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10 Lost Tribes (We Wuz Kangs Bruh)


I bought this up in the JQ thread and am very well read up on the subject dealing with the origin of the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim. But I’ve been thinking a lot about the eventual fates of the lost tribes of Israel including the Hellenic Jews (Benjaminites would be more accurate.) I know a lot of Hellenic Jews like Paul and the Persian and Alexandrine Jews converted to Christianity and played a major role in the early church. What was left just mixed in with the Jew Jews. But what happened to the ten tribes the Assyrians scattered to the wind? My theory is that they became a ghost population from which many people in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East have ancestry. Abraham was told he would be the father of many nations, not just the father of the Jews. Jesus said he was here to gather Israel’s lost sheep. Is there a chance Gods scattering of the 10 tribes, especially Ephraim and Manasseh was not only a punishment for their idolism, but a way to extend his patriarchal blessing to the world for when the Messiah would come? 700 years is a long time to spread that bloodline around.

The most interesting one I heard is the Tuatha De Danaan of pre Celtic Ireland came from the Danites. They had close ties to the Phoenicians who we 100% know traded in Iron Age Ireland. Is it possible that some Danites hopped on some Phoenician ships and hauled their family to Ireland where their kids intermarried with the ancient Irish and their Hebrew roots were slowly forgotten? With Carthage and their territories it’s less speculative, I’m 100% certain it happened. This thread is for speculation and scholarship on the topic.

I named the title what I did because there is already a black supremacist movement interested in this topic 🤣. They claim that after the final Jewish revolt in the 100s the tribe of Judah made it to West Africa and Black Americans are the authentic descendants of Judah. Starting this thread is probably making me sound as goofy as them.
Disclaimer: this is just speculation. I am not speaking on authority or telling you what to believe. This is just something that’s got the gears going:

Was Hebrew Israelite blood the deciding factor on why Rome ditched Paganism for Christianity? A small number of Israelites escaped to Carthage where they mixed with that population. Tyre, the northern Kingdoms ally, founded the Punic cities of Carthage and Utica. Rome completely destroyed Carthage in the Punic wars and carried off a ton of slaves to the Roman Republic and later Empire so the Romans basically sowed Abraham’s seed all over Europe. This explains how they became the center of gravity for early Christianity. It also explains why outside the Roman Empire Armenia, Ethiopia, and Ireland became centers of gravity too and not say the Persians, Goths, or Indians. Less descendants of Abraham living there.
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There is so much information out there on this, but also a bunch of imposters claiming to be the heirs as well, starting with the Edomite jews and Khazar jews. The blacks who say they are Israelite are only not as bad because they're not in charge, if they were they'd be wiping out everyone else too given what they believe in and how they act. The context to understand this has to be completely enveloped in an understanding of Biblical history, in conjunction with understanding historical mass-migrations.

I will keep this straightforward. The Ten Tribes became what we understand as ancient Europe, and their descendants are today's Europeans and their offshots.


In the book of Kings, we learn that ten of the tribes of Israel were taken into captivity by Assyrians, never to return again. These were of the Northern Kingdom. Later on, the remaining two tribes of Judah and Benjamin were taken into captivity by the Babylonians.

By the time of Christ over 600 years later, only a small remnant had returned from Babylon, now living amongst a whole mixed-multitude of people including Egyptians, Canaanites, Samaritans, Babylonians, Syrians, Edomites, and more, in a province known simply as Judaea ruled over by the Romans.

"For, Lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth." - Amos 9:9

Most believe that the scattering began during the deportations, however, it was already happening in the time of the twelve patriarchs. All of the origins of these peoples is seldom talked about from a Biblical truth of historical perspective. Not all Israelites remained with their brethren, many deserted and went their own way, but even this was all part of God's plan, as He had promised to scatter Israel amongst all the nations and eventually to replace those very nations.

"For I am with thee, saith the Lord, to save thee: though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet I will not make a full end of thee: but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether unpunished." - Jeremiach 30:11

In Greek literature, Dardanus is the legendary founder of Troy, whilst his borther Kalchus founded the city of Thebes. In Chronicles, these two brothers are listed as the sons of Zerah, the sons of Judah.

"The sons of Zerah: Zimri, Ethan, Heman, KalKol and Darda -- Five in all." - 1 Chronicles 2:6

Since kings were to come out of Judah, this connects directly. The Pharez line of kings would rule over Israel, while the Zerah line of kings would rule over Europe. Looking on a map it is easy to see how during the exodus, instead of all of them going to Israel, sailing to the Greek coast is not too far away from the shores of Egypt.

One Greek historian, Diodorus Sicilus , confirms this, quoting an earlier historian Hecatitus. He gave a strange account of the Israelite exodus more from an Egyptian viewpoint, that some came to Greece, chief among them, Danaus and Cadmus.

"The aliens [Israelites] were driven from the country [Egypt], and the most outstanding and active among them banded together and, as some say, were cast ashore in Greece and certain other regions; their leaders were notable men, chief among them being Danaus and Cadmus. But the greater number were driven into what is now called Judaea... The colony was headed by a man called Moses, outstanding both for his wisdom and for his courage." - Diodorus Sicilus, Bibliotheca Historica 40.3

So we can see that the Greeks had records of Israelites settling in Greece. Not every Israelite followed Moses. For Danaus and Cadmus, the names suffered from the usual alteration that happens through the centuries and as the languages change.

Danaus (Dardanus) is Darda
Cadmus (Calkol) is Chalcol

King Solomon, only a few centuries later, was compared to these two men:

"And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt. For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Exrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda..." - Kings 4:30-31

For Solomon in Israel to be compared to Egypt in the west, the great men of the East, and also European kings to the north is a confirming connection.

Around the time of Judges, the rise of another people called the Phoenicians representing a confederation of maritime traders instead of a defined country came to be well known. They operated out of major port cities, they were the Israelites of the northern tribes who sailed from Sidon and Tyre. They initially settled in Cyprus and the surrounding coast like Cicilia and Miletus. They slowly expanded into the Mediterranean to Crete, Cyrene, Memphis, all the way along north Africa in places like Sicily, Lepcis, Sardinia, Carthage, Tingis, Gadir, forming colonies wherever they went. They reached all the way to Iberia, and even as far up as the coast of England and Ireland.

The cities of Sidon and Tyre were within the territory of the Asher tribe for centuries during the Phoenician period. Remarkably, Hannibal the Carthaginian, was indeed "White" or also of a ruddy complexion.

Another major Israelite seaport was Dor, in the territory of the tribe of Manasseh. Around 1100 BC, Greece was invaded by a people called Dorians. These were Israelites from the city of Dor. The Spartans, also called Lacedaemonians, were Dorian Greeks. It is no mystery then that a letter was written between the king of Sparta, and the high priest of Judaea, identifying themselves as kindred from Abraham. They realized they were descendants of the Israelites.

"Areus, King of the Lacedaemonians, to Onias, sendeth greeting. We have met with a certain writing, whereby we have discovered that both the Judaeans and the Lacaedemonians are of one stock, and are derived form the kindred of Abraham..." - Antiquities 12.4.10 [12:226-227]

Regarding Iberia / Hibernia:

When the Phoenicians settled in Spain, they named in Iberia. This comes from the Hebrew word for "Hebrew-land" or "land of the Hebrews". Iberia = "Eber"ia / Heberia. The Israelites would often call themselves Hebrews.

In Genesis we read that Abraham was referred to as Abram the Hebrew.

"And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these were confederate with Abram." - Genesis 14:13

In the book of Jonah, many centuries later, he refers to himself as a Hebrew:

"And he said unto them, I am an Hebrew; and I fear the Lord, the God of Heaven, which hath made the sea and the dry land." - Jonah 1:9

The word Hebrew comes from Eber, who was an ancestor of Abraham. Why Phoenicians would name a country Iberia can only be because they were Israelites.

The Phoenician settlers also named Ireland Hibernia. Why are all these European countries beign named after Hebrews? Because they were founded by them. Ireland also did have an ancient race of people called the Tuatha De Denann, which literally translates to "Tribe of Dan". The Children of Dan were prophecied in the Bible to name many places after their patriarch wherever they went. Europe is covered in rivers, cities, and even countries named after Dan:

Denmark - "Dan's Mark"
Dunsmor - More Dans
Tuatha De - "People of God"
Danlaugh, Dansower, Dundalk, Dundrum, Donegal Bay/City, Dungloe, Dunn, Dnieper, Dniester, Dandan, Danau, Daninn, Danaster, the list goes on.

Scotland also has some interesting connections here. In 1320 when Scotland declared their independence in a letter to the Pope, they understood that their ancestors had come through the pillar of Hercules just under Spain, all the way from Scythia:

"This nation having come from Scythia the greater, through the Tuscan Sea and the Hercules Pillars, and having for man ages taken its residence in Spain..." - 1320 Letter of Barons of Scotland to Pope John XXII (Declaration of Arbroath)

The Scythians were the Israelites who were deported. The Scots once understood their Israelite origin to some extent.

What about the Romans? After Troy was sacked, a remnant of Trojans led by prince Aeneas fled sailing across the Mediterranean from Delos to Crete to Srophades to Buthrotum to Etna, then to Drepanum, Carthage, Eryx, and finally onto the Tyrrhenian coast of Cumae and Latium, where they set up a new colony in Italy. Aeneas' descendents, led by Romulus, who founded Rome, which became the great republic and empire over many centuries. He was known for the formation of the Roman legion by taking fighting men and dividing them into 3000 infantry units and 300 cavalry units, and created the Roman senate with 100 of the most noblest of men.

This is confirmed by Strabo, Greek geographer and historian, who confidently lists Roman descent from the Trojans as a fact. His Geography is the only work about the peoples and countries known to both Greeks and Romans during the reign of Augustus.

"... The wanderings of Aeneas are a traditional fact..." - Strabo's Geography 3.2.13

Even Julius Caesar, being a descendant of Anaeas. This is why even in the book of Daniel the Romans are referred to as the people of the prince who destroyed Jerusalem. They were Israelites.

"...And the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined." - Daniel 9:26

Paul also explained this in Romans 16:20 that Yahwehh will crush satan, or adversary, which happened only a few years later. "Now Yahweh of Peace will crush the adversary under your feet quickly. The favor of our Prince Yahshua Christ is with you."

The Romans were largely descended from Judah of the Zarah line.

This is confirmed in all of Paul's Epistles, with the exception of Hebrews, where were all his Epistles written to?

1 & 2 Thessalonians - in northern Greece
Galatians - in Greek Asia Minor
Romans -in Italy
1 & 2 Corinthians - in Greece near Athens
Philemon (affluent Christian in Colossae in southwest Greek Asia Minor)
Ephesians - near the coast of Greek Asia Minor
Philippians - in Thrace (modern northern Greece & parts of Bulgaria)
Colossians - in Colosse, Lycus Valley in Phrygia (also Greek Asia Minor)
1 & 2 Timothy, and Titus (pastoral letters)

To all the peoples in Europe, and why is that and only Europe? It becomes obvious the more one delves into Scripture. In the book of Romans, Paul says that the Romans once knew Yahweh, but they had turned Him into a corruptible bestial image.

"Because knowing Yahweh, they thought of Him not as God, nor were they thankful... they changed the estimation of the incorruptible Yahweh into a resemblance of an image of corruptible man, and birds, and four-legged animals, and reptiles." - Romans 1:21-23

How could the Romans ever know God when only the Israelites knew of God? Because the Romans were Israelites through their Zarah-Judah ancestors, who had known Yahweh, but over the generations, had corrupted the truth, and essentially turned Yahweh into an idol. The Roman Israelite ancestors left prior to the Exodus.

In Corinthians Paul explains that their fathers were with Moses, that they were under the cloud with their Israelite brethren:

"Now I do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all had passed through the sea." - Corinthians 10:1

Again this is only possible if their forefathers were Israelites. The Corinthians were Dorian Greeks, and they left after the Exodus.

In Galatians, Paul explains that the law had been "our tutor for Christ." He was including the Galatians who were once under the law. They left during the Assyrian deportations.

"So the law has been our tutor for Christ, in order that from faith we would be deemed righteous." - Galatians 3:24

Peter's epistle confirms all of this, stating that the Europeans are the result of the dispersions:

"Peter, ambassador of Yahshua Christ, to the elect sojourners of the dispersion of Pontos, Galatia, Kappadokia, Asia and Bithunia," - Peter 1:1

The dispersions being the Israelite dispersions. He calls them the elect race, a holy nation, a peculiar people.

"But you are an elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people... who at one time were "not a people" but now are the people of Yahweh, those who "have not been shown mercy" but are now shown mercy." - Peter 12:9-10

He is basically repeating what Moses said to the children of Israel after the exodus. This all shows that they are the same people. The Europeans are the Israelites.

"Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.." - Exodus 19:5-6

In the Old Testament, God repeatedly declares He is going to make a new covenant with the same people. For example in Jeremiah, a new covenant specifically with Israel and Judah:

"Indeed, a time is coming," says the Lord, "When I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and Judah." - Jeremiah 31:31

Also God will make the broken stick of Israel and Judah back into one stick again. This was accomplished when Europeans, the lost tribes, as one, accepted Christianity, and the eventual fulfillment of Christ reigning over us all as King, will happen when He returns.

