Genesis 5
Enoch was the first man to be bodily assumed into heaven. He was so pleasing to God that God took him out of the world.
When Noah was born, he was seen by the godly line to be a fulfillment of prophecy: “This one will give us rest from our work and from the pain of our hands arising from the ground which Yahweh has cursed.” In this sense, Noah can be seen as a type of Christ.
Before the Fall, Adam's work was good. After the Fall, men's works were evil, and so rest is the only remedy for evil works. It's the same reason God rejected Cain's sacrifice but accepted Abel's. Cain's offering was offered on the basis of his own works. Abel's was offered on the basis of faith in Christ.
Genesis 6
Satan intended to further corrupt Man by corrupting his seed, not just his spiritual seed as in the case of Cain (who was a forerunner of Antichrist), but now physically. The Book of Enoch presents the giants as sons of fallen angels, and the spirits of the giants going on to become demons.
"Then Yahweh saw that the evil of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."
The Bible teaching that the heart of Man is not good, not basically good, not neutral, not mostly good, but only evil continually. How many times does God need to say this until Christians believe it?
Like Enoch, Noah walked with God. He was not sinless, but he found favor with God. God tells Noah to prepare the Ark to avoid the coming judgement. Interestingly, God promises to destroy animals with Man, as well as save animals with Noah.
Biblically, water, chaos, entropy, and death are linked together. For God to flood the world is almost like a statement on His part that the world has become chaotic and rejected His order. It's almost a rewinding of the clock back to the Creation, when the world was an abyss of primordial chaos before He began assigning order and giving function to it by separating and making distinction.
The pitch that Noah covers the Ark in can be translated literally as "covering" or "atonement." It is like the covering of animal skins that God gives to Adam and Eve and is a shadow pointing forward to the once for all atonement of Jesus Christ, who's sacrifice covers for us who are being saved.
Enoch was the first man to be bodily assumed into heaven. He was so pleasing to God that God took him out of the world.
When Noah was born, he was seen by the godly line to be a fulfillment of prophecy: “This one will give us rest from our work and from the pain of our hands arising from the ground which Yahweh has cursed.” In this sense, Noah can be seen as a type of Christ.
Before the Fall, Adam's work was good. After the Fall, men's works were evil, and so rest is the only remedy for evil works. It's the same reason God rejected Cain's sacrifice but accepted Abel's. Cain's offering was offered on the basis of his own works. Abel's was offered on the basis of faith in Christ.
Genesis 6
Satan intended to further corrupt Man by corrupting his seed, not just his spiritual seed as in the case of Cain (who was a forerunner of Antichrist), but now physically. The Book of Enoch presents the giants as sons of fallen angels, and the spirits of the giants going on to become demons.
"Then Yahweh saw that the evil of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."
The Bible teaching that the heart of Man is not good, not basically good, not neutral, not mostly good, but only evil continually. How many times does God need to say this until Christians believe it?
Like Enoch, Noah walked with God. He was not sinless, but he found favor with God. God tells Noah to prepare the Ark to avoid the coming judgement. Interestingly, God promises to destroy animals with Man, as well as save animals with Noah.
Biblically, water, chaos, entropy, and death are linked together. For God to flood the world is almost like a statement on His part that the world has become chaotic and rejected His order. It's almost a rewinding of the clock back to the Creation, when the world was an abyss of primordial chaos before He began assigning order and giving function to it by separating and making distinction.
The pitch that Noah covers the Ark in can be translated literally as "covering" or "atonement." It is like the covering of animal skins that God gives to Adam and Eve and is a shadow pointing forward to the once for all atonement of Jesus Christ, who's sacrifice covers for us who are being saved.
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