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Search results

  1. C

    The Misuse of Words

    It is in fact 'he', at least in good writing. Traditionally 'he' served as both masculine third-person singular and neuter third-person singular. In modern usage this neuter usage of 'he' is viewed as 'sexist' and, even in good writing, it's met with disapproval. Likewise for 'man'...
  2. C

    Decline of Functioning Society

    Because Muslims believe that Allah loves the one who imitates Muhammad. If Muhammad entered the toilet with his left foot first, Allah will love him who does the same, and so on for all Muhammad's habits and actions that are known of. If Mo did it, it's good to emulate.
  3. C

    The Misuse of Words

    Here's another... 'thusly'.
  4. C

    The personality types thread

    I would absolutely not do these tests at work, not even for fun with co-workers.
  5. C

    The Misuse of Words

    We mock the tranny use of the pronouns 'they/them', and rightfully so, but then we ourselves (even here on this forum) use 'they/them' in a gender-neutral way without even thinking about it... Here's an example. Imagine you're telling a story about someone you've had an encounter with in the...
  6. C

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    Random thought, Muslims accept only the Quran in Arabic as sacred, in any other language it's just a translation (i.e., not the Quran). Moreover if I'm not mistaken the correct way to dispose of a genuine Quran (the Arabic one) is in fact to burn it, according to Muslim belief. So I gotta...
  7. C

    LGBT Agenda

    I also think that would be best at this point, I wasn't expecting quite so many questions. Sorry for the disruption.
  8. C

    LGBT Agenda

    In fact all of tbose things you mentioned were contributing factors, every single one. We can add that I was reading some red pill stuff at time, and that's when I began questioning how I ended up on the path I did, i.e., was it really 'who I am' or had I been led astray by bad parenting or lgbt...
  9. C

    LGBT Agenda

    @Rax Moscow To answer your earlier question about what I'd say to a young man with these thoughts... remind him of the purpose of the sexual function to begin with, which is to say that it's not meant for gratuitous pleasure but to create a family within the confines of marriage to a woman. I'd...
  10. C

    LGBT Agenda

    Father was distant. I took a really strong disliking for him in my adolescence. My mother got on my nerves. Parents used to argue all the time and I hated growing up in that house.
  11. C

    LGBT Agenda

    At age 14-15 I had a sexual encounter with a girl my age. I had another sexual encounter with two different females in my early 20s. Both those females knew of my attraction to men and I think they were on a mission to 'convert' me, or prove to themselves that I loved them enough that they could...
  12. C

    LGBT Agenda

    I was considered a prude or very conversative as a gay man because I absolutely hated engaging in sodomistic acts. I think what I wanted was the companionship first and foremost, and was drawn to forming a relationship rather than going into promiscuity. I still engaged sexually in far more than...
  13. C

    LGBT Agenda

    Horus, first I would like to say thank you, as it was your earlier post about molestation by older boys (rather than some 50-year-old monster) that finally pushed me to join the forum. What you wrote intrigued me, and I wanted to ask the following: based on your understanding from where that...
  14. C

    LGBT Agenda

    I'm Catholic, so I don't believe I was born gay, but I never chose to be attracted to men either. (I chose to engage in it, yes; but I didn't choose to have the initial attraction.) Maybe I can liken it to your mother tongue. You weren't born a speaker of that language, and you didn't choose to...
  15. C

    LGBT Agenda

    If I see a man I find attractive, at most I will think, 'that's an attractive man'. It doesn't rise to the level of lust, and it hasn't done so for years now. Then I look away, and I'm back to whatever it was I was doing. If I see a woman I find attractive, it's much the same. I may think...
  16. C

    LGBT Agenda

    I'm a new member here, and this is my first post. I wasn't sure where to make this introductory post, but I thought this could be the right place, because I didn't want to start a fresh thread as a new member. I was a homosexual during my 20s and 30s. In my 40s, I put an end to that and became...