"Surely I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel, his companions; and I will join them with it, with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they will be one in my hand. Surely I will take the Children of Israel from among the nations, wherever they have gone... and one king shall be king over them all; they shall no longer be two nations, nor shall they ever be divided into two kingdoms again." - Ezekiel 37:19-22

This is also why Christ clearly explained He came only for one people, He came only for the lost sheep of Israel, and also why He commanded the apostles to only go to the lost sheep of Israel. Where did they end up going? To Europe.

In Hosea, Israel are collectively described as going after their lovers, i.e. worshiping other Gods when Israel scattered all over Europe, turning to paganism, only later to return to their first husband, under Christ, who had to die so He could remarry His Church of people.

"And she shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them; and she shall seek them, but shall not find them: Then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now." - Hosea 2:7

Europeans and all their offshoot nations are the lost tribes of Israel. Most Europeans today have no idea who they are, but God said he would blind them, only in the end times would they finally awaken to the full truth. The Apostles traveled to Europe to seek their scattered Israelite brethren, our ancestors, who had lost their way, forgotten where they came from, and their heritage. Christianity brought all of the Israelite people back under a new covenant, and made us one people with Christ once again. In the flesh if you are European you are born an Israelite and a Christian whether you like it or not, and like Paul said, all of Israel will be saved. For those who don't believe this, they can either believe that God does not keep His promises, or that the Europeans are the lost Israelites.

So to everyone reading this who is of European ancestry, we are the people of the promise, of the everlasting covenant of our patriarch Abraham. The imposters in the Holy Land calling themselves Judah are Edomite jews. As for the Babylonian captivity, after the release of the Israelites there were within them over 800 people who could not prove their genealogy to the Judahites and those were the half breeds who brought back the Babylonian talmud, known back then as the "tradition of the elders." Ezra is an interesting book to read. Especially chapter 10. We are the "set apart" people, God's chosen.

This post describes most of the post-Exodus and pre-captivity spread of Israelite seed, which mostly seeded southern Europe and Ireland. The entirety of the tribes who found their way to Europe after the captivity is worth another post in length, given the tracking of the languages and tribes from the Cimmerians to the Scythians to the north of Europe.


There are explanations for each of these crests, but I can share that information in another post. Half of my ancestors who were Celts had brought their green harp flag of Eire with them, which is David's Harp.

Here is a not so widely-known documentary that is in-depth, and narrated by a modest Scotsman:

"Europeans are the Lost Tribes of Israel - A Rare Documentary"
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There is so much information out there on this, but also a bunch of imposters claiming to be the heirs as well, starting with the Edomite jews and Khazar jews. The blacks who say they are Israelite are only not as bad because they're not in charge, if they were they'd be wiping out everyone else too given what they believe in and how they act. The context to understand this has to be completely enveloped in an understanding of Biblical history, in conjunction with understanding historical mass-migrations.

I will keep this straightforward. The Ten Tribes became what we understand as ancient Europe, and their descendants are today's Europeans and their offshots.


In the book of Kings, we learn that ten of the tribes of Israel were taken into captivity by Assyrians, never to return again. These were of the Northern Kingdom. Later on, the remaining two tribes of Judah and Benjamin were taken into captivity by the Babylonians.

By the time of Christ over 600 years later, only a small remnant had returned from Babylon, now living amongst a whole mixed-multitude of people including Egyptians, Canaanites, Samaritans, Babylonians, Syrians, Edomites, and more, in a province known simply as Judaea ruled over by the Romans.

"For, Lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth." - Amos 9:9

Most believe that the scattering began during the deportations, however, it was already happening in the time of the twelve patriarchs. All of the origins of these peoples is seldom talked about from a Biblical truth of historical perspective. Not all Israelites remained with their brethren, many deserted and went their own way, but even this was all part of God's plan, as He had promised to scatter Israel amongst all the nations and eventually to replace those very nations.

"For I am with thee, saith the Lord, to save thee: though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet I will not make a full end of thee: but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether unpunished." - Jeremiach 30:11

In Greek literature, Dardanus is the legendary founder of Troy, whilst his borther Kalchus founded the city of Thebes. In Chronicles, these two brothers are listed as the sons of Zerah, the sons of Judah.

"The sons of Zerah: Zimri, Ethan, Heman, KalKol and Darda -- Five in all." - 1 Chronicles 2:6

Since kings were to come out of Judah, this connects directly. The Pharez line of kings would rule over Israel, while the Zerah line of kings would rule over Europe. Looking on a map it is easy to see how during the exodus, instead of all of them going to Israel, sailing to the Greek coast is not too far away from the shores of Egypt.

One Greek historian, Diodorus Sicilus , confirms this, quoting an earlier historian Hecatitus. He gave a strange account of the Israelite exodus more from an Egyptian viewpoint, that some came to Greece, chief among them, Danaus and Cadmus.

"The aliens [Israelites] were driven from the country [Egypt], and the most outstanding and active among them banded together and, as some say, were cast ashore in Greece and certain other regions; their leaders were notable men, chief among them being Danaus and Cadmus. But the greater number were driven into what is now called Judaea... The colony was headed by a man called Moses, outstanding both for his wisdom and for his courage." - Diodorus Sicilus, Bibliotheca Historica 40.3

So we can see that the Greeks had records of Israelites settling in Greece. Not every Israelite followed Moses. For Danaus and Cadmus, the names suffered from the usual alteration that happens through the centuries and as the languages change.

Danaus (Dardanus) is Darda
Cadmus (Calkol) is Chalcol

King Solomon, only a few centuries later, was compared to these two men:

"And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt. For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Exrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda..." - Kings 4:30-31

For Solomon in Israel to be compared to Egypt in the west, the great men of the East, and also European kings to the north is a confirming connection.

Around the time of Judges, the rise of another people called the Phoenicians representing a confederation of maritime traders instead of a defined country came to be well known. They operated out of major port cities, they were the Israelites of the northern tribes who sailed from Sidon and Tyre. They initially settled in Cyprus and the surrounding coast like Cicilia and Miletus. They slowly expanded into the Mediterranean to Crete, Cyrene, Memphis, all the way along north Africa in places like Sicily, Lepcis, Sardinia, Carthage, Tingis, Gadir, forming colonies wherever they went. They reached all the way to Iberia, and even as far up as the coast of England and Ireland.

The cities of Sidon and Tyre were within the territory of the Asher tribe for centuries during the Phoenician period. Remarkably, Hannibal the Carthaginian, was indeed "White" or also of a ruddy complexion.

Another major Israelite seaport was Dor, in the territory of the tribe of Manasseh. Around 1100 BC, Greece was invaded by a people called Dorians. These were Israelites from the city of Dor. The Spartans, also called Lacedaemonians, were Dorian Greeks. It is no mystery then that a letter was written between the king of Sparta, and the high priest of Judaea, identifying themselves as kindred from Abraham. They realized they were descendants of the Israelites.

"Areus, King of the Lacedaemonians, to Onias, sendeth greeting. We have met with a certain writing, whereby we have discovered that both the Judaeans and the Lacaedemonians are of one stock, and are derived form the kindred of Abraham..." - Antiquities 12.4.10 [12:226-227]

Regarding Iberia / Hibernia:

When the Phoenicians settled in Spain, they named in Iberia. This comes from the Hebrew word for "Hebrew-land" or "land of the Hebrews". Iberia = "Eber"ia / Heberia. The Israelites would often call themselves Hebrews.

In Genesis we read that Abraham was referred to as Abram the Hebrew.

"And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these were confederate with Abram." - Genesis 14:13

In the book of Jonah, many centuries later, he refers to himself as a Hebrew:

"And he said unto them, I am an Hebrew; and I fear the Lord, the God of Heaven, which hath made the sea and the dry land." - Jonah 1:9

The word Hebrew comes from Eber, who was an ancestor of Abraham. Why Phoenicians would name a country Iberia can only be because they were Israelites.

The Phoenician settlers also named Ireland Hibernia. Why are all these European countries beign named after Hebrews? Because they were founded by them. Ireland also did have an ancient race of people called the Tuatha De Denann, which literally translates to "Tribe of Dan". The Children of Dan were prophecied in the Bible to name many places after their patriarch wherever they went. Europe is covered in rivers, cities, and even countries named after Dan:

Denmark - "Dan's Mark"
Dunsmor - More Dans
Tuatha De - "People of God"
Danlaugh, Dansower, Dundalk, Dundrum, Donegal Bay/City, Dungloe, Dunn, Dnieper, Dniester, Dandan, Danau, Daninn, Danaster, the list goes on.

Scotland also has some interesting connections here. In 1320 when Scotland declared their independence in a letter to the Pope, they understood that their ancestors had come through the pillar of Hercules just under Spain, all the way from Scythia:

"This nation having come from Scythia the greater, through the Tuscan Sea and the Hercules Pillars, and having for man ages taken its residence in Spain..." - 1320 Letter of Barons of Scotland to Pope John XXII (Declaration of Arbroath)

The Scythians were the Israelites who were deported. The Scots once understood their Israelite origin to some extent.

What about the Romans? After Troy was sacked, a remnant of Trojans led by prince Aeneas fled sailing across the Mediterranean from Delos to Crete to Srophades to Buthrotum to Etna, then to Drepanum, Carthage, Eryx, and finally onto the Tyrrhenian coast of Cumae and Latium, where they set up a new colony in Italy. Aeneas' descendents, led by Romulus, who founded Rome, which became the great republic and empire over many centuries. He was known for the formation of the Roman legion by taking fighting men and dividing them into 3000 infantry units and 300 cavalry units, and created the Roman senate with 100 of the most noblest of men.

This is confirmed by Strabo, Greek geographer and historian, who confidently lists Roman descent from the Trojans as a fact. His Geography is the only work about the peoples and countries known to both Greeks and Romans during the reign of Augustus.

"... The wanderings of Aeneas are a traditional fact..." - Strabo's Geography 3.2.13

Even Julius Caesar, being a descendant of Anaeas. This is why even in the book of Daniel the Romans are referred to as the people of the prince who destroyed Jerusalem. They were Israelites.

"...And the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined." - Daniel 9:26

Paul also explained this in Romans 16:20 that Yahwehh will crush satan, or adversary, which happened only a few years later. "Now Yahweh of Peace will crush the adversary under your feet quickly. The favor of our Prince Yahshua Christ is with you."

The Romans were largely descended from Judah of the Zarah line.

This is confirmed in all of Paul's Epistles, with the exception of Hebrews, where were all his Epistles written to?

1 & 2 Thessalonians - in northern Greece
Galatians - in Greek Asia Minor
Romans -in Italy
1 & 2 Corinthians - in Greece near Athens
Philemon (affluent Christian in Colossae in southwest Greek Asia Minor)
Ephesians - near the coast of Greek Asia Minor
Philippians - in Thrace (modern northern Greece & parts of Bulgaria)
Colossians - in Colosse, Lycus Valley in Phrygia (also Greek Asia Minor)
1 & 2 Timothy, and Titus (pastoral letters)

To all the peoples in Europe, and why is that and only Europe? It becomes obvious the more one delves into Scripture. In the book of Romans, Paul says that the Romans once knew Yahweh, but they had turned Him into a corruptible bestial image.

"Because knowing Yahweh, they thought of Him not as God, nor were they thankful... they changed the estimation of the incorruptible Yahweh into a resemblance of an image of corruptible man, and birds, and four-legged animals, and reptiles." - Romans 1:21-23

How could the Romans ever know God when only the Israelites knew of God? Because the Romans were Israelites through their Zarah-Judah ancestors, who had known Yahweh, but over the generations, had corrupted the truth, and essentially turned Yahweh into an idol. The Roman Israelite ancestors left prior to the Exodus.

In Corinthians Paul explains that their fathers were with Moses, that they were under the cloud with their Israelite brethren:

"Now I do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all had passed through the sea." - Corinthians 10:1

Again this is only possible if their forefathers were Israelites. The Corinthians were Dorian Greeks, and they left after the Exodus.

In Galatians, Paul explains that the law had been "our tutor for Christ." He was including the Galatians who were once under the law. They left during the Assyrian deportations.

"So the law has been our tutor for Christ, in order that from faith we would be deemed righteous." - Galatians 3:24

Peter's epistle confirms all of this, stating that the Europeans are the result of the dispersions:

"Peter, ambassador of Yahshua Christ, to the elect sojourners of the dispersion of Pontos, Galatia, Kappadokia, Asia and Bithunia," - Peter 1:1

The dispersions being the Israelite dispersions. He calls them the elect race, a holy nation, a peculiar people.

"But you are an elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people... who at one time were "not a people" but now are the people of Yahweh, those who "have not been shown mercy" but are now shown mercy." - Peter 12:9-10

He is basically repeating what Moses said to the children of Israel after the exodus. This all shows that they are the same people. The Europeans are the Israelites.

"Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.." - Exodus 19:5-6

In the Old Testament, God repeatedly declares He is going to make a new covenant with the same people. For example in Jeremiah, a new covenant specifically with Israel and Judah:

"Indeed, a time is coming," says the Lord, "When I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and Judah." - Jeremiah 31:31

Also God will make the broken stick of Israel and Judah back into one stick again. This was accomplished when Europeans, the lost tribes, as one, accepted Christianity, and the eventual fulfillment of Christ reigning over us all as King, will happen when He returns.

"Surely I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel, his companions; and I will join them with it, with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they will be one in my hand. Surely I will take the Children of Israel from among the nations, wherever they have gone... and one king shall be king over them all; they shall no longer be two nations, nor shall they ever be divided into two kingdoms again." - Ezekiel 37:19-22

This is also why Christ clearly explained He came only for one people, He came only for the lost sheep of Israel, and also why He commanded the apostles to only go to the lost sheep of Israel. Where did they end up going? To Europe.

