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Search results

  1. italianstallion9

    Christianity In The USA

    Tides are turning, boys:
  2. italianstallion9

    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    Source that the tree was planted by Samael/Satan?
  3. italianstallion9

    The rapture

    From my understanding, this modern day rapture theology comes from Scofield and John Darby. It's also where we get pre-trib millenialism. It's amazing how 1-2 people can create a concept, it goes viral, and a plurality of a nation's population adheres to it.
  4. italianstallion9

    Protestantism: Critique and Debate Thread

  5. italianstallion9

    Protestantism: Critique and Debate Thread

    White evangelical Protestants are the only major group in America against abortion:
  6. italianstallion9

    "The Chosen" : A Slick Heretical TV Show About Jesus (Mormon Subversion)

    Perfect? No. Even The Passion of the Christ took some artistic liberties. From my understanding, the producer is Dallas Jenkins who is an evangelical. He's using VidAngel (same company that made Sound of Freedom) to stream the show; this company and show may have some Mormon ties/origins but...
  7. italianstallion9

    TikTok Ban

  8. italianstallion9

    The Rest In Peace (RIP) Thread

    Who's in charge? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rothschild_loans_to_the_Holy_See
  9. italianstallion9

    Making friends

    Men are more task oriented and women are more social/talkative. Let's say you're into guns. Join the local shooting range club. If you're into baseball, join a local league. Join something that you're naturally interested in, rather than forcing yourself to join a forced social event (ie...
  10. italianstallion9

    Texas, New Mexico and Arizona Thread

    Disagree. I prefer hot over cold climates. There's some parts of arizona that aren't as hot (sedona, flagstaff, etc). It can absolutely get hot and/or humid in northern states too. Many folks say 'xyz' states suck I'd never move there. There's pros and cons to every state. California has great...