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Search results

  1. Blade Runner

    Modern Man has Feminine Thinking

    I'm in the same camp, but mostly it's because I've given up trying to get as many connections, as I don't see the point in marrying advanced maternal age women, or find them as attractive. The other point that Rational1 and I have discussed, or perhaps it was another member, is that the modern...
  2. Blade Runner

    Finasteride, Dutasteride and Hair Transplants

    Don't forget also that if you have a shorter haircut, in general it makes the hairs on the top look better due to the lever arm/gravitational pull and clumping that happens as they elongate. While longer hair can be good for certain styling, it usually renders an appearance that makes thinning...
  3. Blade Runner

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    I have both predicted and hoped for this as well. We already have information problems, so I don't see that as being as big of an issue for anyone who mattered anyway, to be honest. The biggest change in life would be the personal side of connecting people technologically. The dating apps...
  4. Blade Runner

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    I've heard this from another poster, the Brazilians must be desensitized, given how frequent that is. You get monkey branching from excess options, spurred on by some degree of income. The modern world is a nightmare in putting almost zero limits on women while accentuating all their bad...
  5. Blade Runner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Yes, it's open source so it doesn't make any sense, beyond the further details. This kind of projection, especially at this point, is based on what I call the "State God complex" which is something that scorpion has to a degree. The idea is that "they" won't allow or can disallow X, Y or Z...
  6. Blade Runner

    Modern Man has Feminine Thinking

    Fr. Moses has some good videos and good pointers, especially for younger men. What I see as an older man though, over and over, is that we just have (and he rightly says in North America) a cycle and civilizational problem on our hands that has been set up and is now unraveling. Now, it is...
  7. Blade Runner

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    It's been my experience too, having been lucky to have been raised by good people and without insecurities. The behavior sink and crowding in general were very bad for family and communities, I'd argue as well. Possibly OK for economy, but we take that for granted. I think this is the worst...
  8. Blade Runner

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    This is a short, generic post but it is very informative if you just meditate on it. Well done, Douglas.
  9. Blade Runner

    Pearl Davis: "Just Pearly Things"

    I disagree with this. I'm not saying she sees everything clearly, but one can see things clearly without being married. She's not counseling people already married, so you're missing the point entirely, I would argue.
  10. Blade Runner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Months includes January, right? Come on now. Higher allocations = concentration. If you have that over diversification, your upside is higher. So, it depends on your goal. This is a sharp forum in many ways, and I would challenge anyone in their ability to assess risk, which is something I...
  11. Blade Runner

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    Yes, this is similar also to my past where if you "rejected" a girl to take it slow, they take it as an ego hit and then generally distance. What's harder there is that if the girl is attractive, you never know if you were just a transitional interest anyway, even if you had a good connection...
  12. Blade Runner

    Why Does a Feminist Society Accept/Promote Porn-slop?

    I think it would be very small, attested to by the fact that (I'm sure everyone has thought of this) there is so much free garbage out there, many wonder, "Who the heck are these guys that are paying for XYZ or OF?" It makes no sense, unless you realize that it's just a type of psyop or control...
  13. Blade Runner

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    We should return to the main topic, but the fact that Greek speaking Jews of the Septuagint (3rd century BC) translated the word as parthenos still remains a problem for you, especially in light of the archetypal realities found in second temple Judaism and in other ancient belief systems. I...
  14. Blade Runner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    While Tether and its history are interesting, and possibly in the early stages shady, the fact remains that the BTC network is, and will always be, what it is. Even if Tether were to be found lacking (which it is not, they have 100s of billions in treasuries and in BTC itself), it would just...
  15. Blade Runner

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    The statistics are the statistics, the culture is obvious, the realities of women chasing fun and career before putting marriage and family formation, whether it is their fault or not, are all real. I don't mind you all promoting hope and that "you never know, so keep trying" but just be honest...
  16. Blade Runner

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    Your Augustine quote was interesting as his comment clearly shows one that what was going on then is also going on now. It's very interesting and telling. As for your aging comment, I totally disagree. There are a lot of people in bad shape, but there are a ton of people that look decades...
  17. Blade Runner

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    People have to realize at this point in history, even the low bars can be difficult ones, and mostly that's because there are very few places that aren't influenced at least in some way by the west or technology, or both (seeing the hope of economic prosperity or wealth), of whatever variety. As...
  18. Blade Runner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Except for the people that have met me and know I'm legit. Believe what you want. I'm not your adversary. Please go back and read what you wrote that I just reiterated. You said, "I don't understand BTC, and I don't want to understand it." That's what you said. The conclusion that is basic for...
  19. Blade Runner

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    That's a good idea. I agree, finding many within the same circles (if they are small) is limiting.
  20. Blade Runner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    As chance said, BTC enables this, so I won't restate his points. You also don't know what kind of an expert I am, or what I've done in my life and career, but perhaps I don't want to destroy my joints or hands if I don't have to - not that I don't put a lot of value on those things - I just...