In Hosea, Israel are collectively described as going after their lovers, i.e. worshiping other Gods when Israel scattered all over Europe, turning to paganism, only later to return to their first husband, under Christ, who had to die so He could remarry His Church of people.

"And she shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them; and she shall seek them, but shall not find them: Then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now." - Hosea 2:7

Europeans and all their offshoot nations are the lost tribes of Israel. Most Europeans today have no idea who they are, but God said he would blind them, only in the end times would they finally awaken to the full truth. The Apostles traveled to Europe to seek their scattered Israelite brethren, our ancestors, who had lost their way, forgotten where they came from, and their heritage. Christianity brought all of the Israelite people back under a new covenant, and made us one people with Christ once again. In the flesh if you are European you are born an Israelite and a Christian whether you like it or not, and like Paul said, all of Israel will be saved. For those who don't believe this, they can either believe that God does not keep His promises, or that the Europeans are the lost Israelites.

So to everyone reading this who is of European ancestry, we are the people of the promise, of the everlasting covenant of our patriarch Abraham. The imposters in the Holy Land calling themselves Judah are Edomite jews. As for the Babylonian captivity, after the release of the Israelites there were within them over 800 people who could not prove their genealogy to the Judahites and those were the half breeds who brought back the Babylonian talmud, known back then as the "tradition of the elders." Ezra is an interesting book to read. Especially chapter 10. We are the "set apart" people, God's chosen.

This post describes most of the post-Exodus and pre-captivity spread of Israelite seed, which mostly seeded southern Europe and Ireland. The entirety of the tribes who found their way to Europe after the captivity is worth another post in length, given the tracking of the languages and tribes from the Cimmerians to the Scythians to the north of Europe.


There are explanations for each of these crests, but I can share that information in another post. Half of my ancestors who were Celts had brought their green harp flag of Eire with them, which is David's Harp.

Here is a not so widely-known documentary that is in-depth, and narrated by a modest Scotsman:

"Europeans are the Lost Tribes of Israel - A Rare Documentary"

Can you provide any genetic evidence for your theory?

There actually is a lot of archaeological, genetic, and place-name evidence to support these claims. I personally believe it is far more than just a theory. However, I am only at the beginning of exploring the topic, and evidence is very suppressed and hard to find. When Christ talks about going out to find His lost sheep, and how they hear His voice and know Him...I believe this might at least in part be referring to the lost tribes who have some remaining historical memory of the OT prophets, and how a Messiah would come. The mixed-breed Edomite-Canaanite tribes would not have had this.
There is so much information out there on this, but also a bunch of imposters claiming to be the heirs as well, starting with the Edomite jews and Khazar jews. The blacks who say they are Israelite are only not as bad because they're not in charge, if they were they'd be wiping out everyone else too given what they believe in and how they act. The context to understand this has to be completely enveloped in an understanding of Biblical history, in conjunction with understanding historical mass-migrations.

I will keep this straightforward. The Ten Tribes became what we understand as ancient Europe, and their descendants are today's Europeans and their offshots.


In the book of Kings, we learn that ten of the tribes of Israel were taken into captivity by Assyrians, never to return again. These were of the Northern Kingdom. Later on, the remaining two tribes of Judah and Benjamin were taken into captivity by the Babylonians.

By the time of Christ over 600 years later, only a small remnant had returned from Babylon, now living amongst a whole mixed-multitude of people including Egyptians, Canaanites, Samaritans, Babylonians, Syrians, Edomites, and more, in a province known simply as Judaea ruled over by the Romans.

"For, Lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth." - Amos 9:9

Most believe that the scattering began during the deportations, however, it was already happening in the time of the twelve patriarchs. All of the origins of these peoples is seldom talked about from a Biblical truth of historical perspective. Not all Israelites remained with their brethren, many deserted and went their own way, but even this was all part of God's plan, as He had promised to scatter Israel amongst all the nations and eventually to replace those very nations.

"For I am with thee, saith the Lord, to save thee: though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet I will not make a full end of thee: but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether unpunished." - Jeremiach 30:11

In Greek literature, Dardanus is the legendary founder of Troy, whilst his borther Kalchus founded the city of Thebes. In Chronicles, these two brothers are listed as the sons of Zerah, the sons of Judah.

"The sons of Zerah: Zimri, Ethan, Heman, KalKol and Darda -- Five in all." - 1 Chronicles 2:6

Since kings were to come out of Judah, this connects directly. The Pharez line of kings would rule over Israel, while the Zerah line of kings would rule over Europe. Looking on a map it is easy to see how during the exodus, instead of all of them going to Israel, sailing to the Greek coast is not too far away from the shores of Egypt.

One Greek historian, Diodorus Sicilus , confirms this, quoting an earlier historian Hecatitus. He gave a strange account of the Israelite exodus more from an Egyptian viewpoint, that some came to Greece, chief among them, Danaus and Cadmus.

"The aliens [Israelites] were driven from the country [Egypt], and the most outstanding and active among them banded together and, as some say, were cast ashore in Greece and certain other regions; their leaders were notable men, chief among them being Danaus and Cadmus. But the greater number were driven into what is now called Judaea... The colony was headed by a man called Moses, outstanding both for his wisdom and for his courage." - Diodorus Sicilus, Bibliotheca Historica 40.3

So we can see that the Greeks had records of Israelites settling in Greece. Not every Israelite followed Moses. For Danaus and Cadmus, the names suffered from the usual alteration that happens through the centuries and as the languages change.

Danaus (Dardanus) is Darda
Cadmus (Calkol) is Chalcol

King Solomon, only a few centuries later, was compared to these two men:

"And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt. For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Exrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda..." - Kings 4:30-31

For Solomon in Israel to be compared to Egypt in the west, the great men of the East, and also European kings to the north is a confirming connection.

Around the time of Judges, the rise of another people called the Phoenicians representing a confederation of maritime traders instead of a defined country came to be well known. They operated out of major port cities, they were the Israelites of the northern tribes who sailed from Sidon and Tyre. They initially settled in Cyprus and the surrounding coast like Cicilia and Miletus. They slowly expanded into the Mediterranean to Crete, Cyrene, Memphis, all the way along north Africa in places like Sicily, Lepcis, Sardinia, Carthage, Tingis, Gadir, forming colonies wherever they went. They reached all the way to Iberia, and even as far up as the coast of England and Ireland.

The cities of Sidon and Tyre were within the territory of the Asher tribe for centuries during the Phoenician period. Remarkably, Hannibal the Carthaginian, was indeed "White" or also of a ruddy complexion.

Another major Israelite seaport was Dor, in the territory of the tribe of Manasseh. Around 1100 BC, Greece was invaded by a people called Dorians. These were Israelites from the city of Dor. The Spartans, also called Lacedaemonians, were Dorian Greeks. It is no mystery then that a letter was written between the king of Sparta, and the high priest of Judaea, identifying themselves as kindred from Abraham. They realized they were descendants of the Israelites.

"Areus, King of the Lacedaemonians, to Onias, sendeth greeting. We have met with a certain writing, whereby we have discovered that both the Judaeans and the Lacaedemonians are of one stock, and are derived form the kindred of Abraham..." - Antiquities 12.4.10 [12:226-227]

Regarding Iberia / Hibernia:

When the Phoenicians settled in Spain, they named in Iberia. This comes from the Hebrew word for "Hebrew-land" or "land of the Hebrews". Iberia = "Eber"ia / Heberia. The Israelites would often call themselves Hebrews.

In Genesis we read that Abraham was referred to as Abram the Hebrew.

"And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these were confederate with Abram." - Genesis 14:13

In the book of Jonah, many centuries later, he refers to himself as a Hebrew:

"And he said unto them, I am an Hebrew; and I fear the Lord, the God of Heaven, which hath made the sea and the dry land." - Jonah 1:9

The word Hebrew comes from Eber, who was an ancestor of Abraham. Why Phoenicians would name a country Iberia can only be because they were Israelites.

The Phoenician settlers also named Ireland Hibernia. Why are all these European countries beign named after Hebrews? Because they were founded by them. Ireland also did have an ancient race of people called the Tuatha De Denann, which literally translates to "Tribe of Dan". The Children of Dan were prophecied in the Bible to name many places after their patriarch wherever they went. Europe is covered in rivers, cities, and even countries named after Dan:

Denmark - "Dan's Mark"
Dunsmor - More Dans
Tuatha De - "People of God"
Danlaugh, Dansower, Dundalk, Dundrum, Donegal Bay/City, Dungloe, Dunn, Dnieper, Dniester, Dandan, Danau, Daninn, Danaster, the list goes on.

Scotland also has some interesting connections here. In 1320 when Scotland declared their independence in a letter to the Pope, they understood that their ancestors had come through the pillar of Hercules just under Spain, all the way from Scythia:

"This nation having come from Scythia the greater, through the Tuscan Sea and the Hercules Pillars, and having for man ages taken its residence in Spain..." - 1320 Letter of Barons of Scotland to Pope John XXII (Declaration of Arbroath)

The Scythians were the Israelites who were deported. The Scots once understood their Israelite origin to some extent.

What about the Romans? After Troy was sacked, a remnant of Trojans led by prince Aeneas fled sailing across the Mediterranean from Delos to Crete to Srophades to Buthrotum to Etna, then to Drepanum, Carthage, Eryx, and finally onto the Tyrrhenian coast of Cumae and Latium, where they set up a new colony in Italy. Aeneas' descendents, led by Romulus, who founded Rome, which became the great republic and empire over many centuries. He was known for the formation of the Roman legion by taking fighting men and dividing them into 3000 infantry units and 300 cavalry units, and created the Roman senate with 100 of the most noblest of men.

This is confirmed by Strabo, Greek geographer and historian, who confidently lists Roman descent from the Trojans as a fact. His Geography is the only work about the peoples and countries known to both Greeks and Romans during the reign of Augustus.

"... The wanderings of Aeneas are a traditional fact..." - Strabo's Geography 3.2.13

Even Julius Caesar, being a descendant of Anaeas. This is why even in the book of Daniel the Romans are referred to as the people of the prince who destroyed Jerusalem. They were Israelites.

"...And the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined." - Daniel 9:26

Paul also explained this in Romans 16:20 that Yahwehh will crush satan, or adversary, which happened only a few years later. "Now Yahweh of Peace will crush the adversary under your feet quickly. The favor of our Prince Yahshua Christ is with you."

The Romans were largely descended from Judah of the Zarah line.

This is confirmed in all of Paul's Epistles, with the exception of Hebrews, where were all his Epistles written to?

1 & 2 Thessalonians - in northern Greece
Galatians - in Greek Asia Minor
Romans -in Italy
1 & 2 Corinthians - in Greece near Athens
Philemon (affluent Christian in Colossae in southwest Greek Asia Minor)
Ephesians - near the coast of Greek Asia Minor
Philippians - in Thrace (modern northern Greece & parts of Bulgaria)
Colossians - in Colosse, Lycus Valley in Phrygia (also Greek Asia Minor)
1 & 2 Timothy, and Titus (pastoral letters)

To all the peoples in Europe, and why is that and only Europe? It becomes obvious the more one delves into Scripture. In the book of Romans, Paul says that the Romans once knew Yahweh, but they had turned Him into a corruptible bestial image.

"Because knowing Yahweh, they thought of Him not as God, nor were they thankful... they changed the estimation of the incorruptible Yahweh into a resemblance of an image of corruptible man, and birds, and four-legged animals, and reptiles." - Romans 1:21-23

How could the Romans ever know God when only the Israelites knew of God? Because the Romans were Israelites through their Zarah-Judah ancestors, who had known Yahweh, but over the generations, had corrupted the truth, and essentially turned Yahweh into an idol. The Roman Israelite ancestors left prior to the Exodus.

In Corinthians Paul explains that their fathers were with Moses, that they were under the cloud with their Israelite brethren:

"Now I do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all had passed through the sea." - Corinthians 10:1

Again this is only possible if their forefathers were Israelites. The Corinthians were Dorian Greeks, and they left after the Exodus.

In Galatians, Paul explains that the law had been "our tutor for Christ." He was including the Galatians who were once under the law. They left during the Assyrian deportations.

"So the law has been our tutor for Christ, in order that from faith we would be deemed righteous." - Galatians 3:24

Peter's epistle confirms all of this, stating that the Europeans are the result of the dispersions:

"Peter, ambassador of Yahshua Christ, to the elect sojourners of the dispersion of Pontos, Galatia, Kappadokia, Asia and Bithunia," - Peter 1:1

The dispersions being the Israelite dispersions. He calls them the elect race, a holy nation, a peculiar people.

"But you are an elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people... who at one time were "not a people" but now are the people of Yahweh, those who "have not been shown mercy" but are now shown mercy." - Peter 12:9-10

He is basically repeating what Moses said to the children of Israel after the exodus. This all shows that they are the same people. The Europeans are the Israelites.

"Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.." - Exodus 19:5-6

In the Old Testament, God repeatedly declares He is going to make a new covenant with the same people. For example in Jeremiah, a new covenant specifically with Israel and Judah:

"Indeed, a time is coming," says the Lord, "When I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and Judah." - Jeremiah 31:31

Also God will make the broken stick of Israel and Judah back into one stick again. This was accomplished when Europeans, the lost tribes, as one, accepted Christianity, and the eventual fulfillment of Christ reigning over us all as King, will happen when He returns.

