"Almost all of the traditional "superhero" comic characters were invented by jews. I've wondered about this and feel it might be a manifestation of their desire for someone to "save" them from evil, as they reject Christ and don't want anything to do with Him.
What’s messed up is it’s the same people. When I was a kid I had this guy on the street that would talk about “blowing up an Iraqi” for fireworks on 4th of July. Yikes. This same dude, SAME EXACT GUY, had an “IN THIS HOUSE WE BELIEVE” yard sign in 2020. That’s only 15 years! I could also tell you a story about a girlfriend who was very libertarian and dunked on leftists all the time when we were kids, now she is your typical lefty school narm. People believe what they’re told to believe and simply don’t think why they believe it. I concluded either 1. Somehow a new element highjacked our society during the Obama years which invalidates a lot of stuff discussed on here. Or 2. The ruling class deliberately changed course because “reasons” which means they are the most disgusting villains in history. At least everyone else had an agenda. The mustache men had an ideology they were chasing. If 2. is correct this means they have no ideology or agenda, just winning which makes them very scary.It's true.
The contrast is very stark.
The big change from the pro USA anti Muslim Bush years, over to faggot and tranny mass propaganda happened in the Obama years 2008 to 2016.
Some updates on this. Here’s my hot take on what happened. Resources are scarcer as of 2024 than 2001. This includes jobs, housing, healthy food etc. the motivating drive is gross. I am right, it’s the same people, but there’s a shift in the upper and upper middle class to shift to valuing equity over equality. That guy with the yard sign never changed. It’s just with his new outlook the most successful will get overlooked in favor of the ghetto types who are more “victims” and need empowered, but even if empowered they will never compete with him for his job. In an actual meritocracy someone more competent than him could rise. Equity is just a tool for upper class and the upper middle managerial class to hold onto power. Instead of letting people rise based on ability give the lower tier jobs to Lashante who can’t compete with Brad or Becky ensuring their nepobabies will get their job. But Tom, Tom’s a threat. Ewww, straight white man. Convenient… The left wing position is entirely self serving. We need to start calling them out on it.1. Somehow a new element highjacked our society during the Obama years which invalidates a lot of stuff discussed on here. Or 2. The ruling class deliberately changed course because “reasons” which means they are the most disgusting villains in history. At least everyone else had an agenda. The mustache men had an ideology they were chasing. If 2. is correct this means they have no ideology or agenda, just winning which makes them very scary.
I could buy either way the no planes or planes theories. If planes, I remember seeing a video once where experienced pilots in a simulator were asked to try and hit the towers travelling at the speed and altitude that they were apparently going. None of them could do it.Yes. There were only 2 planes, hitting the twin towers, and no plane at the Pentagon (missile), and no plane shut down over Pennsylvania.
You kind of "overshot" the official version by going with the "no planes" scenario.