"Surely I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel, his companions; and I will join them with it, with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they will be one in my hand. Surely I will take the Children of Israel from among the nations, wherever they have gone... and one king shall be king over them all; they shall no longer be two nations, nor shall they ever be divided into two kingdoms again." - Ezekiel 37:19-22

This is also why Christ clearly explained He came only for one people, He came only for the lost sheep of Israel, and also why He commanded the apostles to only go to the lost sheep of Israel. Where did they end up going? To Europe.

In Hosea, Israel are collectively described as going after their lovers, i.e. worshiping other Gods when Israel scattered all over Europe, turning to paganism, only later to return to their first husband, under Christ, who had to die so He could remarry His Church of people.

"And she shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them; and she shall seek them, but shall not find them: Then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now." - Hosea 2:7

Europeans and all their offshoot nations are the lost tribes of Israel. Most Europeans today have no idea who they are, but God said he would blind them, only in the end times would they finally awaken to the full truth. The Apostles traveled to Europe to seek their scattered Israelite brethren, our ancestors, who had lost their way, forgotten where they came from, and their heritage. Christianity brought all of the Israelite people back under a new covenant, and made us one people with Christ once again. In the flesh if you are European you are born an Israelite and a Christian whether you like it or not, and like Paul said, all of Israel will be saved. For those who don't believe this, they can either believe that God does not keep His promises, or that the Europeans are the lost Israelites.

So to everyone reading this who is of European ancestry, we are the people of the promise, of the everlasting covenant of our patriarch Abraham. The imposters in the Holy Land calling themselves Judah are Edomite jews. As for the Babylonian captivity, after the release of the Israelites there were within them over 800 people who could not prove their genealogy to the Judahites and those were the half breeds who brought back the Babylonian talmud, known back then as the "tradition of the elders." Ezra is an interesting book to read. Especially chapter 10. We are the "set apart" people, God's chosen.

This post describes most of the post-Exodus and pre-captivity spread of Israelite seed, which mostly seeded southern Europe and Ireland. The entirety of the tribes who found their way to Europe after the captivity is worth another post in length, given the tracking of the languages and tribes from the Cimmerians to the Scythians to the north of Europe.


There are explanations for each of these crests, but I can share that information in another post. Half of my ancestors who were Celts had brought their green harp flag of Eire with them, which is David's Harp.

Here is a not so widely-known documentary that is in-depth, and narrated by a modest Scotsman:

"Europeans are the Lost Tribes of Israel - A Rare Documentary"

Did all this information come from a book? Can you mention which one, if so, as I'd like to dig deeper into this.
Exactly, that is the elephant in the room as far as this theory is concerned, it's not like the wandering ancient hebrews arrived in empty lands. Countries around the Mediterranean and Atlantic have had a fair amount of arrivals and mixing even in ancient times. As well, these peoples would have retained some artifacts of their religion, they don't assimilate easily.
"Europeans are the Lost Tribes of Israel - A Rare Documentary"

Video blocked without VPN. I guess that going against the Talmudic/globalist narrative, no matter how factual and historical...is "incitement to hatred". They protest FAR too loudly and aggressively again normal questioning.

It's time for white Europeans to wake up and realize that THEY are the 12 scattered Tribes of Israel and Judea. Hopefully in understanding that, they won't be so eager to give away their heritage. The evidence, both linguistically, archaeologically, and biblically, is overwhelming.
It's time for white Europeans to wake up and realize that THEY are the 12 scattered Tribes of Israel and Judea. Hopefully in understanding that, they won't be so eager to give away their heritage. The evidence, both linguistically, archaeologically, and biblically, is overwhelming.
There's a series called 100 proofs the Israelites were White. There is an abbreviated version and a ten-part video series that goes into each point one by one.

Here is the abbreviated hour and a half documentary that briskly goes through each point:

"100 Proofs the Israelites were White"

Here is the search page that has the ten-part series broken up into videos on a list:
https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=100 proofs the israelites were white&kind=video&sort=new
There's a series called 100 proofs the Israelites were White. There is an abbreviated version and a ten-part video series that goes into each point one by one.

Here is the abbreviated hour and a half documentary that briskly goes through each point:

"100 Proofs the Israelites were White"

Here is the search page that has the ten-part series broken up into videos on a list:
https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=100 proofs the israelites were white&kind=video&sort=new

Took a look at this video and felt my IQ dropping rapidly with each (attempted) point made.

Without even starting to go point by point into the mindnumbing fallacies being used, they completely misunderstand the meaning of Israel. St. Paul explicitly says that those who accept Christ are the seed of Abraham and therefore that Israel, the inheritors of the promise. All of the prophecies of Israel, come to pass in the Church of Christ, the New Israel.

Galatians 3:29 26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

So #1 even if this theory were true from a migratory/populatory standpoint, it would have absolutely 0 ramifications in spiritual terms. Absolutely crazy that MFTP posted from Galatians while passing over these verses.

Europeans and all their offshoot nations are the lost tribes of Israel. Most Europeans today have no idea who they are, but God said he would blind them, only in the end times would they finally awaken to the full truth. The Apostles traveled to Europe to seek their scattered Israelite brethren, our ancestors, who had lost their way, forgotten where they came from, and their heritage. Christianity brought all of the Israelite people back under a new covenant, and made us one people with Christ once again. In the flesh if you are European you are born an Israelite and a Christian whether you like it or not, and like Paul said, all of Israel will be saved. For those who don't believe this, they can either believe that God does not keep His promises, or that the Europeans are the lost Israelites.

So to everyone reading this who is of European ancestry, we are the people of the promise, of the everlasting covenant of our patriarch Abraham. The imposters in the Holy Land calling themselves Judah are Edomite jews. As for the Babylonian captivity, after the release of the Israelites there were within them over 800 people who could not prove their genealogy to the Judahites and those were the half breeds who brought back the Babylonian talmud, known back then as the "tradition of the elders." Ezra is an interesting book to read. Especially chapter 10. We are the "set apart" people, God's chosen.

Pure heresy. Shame on you.

Let me quote St. Paul in more depth to put an end to these lies:

Ephesians 2:

11 Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh—who are called Uncircumcision by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands— 12 that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.


19 Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, 20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, 22 in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

Ephesians 3: 3 For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for you Gentiles— 2 if indeed you have heard of the [a]dispensation of the grace of God which was given to me for you, 3 how that by revelation He made known to me the mystery (as I have briefly written already, 4 by which, when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ), 5 which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to His holy apostles and prophets: 6 that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ through the gospel, 7 of which I became a minister according to the gift of the grace of God given to me by the effective working of His power.

St. Paul could not be any clearer in understanding that his audience of gentile converts were NOT from the bloodline of Israel but they became part of the Church via accepting Christ as Lord.

Romans 11:
13 For I speak to you Gentiles; inasmuch as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, 14 if by any means I may provoke to jealousy those who are my flesh and save some of them. 15 For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?

16 For if the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches. 17 And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them became a partaker of the root and [c]fatness of the olive tree, 18 do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you.

19 You will say then, “Branches were broken off that I might be grafted in.” 20 Well said. Because of unbelief they were broken off, and you stand by faith. Do not be haughty, but fear. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, He may not spare you either. 22 Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, [d]goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off. 23 And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. 24 For if you were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, who are natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?

Once again St. Paul speaking clearly, this time in biological terms, of how his Gentile audience represents a DIFFERENT lineage, that was GRAFTED into the tree that represents the Church, the true Israel, the heirs of the promise.
Took a look at this video and felt my IQ dropping rapidly with each (attempted) point made.

Without even starting to go point by point into the mindnumbing fallacies being used, they completely misunderstand the meaning of Israel. St. Paul explicitly says that those who accept Christ are the seed of Abraham and therefore that Israel, the inheritors of the promise. All of the prophecies of Israel, come to pass in the Church of Christ, the New Israel.

So #1 even if this theory were true from a migratory/populatory standpoint, it would have absolutely 0 ramifications in spiritual terms. Absolutely crazy that MFTP posted from Galatians while passing over these verses.

Pure heresy. Shame on you.

Let me quote St. Paul in more depth to put an end to these lies:

St. Paul could not be any clearer in understanding that his audience of gentile converts were NOT from the bloodline of Israel but they became part of the Church via accepting Christ as Lord.

Once again St. Paul speaking clearly, this time in biological terms, of how his Gentile audience represents a DIFFERENT lineage, that was GRAFTED into the tree that represents the Church, the true Israel, the heirs of the promise.
You are not a priest Iacobus, and neither am I. We are not competing orders of Monks, all of us are in the laity of our confessions. Try to remember that.

You accuse me of writing heresy but you cannot prove it, and if we were members of the clergy, this would be a more serious charge than anything else that could be levied against someone, so you better be prepared to back up your claims with comprehensive evidence if you are going to continue in persisting this accusation.

It is obvious that this topic clearly irritates you, as does everything else that doesn't conform to your position of self-ordained authority. You have made your anti-White bias clear, as have others on here. I do not resent you for this, but it appears that there is resent towards me for being the opposite. So now we have the case of both Pro-White and Anti-White members discussing heated ideas, but only the Anti-crowd dons the accusatory framework from the get go. I am left with no recourse but to defend my position, and that of many others.

I do not write or post this to irritate anyone, but to expose lies and spurn debate to arrive at further truth. It is best for all of us to be prepared to debate the enemies of Christ, even if we are in disagreement about certain principles of theology as well as the nature of certain sins. Do you think that everything is spiritual and nothing is physical? What is the point of life on Earth and these bodies then?

If my discussion of these passages enrages you, then bring in a member of the cloth to intermediate on your behalf, because I guarantee you a priest trained in the proper understanding of historical context, historical languages, cultures, and ethnic customs will not jump to such simple conclusions. A regular priest would not know any better and his job is just to lead sermons at a local parish or Church. Not every member of the church is skilled in these disciplines like the monks of yore. Whether the Church does or does not make a statement overall on certain passages does not mean that they are unable to be discussed to make a case for separation among different peoples, especially when evidence for this separation is presented to all of us every single day of our lives through the witness of grotesque spectacles of heathen violence and depravity.

Your own Church is much more respective of the Nations than my own. I have to contend with a schism within a schism after Vatican II among my confessional brethren, so I am much more adept at discussing theology amongst a schismatic crowd. I would expect differences between you and on Scripture sure, but these are not my analyses of Scripture in origin. There are numerous sources out there that discuss these with proper language and connotation. It may be a bit much of an egg-head approach to Scripture which is ground in terms where the simple man should accept on faith alone, but these days the lie of the devil are coming to fruition with every act of escalating and exponentiating violence in the physical world. Therefore among the skeptical Christians who would condemn themselves to inevitable ruin and suicide in their universalist societies by ignoring the clear Biblical command of separation, would be saved by listening and implementing this wisdom.

Here are more in-depth analyses of the passages you replied with. I did not do the original language analysis but other Christian polyglots did. I have most of them on old word documents that I'd be willing to share if anyone is interested, it covers the entire new testament. I have checked every single passage with available source documents on the internet and whatever I could find in a library, but the originals are exceedingly rare. The truth is buried in multiple variables of the past.

Galatians Chapter 3 specifically deals with the Heirs of the Covenant. Here again is 3:24 and the ones after it to give a bigger context:

24 So the law has been our tutor for Christ, in order that from faith we would be deemed righteous.

In this manner, earlier in this chapter Paul had quoted the prophet Habakkuk where he had written concerning the children of Israel, saying that “the just shall live by faith”. And here the law was supplemental to the promises to Abraham, which are permanent promises given apart from the law. In fact, the law itself foresaw in various ways that the children of Israel would break the Old Covenant. One example is in the curses of disobedience in Deuteronomy chapter 28: “36 The LORD shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other gods, wood and stone.” Yet in Deuteronomy chapter 17, it was already foreseen that Israel would indeed be disobedient in this manner where it says “14 When thou art come unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I will set a king over me, like as all the nations that are about me; 15 Thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, whom the LORD thy God shall choose: one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother.” Making a law which was contingent upon the disobedience of Israel, God was prophesying their disobedience and their resulting punishment.

That the law was “our tutor for Christ”, again those of the faith in Christ are those who had once been under the law, and out of all of the world's peoples as well as all of the children of Abraham, that can only apply to the children of the twelve tribes of Israel. If only they were ever under the law, then only they from faith may be deemed righteous in Christ. As it says in Isaiah chapter 45, “25 In the LORD shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.” Yet for an Edomite to be under the law is folly, as today's jews claim, since the law was given only to Israel and they are not Israel.

25 But the faith having come, no longer are we under a tutor; 26 for you are all sons of Yahweh through the faith in Christ Yahshua.

But the faith in Christ is that He would reconcile the children of Israel to God, as read from both Daniel and Isaiah. There is no faith in Christ outside of this faith in Christ: that in Christ the children of Israel are reconciled to God. That is because there are no Old Testament promises for anyone of any other race. The faith having come, the children of Israel would no longer be condemned by the law, as Paul explains in Romans chapter 7: “1, Are you ignorant, brethren (I speak to those who know the law,) that the law lords over the man for as long a time as he should live? 2 For a woman married to a living husband is bound by law; but if the husband should die, she is discharged from the law of the husband: 3 so then as the husband is living, she would be labeled an adulteress if she were found with another man; but if the husband should die, she is free from the law, she is not an adulteress being found with another man. 4 Consequently, my brethren, you also are put to death in the law through the body of Christ; for you to be found with another, who from the dead was raised in order that we should bear fruit for Yahweh. 5 Indeed when we were in the flesh, the occurrences of fault, which were through the law, operated in our members for the bearing of fruit for death; 6 but now we are discharged from the law, being put to death in that which we were held, so that we are bound in newness of Spirit, and not oldness of letter.” The Romans were of the children of the lost tribes of Israel as well as the Galatians.

27 For as many of you have been immersed in Christ, Christ you have been clothed in.

Translators may have done better to write the last clause “in Christ you have been clothed”, but the phrase “clothed in” comes from a single Greek word, and wherever that happens translators avoided splitting such phrases.

As previously seem in Galatians, being “immersed in Christ” means being immersed in His death: in the purpose of His having died on behalf of the children of Israel. As Paul had written in Romans chapter 6: “3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? 4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”

28 There is not one Judaean or Greek, there is not one bondman or freeman, there is not one male and female; for all you are one in Christ Yahshua.

I've posted this before in the Christianity and Race thread, I will now do so again. Paul isn't saying that there should be no more slaves. The word for bondmen is the same Greek word, δοῦλος, which was translated as servants in 1 Timothy 6:1 where, in an epistle written several years after this epistle to the Galatians was written, Paul wrote: “Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed.” Rather, Paul is saying that among Christians, slaves should get equal love and respect with freemen, as he later wrote in the epistle to Philemon, where he wrote to him of the slave Onesimus, that he being a Christian should be treated “16 Not now as a servant, but above a servant, a brother beloved, specially to me, but how much more unto thee, both in the flesh, and in the Lord?” The word for servant in that passage is also δοῦλος each time it appears. Paul also continued to make distinctions concerning sex, where he wrote in 1 Corinthians chapter 14, an epistle which was written several years after this one, that “it is a shame for women to speak in the church.” Therefore he is not saying here that there will be no more distinction between the sexes.

So it isn't as if there would no longer be Judaeans or Greeks, but as Paul had said in Galatians chapter 2, “6 Now from those reputed to be something, whatsoever they were then makes not one difference to me. God does not receive a man's stature, therefore to me those of repute are conferred nothing.” Again he later wrote in Romans, chapter 3: “9 What then, are we better? Not at all: for we previously accused both Judaeans and Greeks all with being at fault: 10 just as it is written, 'that there is none righteous, not even one.'” Paul's words therefore have nothing to do with servitude, race, nationality, or sex in these passages.

Therefore, all of these things only have to do with the status of a person, and that there should be no distinctions of status among Christians: they should all love and treat one another equally. This is also the meaning of Paul's later discourse on the parts of the body of Christ which he had made to the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians chapter 12 where he concludes “25 That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.” Paul is only speaking in reference to the Body of Christ, to the seed of Abraham, and that is a distinction which he maintains throughout this chapter. The conclusion of the chapter actually reinforces that assertion:

29 But if you are Christ’s, then of the offspring of Abraham you are heirs according to promise.

The KJV has added the conjunction and to the last clause of this verse, which is in none of the original manuscripts. However many other versions have added things far more sinister.

Without adding any words or punctuation and without changing any of the original word order, this verse is difficult to comprehend in English, and may be literally translated: “But if you of Christ then of Abraham offspring you are heirs according to promise.” The word for “then” is the Greek word ἄρα. According to Liddell & Scott ἄρα was generally used to describe a thing which is next in order after another, or something which explains what has preceded. Both of these uses are manifest where ἄρα also appears in different types of conditional sentences.

The Greek word ἄρα often serves to introduce the apodosis in a conditional sentence (the then... part), a clause which answers to the protasis (the if... part), where the word ἄρα can have an inferential force. For example, “If it is raining, then I cannot go fishing.” But there are several types of conditional sentences. They can either express factual implications, or they can express hypothetical situations and their consequences. In order to determine the type of conditional sentence to which such a statement belongs, the grammar of each of the clauses in the sentence must be examined. We see conditional sentences using the same Greek words for if and then in Matthew 12:28 and in Hebrews 12:8. In both instances, if the protasis, which is the clause following the if is true, then the apodosis, which is the clause following the then must also be true. These are conditional sentences which express factual implications.

Here in Galatians 3:29 where Paul wrote “if you are Christ’s, then of the offspring of Abraham you are heirs according to promise”, once again the verb in the clause in the “then” side of the statement is Indicative, not Subjunctive, expressing a definite statement. So this is also a type of conditional sentence which expresses a factual implication. If you are Christ's, you are also Abraham's seed. Paul did not write that if you believe in Jesus you may be, or you could be, or you shall be Abraham's seed, in the manner in which the denominational sects claim. Both sides of the statement must be true. If you are Abraham's seed, according to what Paul had explained in Galatians 3:16, then you are of Christ.

The commentators of the denominational sects isolate this one verse, and then they claim that it is a conditional sentence which expresses a hypothetical situation and its consequences, but that is a lie. Rather, this is a conditional sentence which expresses a factual implication, just as in Matthew 12:28 and Hebrews 12:8, or else all of Paul's previous statements in this chapter are no longer true, and Paul is a liar. But Paul is not saying that someone can simply claim to be Christ's and imagine himself to be of Abraham's offspring. Instead all through this chapter Paul's words prove that someone cannot claim to be Christ's and imagine himself to be of Abraham's offspring.

Now Ephesians, Chapter 2, verses 11-13:

11 On which account you must remember that at one time you, the Nations in the flesh, who are the so-called ‘uncircumcised’ by the so-called ‘circumcised’ made by hand in the flesh, 12 because you had at that time been apart from Christ, having been alienated from the civic life of Israel, and strangers of the covenants of the promise, not having hope and in the Society without Yahweh;

The phrase “without Yahweh” is from the single Greek word ἄθεος, which only appears here in the New Testament, and literally means without God.

The KJV translation of this passage is ridiculous in that it has Paul calling the Ephesians former Gentiles. If that were so he would not continually refer to them as Gentiles throughout the rest of this epistle. In none of Paul's epistles do we see the concept of a former Gentile. Rather, the phrase “at one time” refers to the time mentioned in verse 12 where it says “at that time”, and both are a reference to the time during which the children of Israel were alienated from Yahweh their God for their sin, as we also see in verse 12, where the translation in the KJV is even worse.

Instead Paul is stating “at one time you … because you had at that time been apart from Christ”, and in between the clauses we see a short digression where Paul explains something about who they are, so that we may see how they fit into the purpose of God's will for Israel. The Ephesians were not “gentiles in the flesh”, and they were not formerly Gentiles because Paul was not trying to make them into jews and because he continued to call them Gentiles, but the Greek word actually means nations.

These Ephesians were certainly some of the descendants of the ancient tribes of Israel, and therefore they were among the “Nations in the flesh” according to the promises made to Abraham, that his seed would become many nations and inherit the world. Paul described this same thing in much greater length in his earlier epistle to the Romans, in Romans chapter 4 where he had told the Romans that Abraham was their forefather, and among other things he then said: “13 Indeed, not through the law is the promise to Abraham or to his offspring, that he is to be the heir of the Society, but through righteousness of faith. (So the promise remains to the offspring of Abraham, and it was not for anyone else.) 14 For if they from of the law are heirs, the faith has been voided, and the promise annulled. (So circumcision is no longer a sign of the promise.) 15 For the law results in wrath, so where there is no law, neither is there transgression. 16 Therefore from of the faith, that in accordance with favor, then the promise is to be certain to all of the offspring, not to that of the law only, but also to that of the faith of Abraham, who is father of us all; 17 (just as it is written, 'That a father of many nations I have made you,') before Yahweh whom he trusted, who raises the dead to life, and calls things not existing as existing; 18 who contrary to expectation, in expectation believed, for which he would become a father of many nations according to the declaration, 'Thus your offspring will be.'” Paul says that Abraham's seed became many nations, and the universalist denominational churches twist that into the lie that many nations somehow became Abraham's seed. But God is not a liar and His word continues, as Paul taught.

As it says in Hosea chapter 4 of the children of Israel who were being alienated from God at that time, “4 For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim: 5 Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days.” So according to the word of God, having lost all of these symbols and institutions of their kingdom, we cannot expect them to have maintained the associated rituals or customs such as circumcision. But the Old Testament histories concerning Israel had already made it clear that they had turned to paganism and had already abandoned many of these things. In the latter days, returning to their God, they must return to Him through Christ. Here Paul, where he is telling the Ephesians that they are the “Nations in the flesh” in much the same way that he had also earlier told the Corinthians that same thing (1 Corinthians 10), is informing them that these things which are written in the prophets are being fulfilled in them. At the end of this chapter he informs them that the Body of Christ is established on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets.

13 but now you among the number of Christ, who at one time being far away, have become near by the blood of the Christ.

The children of Israel in captivity and their subsequent wanderings were far away from God both physically and spiritually, and during this time, as the Word of God says in Hosea chapter 5: “6 They shall go with their flocks and with their herds to seek the LORD; but they shall not find him; he hath withdrawn himself from them.” Likewise, speaking of those same circumstances and people, it says in Amos chapter 8: “12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and from to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.”

In Micah chapter 4 another portrait of the same punishment of Israel is found in a promise of reconciliation: “6 In that day, saith the LORD, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted; 7 And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever. 8 And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.” This is the fate of the Israel which God had alienated, but which would be reconciled to Him in Christ.

And Romans, Chapter 11: 13-18, 19-24:

13 Indeed I speak to you, the Nations, because I am an ambassador of the Nations; I honor my office, 14 if possibly I would provoke to jealousy my kinsmen, and preserve some from among them. 15 Indeed if the disposal of them is the reconciliation of the cosmos, what would the acceptance be, if not life from among the dead?

Paul clearly imagined that being provoked to jealousy upon seeing the Gospel of Christ go out to the Nations, which were indeed the children of scattered Israel, by that he would also turn his Israelite kinsmen among the Judaeans to Christ. Paul is a kinsman to all Israel, but here he expresses his desire for his kinsmen in Israel, because not all of those in Judaea are his kinsman, and doing so he is emphasizing the racial scope of the Gospel. Not once did Paul express concern for any Edomite or non-Israelite. Not once did Paul express any concern for “whosoever believeth” in Judaea. Not once did Paul express a lack of concern for Israelites who did not believe: all of his concern in this aspect was for his “kinsmen according to the flesh” who did not believe hoping that they would somehow be preserved.

If the Israelites of Judaea had not acceded to the desires of the Edomite Sadducees, from which was the party of the high priests, as well as others of the party of the Pharisees who desired to put Christ to death, then there would be no reconciliation to Yahweh for the Israelites scattered abroad, since Christ would not have been the Lamb of God and there would have been no release from the Law in the manner which Paul described in Romans chapter 7. The Edomites only had their way because much of Israel went along with them. Therefore Peter, addressing the people of Judaea and speaking of Christ as it is recorded in Acts 2:23, exclaimed that “He (Christ) by the appointed will and foreknowledge of Yahweh was surrendered, who crucifying through lawless hands you have slain!”

Here Paul also defines the scope of the word cosmos, or world, as the Adamic world of scattered Israel and the Adamic Genesis 10 nations, since he himself has confined the message of the gospel to the nations which sprung from the loins of Abraham in Romans chapter 4, who are those of the Roman οἰκουμένη who were both Judaean and Greek, Scythian and Barbarian, slave and free.

16 Now if the first fruit is sacred, then also the balance, and if the root is sacred, also the branches.

The word rendered balance is literally lump and may be a reference to the mass of dough made from the grain.

Since a good tree does not produce bad fruit, all of Israel, which is every single Israelite, must be worthy of salvation. From Matthew chapter 7, the words of Christ: “17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.” Yahshua Christ Himself being the root of the Adamic tree, the children of Israel and the entire Adamic race is indeed sacred.

17 But if some of the branches have been broken off and you, being of a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, [and] having become a partaker of the richness of the root of the olive tree, 18 you must not exult over the branches; but if you exult, you will not sustain the root, or the root you.

The 3rd century papyrus P46 and the Codex Claromontanus want the words “of the root” in verse 17. The Codex Alexandrinus and the Majority Text (Byzantine and Ecclesiastical text) have “the root and the richness”. The text follows the Codices Sinaiticus (א), Vaticanus (B) and Ephraemi Syri (C).

As for the phrase ἀλλὰ ἡ ῥίζα σέ in verse 18, which is literally “but the root you”, the word ἀλλά (alla, Greek for "but") is a conjunction which is primarily adversative, however the context of the preceding clauses must be considered (and especially when the preceding clause is negative) and in this case it must be rendered “or” rather than “but”. It may have perhaps more properly but not necessarily been rendered as “nor”.

This comparison made by Paul here is reminiscent of a passage from Homer's Odyssey, Book 5, in which Odysseus encounters a place where two olive trees, one cultivated and one wild, grow out of the same spot.

19 Now you will say, Those branches have been broken off, in order that I would be grafted in?

Once again, none of the major versions, nor the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece read this verse as a question. I must let the context stand for itself. The Future Indicative is often interchangeable with the Aorist Subjunctive (see MacDonald, p. 46). I may have written more properly “...that I shall be grafted in?” Grammatically, οὗν as an interrogatory particle (see Thayer, οὗν, B.) and a verb of the Indicative mood (here the Future tense, ἐγκεντρίσθω) is a pattern Paul uses elsewhere for interrogatives, for example at Romans 3:31 and 7:13.

20 Correct, in disbelief they were broken off, and you in faith stand. Be not proud, but reverent. 21 Indeed if Yahweh spared not the natural branches, perhaps you may not be spared.

The cutting off of certain of the people of Judah was a matter of prophecy. This is found in Jeremiah chapter 24, in the parable of the good and the bad figs. The Judahites who were obedient to Yahweh and went into captivity were to be acknowledged as good figs, allegorically of course. Yet certain Judahites were to be given over to bad figs. It is not that they themselves were bad figs, but that they would be given over to bad figs. These were “Zedekiah the king of Judah, and his princes, and the residue of Jerusalem, that remain in this land, and them that dwell in the land of Egypt”. Yet this could not have been fulfilled until after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, and some of the subsequent Judaean revolts against Rome, since it was not until then that Judaeans began to be taken captive into all nations and to become “a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places” where they were driven. In the time of Trajan (circa 115 AD) there were Judaean revolts against Rome in Cyrpus, Cyrene and Alexandria, which were put down by the Romans and which decimated Judaean s in those areas. Only then were Jeremiah's words fulfilled concerning “them that dwell in the land of Egypt”. Later, in the time of Hadrian (circa 135 AD) there was the Bar Kokhba rebellion in Judaea. During these three Judaean wars against the Romans, several million Judaeans died, and nearly all of the cities they inhabited were laid to waste. Perhaps hundreds of thousands were sold into slavery, and were distributed throughout the Greco-Roman world in fulfillment of the prophecy.

22 Behold then the goodness and severity of Yahweh: certainly upon those who have fallen, severity; but the goodness of Yahweh upon you, if then you abide in that goodness, otherwise you also will be cut off. 23 Moreover they also, if they do not remain in disbelief, shall be grafted in; indeed Yahweh is able to graft them in anew. 24 If you from out of a naturally wild olive tree had been cut off, and contrary to nature had been grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more can those natural ones be grafted into their own olive tree?

The text of the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece (in original Koine Greek) does not mark verse 24 as a question, although the KJV agrees with the reading here.

There are three words pertaining to olive trees which Paul uses here: ἐλαία which is simply an olive tree or even the olive itself, ἀγριέλαιος which refers to the wild or uncultivated olive, and καλλιέλαιος which is the garden or cultivated olive tree. In Latin the olive is olea, and the wild olive oleaster. They are the same kind, and the distinction is only one of cultivation but not of species or race. There is another word for the wild olive, κότινος, which Paul did not use here. We can estimate that his use of words based upon ἐλαία was purposeful, demonstrating an intrinsic connection between the wild and the cultivated olives which he describes.

Paul had told the Romans in Romans chapter 2 that “as many as have done wrong without law, without law then are they cleansed; and as many as have done wrong in the law, by the law they will be judged”. Yet Paul also indicated many times that the Romans were indeed of the dispersions of the ancient Israelites. In that same chapter he told them “for when the Nations, which do not have the law, by nature practice the things of the law, these, not having law, themselves are a law; who exhibit the work of the law written in their hearts”, referencing a prophecy in Jeremiah concerning the children of Israel. The Romans may have been wild olives, but they nevertheless grew into a society based on the rule of law with the stature of an olive tree.

In contrast to his message to the Romans, Paul told the Corinthians, who were Dorian Greeks and not Romans, “that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all had passed through the sea. And all up to Moses had immersed themselves in the cloud and in the sea, and all had eaten the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank of an attending spiritual rock, and that rock was Christ.” So the ancestors of the Corinthians were in the Exodus with the Israelites. Likewise, in Galatians chapter 4 Paul told the Galatians “Now I say, for as long a time as the heir is an infant, he differs not at all from a bondman, being master of all; but he is subject to guardians and stewards until a time appointed by the father. Just as we also, when we were infants, we were held subject under the elements of the Society. And when the fulfillment of the time had come, Yahweh had dispatched His Son, having been born of a woman, having been subject to law, in order that he would redeem those subject to law, that we would recover the position of sons. And because you are sons, Yahweh has dispatched the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying Father, Father. So you are no longer a bondman but a son”.

The Dorian Greeks were Israelites who migrated out of Palestine during the later part of the Judges period, perhaps as early as the 12th century BC. While they departed from Israel and went off into paganism before the beginning of the Kingdom period, the laws of Yahweh and Hebrew traditions practiced by their ancestors for several hundred years were still a part of their culture and had an impact on their manner of life. The Galatians were Galatae, Israelites of the Assyrian deportations who had also long been pagans. While these Galatians in Anatolia had become Hellenized and had some Greeks among them, they still had many centuries of Yahweh's law in their heritage. Even long after a people become disconnected from their original culture, aspects of that culture have a continued effect on their society and their morality. We can detect this in our own society today, which still upholds many of the values expressed in documents as old as the Magna Carta, and which still upholds many Biblical values even though today a great number of people have rejected Christ.

Paul never used the wild olive allegory in reference to the Corinthians or Galatians, or of anyone other than Romans.

With all certainty, Judaean Israelites who turned to Christ would indeed have once again become a part of the family of Yahweh. But by this Paul does not mean the Edomite Jews. Paul is only writing these things in reference to his kinsmen “according to the flesh who are Israelites”, and the Edomites are bastards who are not of his flesh. As Paul explained in Hebrews chapter 12, there is a clear distinction between sons and bastards, and no bastard can be a son which is why Esau, who was a fornicator, could find no room for repentance. That was also mentioned by Paul in that same chapter of Hebrews, being related to the distinction between sons and bastards. Sons are included, and bastards are excluded, and that is the teaching of Scripture.

Paul indeed knew who the nations were, and that is why each of his letters and epistles was tailored to each one.

As for this thread, you can't ignore 2500 years of archaeological facts, linguistic adaptations, and migration patterns on top of a historically contextual and linguistic reading of the Scriptures. When you connect all the dots you will see a much more revealed hidden history than what any of us were told.

This is not to turn any non-White away from Christ, but that it should drive every single White on this Earth into the faith with a zealousness that no Talmudic jew can ever rival. These universalist lies of "only the spirit" spawned from jewish infiltration and subversion doesn't keep anybody around. The White race, being a spiritual race cannot cling to these empty doctrines, and the non-White races invoking these creeds, in perpetual struggle with their constant repression of their natural impulsivities, end up changing and modifying the Gospel to suit their own desires of the flesh or memories of their paganist ancestors. Look at any Black Baptist, Methodist, or Pentecostal "congregation". The emptiness of faith in modern Whites is precisely because of this unnatural and inserted diversity nature of modern interpretations of the Gospel. They are castigated and punished for doing anything exclusive to their own kind, while every other race on Earth gets the opposite treatment. It is foolish to think these state of affairs can maintain themselves perpetually.
You are not a priest Iacobus, and neither am I. We are not competing orders of Monks, all of us are in the laity of our confessions. Try to remember that.

You accuse me of writing heresy but you cannot prove it, and if we were members of the clergy, this would be a more serious charge than anything else that could be levied against someone, so you better be prepared to back up your claims with comprehensive evidence if you are going to continue in persisting this accusation.

It is obvious that this topic clearly irritates you, as does everything else that doesn't conform to your position of self-ordained authority. You have made your anti-White bias clear, as have others on here. I do not resent you for this, but it appears that there is resent towards me for being the opposite. So now we have the case of both Pro-White and Anti-White members discussing heated ideas, but only the Anti-crowd dons the accusatory framework from the get go. I am left with no recourse but to defend my position, and that of many others.

I do not write or post this to irritate anyone, but to expose lies and spurn debate to arrive at further truth. It is best for all of us to be prepared to debate the enemies of Christ, even if we are in disagreement about certain principles of theology as well as the nature of certain sins. Do you think that everything is spiritual and nothing is physical? What is the point of life on Earth and these bodies then?

If my discussion of these passages enrages you, then bring in a member of the cloth to intermediate on your behalf, because I guarantee you a priest trained in the proper understanding of historical context, historical languages, cultures, and ethnic customs will not jump to such simple conclusions. A regular priest would not know any better and his job is just to lead sermons at a local parish or Church. Not every member of the church is skilled in these disciplines like the monks of yore. Whether the Church does or does not make a statement overall on certain passages does not mean that they are unable to be discussed to make a case for separation among different peoples, especially when evidence for this separation is presented to all of us every single day of our lives through the witness of grotesque spectacles of heathen violence and depravity.

Your own Church is much more respective of the Nations than my own. I have to contend with a schism within a schism after Vatican II among my confessional brethren, so I am much more adept at discussing theology amongst a schismatic crowd. I would expect differences between you and on Scripture sure, but these are not my analyses of Scripture in origin. There are numerous sources out there that discuss these with proper language and connotation. It may be a bit much of an egg-head approach to Scripture which is ground in terms where the simple man should accept on faith alone, but these days the lie of the devil are coming to fruition with every act of escalating and exponentiating violence in the physical world. Therefore among the skeptical Christians who would condemn themselves to inevitable ruin and suicide in their universalist societies by ignoring the clear Biblical command of separation, would be saved by listening and implementing this wisdom.

Here are more in-depth analyses of the passages you replied with. I did not do the original language analysis but other Christian polyglots did. I have most of them on old word documents that I'd be willing to share if anyone is interested, it covers the entire new testament. I have checked every single passage with available source documents on the internet and whatever I could find in a library, but the originals are exceedingly rare. The truth is buried in multiple variables of the past.

Galatians Chapter 3 specifically deals with the Heirs of the Covenant. Here again is 3:24 and the ones after it to give a bigger context:

24 So the law has been our tutor for Christ, in order that from faith we would be deemed righteous.

In this manner, earlier in this chapter Paul had quoted the prophet Habakkuk where he had written concerning the children of Israel, saying that “the just shall live by faith”. And here the law was supplemental to the promises to Abraham, which are permanent promises given apart from the law. In fact, the law itself foresaw in various ways that the children of Israel would break the Old Covenant. One example is in the curses of disobedience in Deuteronomy chapter 28: “36 The LORD shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other gods, wood and stone.” Yet in Deuteronomy chapter 17, it was already foreseen that Israel would indeed be disobedient in this manner where it says “14 When thou art come unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I will set a king over me, like as all the nations that are about me; 15 Thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, whom the LORD thy God shall choose: one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother.” Making a law which was contingent upon the disobedience of Israel, God was prophesying their disobedience and their resulting punishment.

That the law was “our tutor for Christ”, again those of the faith in Christ are those who had once been under the law, and out of all of the world's peoples as well as all of the children of Abraham, that can only apply to the children of the twelve tribes of Israel. If only they were ever under the law, then only they from faith may be deemed righteous in Christ. As it says in Isaiah chapter 45, “25 In the LORD shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.” Yet for an Edomite to be under the law is folly, as today's jews claim, since the law was given only to Israel and they are not Israel.

25 But the faith having come, no longer are we under a tutor; 26 for you are all sons of Yahweh through the faith in Christ Yahshua.

But the faith in Christ is that He would reconcile the children of Israel to God, as read from both Daniel and Isaiah. There is no faith in Christ outside of this faith in Christ: that in Christ the children of Israel are reconciled to God. That is because there are no Old Testament promises for anyone of any other race. The faith having come, the children of Israel would no longer be condemned by the law, as Paul explains in Romans chapter 7: “1, Are you ignorant, brethren (I speak to those who know the law,) that the law lords over the man for as long a time as he should live? 2 For a woman married to a living husband is bound by law; but if the husband should die, she is discharged from the law of the husband: 3 so then as the husband is living, she would be labeled an adulteress if she were found with another man; but if the husband should die, she is free from the law, she is not an adulteress being found with another man. 4 Consequently, my brethren, you also are put to death in the law through the body of Christ; for you to be found with another, who from the dead was raised in order that we should bear fruit for Yahweh. 5 Indeed when we were in the flesh, the occurrences of fault, which were through the law, operated in our members for the bearing of fruit for death; 6 but now we are discharged from the law, being put to death in that which we were held, so that we are bound in newness of Spirit, and not oldness of letter.” The Romans were of the children of the lost tribes of Israel as well as the Galatians.

27 For as many of you have been immersed in Christ, Christ you have been clothed in.

Translators may have done better to write the last clause “in Christ you have been clothed”, but the phrase “clothed in” comes from a single Greek word, and wherever that happens translators avoided splitting such phrases.

As previously seem in Galatians, being “immersed in Christ” means being immersed in His death: in the purpose of His having died on behalf of the children of Israel. As Paul had written in Romans chapter 6: “3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? 4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”

28 There is not one Judaean or Greek, there is not one bondman or freeman, there is not one male and female; for all you are one in Christ Yahshua.

I've posted this before in the Christianity and Race thread, I will now do so again. Paul isn't saying that there should be no more slaves. The word for bondmen is the same Greek word, δοῦλος, which was translated as servants in 1 Timothy 6:1 where, in an epistle written several years after this epistle to the Galatians was written, Paul wrote: “Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed.” Rather, Paul is saying that among Christians, slaves should get equal love and respect with freemen, as he later wrote in the epistle to Philemon, where he wrote to him of the slave Onesimus, that he being a Christian should be treated “16 Not now as a servant, but above a servant, a brother beloved, specially to me, but how much more unto thee, both in the flesh, and in the Lord?” The word for servant in that passage is also δοῦλος each time it appears. Paul also continued to make distinctions concerning sex, where he wrote in 1 Corinthians chapter 14, an epistle which was written several years after this one, that “it is a shame for women to speak in the church.” Therefore he is not saying here that there will be no more distinction between the sexes.

So it isn't as if there would no longer be Judaeans or Greeks, but as Paul had said in Galatians chapter 2, “6 Now from those reputed to be something, whatsoever they were then makes not one difference to me. God does not receive a man's stature, therefore to me those of repute are conferred nothing.” Again he later wrote in Romans, chapter 3: “9 What then, are we better? Not at all: for we previously accused both Judaeans and Greeks all with being at fault: 10 just as it is written, 'that there is none righteous, not even one.'” Paul's words therefore have nothing to do with servitude, race, nationality, or sex in these passages.

Therefore, all of these things only have to do with the status of a person, and that there should be no distinctions of status among Christians: they should all love and treat one another equally. This is also the meaning of Paul's later discourse on the parts of the body of Christ which he had made to the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians chapter 12 where he concludes “25 That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.” Paul is only speaking in reference to the Body of Christ, to the seed of Abraham, and that is a distinction which he maintains throughout this chapter. The conclusion of the chapter actually reinforces that assertion:

29 But if you are Christ’s, then of the offspring of Abraham you are heirs according to promise.

The KJV has added the conjunction and to the last clause of this verse, which is in none of the original manuscripts. However many other versions have added things far more sinister.

Without adding any words or punctuation and without changing any of the original word order, this verse is difficult to comprehend in English, and may be literally translated: “But if you of Christ then of Abraham offspring you are heirs according to promise.” The word for “then” is the Greek word ἄρα. According to Liddell & Scott ἄρα was generally used to describe a thing which is next in order after another, or something which explains what has preceded. Both of these uses are manifest where ἄρα also appears in different types of conditional sentences.

The Greek word ἄρα often serves to introduce the apodosis in a conditional sentence (the then... part), a clause which answers to the protasis (the if... part), where the word ἄρα can have an inferential force. For example, “If it is raining, then I cannot go fishing.” But there are several types of conditional sentences. They can either express factual implications, or they can express hypothetical situations and their consequences. In order to determine the type of conditional sentence to which such a statement belongs, the grammar of each of the clauses in the sentence must be examined. We see conditional sentences using the same Greek words for if and then in Matthew 12:28 and in Hebrews 12:8. In both instances, if the protasis, which is the clause following the if is true, then the apodosis, which is the clause following the then must also be true. These are conditional sentences which express factual implications.

Here in Galatians 3:29 where Paul wrote “if you are Christ’s, then of the offspring of Abraham you are heirs according to promise”, once again the verb in the clause in the “then” side of the statement is Indicative, not Subjunctive, expressing a definite statement. So this is also a type of conditional sentence which expresses a factual implication. If you are Christ's, you are also Abraham's seed. Paul did not write that if you believe in Jesus you may be, or you could be, or you shall be Abraham's seed, in the manner in which the denominational sects claim. Both sides of the statement must be true. If you are Abraham's seed, according to what Paul had explained in Galatians 3:16, then you are of Christ.

The commentators of the denominational sects isolate this one verse, and then they claim that it is a conditional sentence which expresses a hypothetical situation and its consequences, but that is a lie. Rather, this is a conditional sentence which expresses a factual implication, just as in Matthew 12:28 and Hebrews 12:8, or else all of Paul's previous statements in this chapter are no longer true, and Paul is a liar. But Paul is not saying that someone can simply claim to be Christ's and imagine himself to be of Abraham's offspring. Instead all through this chapter Paul's words prove that someone cannot claim to be Christ's and imagine himself to be of Abraham's offspring.

Now Ephesians, Chapter 2, verses 11-13:

11 On which account you must remember that at one time you, the Nations in the flesh, who are the so-called ‘uncircumcised’ by the so-called ‘circumcised’ made by hand in the flesh, 12 because you had at that time been apart from Christ, having been alienated from the civic life of Israel, and strangers of the covenants of the promise, not having hope and in the Society without Yahweh;

The phrase “without Yahweh” is from the single Greek word ἄθεος, which only appears here in the New Testament, and literally means without God.

The KJV translation of this passage is ridiculous in that it has Paul calling the Ephesians former Gentiles. If that were so he would not continually refer to them as Gentiles throughout the rest of this epistle. In none of Paul's epistles do we see the concept of a former Gentile. Rather, the phrase “at one time” refers to the time mentioned in verse 12 where it says “at that time”, and both are a reference to the time during which the children of Israel were alienated from Yahweh their God for their sin, as we also see in verse 12, where the translation in the KJV is even worse.

Instead Paul is stating “at one time you … because you had at that time been apart from Christ”, and in between the clauses we see a short digression where Paul explains something about who they are, so that we may see how they fit into the purpose of God's will for Israel. The Ephesians were not “gentiles in the flesh”, and they were not formerly Gentiles because Paul was not trying to make them into jews and because he continued to call them Gentiles, but the Greek word actually means nations.

These Ephesians were certainly some of the descendants of the ancient tribes of Israel, and therefore they were among the “Nations in the flesh” according to the promises made to Abraham, that his seed would become many nations and inherit the world. Paul described this same thing in much greater length in his earlier epistle to the Romans, in Romans chapter 4 where he had told the Romans that Abraham was their forefather, and among other things he then said: “13 Indeed, not through the law is the promise to Abraham or to his offspring, that he is to be the heir of the Society, but through righteousness of faith. (So the promise remains to the offspring of Abraham, and it was not for anyone else.) 14 For if they from of the law are heirs, the faith has been voided, and the promise annulled. (So circumcision is no longer a sign of the promise.) 15 For the law results in wrath, so where there is no law, neither is there transgression. 16 Therefore from of the faith, that in accordance with favor, then the promise is to be certain to all of the offspring, not to that of the law only, but also to that of the faith of Abraham, who is father of us all; 17 (just as it is written, 'That a father of many nations I have made you,') before Yahweh whom he trusted, who raises the dead to life, and calls things not existing as existing; 18 who contrary to expectation, in expectation believed, for which he would become a father of many nations according to the declaration, 'Thus your offspring will be.'” Paul says that Abraham's seed became many nations, and the universalist denominational churches twist that into the lie that many nations somehow became Abraham's seed. But God is not a liar and His word continues, as Paul taught.

As it says in Hosea chapter 4 of the children of Israel who were being alienated from God at that time, “4 For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim: 5 Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days.” So according to the word of God, having lost all of these symbols and institutions of their kingdom, we cannot expect them to have maintained the associated rituals or customs such as circumcision. But the Old Testament histories concerning Israel had already made it clear that they had turned to paganism and had already abandoned many of these things. In the latter days, returning to their God, they must return to Him through Christ. Here Paul, where he is telling the Ephesians that they are the “Nations in the flesh” in much the same way that he had also earlier told the Corinthians that same thing (1 Corinthians 10), is informing them that these things which are written in the prophets are being fulfilled in them. At the end of this chapter he informs them that the Body of Christ is established on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets.

13 but now you among the number of Christ, who at one time being far away, have become near by the blood of the Christ.

The children of Israel in captivity and their subsequent wanderings were far away from God both physically and spiritually, and during this time, as the Word of God says in Hosea chapter 5: “6 They shall go with their flocks and with their herds to seek the LORD; but they shall not find him; he hath withdrawn himself from them.” Likewise, speaking of those same circumstances and people, it says in Amos chapter 8: “12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and from to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.”

In Micah chapter 4 another portrait of the same punishment of Israel is found in a promise of reconciliation: “6 In that day, saith the LORD, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted; 7 And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever. 8 And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.” This is the fate of the Israel which God had alienated, but which would be reconciled to Him in Christ.

And Romans, Chapter 11: 13-18, 19-24:

13 Indeed I speak to you, the Nations, because I am an ambassador of the Nations; I honor my office, 14 if possibly I would provoke to jealousy my kinsmen, and preserve some from among them. 15 Indeed if the disposal of them is the reconciliation of the cosmos, what would the acceptance be, if not life from among the dead?

Paul clearly imagined that being provoked to jealousy upon seeing the Gospel of Christ go out to the Nations, which were indeed the children of scattered Israel, by that he would also turn his Israelite kinsmen among the Judaeans to Christ. Paul is a kinsman to all Israel, but here he expresses his desire for his kinsmen in Israel, because not all of those in Judaea are his kinsman, and doing so he is emphasizing the racial scope of the Gospel. Not once did Paul express concern for any Edomite or non-Israelite. Not once did Paul express any concern for “whosoever believeth” in Judaea. Not once did Paul express a lack of concern for Israelites who did not believe: all of his concern in this aspect was for his “kinsmen according to the flesh” who did not believe hoping that they would somehow be preserved.

If the Israelites of Judaea had not acceded to the desires of the Edomite Sadducees, from which was the party of the high priests, as well as others of the party of the Pharisees who desired to put Christ to death, then there would be no reconciliation to Yahweh for the Israelites scattered abroad, since Christ would not have been the Lamb of God and there would have been no release from the Law in the manner which Paul described in Romans chapter 7. The Edomites only had their way because much of Israel went along with them. Therefore Peter, addressing the people of Judaea and speaking of Christ as it is recorded in Acts 2:23, exclaimed that “He (Christ) by the appointed will and foreknowledge of Yahweh was surrendered, who crucifying through lawless hands you have slain!”

Here Paul also defines the scope of the word cosmos, or world, as the Adamic world of scattered Israel and the Adamic Genesis 10 nations, since he himself has confined the message of the gospel to the nations which sprung from the loins of Abraham in Romans chapter 4, who are those of the Roman οἰκουμένη who were both Judaean and Greek, Scythian and Barbarian, slave and free.

16 Now if the first fruit is sacred, then also the balance, and if the root is sacred, also the branches.

The word rendered balance is literally lump and may be a reference to the mass of dough made from the grain.

Since a good tree does not produce bad fruit, all of Israel, which is every single Israelite, must be worthy of salvation. From Matthew chapter 7, the words of Christ: “17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.” Yahshua Christ Himself being the root of the Adamic tree, the children of Israel and the entire Adamic race is indeed sacred.

17 But if some of the branches have been broken off and you, being of a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, [and] having become a partaker of the richness of the root of the olive tree, 18 you must not exult over the branches; but if you exult, you will not sustain the root, or the root you.

The 3rd century papyrus P46 and the Codex Claromontanus want the words “of the root” in verse 17. The Codex Alexandrinus and the Majority Text (Byzantine and Ecclesiastical text) have “the root and the richness”. The text follows the Codices Sinaiticus (א), Vaticanus (B) and Ephraemi Syri (C).

As for the phrase ἀλλὰ ἡ ῥίζα σέ in verse 18, which is literally “but the root you”, the word ἀλλά (alla, Greek for "but") is a conjunction which is primarily adversative, however the context of the preceding clauses must be considered (and especially when the preceding clause is negative) and in this case it must be rendered “or” rather than “but”. It may have perhaps more properly but not necessarily been rendered as “nor”.

This comparison made by Paul here is reminiscent of a passage from Homer's Odyssey, Book 5, in which Odysseus encounters a place where two olive trees, one cultivated and one wild, grow out of the same spot.

19 Now you will say, Those branches have been broken off, in order that I would be grafted in?

Once again, none of the major versions, nor the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece read this verse as a question. I must let the context stand for itself. The Future Indicative is often interchangeable with the Aorist Subjunctive (see MacDonald, p. 46). I may have written more properly “...that I shall be grafted in?” Grammatically, οὗν as an interrogatory particle (see Thayer, οὗν, B.) and a verb of the Indicative mood (here the Future tense, ἐγκεντρίσθω) is a pattern Paul uses elsewhere for interrogatives, for example at Romans 3:31 and 7:13.

20 Correct, in disbelief they were broken off, and you in faith stand. Be not proud, but reverent. 21 Indeed if Yahweh spared not the natural branches, perhaps you may not be spared.

The cutting off of certain of the people of Judah was a matter of prophecy. This is found in Jeremiah chapter 24, in the parable of the good and the bad figs. The Judahites who were obedient to Yahweh and went into captivity were to be acknowledged as good figs, allegorically of course. Yet certain Judahites were to be given over to bad figs. It is not that they themselves were bad figs, but that they would be given over to bad figs. These were “Zedekiah the king of Judah, and his princes, and the residue of Jerusalem, that remain in this land, and them that dwell in the land of Egypt”. Yet this could not have been fulfilled until after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, and some of the subsequent Judaean revolts against Rome, since it was not until then that Judaeans began to be taken captive into all nations and to become “a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places” where they were driven. In the time of Trajan (circa 115 AD) there were Judaean revolts against Rome in Cyrpus, Cyrene and Alexandria, which were put down by the Romans and which decimated Judaean s in those areas. Only then were Jeremiah's words fulfilled concerning “them that dwell in the land of Egypt”. Later, in the time of Hadrian (circa 135 AD) there was the Bar Kokhba rebellion in Judaea. During these three Judaean wars against the Romans, several million Judaeans died, and nearly all of the cities they inhabited were laid to waste. Perhaps hundreds of thousands were sold into slavery, and were distributed throughout the Greco-Roman world in fulfillment of the prophecy.

22 Behold then the goodness and severity of Yahweh: certainly upon those who have fallen, severity; but the goodness of Yahweh upon you, if then you abide in that goodness, otherwise you also will be cut off. 23 Moreover they also, if they do not remain in disbelief, shall be grafted in; indeed Yahweh is able to graft them in anew. 24 If you from out of a naturally wild olive tree had been cut off, and contrary to nature had been grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more can those natural ones be grafted into their own olive tree?

The text of the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece (in original Koine Greek) does not mark verse 24 as a question, although the KJV agrees with the reading here.

There are three words pertaining to olive trees which Paul uses here: ἐλαία which is simply an olive tree or even the olive itself, ἀγριέλαιος which refers to the wild or uncultivated olive, and καλλιέλαιος which is the garden or cultivated olive tree. In Latin the olive is olea, and the wild olive oleaster. They are the same kind, and the distinction is only one of cultivation but not of species or race. There is another word for the wild olive, κότινος, which Paul did not use here. We can estimate that his use of words based upon ἐλαία was purposeful, demonstrating an intrinsic connection between the wild and the cultivated olives which he describes.

Paul had told the Romans in Romans chapter 2 that “as many as have done wrong without law, without law then are they cleansed; and as many as have done wrong in the law, by the law they will be judged”. Yet Paul also indicated many times that the Romans were indeed of the dispersions of the ancient Israelites. In that same chapter he told them “for when the Nations, which do not have the law, by nature practice the things of the law, these, not having law, themselves are a law; who exhibit the work of the law written in their hearts”, referencing a prophecy in Jeremiah concerning the children of Israel. The Romans may have been wild olives, but they nevertheless grew into a society based on the rule of law with the stature of an olive tree.

In contrast to his message to the Romans, Paul told the Corinthians, who were Dorian Greeks and not Romans, “that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all had passed through the sea. And all up to Moses had immersed themselves in the cloud and in the sea, and all had eaten the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank of an attending spiritual rock, and that rock was Christ.” So the ancestors of the Corinthians were in the Exodus with the Israelites. Likewise, in Galatians chapter 4 Paul told the Galatians “Now I say, for as long a time as the heir is an infant, he differs not at all from a bondman, being master of all; but he is subject to guardians and stewards until a time appointed by the father. Just as we also, when we were infants, we were held subject under the elements of the Society. And when the fulfillment of the time had come, Yahweh had dispatched His Son, having been born of a woman, having been subject to law, in order that he would redeem those subject to law, that we would recover the position of sons. And because you are sons, Yahweh has dispatched the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying Father, Father. So you are no longer a bondman but a son”.

The Dorian Greeks were Israelites who migrated out of Palestine during the later part of the Judges period, perhaps as early as the 12th century BC. While they departed from Israel and went off into paganism before the beginning of the Kingdom period, the laws of Yahweh and Hebrew traditions practiced by their ancestors for several hundred years were still a part of their culture and had an impact on their manner of life. The Galatians were Galatae, Israelites of the Assyrian deportations who had also long been pagans. While these Galatians in Anatolia had become Hellenized and had some Greeks among them, they still had many centuries of Yahweh's law in their heritage. Even long after a people become disconnected from their original culture, aspects of that culture have a continued effect on their society and their morality. We can detect this in our own society today, which still upholds many of the values expressed in documents as old as the Magna Carta, and which still upholds many Biblical values even though today a great number of people have rejected Christ.

Paul never used the wild olive allegory in reference to the Corinthians or Galatians, or of anyone other than Romans.

With all certainty, Judaean Israelites who turned to Christ would indeed have once again become a part of the family of Yahweh. But by this Paul does not mean the Edomite Jews. Paul is only writing these things in reference to his kinsmen “according to the flesh who are Israelites”, and the Edomites are bastards who are not of his flesh. As Paul explained in Hebrews chapter 12, there is a clear distinction between sons and bastards, and no bastard can be a son which is why Esau, who was a fornicator, could find no room for repentance. That was also mentioned by Paul in that same chapter of Hebrews, being related to the distinction between sons and bastards. Sons are included, and bastards are excluded, and that is the teaching of Scripture.

Paul indeed knew who the nations were, and that is why each of his letters and epistles was tailored to each one.

As for this thread, you can't ignore 2500 years of archaeological facts, linguistic adaptations, and migration patterns on top of a historically contextual and linguistic reading of the Scriptures. When you connect all the dots you will see a much more revealed hidden history than what any of us were told.

This is not to turn any non-White away from Christ, but that it should drive every single White on this Earth into the faith with a zealousness that no Talmudic jew can ever rival. These universalist lies of "only the spirit" spawned from jewish infiltration and subversion doesn't keep anybody around. The White race, being a spiritual race cannot cling to these empty doctrines, and the non-White races invoking these creeds, in perpetual struggle with their constant repression of their natural impulsivities, end up changing and modifying the Gospel to suit their own desires of the flesh or memories of their paganist ancestors. Look at any Black Baptist, Methodist, or Pentecostal "congregation". The emptiness of faith in modern Whites is precisely because of this unnatural and inserted diversity nature of modern interpretations of the Gospel. They are castigated and punished for doing anything exclusive to their own kind, while every other race on Earth gets the opposite treatment. It is foolish to think these state of affairs can maintain themselves perpetually.

This absolute trashcan of a garbled, incoherent response is more disrespectful than me calling you a heretic.
This absolute trashcan of a garbled, incoherent response is more disrespectful than me calling you a heretic.
Does it depress you that some of us are not living under a rock of jewish lies whilst barking like mad dogs at others who want the truth?

Debate me instead of trying to shut me down, this is a very interesting topic.

Start by present some decent archaeological, anthropological, genetic, or historical evidence to the contrary that Europeans are not genetically descended from the Israelite tribes if you don't like people talking about it and want to prove someone wrong.

This is not the "we wuz kangs" approach that the Black so-called "Hebrew Israelites" take. The Black "Hebrew Israelite"ideology was created by the intelligence assets and think tanks to both sow confusion and to create yet another movement against the White Aryan race as it teaches the low IQ violent Blacks that we are the devil they need to kill. On the other hand, there are mounds of significant historical evidence to trace a linear path of the European tribes back to the sons of Jacob Israel. It is painful for many to come out of this deception of believing that the "jews" are the descendants of the Israelites. They are not. They are usurpers and deceivers and murderers.

The Bible has a lot to say about the Biblical Israelites physical appearance (including skin color) and we therefore need be in no doubt, describing them as being “white” or “fair” skinned and “ruddy” which means “To show blood (in the face), that is, flush/blush or turn rosy” or in some cases (King David) “reddish of the hair…” (Strong’s Concordance)

Solomon records: "My beloved [of Israel] is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.” (Song of Solomon 5:10 KJV)

Sarah, Rebekah, Joseph, King David, Tamar, Job’s daughters and Esther are all specifically described as being fair skinned.

While many of the modern translations now use a more generalized “beautiful” instead, the word “fair” used in the older translations like the King James Version should be considered more accurate since it comes from the Hebrew root word which means to “be bright, that is, (by implication)…fair” (Strong’s Concordance)

“And it came to pass, when he was come near to enter into Egypt, that he said unto Sarai his wife, Behold now, I know that thou art a fair woman to look upon” (Gen 12:11 KJV)

“And the damsel [Rebekah] was very fair to look upon...” (Genesis 24:16 KJV)

“And the men of the place asked him of his wife; and he said, She is my sister: for he feared to say, She is my wife; lest, said he, the men of the place should kill me for Rebekah; because she was fair to look upon.” (Genesis 26:7 KJV)

“And Joseph is of a fair form, and of a fair appearance.” (Genesis 39:6 YLT)

"And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance.” (1 Samuel 17:42 KJV) “And he sent, and brought him in. Now he [David] was ruddy, and of a fair countenance, and goodly to look to...” (1 Samuel 16:12 KJV)

“And in all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job…” (Job 42:15)

“And he brought up Hadassah, that is, Esther…and the maid was fair and beautiful…” (Esther 2:7 KJV)

Moses in the New Testament is said to have been “exceeding fair” in appearance: “In which time Moses was born, and was exceeding fair, and nourished up in his father's house three months” (Acts 7:20 KJV)

Lamentations 4:7 "Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were WHITER THAN MILK, they were more RUDDY in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire"

Looking at the formations, there are two specific sub-sets of group origins, those who left post-Exodus pre-captivity, and those who left post-Exodus post-captivity. The ones who left post-Exodus pre-captivity were the origins of Greece, Troy, and eventually Rome, among others (Carthage, Crete) as I stated in an earlier post. The ones who left post-captivity fled north and through the Caucasus mountains turned westward, through the Pass of Israel, and ended up settling in the Jutland peninsula of modern Germany (The tribal name was Jutes then).

The Anglo-Saxon, Celtic tribes are the descendants of the Biblical Israelites, they came into history at the same time and place the Israelites disappeared. They were identified by monuments, historical records, and historians as being the same people. They share the same laws, customs, traditions, emblems, traditions, and ceremonies. They fulfill in their history every "Mark of Israel" that the prophets in the Bible wrote about Israel and how it would be identified in the future. They settled in the Isles of the Sea northwest of Palestine (Isaiah 24:14-15; 49:1,12; 59:19; Jeremiah 3:12-18, 23:8, 31:7-8, 10).

-They became a nation and a community (commonwealth) of nations (Genesis 35:10-11; 48:19)
-They inherited and colonized the desolate places, islands afar off, coastlands, and ends of the earth (Isaiah 49:8, 54:3, Jeremiah 31:8,10)
-They grew to become the fifth and largest ever empire reaching across the world (Daniel 2:44, Rom
-They became a multitude of people as countless as the stars (Genesis 15:5)
-They retained their monarchy (Jeremiah 33:17-26 and 2 Samuel 7:12-16)
-They became the chief of nations (Deuteronomy 26:19, Amos 6:1)
-They gained control of the world's sea gates (Genesis 22:17, 24:60)
-They were blessed with great fortunes (Deuteronomy 8:18 and 33:13-17)
-They are renowned worldwide for their crops, lamb, and beef (Deuteronomy 28:3-14)
-They have been a blessing to mankind showing the fruits of righeousness (Matthew 21:43, Genesis 18:18)
-They have been a great missionary people taking Christianity across the world (Isaiah 27:6, 43:2, 44:3-5, Mark 16:15; Matthew 7:20)
"All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring" - Genesis 28:10-15

The modern "jews" do not fulfill a single one of the Marks of Israels, none of the promises!

There are more sources in Celtic history from the tribe of Dan that I am currently researching. In the 1320 Scottish Declaration of Independence they proclaimed they are Israelites who crossed the Red Sea with Moses. The Prophet Jeremiah came to Ireland with the remnant carrying the harp of king David, Jacobs pillow stone & the stone of destiny. Jeremiah set up Tara. Irish language (Gaeilge) is not related to any other European language because its root is ancient Hebrew. Many Irish have known this for at least 1500 years. Ireland was never invaded by the Romans because they knew who we were. Ireland became in time 'The Land of Saints & Scholars'
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How comes these sort of theories didn't start popping up until the rise of British Israelism in the 19th century and Christian Identity in the 20th century? Surely the early church would have something to say about it since they were directly involved with the conversion of the various Germanic tribes. If there's anything to these theories wouldn't the missionaries to these peoples have brought them up to the peoples they were evangelizing to?
Yes, this theory is the anthropology equivalent of the Scofield bible, a complete perversion funded by zionists.
How comes these sort of theories didn't start popping up until the rise of British Israelism in the 19th century and Christian Identity in the 20th century? Surely the early church would have something to say about it since they were directly involved with the conversion of the various Germanic tribes. If there's anything to these theories wouldn't the missionaries to these peoples have brought them up to the peoples they were evangelizing to?
Even I would be wrong to admit that we can intimately know much of what was passed down from 20 centuries ago to an accurate T of a description. Oral histories lose much through the ages. The key to understanding the past lies in being multilingual, contextualizing documents within the linguistic, cultural, ethnic, and spiritual mindset of the time they were written, and building a picture century by century, decade by decade, year by year, of how things transpired. Recognizing one's own spiritual kin, though long separated, is not something that can be easily verbalized, which is why a thorough evaluation of all the ancient texts is required. We also have to keep in mind how people behave in the present and the consequences for their behaviors, including the disparities in genetics with regard to these.

Yes, this theory is the anthropology equivalent of the Scofield bible, a complete perversion funded by zionists.
Funny how you allege it to be funded by zionists when its on their websites as hate groups:


Their descriptions of it are vastly simplified and largely incorrect. However it is diametrically opposite to modern evangelism, which is funded and perverted by zionists. Out of all their lies, the worst is calling these people violent extremists. Those who recognize their heritage do not have to believe in the fullness of certain Identity doctrines, but they still behave Christian, they are extremely opposed to fornication, usury, blasphemy, though some hardliners do differ on the salvific outlook. It's hard to say, these people are very well-researched, and though even the jews say it began in the 19th century, it was definitely around before that, at least in the Celtic isles.

I still believe if one betrays their kin and race (people like Winston Churchill for example) they would be guilty of hellfire, whereas some of them do not seem to believe this. The reason why the government hates these people is because they can't be fooled like the Blacks can be with their own "Black Hebrew Israelite" nonsense. In the very least, even if you don't believe it, the fact that mere discussion of this triggers blaspheming jews and LARPing blacks makes it worthy of research.

The jewtube has purged nearly all content on it, so it must hit a nerve on (((them))).

You haven't looked into the Marks of Israel yet. Please do.
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